Файл: sys/inc/libs/MP3/IDv2/Writer.php
Строк: 155
* This file contains the implementation for the Idv2-Tag writer class
* Copyright (C) 2006 Alexander Merz
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* @category File Formats
* @package MP3_IDv2
* @author Alexander Merz <alexander.merz@web.de>
* @copyright 2006 Alexander Merz
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
* @version CVS: $Id: Writer.php 244455 2007-10-19 09:54:32Z alexmerz $
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/MP3_IDv2
* @since File available since Release 0.1
* load the PEAR class for error handlng
require_once 'PEAR.php';
* load the tag data structure
require_once 'MP3/IDv2/Tag.php';
* load the generic frame structure
require_once 'MP3/IDv2/Frame.php';
* load the reader class
require_once 'MP3/IDv2/Reader.php';
* error number, if a file couldn't be open for writing
define('PEAR_MP3_IDV2_FILENOWRITE', 210);
* error message, if a file couldn't be open for writing
define('PEAR_MP3_IDV2_FILENOWRITE_S', 'Could not open file %s for writing!');
* error number, if the temporary file couldn't renamed to the given one
define('PEAR_MP3_IDV2_FILENOCOPY', 220);
* error message, if the temporary file couldn't renamed to the given one
define('PEAR_MP3_IDV2_FILENOCOPY_S', 'Could not rename temporary file to %s!');
* Writes Idv2 tags to a file
* This class writes the given Idv2 tags to a file.
* Currently the first provided tag is written
* at the top of the file, removing an existing one.
* This will become more flexible in future
* releases.
* @category File Formats
* @package MP3_IDv2
* @author Alexander Merz <alexander.merz@web.de>
* @copyright 2006 Alexander Merz
* @version Release: @package_version@
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/MP3_IDv2
* @since Class available since Release 0.1.0
class MP3_IDv2_Writer {
* Stores the tags to write.
* @var array $_tags list of tags
* @access private
protected $_tags = array();
* Add a IDv2 tag tag to write to a file.
* @param object MP3_IDv2_Tag $tag tag to add
* @access public
public function addTag($tag) {
$this->tags[] = $tag;
* Writes the provided tags to a file.
* The tags are written to a temporary file
* first and then renamed to the given
* filename.
* @param string $filename
* @return bool true if writing was successful
* @access public
public function write($filename) {
$content = '';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$fr = fopen($filename, "rb");
// do not write old tags into file
while (!feof($fr)) {
// MP3 files are normally big
$content = $content.fread($fr, 256000);
- $fh = fopen($filename."_", "wb");
if (!$fh) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
foreach($this->tags as $tag) {
// TODO check for return values!
fwrite($fh, $tag->createTag());
fwrite($fh, $content);
if (!copy($filename."_", $filename)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
} else {
return true;
* Looks for the IDv2-tag in a stream and moves the filepointer
* after the tag, if a tag could be found.
* @param int $fh the file handle
* @return bool true if tag was found, false if no tag was found
* @access private
public function jumpOverTag($fh) {
if (MP3_IDv2_Reader::findHeader($fh)) {
fseek($fh,3, SEEK_CUR);
$sa=unpack('C4size', fread($fh, 4));
$sb = substr(str_pad(decbin($sa['size1']),8, '0',STR_PAD_LEFT),1,7) .
substr(str_pad(decbin($sa['size2']),8, '0',STR_PAD_LEFT),1,7) .
substr(str_pad(decbin($sa['size3']),8, '0',STR_PAD_LEFT),1,7) .
substr(str_pad(decbin($sa['size4']),8, '0',STR_PAD_LEFT),1,7);
$size = bindec($sb);
fseek($fh, $size);
return true;
} else {
return false;