Файл: sys/inc/libs/mp3data.php
Строк: 347
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
// Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version under the
// following condition: Comment below must stay intact.
MP3 ID3 data extraction class
By Nick Swardh | www.nswardh.com
class Mp3Tag {
// Class members
private $handle; // Used for the filestream.
private $tag_count; // Holds number of predefined ID3-tags.
private $tag = array(); // Used for storing all Id3 tags.
// Predifined array of ID3-tags.
private $idv_tag = array(
'AENC' => 'encryption', // Audio encryption
'APIC' => 'picture', // Attached picture
'ASPI' => 'audio_seek', // Audio seek point index
'COMM' => 'comments', // Comments
'COMR' => 'com_frame', // Commercial frame
'ENCR' => 'enc_method', // Encryption method registration
'EQU2' => 'equalization', // Equalisation (2)
'ETCO' => 'timing_code', // Event timing codes
'GEOB' => 'gen_encap_object', // General encapsulated object
'GRID' => 'group_id', // Group identification registration
'LINK' => 'linked_info', // Linked information
'MCDI' => 'cd_id', // Music CD identifier
'MLLT' => 'mpeg_lookup_table', // MPEG location lookup table
'OWNE' => 'owner_frame', // Ownership frame
'PRIV' => 'private_frame', // Private frame
'PCNT' => 'play_counter', // Play counter
'POPM' => 'popularimeter', // Popularimeter
'POSS' => 'pos_sync_frame', // Position synchronisation frame
'RBUF' => 'recom_buffer_size', // Recommended buffer size
'RVA2' => 'rel_vol_adj', // Relative volume adjustment (2)
'RVRB' => 'reverb', // Reverb
'SEEK' => 'seek_frame', // Seek frame
'SIGN' => 'sign_frame', // Signature frame
'SYLT' => 'sync_lyric', // Synchronised lyric/text
'SYTC' => 'sync_tempo_code', // Synchronised tempo codes
'TALB' => 'album_title', // Album/Movie/Show title
'TBPM' => 'bpm', // BPM (beats per minute)
'TCOM' => 'composer', // Composer
'TCON' => 'content_type', // Content type
'TCOP' => 'copyright', // Copyright message
'TDEN' => 'enc_time', // Encoding time
'TDOR' => 'org_release', // Original release time
'TDRC' => 'rec_time', // Recording time
'TDRL' => 'rel_time', // Release time
'TDTG' => 'tag_time', // Tagging time
'TENC' => 'encoded_by', // Encoded by
'TEXT' => 'lyrics_by', // Lyricist/Text writer
'TFLT' => 'tile_type', // File type
'TIPL' => 'involved_people', // Involved people list
'TIT1' => 'cont_grp_desc', // Content group description
'TIT2' => 'song_title', // Title/songname/content description
'TIT3' => 'subtitle', // Subtitle/Description refinement
'TKEY' => 'init_key', // Initial key
'TLAN' => 'language', // Language(s)
'TLEN' => 'length', // Length
'TMCL' => 'credits', // Musician credits list
'TMED' => 'media_type', // Media type
'TMOO' => 'mood', // Mood
'TOAL' => 'org_title', // Original album/movie/show title
'TOFN' => 'org_filename', // Original filename
'TOLY' => 'org_lyric_writer', // Original lyricist(s)/text writer(s)
'TOPE' => 'org_artist', // Original artist(s)/performer(s)
'TOWN' => 'file_owner', // File owner/licensee
'TPE1' => 'artist', // Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)
'TPE2' => 'band', // Band/orchestra/accompaniment
'TPE3' => 'performer', // Conductor/performer refinement
'TPE4' => 'remixed', // Interpreted, remixed, or otherwise modified by
'TPOS' => 'part_of_set', // Part of a set
'TPRO' => 'prod_notice', // Produced notice
'TPUB' => 'publisher', // Publisher
'TRCK' => 'track_nr', // Track number/Position in set
'TRSN' => 'net_radio', // Internet radio station name
'TRSO' => 'net_radio_owner', // Internet radio station owner
'TSOA' => 'album_order', // Album sort order
'TSOP' => 'performer_order', // Performer sort order
'TSOT' => 'title_order', // Title sort order
'TSRC' => 'isrc', // ISRC (international standard recording code)
'TSSE' => 'encode_setup', // Software/Hardware and settings used for encoding
'TSST' => 'set_subtitle', // Set subtitle
'TXXX' => 'user_defined_text', // User defined text information frame
'TYER' => 'year', // Year
'UFID' => 'unique_file_id', // Unique file identifier
'USER' => 'terms', // Terms of use
'USLT' => 'unsync_lyric', // Unsynchronised lyric/text transcription
'WCOM' => 'com_info', // Commercial information
'WCOP' => 'copyright_info', // Copyright/Legal information
'WOAF' => 'official_webpage', // Official audio file webpage
'WOAR' => 'official_artist', // Official artist/performer webpage
'WOAS' => 'official_source', // Official audio source webpage
'WORS' => 'official_radio', // Official Internet radio station homepage
'WPAY' => 'payment', // Payment
'WPUB' => 'publiser_webpage', // Publishers official webpage
'WXXX' => 'user_url' // User defined URL link frame
// Predefined array of album art/picture types.
