Файл: hashtag.io-2629a1a4ea078149b002e45e2e12bb946062c2b8/config/class/post.class.php
Строк: 1856
class post{
protected $db;
protected $DIR;
public function __construct(){
$db = N::_DB();
$DIR = N::$DIR;
$this->db = $db;
$this->DIR = $DIR;
public function postCount($id){
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post_id FROM post WHERE user_id =:id AND post_of <> :grp");
$query->execute(array(":id" => $id, ":grp" => "group"));
$count = $query->rowCount();
return $count;
public function getPost($post, $what){
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT $what FROM post WHERE post_id = :post");
$query->execute(array(":post" => $post));
if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
$row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
return $row->$what;
public function getLink($link){
if ($link != "") {
include 'simple_html_dom.php';
$content = file_get_html($link);
foreach ($content->find('title') as $element) {
$title = $element->plaintext;
$image = array();
array_slice($content->find('img'), 0, 15);
foreach($content->find('img') as $element){
if(filter_var($element->src, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)){
list($width,$height) = getimagesize($element->src);
if($width>75 && $height>75){
$image[] = $element->src;
if (sizeof($image) == 0) {
$image[0] = "{$this->DIR}/images/Default_Link_Cover/world.jpg";
$array = array(
"title" => $title,
"url" => $link,
"src" => $image[0]
echo json_encode($array);
public function addressN($add, $id){
$universal = new universal;
if ($add == '') {
return $universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($id, "firstname")." ".$universal->GETsDetails($id, "surname"), 45);
} else {
return $universal->nameShortener($add, 45);
public function addressTitle($add, $id){
$universal = new universal;
if ($add == '') {
return $universal->GETsDetails($id, "firstname")." ".$universal->GETsDetails($id, "surname");
} else {
return $add;
public function postDetails($post, $what){
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT $what FROM post WHERE post_id = :post LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
return $row->$what;
public function textPost($value, $tags, $font, $loc, $when, $grp){
$universal = new universal;
$noti = new notifications;
$hashtag = new hashtag;
$mention = new mention_class;
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
if ($when == "user") {
$pquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:id, :type, now(), :size, :loc)");
$pquery->execute(array(":id" => $session, ":type" => "text", ":size" => $font, ":loc" => $loc));
} else if ($when == "group") {
$pquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, post_of, grp_id, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:id, :type, :of, :grp, now(), :size, :loc)");
$pquery->execute(array(":id" => $session, ":type" => "text", ":of" => "group", ":grp" => $grp, ":size" => $font, ":loc" => $loc));
$last_id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO text_post (post_id, text) VALUES (:post_id, :post)");
$tquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":post" => $value));
$mention->getMentions($value, $last_id);
$hashtag->getHashtags($value, $last_id);
if ($when == "user") {
$array = explode(",", $tags);
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value != "") {
$my = $universal->getIdFromGet($value);
$fquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO taggings (post_id, taggings, taggings_id, taggings_time) VALUES (:post_id, :tags, :taggs_id, now())");
$fquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":tags" => $value, ":taggs_id" => $my));
$noti->actionNotify($my, $last_id, "tag");
public function imagePost($file, $value, $tags, $font, $loc, $filter, $when, $grp){
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$universal = new universal;
$noti = new notifications;
$hashtag = new hashtag;
$mention = new mention_class;
$name = $file['name'];
$size = $file['size'];
$tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'];
$error = $file['error'];
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$allowed = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "jpeg");
$font_size = preg_replace("#[^0-9]#i", "", $font);
if (in_array($ext, $allowed)) {
if ($error == 0) {
$new_name = time().".".$ext;
if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "../../media/Instagram_".$new_name)) {
if ($when == "user") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:user, :type, now(), :font, :loc)");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $session, ":type" => "image", ":font" => $font_size, ":loc" => $loc));
} else if ($when == "group") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, post_of, grp_id, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:user, :type, :of, :grp, now(), :font, :loc)");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $session, ":type" => "image", ":of" => "group", ":grp" => $grp, ":font" => $font_size, ":loc" => $loc));
$last_id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
$mention->getMentions($value, $last_id);
$hashtag->getHashtags($value, $last_id);
$iquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO image_post (post_id, image, about, filter) VALUES (:id, :image, :about, :fltr)");
$iquery->execute(array(":id" => $last_id, ":image" => $new_name, ":about" => $value, ":fltr" => $filter));
if ($when == "user") {
$array = explode(",", $tags);
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value != "") {
$my = $universal->getIdFromGet($value);
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO taggings (post_id, taggings, taggings_id, taggings_time) VALUES (:post_id, :tags, :taggs_id, now())");
$tquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":tags" => $value, ":taggs_id" => $my));
$noti->actionNotify($my, $last_id, "tag");
public function videoPost($file, $value, $tags, $font, $loc, $when, $grp){
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$universal = new universal;
$noti = new notifications;
$hashtag = new hashtag;
$mention = new mention_class;
$name = $file['name'];
$size = $file['size'];
$tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'];
$error = $file['error'];
$ext = strtolower(pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$allowed = array("mp4", "ogg");
$font_size = preg_replace("#[^0-9]#i", "", $font);
if (in_array($ext, $allowed)) {
if ($error == 0) {
if ($size <= 10485760) {
$new_name = time().".".$ext;
if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "../../media/Instagram_".$new_name)) {
if ($when == "user") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:user, :type, now(), :font, :loc)");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $session, ":type" => "video", ":font" => $font_size, ":loc" => $loc));
} else if ($when == "group") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, post_of, grp_id, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:user, :type, :of, :grp, now(), :font, :loc)");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $session, ":type" => "video", ":of" => "group", ":grp" => $grp, ":font" => $font_size, ":loc" => $loc));
$last_id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
$mention->getMentions($value, $last_id);
$hashtag->getHashtags($value, $last_id);
$iquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO video_post (post_id, video, about) VALUES (:id, :image, :about)");
$iquery->execute(array(":id" => $last_id, ":image" => $new_name, ":about" => $value));
if ($when == "user") {
$array = explode(",", $tags);
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value != "") {
$my = $universal->getIdFromGet($value);
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO taggings (post_id, taggings, taggings_id, taggings_time) VALUES (:post_id, :tags, :taggs_id, now())");
$tquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":tags" => $value, ":taggs_id" => $my));
$noti->actionNotify($my, $last_id, "tag");
public function audioPost($file, $value, $tags, $font, $loc){
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$universal = new universal;
$noti = new notifications;
$hashtag = new hashtag;
$mention = new mention_class;
$name = preg_replace("#['"]#i", "", $file['name']);
$size = $file['size'];
$tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'];
$error = $file['error'];
$ext = strtolower(end(explode(".", $name)));
$allowed = array("mp3");
$font_size = preg_replace("#[^0-9]#i", "", $font);
if (in_array($ext, $allowed)) {
if ($error == 0) {
$new_name = time().".".$ext;
if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "../../media/".$name)) {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:user, :type, now(), :font, :loc)");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $session, ":type" => "audio", ":font" => $font_size,":loc" => $loc));
$last_id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
$mention->getMentions($value, $last_id);
$hashtag->getHashtags($value, $last_id);
$iquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO audio_post (post_id, audio, about) VALUES (:id, :image, :about)");
$iquery->execute(array(":id" => $last_id, ":image" => $name, ":about" => $value));
