Файл: _modules/cn/index.php
Строк: 41
# mark core v1.0
# author Drk in
# date 24.10.19
# core
require_once ( $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/_core/system.php" );
require_once ( inc."Mobile_Detect.php" ); # class Mobile_Detect
$type = isset( $_GET['type'] ) ? system::check($_GET['type']): null;
$type = ($type == 'small' ? 'small':'big');
$id = isset( $_GET['id'] ) ? system::abs($_GET['id']): 0;
if (cache_pf::ch($id) === true):
$act = cache_pf::check($id);
if ($act['ban'] == 0): if ($act['mode'] == 0):
$to = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y'));
$hs = DB :: $dbh -> querySingle("SELECT count(id) FROM hs WHERE pf = ? AND ip = ? AND ua =? AND time > ?", array($id,ip,ua,$to));
if (empty($hs)): # false
$detect = new Mobile_Detect;
if ($detect->isMobile() || $detect->isTablet()): $is = ',mb = (mb + 1),mb_all = (mb_all + 1)';endif;
if (!$detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()): $is = ',pc = (pc + 1),pc_all = (pc_all + 1)'; endif;
DB :: $dbh -> query("INSERT INTO hs (pf,ip,ua,time) VALUES (?,?,?,?);",array($id,ip,ua,time()));
DB :: $dbh -> query("UPDATE platforms SET hs = (hs + 1),hs_all = (hs_all + 1) {$is} WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;", array($id));
DB :: $dbh -> query("INSERT INTO ht (pf,ip,ua,time) VALUES (?,?,?,?);",array($id,ip,ua,time()));
DB :: $dbh -> query("UPDATE platforms SET ht = (ht + 1),ht_all = (ht_all + 1) WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;", array($id));
$on = DB :: $dbh -> querySingle("SELECT count(id) FROM `on` WHERE pf = ? AND ip = ? AND ua =?", array($id,ip,ua));
if (empty($on)): # false
DB :: $dbh -> query("INSERT INTO `on` (pf,ip,ua,time) VALUES (?,?,?,?);",array($id,ip,ua,time()));
else: # true
DB :: $dbh -> query("UPDATE `on` SET time = ? WHERE pf = ? AND ip = ? AND ua =? LIMIT 1;", array(time(),$id,ip,ua));
$img = root.'css/i/cn/'.$type.'/'.$act[$type].'.gif';
$tx_hs = $act['hs']; # HOST
$tx_ht = $act['ht']; # HITS
$img = imagecreatefromgif($img);
$font = root.'css/i/cn/fonts/font.ttf';
$font_size = 7;
$color = imageColorAllocate($img, 0, 0, 0);
imagettftext($img, $font_size, 0, 3, 23, $color, $font, $tx_hs);
imagettftext($img, $font_size, 0, 39, 23, $color, $font, $tx_ht);
# error
else: $img = root.'css/i/cn/'.$type.'/mod.gif'; $img = imagecreatefromgif($img); endif;
else: $img = root.'css/i/cn/'.$type.'/ban.gif'; $img = imagecreatefromgif($img); endif;
else: $img = root.'css/i/cn/big/mod.gif'; $img = imagecreatefromgif($img); endif;
header("Content-type: image/gif");