Файл: wenr.online/app/cron/bot.php
Строк: 138
$bot = $db->prepare('select * from `users` where `bot` != ? order by rand()');
$bot -> execute([0]);
$bot = $bot -> fetch(PDO :: FETCH_OBJ);
### Гильдия
if($bot->guild == 0 and $bot->lvl >= 2){
$guild = rand(1,3);
$arrayskin = ['','5','6','4'];
$sql = $db->prepare('update `users` set `guild` = ?, `skin` = ?, `max_hp` = `max_hp` + ? where `user_id` = ?');
$sql -> execute([$guild,$arrayskin[$guild],150,$bot->user_id]);
### Повышение гильдии
if($bot->guild < 4 and $bot->lvl >= 20){
$arrayskin = ['','5_2','6_1','4'];
$sql = $db->prepare('update `users` set `guild` = ?, `skin` = ?, `max_hp` = `max_hp` + ?, `one_handed` = ?, `two_handed` = ?, `bow` = ?, `crossbow` = ? where `user_id` = ?');
$sql -> execute([$bot->guild+3,$arrayskin[$bot->guild],350,100,100,100,100,$bot->guild]);
#### Заявка в клан
if($bot->clan == 0 and $bot->lvl >= 10){
$clan = $db->prepare('select * from clan order by rand()');
$clan -> execute();
$clan = $clan -> fetch(PDO :: FETCH_OBJ);
#### Поверяем не отправляли ли заявку
$check = $db->prepare('select * from clan_invite where user = ?');
$check -> execute([$bot->user_id]);
$check = $check -> rowCount();
if($check == 0){
### Отправляем заявку
$inv = $db->prepare('insert into clan_invite (user,clan,time) values (?,?,?)');
$inv -> execute([$bot->user_id,$clan->id,time()]);
function rand_weapon($type){
global $db,$bot;
$sql = $db->prepare('select * from `shop` where `type` = ? order by rand()');
$sql -> execute([$type]);
return $sql -> fetch(PDO :: FETCH_OBJ);
#### Проверяем есть ли оружие
$check_weapon = $db->prepare('select `id` from `bag` where `user` = ? and `type` = ?');
$check_weapon -> execute([$bot->user_id,'weapon']);
$check_weapon = $check_weapon -> rowCount();
if($check_weapon == 0){
$item = rand_weapon('weapon');
$sql = $db->prepare('insert into bag (`name`,`user`,`type`,`dex`,`force`,`hp`,`max_hp`,`mana`,`mana_max`,`img`,`status`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
$sql -> execute([
$check_rings = $db->prepare('select `id` from `bag` where `user` = ? and `type` = ?');
$check_rings -> execute([$bot->user_id,'rings']);
$check_rings = $check_rings -> rowCount();
if($check_rings == 0 and $bot->lvl >= 10){
$item = rand_weapon('rings');
$sql = $db->prepare('insert into bag (`name`,`user`,`type`,`dex`,`force`,`hp`,`max_hp`,`mana`,`mana_max`,`img`,`status`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
$sql -> execute([
$check_helm = $db->prepare('select `id` from `bag` where `user` = ? and `type` = ?');
$check_helm -> execute([$bot->user_id,'helm']);
$check_helm = $check_helm -> rowCount();
if($check_helm == 0 and $bot->lvl >= 15){
$item = rand_weapon('helm');
$sql = $db->prepare('insert into bag (`name`,`user`,`type`,`dex`,`force`,`hp`,`max_hp`,`mana`,`mana_max`,`img`,`status`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
$sql -> execute([
$check_shield = $db->prepare('select `id` from `bag` where `user` = ? and `type` = ?');
$check_shield -> execute([$bot->user_id,'shield']);
$check_shield = $check_shield -> rowCount();
if($check_shield == 0 and $bot->lvl >= 20){
$item = rand_weapon('shield');
$sql = $db->prepare('insert into bag (`name`,`user`,`type`,`dex`,`force`,`hp`,`max_hp`,`mana`,`mana_max`,`img`,`status`) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)');
$sql -> execute([
### качаем силу и ловкость и включаем онлайн
$update = $db->prepare('update `users` set `force` = ?, `dex` = ?, `online` = ?, `mobs` = `mobs` + ?, `exp` = ? where `user_id` = ?');
$update -> execute([$bot->lvl*5,$bot->lvl*3,time(),rand(10,300),$bot->exp+rand(1,1000),$bot->user_id]);
if($bot->exp >= $bot->next_exp){
$sql = $db->prepare('update `users` set `lvl` = ?, `next_exp` = ?, `max_hp` = ? where `user_id` = ?');
$sql -> execute([$bot->lvl+1,
if($bot->clan != 0){
#### Почта
$mail = $db->prepare('select * from `mail` where `kont` = ? and `read` = ?');
$mail -> execute([
$mail = $mail -> fetch(PDO :: FETCH_OBJ);
$array = ['привет','hi','ку','хай'];
foreach($array as $res){
preg_match('|'.$key.'|', mb_strtolower($mail->msg), $matches);
if(isset($matches[0])) $msg = $array[rand(0,3)];
$sql = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `mail` (`user`,`kont`,`read`,`msg`,`time`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
$add_k = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `kont` (`id_user`, `id_kont`, `time`) VALUES (?,?,?)");
$add_k -> execute([$bot->user_id,$mail->user,time()]);
$add_u = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO `kont` (`id_user`, `id_kont`, `time`) VALUES (?,?,?)");
$add_k -> execute([$mail->user,$bot->user_id,time()]);
$new = $db->prepare("UPDATE `kont` SET `new_msg` = `new_msg` + ?,`time` = ? WHERE `id_kont` = ? and `id_user` = ?");
$new -> execute([1,time(),$bot->user_id,$mail->user]);
$new2 = $db->prepare("UPDATE `kont` SET `time` = ? WHERE `id_kont` = ? and `id_user` = ?");
$new2 -> execute([time(),$mail->user,$bot->user_id]);
$view = $db->prepare("UPDATE `mail` SET `read` = ? WHERE `kont` = ?");
$view -> execute([1,$bot->user_id]);
$read = $db->prepare("UPDATE `kont` SET `new_msg` = ? WHERE `id_kont` = ? and `id_user` = ?");
$read -> execute([0,$mail->user,$bot->user_id]);