$array = explode(",", $tags);
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value != "") {
$my = $universal->getIdFromGet($value);
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO taggings (post_id, taggings, taggings_id, taggings_time) VALUES (:post_id, :tags, :taggs_id, now())");
$tquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":tags" => $value, ":taggs_id" => $my));
$noti->actionNotify($my, $last_id, "tag");
} else {
return "Error!!";
public function docPost($file, $value, $tags, $font, $loc, $when, $grp){
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$universal = new universal;
$noti = new notifications;
$hashtag = new hashtag;
$mention = new mention_class;
$name = preg_replace("#['"]#i", "", $file['name']);
$size = $file['size'];
$tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'];
$error = $file['error'];
$ext = strtolower(end(explode(".", $name)));
$allowed = array("js", "css", "html", "txt", "php", "cpp", "py", "ini", "zip", "pdf");
$font_size = preg_replace("#[^0-9]#i", "", $font);
if (in_array($ext, $allowed)) {
if ($error == 0) {
if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "../../media/".$name)) {
if ($when == "user") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:user, :type, now(), :font, :loc)");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $session, ":type" => "document", ":font" => $font_size, ":loc" => $loc));
} else if ($when == "group") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, post_of, grp_id, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:user, :type, :of, :grp, now(), :font, :loc)");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $session, ":type" => "document", ":of" => "group", ":grp" => $grp, ":font" => $font_size, ":loc" => $loc));
$last_id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
$mention->getMentions($value, $last_id);
$hashtag->getHashtags($value, $last_id);
$iquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO doc_post (post_id, doc, about) VALUES (:id, :image, :about)");
$iquery->execute(array(":id" => $last_id, ":image" => $name, ":about" => $value));
if ($when == "user") {
$array = explode(",", $tags);
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value != "") {
$my = $universal->getIdFromGet($value);
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO taggings (post_id, taggings, taggings_id, taggings_time) VALUES (:post_id, :tags, :taggs_id, now())");
$tquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":tags" => $value, ":taggs_id" => $my));
$noti->actionNotify($my, $last_id, "tag");
public function locPost($src, $value, $tags, $font, $loc, $when, $grp){
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$universal = new universal;
$noti = new notifications;
$hashtag = new hashtag;
$mention = new mention_class;
if ($when == "user") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:id, :type, now(), :font, :loc)");
$query->execute(array(":id" => $session, ":type" => "location", ":font" => $font, ":loc" => $loc));
} else if ($when == "group") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, post_of, grp_id, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:id, :type, :of, :grp, now(), :font, :loc)");
$query->execute(array(":id" => $session, ":type" => "location", ":of" => "group", ":grp" => $grp, ":font" => $font, ":loc" => $loc));
$last_id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
$mention->getMentions($value, $last_id);
$hashtag->getHashtags($value, $last_id);
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO loc_post (post_id, loc, about) VALUES (:post_id, :loc, :about)");
$tquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":loc" => $src, ":about" => $value));
if ($when == "user") {
$array = explode(",", $tags);
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value != "") {
$my = $universal->getIdFromGet($value);
$fquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO taggings (post_id, taggings, taggings_id, taggings_time) VALUES (:post_id, :tags, :taggs_id, now())");
$fquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":tags" => $value, ":taggs_id" => $my));
$noti->actionNotify($my, $last_id, "tag");
public function linkPost($value, $tags, $font, $loc, $url, $title, $src, $when, $grp){
$universal = new universal;
$noti = new notifications;
$hashtag = new hashtag;
$mention = new mention_class;
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
if ($when == "user") {
$pquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:id, :type, now(), :size, :loc)");
$pquery->execute(array(":id" => $session, ":type" => "link", ":size" => $font, ":loc" => $loc));
} else if ($when == "group") {
$pquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO post (user_id, type, post_of, grp_id, time, font_size, address) VALUES (:id, :type, :of, :grp, now(), :size, :loc)");
$pquery->execute(array(":id" => $session, ":type" => "link", ":of" => "group", ":grp" => $grp, ":size" => $font, ":loc" => $loc));
$last_id = $this->db->lastInsertId();
$mention->getMentions($value, $last_id);
$hashtag->getHashtags($value, $last_id);
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO link_post (post_id, text, link_url, link_title, link_src) VALUES (:post_id, :text, :url, :title, :src)");
$tquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":text" => $value, ":url" => $url, ":title" => $title, ":src" => $src));
if ($when == "user") {
$array = explode(",", $tags);
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value != "") {
$my = $universal->getIdFromGet($value);
$fquery = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO taggings (post_id, taggings, taggings_id, taggings_time) VALUES (:post_id, :tags, :taggs_id, now())");
$fquery->execute(array(":post_id" => $last_id, ":tags" => $value, ":taggs_id" => $my));
$noti->actionNotify($my, $last_id, "tag");
public function isPostLengthy($text){
if(strlen($text) > 1000){
return true;
} else {
return false;
public function addMoreClass($text){
if(strlen($text) > 1000){
return "isLengthy";
public function addMoreLink($text, $class){
if(strlen($text) > 1000){
return "<a href='#' class='hashtag {$class}'>.. Load more</a>";
public function getDifferentPost($type, $post_id, $size){
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$hashtag = new hashtag;
$mention = new mention_class;
if ($universal->isLoggedIn()) { $session = $_SESSION['id']; }
if ($type == "text") {
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT text FROM text_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$tquery->execute(array(":post" => $post_id));
while ($trow = $tquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$text = nl2br(trim($trow->text));
$text = $hashtag->toHashtag($text, "post");
// $text = $hashtag->lineBreakHashtag($text, "post");
$text = $mention->mention($text);
$text = $universal->toAbsURL($text);
"<div class='e ". self::addMoreClass($text) ."' spellcheck='false'>
<span class='p_text hyphenate' style='font-size: {$size}px'>{$text}</span>
<div class='load_more_div'>". self::addMoreLink($text, "load_more_text") ."</div>";
} else if ($type == "image") {
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT image, about, filter FROM image_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$tquery->execute(array(":post" => $post_id));
while ($trow = $tquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$text = nl2br(trim($trow->about));
$img = $trow->image;
$filter = $trow->filter;
$text = $hashtag->toHashtag($text, "post");
$text = $mention->mention($text);
$text = $universal->toAbsURL($text);
$by = self::postDetails($post_id, "user_id");
$time = self::postDetails($post_id, "time");
if($by == $session){ $u = "You"; } else { $u = $universal->GETsDetails($by, "username"); }
"<div class='p_abt e ". self::addMoreClass($text) ."' style='font-size: {$size}px' spellcheck='false'><p>{$text}</p></div>
<div class='load_more_div load_more_not_text_div'>". self::addMoreLink($text, "load_more_not_text") ."</div>
<div class='post_marginer'></div>
<img src='{$this->DIR}/media/Instagram_{$img}' alt='Instagram_{$img}' class='p_img {$filter}' data-postid='{$post_id}' data-imgby='{$u}' data-time='{$Time->timeAgo($time)}' data-filter='{$filter}'>";
} else if ($type == "video") {
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT video, about FROM video_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$tquery->execute(array(":post" => $post_id));
while ($trow = $tquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$text = nl2br(trim($trow->about));
$vid = $trow->video;
$text = $hashtag->toHashtag($text, "post");
$text = $mention->mention($text);
$text = $universal->toAbsURL($text);
"<div class='p_abt e ". self::addMoreClass($text) ."' style='font-size: {$size}px' spellcheck='false'><p>$text</p></div>
<div class='load_more_div load_more_not_text_div'>". self::addMoreLink($text, "load_more_not_text") ."</div>
<div class='post_marginer'></div>
<div class='p_vid'>
<video src='{$this->DIR}/media/Instagram_{$vid}' loop preload='auto'></video>
<span class='p_vid_pp_large'><i class='material-icons'>play_arrow</i></span>
<span class='p_vid_cur p_vid_time_teaser'>0:00</span>
<span class='p_vid_time_bubble'>0:00</span><div class='p_vid_ctrls'><div class='p_vid_seek'>
