Файл: hashtag.io-2629a1a4ea078149b002e45e2e12bb946062c2b8/config/class/hashtag.class.php
Строк: 218
class hashtag{
protected $db;
protected $DIR;
public function __construct(){
$db = N::_DB();
$DIR = N::$DIR;
$this->db = $db;
$this->DIR = $DIR;
public function toHashtag($str, $of){
$regex = "/#+([^ <>]+)/";
$two = substr($str, 1);
$t = preg_replace("#[#]#", "", $two);
if ($t != "") {
if ($of == "post") {
$str = preg_replace($regex, '<a class="hashtag" href="'. $this->DIR .'/hashtag?tag=$1">$0</a>', $str);
} else if ($of == "comment") {
$str = preg_replace($regex, "<span class='hashtag'>$0</span>", $str);
return $str;
public function lineBreakHashtag($str, $of){
$newString = '';
$array = preg_split('/(rn|r|n)/', $str);
foreach ($array as $line) {
$word = explode(' ', $line);
foreach ($word as $each) {
$each = trim($each);
if($each[0] == "#"){
$two = substr($each, 1);
$t = preg_replace("#[#]#", "", $two);
if($t != ""){
if($of == "post"){
$newString .= "<a class='hashtag' href='{$this->DIR}/hashtag?tag={$t}'>{$each}</a> ";
} else if($of == "comment") {
$newString .= "<span class='hashtag'>{$each}</span>";
} else {
$newString .= "$each ";
return $newString;
public function getHashtags($text, $post){
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
// $array = explode(" ", $text);
$array = preg_split('/(rn|r|n| )/', $text);
foreach ($array as $value) {
if ($value[0] == "#") {
$sec = substr($value, 1);
$t = trim(preg_replace("#[#]#", "", $sec));
if ($t != "") {
// $mquery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT hashtag_id FROM hashtag WHERE post_id = :post AND hashtag = :hashtag AND user_id = :user AND src = :src");
// $mquery->execute(array(":post" => $post, ":hashtag" => $value, ":user" => $session, ":src" => "post"));
// if ($mquery->rowCount() == 0) {
$query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO hashtag(hashtag, src, post_id, user_id, time) VALUES (:hashtag, :src, :post, :user, now())");
$query->execute(array(":hashtag" => "#$t", ":src" => "post", ":post" => $post, ":user" => $session));
// }
public function noOfHashTags($hash){
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT hashtag_id FROM hashtag WHERE hashtag LIKE :hash");
$query->execute(array(":hash" => "%#$hash%"));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 0) {
return "No";
} else {
return $count;
public function usersHashtags($user){
$universal = new universal;
if (isset($_SESSION['id'])) {
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT hashtag FROM hashtag WHERE user_id = :user ORDER BY hashtag_id DESC LIMIT 20");
$query->execute(array(":user" => $user));
if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
echo "<div class='my_hashtags inst'><div class='header_of_divs'><span class='my_h_header'>";
if($user == @$session){ echo "Your"; } else { echo $universal->GETsDetails($user, "username")."'s"; }
echo " recent hashtags</span></div><div class='my_h_main'>";
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$hashtag = $row->hashtag;
echo "<a href='{$this->DIR}/hashtag?tag=". substr($hashtag, 1) ."'>{$hashtag}</a>";
echo "</div></div>";
public function popularHashtags(){
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$universal = new universal;
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT hashtag, COUNT(hashtag) as c FROM hashtag GROUP BY hashtag ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 10");
if ($query->rowCount() > 0) {
echo "<div class='my_hashtags inst'><div class='header_of_divs'><span class='my_h_header'>Popular trends</span></div>
<div class='my_h_main'>";
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$hashtag = $row->hashtag;
echo "<a href='{$this->DIR}/hashtag?tag=". substr($hashtag, 1) ."'>{$hashtag}</a>";
echo "</div></div>";
public function noOfHashTagPosts($tag){
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, post.type, post.post_of, post.grp_id, post.time, post.font_size, post.address FROM post, hashtag WHERE hashtag.hashtag = :hashtag AND hashtag.post_id = post.post_id ORDER BY post.time DESC");
$query->execute(array(":hashtag" => "#$tag"));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 0) {
return "No";
} else {
return $count;
public function hashtaggedPost($tag, $way, $limit){
$session = $_SESSION['id'];
$avatar = new Avatar;
$universal = new universal;
$Time = new time;
$post_like = new postLike;
$bookmark = new bookmark;
$taggings = new taggings;
$share = new share;
$comment = new postComment;
$follow = new follow_system;
$comment = new postComment;
$settings = new settings;
$groups = new group;
$Post = new post;
if ($way == "direct") {
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, post.type, post.post_of, post.grp_id, post.time, post.font_size, post.address, hashtag.hashtag_id FROM post, hashtag WHERE hashtag.hashtag = :hashtag AND hashtag.post_id = post.post_id ORDER BY hashtag.hashtag_id DESC LIMIT 10");
$query->execute(array(":hashtag" => "#$tag"));
} else if ($way == "ajax") {
