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Файл: sngine-v2.8/Updates/Update 2.5.8 to 2.5.9/Update_2.5.9/content/themes/default/templates/_js_translator.tpl
Строк: 106
{__("Cover Photos")} {__("Profile
Pictures")} {__("Timeline Photos")} {__("Ask
something")} {__("Loading")} {__("Delete
Conversation")} {__("Report User")} {__("Report
Page")} {__("Report Group")} {__("Block
User")} {__("Unblock User")} {__("Read
more")} {__("Read less")} {__("Monthly
Average")} {__("Are you sure you want to delete
this?")} {__("Are you sure you want to remove your cover
photo?")} {__("Are you sure you want to remove your profile
picture?")} {__("Are you sure you want to delete this
post?")} {__("Are you sure you want to delete this
comment?")} {__("Are you sure you want to delete this
conversation?")} {__("Are you sure you want to report this
user?")} {__("Are you sure you want to block this
user?")} {__("Are you sure you want to unblock this
user?")} {__("Are you sure you want to delete your
account?")} {__("Are you sure you want to verify this
request?")} {__("Are you sure you want to decline this
request?")} {__("Are you sure you want to approve this
request?")} {__("There is something that went
wrong!")} {__("There is no more data to
show")} {__("Search for people, pages and
#hashtags")} {__("What is on your mind? #Hashtag.. @Mention..
Link..")} {__("Write a comment")} {__("Shared with:
Public")} {__("Shared with: Friends")} {__("Shared
with: Only Me")} {__("Write a
message")} {__("Facebook Profile URL")} {__("Twitter
Profile URL")} {__("Google+ Profile
URL")} {__("YouTube Profile URL")} {__("Instagram
Profile URL")} {__("LinkedIn Profile
URL")} {__("Vkontakte Profile URL")} {__("Add an
option")} {__("What are you selling?")} {__("Add
price")} {__("Add Location (optional)")} {__("Album
title")} {__("Where are you?")} {__("What are you
doing?")} {__("Search for products")} {__("Phone
number (eg. +905...)")} {__("Promoted")} {__("Search
for user name or email")} {__("Anyone can see the group, its
members and their posts")} {__("Only members can see
posts")} {__("Only members can find the group and see
posts")} {__("Anyone can see the event, its users and
posts")} {__("Only event users can see
posts")} {__("Only invited users and event users can find the
event")} {__("Appears on the right panel of home
page")} {__("Appears on the right panel of search
page")} {__("Appears on the right panel of discover people
page")} {__("Appears on the right panel of notifications
page")} {__("Appears on the right panel of post
page")} {__("Appears on the right panel of photo
page")} {__("Appears on the right panel of
directory")} {__("Appears on the top of products
list")} {__("Appears after")} {__("posts are loaded,
between the posts")} {__("Appears on the sidebar on article
page")} {__("Appears on all pages right after the
header")} {__("Appears on all pages right before the
footer")} {__("This website uses cookies to ensure you get the
best experience on our website")} {__("Got
It!")} {__("Learn
More")} {__("Translated")} {__("Delete
Cover")} {__("Delete
Picture")} {__("Verify")} {__("Mark as
Paid")} {__("Are you sure you want to do this?")}
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