<input class='p_vid_seek_range' type='range' name='p_vid_range' value='0' min='0' max='100' step='1'>
</div><span class='p_vid_pp'><i class='material-icons'>play_arrow</i></span>
<div class='p_vid_duration'><span class='p_vid_cur'>0:00</span><span class='p_vid_dur_sep'>/</span>
<span class='p_vid_dur'>0:00</span></div><div class='p_vid_vol_div'>
<input type='range' name='p_vid_vol_slider' value='100' min='0' max='100' step='1'>
</div><span class='p_vid_vup'><i class='material-icons'>volume_up</i></span>
<div class='p_vid_pbr_div'><ul><li data-pbr='2'>2x</li><li data-pbr='1.75'>1.75x</li>
<li data-pbr='1.5'>1.5x</li><li data-pbr='1.25'>1.25x</li><li data-pbr='1' class='pbr_class'>1x</li>
<li data-pbr='0.75'>0.75x</li><li data-pbr='0.5'>0.5x</li></ul></div>
<span class='p_vid_setting'>1x</span><div class='p_vid_shadow'></div></div></div>";
} else if ($type == "audio") {
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT audio, about FROM audio_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$tquery->execute(array(":post" => $post_id));
while ($trow = $tquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$text = nl2br(trim($trow->about));
$audio = $trow->audio;
$text = $hashtag->toHashtag($text, "post");
$text = $mention->mention($text);
$text = $universal->toAbsURL($text);
"<div class='p_abt e ". self::addMoreClass($text) ."' style='font-size: {$size}px' spellcheck='false'><p>$text</p></div>
<div class='load_more_div load_more_not_text_div'>". self::addMoreLink($text, "load_more_not_text") ."</div>
<div class='post_marginer'></div>
<div class='p_aud' data-song='{$this->DIR}/media/{$audio}'>
<span class='p_aud_time_bubble'>0:00</span><div class='p_aud_ctrls'><div class='p_aud_info'>
<span class='p_aud_name'></span>
</div><span class='p_aud_pp'><i class='material-icons'>play_arrow</i></span>
<div class='p_aud_seek'><input class='p_aud_seek_range' type='range' name='p_aud_seek_range' value='0' min='0' max='100' step='1'>
</div><div class='p_aud_duration'><span class='p_aud_cur'>0:00</span><span class='p_aud_dur_sep'>/</span>
<span class='p_aud_dur'>0:00</span></div><div class='p_aud_vol_div'>
<input type='range' name='p_aud_vol_slider' value='100' min='0' max='100' step='1'>
</div><span class='p_aud_vup'><i class='material-icons'>volume_up</i></span></div></div>";
} else if ($type == "document") {
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT doc, about FROM doc_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$tquery->execute(array(":post" => $post_id));
while ($trow = $tquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$text = nl2br(trim($trow->about));
$doc = $trow->doc;
$text = $hashtag->toHashtag($text, "post");
$text = $mention->mention($text);
$text = $universal->toAbsURL($text);
"<div class='p_abt e ". self::addMoreClass($text) ."' style='font-size: {$size}px' spellcheck='false'><p>{$text}</p></div>
<div class='load_more_div load_more_not_text_div'>". self::addMoreLink($text, "load_more_not_text") ."</div>
<div class='post_marginer'></div>
<div class='p_doc'>
<div class='p_doc_img'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/Default_Doc_Cover/20151125_5655085dda190-210x210.png' alt='Document'>
</div><div class='p_doc_info'>
<a href='{$this->DIR}/media/{$doc}' class='p_doc_link' download='{$doc}'>". substr($doc, 0, 50) ."</a>
} else if ($type == "location") {
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT loc, about FROM loc_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$tquery->execute(array(":post" => $post_id));
while ($trow = $tquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$loc = $trow->loc;
$text = nl2br(trim($trow->about));
$text = $hashtag->toHashtag($text, "post");
$text = $mention->mention($text);
$text = $universal->toAbsURL($text);
"<div class='p_abt e ". self::addMoreClass($text) ."' style='font-size: {$size}px' spellcheck='false'><p>$text</p></div>
<div class='load_more_div load_more_not_text_div'>". self::addMoreLink($text, "load_more_not_text") ."</div>
<div class='post_marginer'></div>
<div class='p_loc'>
<img src='{$loc}' class='p_loc_img'></div>";
} else if ($type == "link") {
$tquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT text, link_url, link_title, link_src FROM link_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$tquery->execute(array(":post" => $post_id));
while ($trow = $tquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$text = $trow->text;
$url = $trow->link_url;
$title = $trow->link_title;
$src = $trow->link_src;
$text = $hashtag->toHashtag($text, "post");
$text = $mention->mention($text);
$text = $universal->toAbsURL($text);
"<div class='p_abt e ". self::addMoreClass($text) ."' style='font-size: {$size}px' spellcheck='false'><p>$text</p></div>
<div class='load_more_div load_more_not_text_div'>". self::addMoreLink($text, "load_more_not_text") ."</div>
<div class='post_marginer'></div>
<div class='p_link'><div class='p_link_img'>
<img src='{$src}' alt=''></div><div class='p_link_info'>
<div class='p_link_title'><a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>". substr($title, 0, 50) ."</a>
</div><div class='p_link_url'>
<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>". substr($url, 0, 90) ."</a>
public function getHomePost($way, $l, $count){
$avatar = new Avatar;
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$post_like = new postLike;
$bookmark = new bookmark;
$taggings = new taggings;
$share = new share;
$comment = new postComment;
$follow = new follow_system;
$settings = new settings;
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
if ($l == "nolimit") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, post.type, post.time, post.font_size, post.address FROM post, follow_system WHERE follow_system.follow_by = :by AND follow_system.follow_to = post.user_id AND post.post_of <> :grp ORDER BY post.time DESC LIMIT 10");
$query->execute(array(":by" => $session, ":grp" => "group"));
} else if ($l == "limit") {
$start = intval($count);
$end = $start+10;
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, post.type, post.time, post.font_size, post.address FROM post, follow_system WHERE follow_system.follow_by = :by AND follow_system.follow_to = post.user_id AND post.post_of <> :grp AND post.post_id < :start ORDER BY post.time DESC LIMIT 5");
$query->execute(array(":by" => $session, ":grp" => "group", ":start" => $start));
if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$post_id = $row->post_id;
$user_id = $row->user_id;
$type = $row->type;
$time = $row->time;
$size = $row->font_size;
$address = $row->address;
echo "<div class='posts home_posts inst' data-postid='{$post_id}' data-time='{$time}'><div class='p_i'><div class='p_i_img'>";
if ($way == "get") {
echo "<img src='{$this->DIR}/{$avatar->DisplayAvatar($user_id)}' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'>";
} else if ($way == "direct") {
echo "<img src='". DIR ."/{$avatar->GETsAvatar($user_id)}' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'s avatar'>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_1'>";
echo "<a href='". DIR ."/profile/{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}' data-getid='{$user_id}' class='inst_username' title='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'>{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 25)}</a><span title='". self::addressTitle($address, $user_id) ."'>";
echo self::addressN($address, $user_id);
echo "</span>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_2'><div class='p_time'>";
echo "<span class=''>". $Time->timeAgo($time) ."</span></div><div class='p_h_opt'>";
echo "<span class='p_tags'>". $taggings->getTaggings($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='p_comm'>". $share->getShares($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='exp_p_menu'><i class='material-icons'>expand_more</i></span></div></div><div class='options p_options'><ul>";
echo "<li><a href='{$this->DIR}/view_post/{$post_id}'>Open</a></li>";
if ($follow->isFollowing($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='simple_unfollow'>Unfollow</a></li>";
if ($settings->isBlocked($user_id) == false) {
echo "<li><a href='#' data-getid='{$user_id}' data-username='{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 20)}' class='block'>Block {$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 12)}</a></li>";
if ($taggings->AmITagged($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='untag'>Untag</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedTo($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='unshare'>Remove share</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedBy($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='un__share'>Unshare</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' data-link='{$universal->urlChecker($this->DIR)}/view_post/{$post_id}' class='p_copy_link'>Copy link</a></li>";
echo "</ul></div></div><div class='p_o'><div class='p_actual'>";
echo self::getDifferentPost($type, $post_id, $size);
echo "</div></div><hr><div class='p_a'><div class='p_do'>";
echo "<div class='p_Like_wra'>";
echo "<span class='p_unlike' data-description='Unlike'><i class='material-icons'>favorite</i></span>";