$start = intval($limit);
$query = $this->db->prepare("SELECT post.post_id, post.user_id, post.type, post.post_of, post.grp_id, post.time, post.font_size, post.address, hashtag.hashtag_id FROM post, hashtag WHERE hashtag.hashtag = :hashtag AND hashtag.post_id = post.post_id AND hashtag.hashtag_id < :start ORDER BY hashtag.hashtag_id DESC LIMIT 5");
$query->execute(array(":hashtag" => "#$tag", ":start" => $start));
$count = $query->rowCount();
if ($count == 0) {
if ($way == "direct") {
echo "<div class='home_last_mssg hashtag_last_mssg'><img src='{$this->DIR}/images/needs/large.jpg'><span>No tagged posts found</span></div>";
} else if ($count > 0) {
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
$hashid = $row->hashtag_id;
$post_id = $row->post_id;
$user_id = $row->user_id;
$type = $row->type;
$time = $row->time;
$size = $row->font_size;
$address = $row->address;
$of = $row->post_of;
$grp = $row->grp_id;
echo "<div class='posts inst' data-postid='{$post_id}' data-type='{$type}' data-hashid='{$hashid}'><div class='p_i'><div class='p_i_img'>";
if ($way == "direct") {
echo "<img src='{$this->DIR}/". $avatar->GETsAvatar($user_id) ."' alt=''>";
} else if ($way == "ajax") {
echo "<img src='{$this->DIR}/". $avatar->DisplayAvatar($user_id) ."' alt=''>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_1 ";
if($of == "group"){ echo "grp_p_i_1"; }
echo "'>";
echo "<a href='{$this->DIR}/profile/{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}'>{$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}</a>";
if ($of == "group") {
echo "<span class='to_grp_arrow'><i class='material-icons'>arrow_drop_up</i></span><a href='{$this->DIR}/groups/{$grp}' class='to_grp_name'>{$groups->GETgrp($grp, "grp_name")}</a>";
echo "<span>";
echo $Post->addressN($address, $user_id);
echo "</span>";
echo "</div><div class='p_i_2'><div class='p_time'>";
echo "<span class=''>". $Time->timeAgo($time) ."</span></div><div class='p_h_opt'>";
echo "<span class='p_tags'>". $taggings->getTaggings($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='p_comm'>". $share->getShares($post_id) ."</span>";
echo "<span class='exp_p_menu'><i class='material-icons'>expand_more</i></span></div></div><div class='options p_options'><ul>";
echo "<li><a href='{$this->DIR}/view_post/{$post_id}'>Open</a></li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='edit_post'>Edit post</li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id) == false) {
if ($follow->isFollowing($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='simple_unfollow'>Unfollow</li>";
if ($settings->isBlocked($user_id) == false) {
echo "<li><a href='#' data-getid='{$user_id}' data-username='{$universal->nameShortener($universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username"), 20)}' class='block'>Block {$universal->GETsDetails($user_id, "username")}</a></li>";
if ($universal->MeOrNot($user_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='delete_post'>Delete post</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedTo($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='unshare'>Remove share</a></li>";
if ($share->AmIsharedBy($post_id)) {
echo "<li><a href='#' class='un__share'>Unshare</a></li>";
echo "<li><a href='#' data-link='{$universal->urlChecker($this->DIR)}/view_post/{$post_id}' class='p_copy_link'>Copy link</a></li>";
echo "</ul></div></div><div class='p_o'>";
echo "<div class='p_edit_tools'><span class='p_edit_tip'>*Click on tag btn to remove tags</span>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_cancel sec_btn'>Cancel</a>
<a href='#' class='p_edit_save pri_btn'>Save</a></div>";
echo "<div class='p_actual'>";
echo $Post->getDifferentPost($type, $post_id, $size);
echo "</div></div><hr><div class='p_a'><div class='p_do'>";
echo "<div class='p_Like_wra'>";
echo "<span class='p_unlike' data-description='Unlike'><i class='material-icons'>favorite</i></span>";
} else if ($post_like->likedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_like' data-description='Like'><i class='material-icons'>favorite_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_bmrk_wra'>";
if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id)) {
echo "<span class='p_unbookmark' data-description='Unbookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark</i></span>";
} else if ($bookmark->bookmarkedOrNot($post_id) == false) {
echo "<span class='p_bookmark' data-description='Bookmark'><i class='material-icons'>bookmark_border</i></span>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='p_send_wra'><span class='p_send' data-description='Share'><i class='material-icons'>send</i></span></div>";
echo "</div><div class='p_did'><span class='p_likes likes'>". $post_like->getPostLikes($post_id) ."</span></div></div><hr>";
echo "<div class='p_comments'>". $comment->getComments($post_id) ."</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='post_end feed_inserted'>Looks like you've reached the end</div>";