Файл: wenr.online/app/user/bagCat.php
Строк: 46
if (!$user->isAuth()) {
$cat = $db->prepare('select * from `catBag` where `id` = ?');
$cat -> execute([Clean :: int($_GET['id'])]);
$cat = $cat -> fetch(PDO :: FETCH_OBJ);
$all = $db->prepare('select * from `bag` where user = ? and type = ? order by name');
$all -> execute([$user->get()->user_id,$cat->table]);
$all = $all->fetchAll();
function plus($id){
global $db;
$item = $db->prepare('select * from bag where id = ?');
$item -> execute([$id]);
$item = $item -> fetch(PDO :: FETCH_OBJ);
$type = false;
if($item->force > 0) $type .= '+ '.$item->force.' к силе ';
if($item->dex > 0) $type .= '+ '.$item->dex.' к ловкости ';
if($item->hp > 0) $type .= '+ '.$item->hp.' к жизни ';
if($item->max_hp > 0) $type .= '+ '.$item->max_hp.' к жизни ';
if($item->mana > 0) $type .= '+ '.$item->mana.' к мане ';
if($item->mana_max > 0) $type .= '+ '.$item->mana_max.' к мане ';
if($item->type == 'rolls') $type = $item->force.' урона. Требует '.$item->mana.' <img src="/public/assets/images/mana.png">';
return $type;
function type($id){
global $db;
$item = $db->prepare('select * from `bag` where `id` = ?');
$item -> execute([$id]);
$item = $item -> fetch(PDO :: FETCH_OBJ);
if($item ->status == 1) $return = 'Снять';
if($item ->status == 0) $return = 'Надеть';
if($item->type == 'potion') $return = 'Использовать';
if($item->type == 'drop') $return = 'Продать за '.$item->bonus.' <img src="/public/assets/images/zoloto.png">';
return $return;
function array_unique_key($array, $key) {
$tmp = $key_array = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($array as $val) {
if (!in_array($val[$key], $key_array)) {
$key_array[$i] = $val[$key];
$tmp[$i] = $val;
return $tmp;
function count_item($item){
global $db,$user;
$sql = $db->prepare('select `id` from bag where name = ? and user = ?');
$sql -> execute([$item,$user->get()->user_id]);
return $sql ->rowCount();
if($cat->table == 'drop' or $cat->table == 'potion') $all = array_unique_key($all,'name');
$peger = new ArrayPaginator('/bag/cat?id='.$cat->id, 10);
$items = $peger->getItems($all);
$sell = $db->prepare('select SUM(`bonus`) as gold from `bag` where `type` = ? and `user` = ?');
$sell -> execute(['drop',$user->get()->user_id]);
$sell = $sell -> fetch(PDO :: FETCH_OBJ);
echo $template->render('user.bagCat',
['peger' => $peger,
'item' => $items,
'cat' => $cat,
'sell' => $sell