} else if ($post_like->likedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_like' data-description='Like'><i class='material-icons'>favorite_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_bmrk_wra'>";
if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id)) {
echo "<span class='p_unbookmark' data-description='Unbookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark</i></span>";
} else if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_bookmark' data-description='Bookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_send_wra'><span class='p_send' data-description='Share'><i class='material-icons'>send</i></span></div>";
echo "</div><div class='p_did'><span class='p_likes likes'>". $post_like->getPostLikes($post_id) ."</span>
echo "<div class='p_comments'>". $comment->getComments($post_id) ."</div>";
// echo "<div class='p_cit'><div class='p_cit_img'>";
// if ($way == "get") {
// echo "<img src='{$this->DIR}/{$avatar->DisplayAvatar($session)}' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($session, "username")}'>";
// } else if ($way == "direct") {
// echo "<img src='". DIR ."/{$avatar->GETsAvatar($session)}' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($session, "username")}'s avatar'>";
// }
// echo "</div><div class='p_cit_area'>";
// echo "<textarea class='textarea_toggle comment_teaser' name='post_comment' spellcheck='false' placeholder='Wanna comment?'></textarea>";
// // echo "<span data-description='Add emojis'><i class='material-icons'>sentiment_very_satisfied</i></span>";
// echo "</div><div class='p_cit_tool' data-postid='{$post_id}'>
// <span class='c_sticker c_sticker_trailer' data-description='Add sticker'><i class='material-icons'>face</i></span>
// <form class='p_comment_form' enctype='multipart/form-data' action=''>
// <input type='file' class='p_comm_file_teaser {$post_id}' name='p_comm_file' id='p_comm_file' data-postid='{$post_id}'>
// <label for='p_comm_file' class='p_cit_more' data-description='Attach a file'><i class='material-icons'>attach_file</i></label>
// </form>
// </div></div>";
echo "</div>";
// echo "<div class='feed_inserted'></div>";
echo "<div class='post_end feed_inserted'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";
} else if ($query->rowCount() == 0) {
if ($way == "direct") {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg'>
<img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'>
<span>Looks like you're new, Follow some to fill up your feed or post from above options</span>
public function getUserPost($id, $way, $count){
$avatar = new Avatar;
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$post_like = new postLike;
$bookmark = new bookmark;
$taggings = new taggings;
$share = new share;
$comment = new postComment;
$follow = new follow_system;
$settings = new settings;
if ($universal->isLoggedIn()) {
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
if ($way == "direct") {
$get_id = $universal->getIdFromGet($_GET['u']);
} else if ($way == "ajax") {
$get_id = $id;
if ($way == "direct") {
$pquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM post WHERE user_id = :id AND post_of <> :grp ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 5");
$pquery->execute(array(":id" => $id, ":grp" => "group"));
} else if ($way == "ajax") {
$start = intval($count);
$end = $start+10;
$pquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM post WHERE user_id = :id AND post_of <> :grp AND post_id < :start ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 5");
$pquery->execute(array(":id" => $id, ":grp" => "group", ":start" => $start));
$count = $pquery->rowCount();
if ($count == 0) {
if ($way == "direct") {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg pro_last_mssg'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'><span>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($id)) {
echo "You have no post";
} else {
echo $universal->GETsDetails($id, "username")." has no post";
echo "</span></div>";
} else if ($count != 0) {
while ($prow = $pquery->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$post_id = $prow->post_id;
$user_id = $prow->user_id;
$type = $prow->type;
$time = $prow->time;
$size = $prow->font_size;
$address = $prow->address;
echo "<div class='posts user_posts inst' data-postid='{$post_id}' data-time='{$time}' data-type='{$type}'><div class='p_i'><div class='p_i_img'>";
echo "<img src='{$this->DIR}/". $avatar->DisplayAvatar($user_id) ."' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'s avatar'>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_1'>";
echo "<a href='". DIR ."/profile/{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}' title='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'>{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 25)}</a><span title='". self::addressTitle($address, $user_id) ."'>";
echo self::addressN($address, $user_id);
echo "</span>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_2'><div class='p_time'>";
echo "<span class=''>". $Time->timeAgo($time) ."</span></div><div class='p_h_opt'>";
echo "<span class='p_tags'>". $taggings->getTaggings($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='p_comm'>". $share->getShares($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='exp_p_menu'><i class='material-icons'>expand_more</i></span></div></div><div class='options p_options'><ul>";
echo "<li><a href='{$this->DIR}/view_post/{$post_id}'>Open</a></li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='edit_post'>Edit post</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' class='delete_post'>Delete post</a></li>";
} else if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id) == false) {
if ($follow->isFollowing($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='simple_unfollow'>Unfollow</li>";
if ($settings->isBlocked($user_id) == false) {
echo "<li><a href='#' data-getid='{$user_id}' data-username='{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 20)}' class='block'>Block {$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 12)}</a></li>";
if ($taggings->AmITagged($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='untag'>Untag</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedTo($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='unshare'>Remove share</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedBy($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='un__share'>Unshare</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' data-link='{$universal->urlChecker($this->DIR)}/view_post/{$post_id}' class='p_copy_link'>Copy link</a></li>";
echo "</ul></div></div><div class='p_o'>";
echo "<div class='p_edit_tools'>
<span class='p_edit_tip'><i class='fa fa-info-circle' aria-hidden='true'></i>For hashtag, first remove all the text</span>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_cancel sec_btn'>Cancel</a>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_save pri_btn'>Save</a></div>";
echo "<div class='p_actual' spellcheck='false'>";
echo self::getDifferentPost($type, $post_id, $size);
echo "</div></div><hr><div class='p_a'>";
echo "<div class='p_do'>";
echo "<div class='p_Like_wra'>";
echo "<span class='p_unlike' data-description='Unlike'><i class='material-icons'>favorite</i></span>";
} else if ($post_like->likedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_like' data-description='Like'><i class='material-icons'>favorite_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_bmrk_wra'>";
if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id)) {
echo "<span class='p_unbookmark' data-description='Unbookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark</i></span>";
} else if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_bookmark' data-description='Bookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_send_wra'><span class='p_send' data-description='Share'><i class='material-icons'>send</i></span></div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_did'><span class='p_likes likes'>" .$post_like->getPostLikes($post_id). "</span></div></div><hr>";
echo "<div class='p_comments'>" .$comment->getComments($post_id). "</div>";
// echo "<div class='p_cit'><div class='p_cit_img'>";
// echo "<img src='{$this->DIR}". $avatar->DisplayAvatar($session) ."' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($session, "username")}'>";
// echo "</div><div class='p_cit_area'>";
// echo "<textarea class='textarea_toggle comment_teaser' name='post_comment' spellcheck='false' placeholder='Wanna comment?'></textarea>";
// // echo "<span data-description='Add emojis'><i class='material-icons'>sentiment_very_satisfied</i></span>";
// echo "</div><div class='p_cit_tool'>
// <span class='c_sticker c_sticker_trailer' data-description='Add sticker'><i class='material-icons'>face</i></span>
// <form class='p_comment_form' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
// <input type='file' class='p_comm_file_teaser' name='p_comm_file' id='p_comm_file'>
// <label for='p_comm_file' class='p_cit_more' data-description='Attach a file'><i class='material-icons'>attach_file</i></label>