private $pic_type = array(
'00' => 'Other', // Other
'01' => 'png_icon', // 32x32 pixels 'file icon' (PNG only)
'02' => 'icon', // Other file icon
'03' => 'front', // Cover (front)
'04' => 'back', // Cover (back)
'05' => 'leaflet', // Leaflet page
'06' => 'media', // Media (e.g. lable side of CD)
'07' => 'lead_artist', // Lead artist/lead performer/soloist
'08' => 'artist', // Artist/performer
'09' => 'conductor', // Conductor
'0A' => 'band', // Band/Orchestra
'0B' => 'composer', // Composer
'0C' => 'text_writer', // Lyricist/text writer
'0D' => 'location', // Recording Location
'0E' => 'during_recording', // During recording
'0F' => 'during_performance', // During performance
'10' => 'video_capture', // Movie/video screen capture
'11' => 'bright', // A bright colored fish (OGG Vorbis, opensource audio format).
'12' => 'illustration', // Illustration
'13' => 'logotype', // Band/artist logotype
'14' => 'studio_logotype' // Publisher/Studio logotype
// Constructor.
function __construct() {
// Count number of predefined ID3-tags upon object instantiation of the class.
// Just to make things a bit more dynamic.
$this->tag_count = count($this->idv_tag);
// Get the MP3 audio header
public function Get($file) {
// Open file in binary mode.
$this->handle = fopen($file, 'rb');
// Read and Unpack the first 10 bytes. Split into an array.
$header = unpack("a3signature/c1version/c1revision/c1flag/Nsize", fread($this->handle, 10));
if ($header['signature'] == 'ID3') {
$this->tag['header'] = $header; // Store headers.
$this->Read(); // Extract all ID3-tags.
// Close filestream.
// Return array.
return $this->tag;
// Get ID3-tag
private function Read() {
// Search Id3 tags.
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->tag_count; $i++) {
// Read 10 bytes. First 4: tagname, next 4: size, last 2: flags.
list('t' => $tag, 's' => $size, 'f' => $flag) = unpack('a4t/Ns/a2f', fread($this->handle, 10));
$tag = trim($tag);
// Does $tag exist?
if (empty($tag) || !$this->idv_tag[$tag])
// Read tag-data based on $size (number of bytes).
$data = $this->TagData($tag, fread($this->handle, $size));
// If the returned $data is an array, add new sub-index.
if (is_array($data))
$this->tag['tag'][$this->idv_tag[$tag]][strtolower($data[0])] = $data[1];
$this->tag['tag'][$this->idv_tag[$tag]] = $data;
// Process ID3 tag-data.
private function TagData($tag, $data) {
// If data contains album art/pictures, call Image() for extraction.
if ($tag == 'APIC')
return $this->Image($data);
// Call Encode() to convert data to UTF-8.
$data = $this->Encode($tag, $data);
// Return $data.
return ($tag == 'TXXX') ? explode("x00", $data) : $data;
// Encode string to UTF-8.
private function Encode($tag, $str) {
// Get encoding type
$enc = $this->GetEncType($str);
// Remove 'bad' bytes.
$str = $this->CleanBytes($tag, $str);
// Initialize an array with ordered encoding types.
$iso = array('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8');
// Encode string to UTF-8.
return trim(iconv($iso[$enc], 'UTF-8', $str));
// Extract album art/pictures
private function Image($image) {
// Mime image type?
$mime_type = substr(ltrim($image), 6, 3);
// Set MIME-type and offset.
if (strtolower($mime_type) == 'png') {
$mime_type = 'png'; // MIME-type
$offset = 13; // offset.
} else {
$mime_type = 'jpeg'; // MIME-type.
$offset = 14; // offset.
// Get image data.
$image_data = substr($image, $offset); // Image data (binary).
$data['mime'] = 'image/' . $mime_type; // MIME-type.
$data['size'] = strlen($image_data); // Image size.
$data['data'] = base64_encode($image_data); // Encode the binary string.
// Get the hexadecimal valude of the album art type. Front picture, back, logo etc.
$pic = substr($image, $offset-2, 1);
// Return an array where the index is the name of the art-type and value the image-$data array.
return array($this->pic_type[bin2hex($pic)], $data);
// Get encoding type.
private function GetEncType($str) {
// Get the text-encoding description byte.
// 0 = ISO-8859-1
// 1 = UTF-16LE little endian with BOM
// 2 = UTF-16BE big endian without BOM
// 3 = UTF-8
// Read the first byte and return its numeric encoding representation.
return ord($str[0]);
// Remove the leading 'bad' bytes from string.
private function CleanBytes($tag, $str) {
// Get encoding type.
$enc = $this->GetEncType($str);
// 'COMM' tag (comment) needs to be treated differently
// due to the leading 3-char language code.
if ($tag == 'COMM') {
switch ($enc) {
case 0 :
case 3 :
$offset = 5;
case 1 :
case 2 :
$offset = 10;
} else {
switch ($enc) {
case 0 :
case 3 :
$offset = 1;
case 1 :
case 2 :
$offset = 3;
// Remove bytes according to the $offset.
return substr($str, $offset);