Файл: sys/inc/gif.php
Строк: 207
require_once "gif_exg.php";
$nGif = new GIF_eXG("../image/src.gif",1);
class FRM {
var $pos_x, $pos_y, $width_f, $height_f, $tr_frm = 0, $lc_mod, $gr_mod, $off_xy, $head, $lc_palet, $image;
function FRM($lc_mod, $lc_palet, $image, $head, $pzs_xy, $gr_mod) {
$this->lc_mod = $lc_mod;
$this->lc_palet = $lc_palet;
$this->image = $image;
$this->head = $head;
$this->pos_x = $pzs_xy[0];
$this->pos_y = $pzs_xy[1];
$this->width_f = $pzs_xy[2];
$this->height_f = $pzs_xy[3];
$this->gr_mod = $gr_mod;
$this->tr_frm = ord($gr_mod[3]) & 1 ? 1 : 0;
class GIF_eXG {
private $gif, $pnt = 0, $gl_mn, $gl_palet, $gl_mod, $gl_mode, $int_w, $int_h, $au = 0, $er = 0, $nt = 0, $lp_frm = 0, $ar_frm = Array(), $gn_fld = Array(), $dl_frmf = Array(), $dl_frms = Array();
function GIF_eXG($file_src, $opt) {
$this->gif = file_get_contents($file_src);
$this->gl_mn = $this->gtb(13);
if (substr($this->gl_mn, 0, 3) != "GIF") {
$this->er = 1;
return 0;
}$this->int_w = $this->rl_int($this->gl_mn[6] . $this->gl_mn[7]);
$this->int_h = $this->rl_int($this->gl_mn[8] . $this->gl_mn[9]);
if (($vt = ord($this->gl_mn[10])) & 128 ? 1 : 0) {
$this->gl_palet = $this->gtb(pow(2, ($vt & 7) + 1) * 3);
if($this->gif[$this->pnt] == "x21"){
while ($this->gif[$this->pnt + 1] != "xF9" && $this->gif[$this->pnt] != "x2C") {
switch ( $this->gif[$this->pnt + 1] ) {
case "xFE":
$sum = 2;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
}$opt ? $this->gtb($sum + 1) : $buffer_add.=$this->gtb($sum + 1);
case "xFF":
$sum = 14;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
}$buffer_add.=$this->gtb($sum + 1);
case "x01":
$sum = 15;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
}$opt ? $this->gtb($sum + 1) : $buffer_add.=$this->gtb($sum + 1);
}}$this->gl_mod = $buffer_add;
while ($this->gif[$this->pnt] != "x3B" && $this->gif[$this->pnt + 1] != "xFE" && $this->gif[$this->pnt + 1] != "xFF" && $this->gif[$this->pnt + 1] != "x01") {
$pzs_xy = Array();
while ($this->gif[$this->pnt] != "x2C") {
switch ($this->gif[$this->pnt + 1]) {
case "xF9":
$this->gn_fld[] = $this->gif[$this->pnt + 3];
$this->dl_frmf[] = $this->gif[$this->pnt + 4];
$this->dl_frms[] = $this->gif[$this->pnt + 5];
$gr_mod = $buffer_add = $this->gtb(8);
case "xFE":
$sum = 2;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
}$opt ? $this->gtb($sum + 1) : $buffer_add.=$this->gtb($sum + 1);
case "xFF":
$sum = 14;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
}if (substr($tmp_buf = $this->gtb($sum + 1), 3, 8) == "NETSCAPE") {
if (!$this->nt) {
$this->nt = 1;
} else {
case "x01":
$sum = 15;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
}$opt ? $this->gtb($sum + 1) : $buffer_add.=$this->gtb($sum + 1);
}$lc_mod = $buffer_add;
$pzs_xy[] = $this->ms_int(1, 2);
$pzs_xy[] = $this->ms_int(3, 2);
$pzs_xy[] = $this->ms_int(5, 2);
$pzs_xy[] = $this->ms_int(7, 2);
$head = $this->gtb(10);
if((($pzs_xy[0] + $pzs_xy[2])-$this->int_w)>0){
$head[1]= "x00";
$head[2]= "x00";
$head[5]= $this->int_raw($this->int_w);
$head[6]= "x00";
if((($pzs_xy[1] + $pzs_xy[3])-$this->int_h)>0){
$head[3]= "x00";
$head[4]= "x00";
$head[7]= $this->int_raw($this->int_h);
$head[8]= "x00";
if ((ord($this->gif[$this->pnt - 1]) & 128 ? 1 : 0)) {
$lc_i = pow(2, (ord($this->gif[$this->pnt - 1]) & 7) + 1) * 3;
$lc_palet = $this->gtb($lc_i);
}$sum = 0;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
$this->ar_frm[] = new FRM($lc_mod, $lc_palet, $this->gtb($sum + 2), $head, $pzs_xy, $gr_mod);
}$buffer_add = "";
while ($this->gif[$this->pnt] != "x3B") {
switch ($this->gif[$this->pnt + 1]){
case "xFE":
$sum = 2;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
}$opt ? $this->gtb($sum + 1) : $buffer_add.=$this->gtb($sum + 1);
if ($sum == 17) {
$this->au = 1;
case "xFF":
$sum = 14;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
}$buffer_add.=$this->gtb($sum + 1);
case "x01":
$sum = 15;
while (($lc_i = ord($this->gif[$this->pnt + $sum])) != 0x00) {
$sum+=$lc_i + 1;
}$opt ? $this->gtb($sum + 1) : $buffer_add.=$this->gtb($sum + 1);