// </form></div></div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='post_end feed_inserted'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";
public function getTaggedPost($id, $way, $count){
$avatar = new Avatar;
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$post_like = new postLike;
$bookmark = new bookmark;
$taggings = new taggings;
$share = new share;
$comment = new postComment;
$follow = new follow_system;
$settings = new settings;
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
if ($way == "direct") {
$get_id = $universal->getIdFromGet($_GET['u']);
} else if ($way == "ajax") {
$get_id = $id;
if ($way == "direct") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, post.type, post.time, post.font_size, post.address, taggings.tagging_id FROM post, taggings WHERE post.post_id = taggings.post_id AND taggings.taggings_id = :by AND post.post_of <> :grp ORDER BY taggings.tagging_id DESC LIMIT 5");
$query->execute(array(":by" => $id, ":grp" => "group"));
} else if ($way == "ajax") {
$start = intval($count);
$end = $start+10;
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, post.type, post.time, post.font_size, post.address, taggings.tagging_id FROM post, taggings WHERE post.post_id = taggings.post_id AND taggings.taggings_id = :by AND post.post_of <> :grp AND taggings.tagging_id < :start ORDER BY taggings.tagging_id DESC LIMIT 5");
$query->execute(array(":by" => $id, ":grp" => "group", ":start" => $start));
if ($query->rowCount() == 0) {
if ($way == "direct") {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg pro_last_mssg'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'><span>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($id)) {
echo "You are not tagged in any of the post";
} else {
echo $universal->GETsDetails($id, "username")." is not tagged in any of the post";
echo "</span></div>";
} else if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$post_id = $row->post_id;
$user_id = $row->user_id;
$type = $row->type;
$time = $row->time;
$size = $row->font_size;
$address = $row->address;
$tag_id = $row->tagging_id;
echo "<div class='posts tag_posts inst' data-postid='{$post_id}' data-type='{$type}' data-tagid='{$tag_id}'><div class='p_i'><div class='p_i_img'>";
echo "<img src='{$this->DIR}/". $avatar->DisplayAvatar($user_id) ."' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'s avatar'>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_1'>";
echo "<a href='". DIR ."/profile/{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}' title='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'>{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 25)}</a><span title='". self::addressTitle($address, $user_id) ."'>";
echo self::addressN($address, $user_id);
echo "</span>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_2'><div class='p_time'>";
echo "<span class=''>". $Time->timeAgo($time) ."</span></div><div class='p_h_opt'>";
echo "<span class='p_tags'>". $taggings->getTaggings($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='p_comm'>". $share->getShares($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='exp_p_menu'><i class='material-icons'>expand_more</i></span></div></div><div class='options p_options'><ul>";
echo "<li><a href='{$this->DIR}/view_post/{$post_id}'>Open</a></li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id) == false) {
if ($follow->isFollowing($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='simple_unfollow'>Unfollow</li>";
if ($settings->isBlocked($user_id) == false) {
echo "<li><a href='#' data-getid='{$user_id}' data-username='{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 20)}' class='block'>Block {$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 12)}</a></li>";
} else if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='edit_post'>Edit post</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' class='delete_post'>Delete post</a></li>";
if ($taggings->AmITagged($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='untag'>Untag</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedTo($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='unshare'>Remove share</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedBy($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='un__share'>Unshare</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' data-link='{$universal->urlChecker($this->DIR)}/view_post/{$post_id}' class='p_copy_link'>Copy link</a></li>";
echo "</ul></div></div><div class='p_o'>";
echo "<div class='p_edit_tools'><span class='p_edit_tip'><i class='fa fa-info-circle' aria-hidden='true'></i>For hashtag, first remove all the text</span>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_cancel sec_btn'>Cancel</a>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_save pri_btn'>Save</a></div>";
echo "<div class='p_actual'>";
echo self::getDifferentPost($type, $post_id, $size);
echo "</div></div><hr><div class='p_a'><div class='p_do'>";
echo "<div class='p_Like_wra'>";
echo "<span class='p_unlike' data-description='Unlike'><i class='material-icons'>favorite</i></span>";
} else if ($post_like->likedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_like' data-description='Like'><i class='material-icons'>favorite_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_bmrk_wra'>";
if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id)) {
echo "<span class='p_unbookmark' data-description='Unbookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark</i></span>";
} else if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_bookmark' data-description='Bookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_send_wra'><span class='p_send' data-description='Share'><i class='material-icons'>send</i></span></div>";
echo "</div><div class='p_did'><span class='p_likes likes'>". $post_like->getPostLikes($post_id) ."</span></div></div><hr>";
echo "<div class='p_comments'>". $comment->getComments($post_id) ."</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='post_end feed_inserted'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";
public function getBookmarksPost($way, $count){
$avatar = new Avatar;
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$post_like = new postLike;
$bookmark = new bookmark;
$taggings = new taggings;
$share = new share;
$comment = new postComment;
$follow = new follow_system;
$groups = new group;
$settings = new settings;
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
if ($way == "direct") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, post.type, post.post_of, post.grp_id, post.time, post.font_size, post.address, bookmarks.bkmrk_id FROM post, bookmarks WHERE bookmarks.user_id = :by AND bookmarks.post_id = post.post_id ORDER BY bookmarks.bkmrk_id DESC LIMIT 5");
$query->execute(array(":by" => $session));
} else if ($way == "ajax") {
$start = intval($count);
$end = $start+10;
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, post.type, post.post_of, post.grp_id, post.time, post.font_size, post.address, bookmarks.bkmrk_id FROM post, bookmarks WHERE bookmarks.user_id = :by AND bookmarks.post_id = post.post_id AND bookmarks.bkmrk_id < :start ORDER BY bookmarks.bkmrk_id DESC LIMIT 5");
$query->execute(array(":by" => $session, ":start" => $start));
if ($query->rowCount() == 0) {
if ($way == "direct") {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg pro_last_mssg'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'>
<span>You have no bookmarked posts</span></div>";
} else if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$post_id = $row->post_id;
$user_id = $row->user_id;
$type = $row->type;
$time = $row->time;
$size = $row->font_size;
$address = $row->address;
$of = $row->post_of;
$grp = $row->grp_id;
$bk = $row->bkmrk_id;
echo "<div class='posts bkmrk_posts inst' data-postid='{$post_id}' data-type='{$type}' data-bookmarkid='{$bk}'><div class='p_i'><div class='p_i_img'>";
echo "<img src='{$this->DIR}/". $avatar->DisplayAvatar($user_id) ."' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'s avatar'>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_1 ";
if($of == "group"){ echo "grp_p_i_1"; }
echo "'>";
echo "<a href='". DIR ."/profile/{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}' title='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'>{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 25)}</a>";
if ($of == "group") {
echo "<span class='to_grp_arrow'><i class='material-icons'>arrow_drop_up</i></span><a href='{$this->DIR}/groups/{$grp}' class='to_grp_name' title='{$groups->GETgrp($grp, "grp_name")}'>{$universal->nameShortener($groups->GETgrp($grp, "grp_name"), 20)}</a>";
echo "<span title='". self::addressTitle($address, $user_id) ."'>";
echo self::addressN($address, $user_id);
echo "</span>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_2'><div class='p_time'>";
echo "<span class=''>". $Time->timeAgo($time) ."</span></div><div class='p_h_opt'>";
echo "<span class='p_tags'>". $taggings->getTaggings($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='p_comm'>". $share->getShares($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='exp_p_menu'><i class='material-icons'>expand_more</i></span></div></div><div class='options p_options'><ul>";
echo "<li><a href='{$this->DIR}/view_post/{$post_id}'>Open</a></li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='edit_post'>Edit post</li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id) == false) {
if ($follow->isFollowing($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='simple_unfollow'>Unfollow</li>";
if ($settings->isBlocked($user_id) == false) {
echo "<li><a href='#' data-getid='{$user_id}' data-username='{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 20)}' class='block'>Block {$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 12)}</a></li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='delete_post'>Delete post</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedTo($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='unshare'>Remove share</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedBy($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='un__share'>Unshare</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' data-link='{$universal->urlChecker($this->DIR)}/view_post/{$post_id}' class='p_copy_link'>Copy link</a></li>";
echo "</ul></div></div><div class='p_o'>";
echo "<div class='p_edit_tools'><span class='p_edit_tip'><i class='fa fa-info-circle' aria-hidden='true'></i>For hashtag, first remove all the text</span>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_cancel sec_btn'>Cancel</a>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_save pri_btn'>Save</a></div>";
echo "<div class='p_actual'>";
echo self::getDifferentPost($type, $post_id, $size);
echo "</div></div><hr><div class='p_a'><div class='p_do'>";
echo "<div class='p_Like_wra'>";
echo "<span class='p_unlike' data-description='Unlike'><i class='material-icons'>favorite</i></span>";
} else if ($post_like->likedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_like' data-description='Like'><i class='material-icons'>favorite_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_bmrk_wra'>";
if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id)) {
echo "<span class='p_unbookmark' data-description='Unbookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark</i></span>";
} else if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_bookmark' data-description='Bookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_send_wra'><span class='p_send' data-description='Share'><i class='material-icons'>send</i></span></div>";
echo "</div><div class='p_did'><span class='p_likes likes'>". $post_like->getPostLikes($post_id) ."</span></div></div><hr>";
echo "<div class='p_comments'>". $comment->getComments($post_id) ."</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='post_end feed_inserted'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";
public function getSharedPost($id, $way, $count){
$avatar = new Avatar;
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$post_like = new postLike;
$bookmark = new bookmark;
$taggings = new taggings;
$share = new share;
$comment = new postComment;
$follow = new follow_system;
$settings = new settings;
$groups = new group;
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
if ($way == "direct") {
$get_id = $universal->getIdFromGet($_GET['u']);
} else if ($way == "ajax") {
$get_id = $id;
if ($way == "direct") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM post, shares WHERE post.post_id = shares.post_id AND shares.share_to = :user ORDER BY shares.share_id DESC LIMIT 5");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $id));
} else if ($way == "ajax") {
$start = intval($count);
$end = $start+10;
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM post, shares WHERE post.post_id = shares.post_id AND shares.share_to = :user AND shares.share_id < :start ORDER BY shares.share_id DESC LIMIT 5");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $id, ":start" => $start));
if ($query->rowCount() == 0) {
if ($way == "direct") {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg pro_last_mssg'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'><span>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($id)) {
echo "No one shared posts with you";
} else {
echo "No one shared posts with ".$universal->GETsDetails($id, "username");
echo "</span></div>";
} else if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$post_id = $row->post_id;
$share_id = $row->share_id;
$shareby = $row->share_by;
$sharetime = $row->share_time;
$user_id = $row->user_id;
$type = $row->type;
$time = $row->time;
$size = $row->font_size;
$address = $row->address;
$of = $row->post_of;
$grp = $row->grp_id;
echo "<div class='posts inst share_posts' data-postid='{$post_id}' data-type='{$type}' data-shareid='{$share_id}'>";
echo "<div class='post_share_info'>by <a href='{$this->DIR}/profile/{$universal->GETsDetails($shareby, "username")}' title='{$universal->GETsDetails($shareby, "username")}'>";
if ($shareby == $session) { echo "You"; } else { echo $universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($shareby, "username"), 20); }
echo "</a> <span>{$Time->timeAgo($sharetime)}</span></div>";
echo "<div class='p_i'><div class='p_i_img'>";
echo "<img src='{$this->DIR}/". $avatar->DisplayAvatar($user_id) ."' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'s avatar'>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_1 ";
if($of == "group"){ echo "grp_p_i_1"; }
echo "'>";
echo "<a href='". DIR ."/profile/{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}' title='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'>{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 25)}</a>";
if ($of == "group") {
echo "<span class='to_grp_arrow'><i class='material-icons'>arrow_drop_up</i></span><a href='{$this->DIR}/groups/{$grp}' class='to_grp_name' title='{$groups->GETgrp($grp, "grp_name")}'>{$universal->nameShortener($groups->GETgrp($grp, "grp_name"), 20)}</a>";
echo "<span title='". self::addressTitle($address, $user_id) ."'>";
echo self::addressN($address, $user_id);
echo "</span>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_2'><div class='p_time'>";
echo "<span class=''>". $Time->timeAgo($time) ."</span></div><div class='p_h_opt'>";
echo "<span class='p_tags'>". $taggings->getTaggings($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='p_comm'>". $share->getShares($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='exp_p_menu'><i class='material-icons'>expand_more</i></span></div></div><div class='options p_options'><ul>";
echo "<li><a href='{$this->DIR}/view_post/{$post_id}'>Open</a></li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($shareby) == false) {
if ($follow->isFollowing($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='simple_unfollow'>Unfollow</li>";
if ($settings->isBlocked($shareby) == false) {
echo "<li><a href='#' data-getid='{$shareby}' data-username='{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($shareby, "username"), 20)}' class='block'>Block {$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($shareby, "username"), 12)}</a></li>";
} else if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='edit_post'>Edit post</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' class='delete_post'>Delete post</a></li>";
if ($taggings->AmITagged($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='untag'>Untag</a></li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($get_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='unshare'>Remove share</a></li>";
// if ($share->AmIsharedTo($post_id)) {
// echo "<li><a href='#' class='unshare'>Remove share</a></li>";
// }
if ($share->AmIsharedBy($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='un__share'>Unshare</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' data-link='{$universal->urlChecker($this->DIR)}/view_post/{$post_id}' class='p_copy_link'>Copy link</a></li>";
echo "</ul></div></div><div class='p_o'>";
echo "<div class='p_edit_tools'><span class='p_edit_tip'><i class='fa fa-info-circle' aria-hidden='true'></i>For hashtag, first remove all the text</span>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_cancel sec_btn'>Cancel</a>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_save pri_btn'>Save</a></div>";
echo "<div class='p_actual'>";
echo self::getDifferentPost($type, $post_id, $size);
echo "</div></div><hr><div class='p_a'><div class='p_do'>";
echo "<div class='p_Like_wra'>";
echo "<span class='p_unlike' data-description='Unlike'><i class='material-icons'>favorite</i></span>";
} else if ($post_like->likedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_like' data-description='Like'><i class='material-icons'>favorite_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_bmrk_wra'>";
if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id)) {
echo "<span class='p_unbookmark' data-description='Unbookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark</i></span>";
} else if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_bookmark' data-description='Bookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_send_wra'><span class='p_send' data-description='Share'><i class='material-icons'>send</i></span></div>";
echo "</div><div class='p_did'><span class='p_likes likes'>". $post_like->getPostLikes($post_id) ."</span></div></div><hr>";