}$this->gl_mode = $buffer_add;
$this->gif = "";
private function gtb($n) {
$b = substr($this->gif, $this->pnt, $n);
return $b;
private function rl_int($hw) {
$z = ord($hw[1]) << 8;
$c = ord($hw[0]);
$x = $z | $c;
return $x;
private function ms_int($g_f, $g_s) {
return $this->rl_int(substr($this->gif, $this->pnt + $g_f, $g_s));
private function int_raw($t) {
return chr($t & 255) . chr(($t & 0xFF00) >> 8);
private function cr_img($i) {
return $this->gl_mn . $this->gl_palet . $this->gl_mod . $this->ar_frm[$i]->lc_mod . $this->ar_frm[$i]->head . $this->ar_frm[$i]->lc_palet . $this->ar_frm[$i]->image . "x3B";
private function resize_img($b, $ind_f, $des) {
$buf_n = round($this->ar_frm[$ind_f]->width_f * $des[0]);
$n_width = $buf_n ? $buf_n : 1;
$buf_n = round($this->ar_frm[$ind_f]->height_f * $des[1]);
$n_height = $buf_n ? $buf_n : 1;
$n_pos_x = round($this->ar_frm[$ind_f]->pos_x * $des[0]);
$n_pos_y = round($this->ar_frm[$ind_f]->pos_y * $des[1]);
$this->ar_frm[$ind_f]->off_xy = $this->int_raw($n_pos_x) . $this->int_raw($n_pos_y);
$str_img = @imagecreatefromstring($b);
if ($this->lp_frm == 1 || $des[3]) {
$img_s = @imagecreatetruecolor($n_width, $n_height);
} else {
$img_s = @imagecreate($n_width, $n_height);
}if ($this->ar_frm[$ind_f]->tr_frm) {
$in_trans = @imagecolortransparent($str_img);
if ($in_trans >= 0 && $in_trans < @imagecolorstotal($img_s)) {
$tr_clr = @imagecolorsforindex($str_img, $in_trans);
}if ($this->lp_frm == 1 || $des[3]) {
$n_trans = @imagecolorallocatealpha($img_s, 255, 255, 255, 127);
} else {
$n_trans = @imagecolorallocate($img_s, $tr_clr['red'], $tr_clr['green'], $tr_clr['blue']);
}@imagecolortransparent($img_s, $n_trans);
@imagefill($img_s, 0, 0, $n_trans);
}@imagecopyresampled($img_s, $str_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $n_width, $n_height, $this->ar_frm[$ind_f]->width_f, $this->ar_frm[$ind_f]->height_f);
$t_img = ob_get_clean();
return $t_img;
private function rm_fld($str_img, $gr_i) {
$hd = $offset = 13 + pow(2, (ord($str_img[10]) & 7) + 1) * 3;
$i_hd = 0;
$m_off = 0;
for ($i = 13; $i < $offset; $i++) {
}if ($this->ar_frm[$gr_i]->tr_frm) {
while ($str_img[$offset + $m_off] != "xF9") {
}$str_img[$offset + $m_off + 2] = $this->gn_fld[$gr_i];
$str_img[$offset + $m_off + 3] = $this->dl_frmf[$gr_i];
$str_img[$offset + $m_off + 4] = $this->dl_frms[$gr_i];
}while ($str_img[$offset] != "x2C") {
}$str_img[$offset + 1] = $this->ar_frm[$gr_i]->off_xy[0];
$str_img[$offset + 2] = $this->ar_frm[$gr_i]->off_xy[1];
$str_img[$offset + 3] = $this->ar_frm[$gr_i]->off_xy[2];
$str_img[$offset + 4] = $this->ar_frm[$gr_i]->off_xy[3];
$str_img[$offset + 9] = chr($str_img[$offset + 9] | 0x80 | (ord($str_img[10]) & 0x7));
$ms1 = substr($str_img, $hd, $i_hd + 10);
if (!$this->ar_frm[$gr_i]->tr_frm) {
$ms1 = $this->ar_frm[$gr_i]->gr_mod . $ms1;
}return $ms1 . $palet . substr(substr($str_img, $offset + 10), 0, -1);
function resize($file_dst, $new_x, $new_y, $pr, $sm) {
if ($this->er) {
printf("ERROR: signature file is incorrectly");
return 0;
}if ($new_x == 0 || $new_y == 0) {
printf("ERROR: size height or width can not be equal to zero");
return 0;
}$des = Array(0, 0, 0);
$des[3] = $sm;
$des[0] = $new_x / $this->int_w;
$des[1] = $new_y / $this->int_h;
if ($pr) {
$rt = min($des[0], $des[1]);
$des[0] == $rt ? $des[1] = $rt : $des[0] = $rt;
}for ($i = 0; $i < $this->lp_frm; $i++) {
$f_buf.=$this->rm_fld($this->resize_img($this->cr_img($i), $i, $des), $i);
}$gm = $this->gl_mn;
$gm[10] = $gm[10] & 0x7F;
$bf_t = round($this->int_w * $des[0]);
$t = $this->int_raw($bf_t ? $bf_t : 1);
$gm[6] = $t[0];
$gm[7] = $t[1];
$bf_t = round($this->int_h * $des[1]);
$t = $this->int_raw($bf_t ? $bf_t : 1);
$gm[8] = $t[0];
$gm[9] = $t[1];
if (strlen($this->gl_mode)) {
$con = $this->gl_mode . "x3B";
} else {
$con = "x3B";
}if (!$this->au) {
$con = "x21xFEx0Eyuriy_khomenkox00" . $con;
}file_put_contents($file_dst, $gm . $this->gl_mod . $f_buf . (iconv_strlen($con) >= 19 ? $con : "x21"));
return 1;