echo "<div class='p_comments'>". $comment->getComments($post_id) ."</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='post_end feed_inserted'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";
public function getPhotosPost($id){
$universal = new universal;
$like = new postLike;
$comment = new postComment;
$Time = new time;
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, image_post.image, image_post.filter, post.time FROM post, image_post WHERE post.user_id = :user AND post.type = :type AND post.post_id = image_post.post_id AND post.post_of <> :grp ORDER BY post.time DESC");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $id, ":type" => "image", ":grp" => "group"));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 0) {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg pro_last_mssg'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'><span>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($id)) { echo "You have no photos"; } else { echo $universal->GETsDetails($id, "username")." got no photos"; }
echo "</span></div>";
} else if ($count > 0) {
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$post_id = $row->post_id;
$user_id = $row->user_id;
$image = $row->image;
$time = $row->time;
$filter = $row->filter;
if ($user_id == $session) { $r = "You"; } else { $r = $universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"); }
echo "<div class='post_photos'>
<div class='post_p_info'>
<span><i class='material-icons'>favorite</i> <span>{$like->simpleGetPostLikes($post_id)}</span></span>
<span><i class='material-icons'>chat_bubble</i> <span>{$comment->simpleGetComments($post_id)}</span></span>
<img src='{$this->DIR}/media/Instagram_{$image}' alt='' data-postid='{$post_id}' data-imgby='{$r}' data-time='{$Time->timeAgo($time)}' data-filter='{$filter}' class='p_pho_img {$filter}'></div>";
// echo "<div class='post_end'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";
public function getVideosPost($id){
$avatar = new Avatar;
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$post_like = new postLike;
$bookmark = new bookmark;
$taggings = new taggings;
$share = new share;
$comment = new postComment;
$get_id = $universal->getIdFromGet($_GET['u']);
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, video_post.video FROM post, video_post WHERE post.user_id = :user AND post.type = :type AND post.post_id = video_post.post_id AND post.post_of <> :grp ORDER BY post.time DESC");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $id, ":type" => "video", ":grp" => "group"));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 0) {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg pro_last_mssg'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'><span>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($id)) {
echo "You have no videos";
} else {
echo $universal->GETsDetails($id, "username")." has no videos";
} else if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$post_id = $row->post_id;
$user_id = $row->user_id;
$video = $row->video;
echo "<div class='p_vid video_vid user_post_vid'>
<video src='{$this->DIR}/media/Instagram_{$video}' loop preload='auto'></video>
<span class='p_vid_pp_large'><i class='material-icons'>play_arrow</i></span>
<span class='p_vid_cur p_vid_time_teaser'>0:00</span>
<span class='p_vid_time_bubble'>0:00</span><div class='p_vid_ctrls'><div class='p_vid_seek'>
<input class='p_vid_seek_range' type='range' name='p_vid_range' value='0' min='0' max='100' step='1'>
</div><span class='p_vid_pp'><i class='material-icons'>play_arrow</i></span>
<div class='p_vid_duration'><span class='p_vid_cur'>0:00</span><span class='p_vid_dur_sep'>/</span>
<span class='p_vid_dur'>0:00</span></div><div class='p_vid_vol_div'>
<input type='range' name='p_vid_vol_slider' value='100' min='0' max='100' step='1'>
</div><span class='p_vid_vup'><i class='material-icons'>volume_up</i></span>
<div class='p_vid_pbr_div'><ul><li data-pbr='2'>2x</li><li data-pbr='1.75'>1.75x</li>
<li data-pbr='1.5'>1.5x</li><li data-pbr='1.25'>1.25x</li><li data-pbr='1' class='pbr_class'>1x</li>
<li data-pbr='0.75'>0.75x</li><li data-pbr='0.5'>0.5x</li></ul></div>
<span class='p_vid_setting'>1x</span><div class='p_vid_shadow'></div></div></div>";
echo "<div class='post_end'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";
public function getAudiosPost($id){
$avatar = new Avatar;
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$post_like = new postLike;
$bookmark = new bookmark;
$taggings = new taggings;
$share = new share;
$comment = new postComment;
$get_id = $universal->getIdFromGet($_GET['u']);
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, audio_post.audio FROM post, audio_post WHERE post.user_id = :user AND post.type = :type AND post.post_id = audio_post.post_id AND post.post_of <> :grp ORDER BY post.time DESC");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $id, ":type" => "audio", ":grp" => "group"));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 0) {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg pro_last_mssg'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'><span>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($id)) {
echo "You have no audios";
} else {
echo $universal->GETsDetails($id, "username")." has no audios";
} else if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$post_id = $row->post_id;
$user_id = $row->user_id;
$audio = $row->audio;
echo "<div class='p_aud user_aud' data-song='{$this->DIR}/media/{$audio}'>
<span class='p_aud_time_bubble'>0:00</span><div class='p_aud_ctrls'><div class='p_aud_info'>
<span class='p_aud_name'></span>
</div><span class='p_aud_pp'><i class='material-icons'>play_arrow</i></span>
<div class='p_aud_seek'><input class='p_aud_seek_range' type='range' name='p_aud_seek_range' value='0' min='0' max='100' step='1'>
</div><div class='p_aud_duration'><span class='p_aud_cur'>0:00</span><span class='p_aud_dur_sep'>/</span><span class='p_aud_dur'>0:00</span></div><div class='p_aud_vol_div'>
<input type='range' name='p_aud_vol_slider' value='100' min='0' max='100' step='1'>
</div><span class='p_aud_vup'><i class='material-icons'>volume_up</i></span></div></div>";
echo "<div class='post_end'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";
public function deletePost($post){
$id = $_SESSION['id'];
$tagquery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM taggings WHERE post_id = :post");
$tagquery->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$sharequery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM shares WHERE post_id = :post");
$sharequery->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$bkmrkquery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM bookmarks WHERE post_id = :post");
$bkmrkquery->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$likequery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM post_likes WHERE post_id = :post");
$likequery->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$cc = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post_comments_id FROM post_comments WHERE post_id = :post");
$cc->execute(array(":post" => $post));
if ($cc->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($row = $cc->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$cid = $row->post_comments_id;
$cl = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM comment_likes WHERE comment_id = :comment");
$cl->execute(array(":comment" => $cid));
$comquery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM post_comments WHERE post_id = :post");
$comquery->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$notiquery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM notifications WHERE post_id = :post");
$notiquery->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$hashquery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM hashtag WHERE post_id = :post");
$hashquery->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT type, post_id FROM post WHERE post_id = :post");
$query->execute(array(":post" => $post));
if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$type = $row->type;
$p = $row->post_id;
if ($type == "text") {
$textquery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM text_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$textquery->execute(array(":post" => $p));
} else if ($type == "image") {
$imgquery1 = $this->db->prepare("SELECT image FROM image_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$imgquery1->execute(array(":post" => $p));
if ($imgquery1->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($imgrow = $imgquery1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$image = $imgrow->image;
$dltimage = $this->db->prepare('DELETE FROM image_post WHERE post_id = :post');
$dltimage->execute(array(":post" => $p));
} else if ($type == "video") {
$vidquery1 = $this->db->prepare("SELECT video FROM video_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$vidquery1->execute(array(":post" => $p));
if ($vidquery1->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($vidrow = $vidquery1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$video = $vidrow->video;
$dltvideo = $this->db->prepare('DELETE FROM video_post WHERE post_id = :post');
$dltvideo->execute(array(":post" => $p));
} else if ($type == "audio") {
$audquery1 = $this->db->prepare("SELECT audio FROM audio_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$audquery1->execute(array(":post" => $p));
if ($audquery1->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($audrow = $audquery1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$audio = $audrow->audio;
if (file_exists("../../media/$audio")) {
$dltaudio = $this->db->prepare('DELETE FROM audio_post WHERE post_id = :post');
$dltaudio->execute(array(":post" => $p));
} else if ($type == "document") {
$docquery1 = $this->db->prepare("SELECT doc FROM doc_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$docquery1->execute(array(":post" => $p));
if ($docquery1->rowCount() > 0) {
while ($docrow = $docquery1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$doc = $docrow->doc;
$dltdoc = $this->db->prepare('DELETE FROM doc_post WHERE post_id = :post');
$dltdoc->execute(array(":post" => $p));
} else if ($type == "link") {
$linkquery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM link_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$linkquery->execute(array(":post" => $p));
} else if ($type == "location") {
$locquery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM loc_post WHERE post_id = :post");
$locquery->execute(array(":post" => $p));
$squery = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM post WHERE post_id = :post");
$squery->execute(array(":post" => $post));
public function viewPost($post){
$avatar = new Avatar;
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$post_like = new postLike;
$bookmark = new bookmark;
$taggings = new taggings;
$share = new share;
$comment = new postComment;
$follow = new follow_system;
$comment = new postComment;
$settings = new settings;
$groups = new group;
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM post WHERE post_id = :post LIMIT 1");
$query->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 0) {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg pro_last_mssg'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'><span>No such post found</span></div>";
} else if ($count == 1) {
$row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$post_id = $row->post_id;
$user_id = $row->user_id;
$type = $row->type;
$time = $row->time;
$size = $row->font_size;
$address = $row->address;
$of = $row->post_of;
$grp = $row->grp_id;
echo "<div class='posts inst view_posts' data-postid='{$post_id}' data-type='{$type}'><div class='p_i'><div class='p_i_img'>";
echo "<img src='". DIR ."/{$avatar->GETsAvatar($user_id)}' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'s avatar'>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_1 ";
if($of == "group"){ echo "grp_p_i_1"; }
echo "'>";
echo "<a href='". DIR ."/profile/{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'>{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 25)}</a>";
if ($of == "group") {
echo "<span class='to_grp_arrow'><i class='material-icons'>arrow_drop_up</i></span><a href='{$this->DIR}/groups/{$grp}' class='to_grp_name'>{$universal->nameShortener($groups->GETgrp($grp, "grp_name"), 20)}</a>";
echo "<span title='". self::addressTitle($address, $user_id) ."'>";
echo self::addressN($address, $user_id);
echo "</span>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_2'><div class='p_time'>";
echo "<span class=''>". $Time->timeAgo($time) ."</span></div><div class='p_h_opt'>";
if($of == "user"){echo "<span class='p_tags'>". $taggings->getTaggings($post_id) ."</span>";}
echo "<span class='p_comm'>". $share->getShares($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='exp_p_menu'><i class='material-icons'>expand_more</i></span></div></div><div class='options p_options'><ul>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='edit_post'>Edit post</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' class='delete_post'>Delete post</a></li>";
} else if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id) == false) {
if ($follow->isFollowing($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='simple_unfollow'>Unfollow</li>";
if ($settings->isBlocked($user_id) == false) {
echo "<li><a href='#' data-getid='{$user_id}' data-username='{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 20)}' class='block'>Block {$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 12)}</a></li>";
if ($taggings->AmITagged($post_id) && $of == "user") {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='untag'>Untag</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedTo($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='unshare'>Remove share</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedBy($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='un__share'>Unshare</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' data-link='{$universal->urlChecker($this->DIR)}/view_post/{$post_id}' class='p_copy_link'>Copy link</a></li>";
echo "</ul></div></div><div class='p_o'>";
echo "<div class='p_edit_tools'><span class='p_edit_tip'><i class='fa fa-info-circle' aria-hidden='true'></i>For hashtag, first remove all the text</span>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_cancel sec_btn'>Cancel</a>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_save pri_btn'>Save</a></div>";
echo "<div class='p_actual'>";
echo self::getDifferentPost($type, $post_id, $size);
echo "</div></div><hr><div class='p_a'><div class='p_do'>";
echo "<div class='p_Like_wra'>";
echo "<span class='p_unlike' data-description='Unlike'><i class='material-icons'>favorite</i></span>";
} else if ($post_like->likedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_like' data-description='Like'><i class='material-icons'>favorite_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_bmrk_wra'>";
if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id)) {
echo "<span class='p_unbookmark' data-description='Unbookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark</i></span>";
} else if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_bookmark' data-description='Bookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_send_wra'><span class='p_send' data-description='Share'><i class='material-icons'>send</i></span></div>";
echo "</div><div class='p_did'><span class='p_likes likes'>". $post_like->getPostLikes($post_id) ."</span>
echo "<div class='p_comments'>". $comment->getComments($post_id) ."</div>";
echo "<div class='p_cit view_cit'><div class='p_cit_img'>";
echo "<img src='". DIR ."/{$avatar->GETsAvatar($session)}' alt='{$universal->GETsDetails($session, "username")}'>";
echo "</div><div class='p_cit_area'>";
echo "<textarea class='textarea_toggle comment_og' name='post_comment' spellcheck='false' placeholder='Wanna comment?'></textarea>";
// echo "<span data-description='Add emojis'><i class='material-icons'>sentiment_very_satisfied</i></span>";
echo "</div><div class='p_cit_tool view_cit_tool'>
<span class='c_sticker c_sticker_og' data-description='Add sticker'><i class='material-icons'>face</i></span>
<form class='p_comment_form' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
<input type='file' class='p_comm_file_og' name='p_comm_file' id='p_comm_file'>
<label for='p_comm_file' class='p_cit_more' data-description='Attach a file'><i class='material-icons'>attach_file</i></label>
echo "<div class='comments_div'>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='post_end'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";
public function editPost($text, $post, $type){
$hashtag = new hashtag;
$mention = new mention_class;
if ($type == "text") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE text_post SET text = :text WHERE post_id = :post");
$query->execute(array(":text" => $text, ":post" => $post));
if ($text == "") {
} else if ($type == "image") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE image_post SET about = :text WHERE post_id = :post");
$query->execute(array(":text" => $text, ":post" => $post));
} else if ($type == "video") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE video_post SET about = :text WHERE post_id = :post");
$query->execute(array(":text" => $text, ":post" => $post));
} else if ($type == "audio") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE audio_post SET about = :text WHERE post_id = :post");
$query->execute(array(":text" => $text, ":post" => $post));
} else if ($type == "link") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE link_post SET text = :text WHERE post_id = :post");
$query->execute(array(":text" => $text, ":post" => $post));
} else if ($type == "document") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE doc_post SET about = :text WHERE post_id = :post");
$query->execute(array(":text" => $text, ":post" => $post));
} else if ($type == "location") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE loc_post SET about = :text WHERE post_id = :post");
$query->execute(array(":text" => $text, ":post" => $post));
$a = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM hashtag WHERE post_id = :post");
$a->execute(array(":post" => $post));
$mention->getMentions($text, $post);
$hashtag->getHashtags($text, $post);