Файл: modules/library/includes/addnew.php
Строк: 117
* This file is part of JohnCMS Content Management System.
* @copyright JohnCMS Community
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPL-3.0
* @link https://johncms.com JohnCMS Project
use LibraryHashtags;
use LibraryUtils;
use PsrHttpMessageServerRequestInterface;
defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') || die('Error: restricted access');
$request = di(ServerRequestInterface::class);
* @var PDO $db
* @var JohncmsSystemUsersUser $user
* @var JohncmsSystemViewRender $view
* @var ServerRequestInterface $request
$title = __('Write Article');
if ($adm || ((isset($id) && $user->isValid()) && ($db->query('SELECT `user_add` FROM `library_cats` WHERE `id` = ' . $id)->rowCount()))) {
$err = [];
$name = isset($_POST['name']) ? mb_substr(trim($_POST['name']), 0, 100) : '';
$announce = isset($_POST['announce']) ? mb_substr(trim($_POST['announce']), 0, 500) : '';
$text = isset($_POST['text']) ? trim($_POST['text']) : '';
$tag = isset($_POST['tags']) ? trim($_POST['tags']) : '';
$md = false;
$cid = false;
$flood = $tools->antiflood();
if ($flood) {
$err[] = sprintf(__('You cannot add the Article so often<br>Please, wait %d sec.'), $flood);
} elseif (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (empty($name)) {
$err[] = __('You have not entered the name');
if (! empty($_FILES['textfile']['name'])) {
$ext = explode('.', $_FILES['textfile']['name']);
if (mb_strtolower(end($ext)) === 'txt') {
$newname = $_FILES['textfile']['name'];
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['textfile']['tmp_name'], UPLOAD_PATH . 'library/tmp/' . $newname)) {
$txt = file_get_contents(UPLOAD_PATH . 'library/tmp/' . $newname);
if (mb_check_encoding($txt, 'windows-1251')) {
$txt = iconv('windows-1251', 'UTF-8', $txt);
} elseif (mb_check_encoding($txt, 'KOI8-R')) {
$txt = iconv('KOI8-R', 'UTF-8', $txt);
} else {
$err[] = __('The file is invalid encoding, preferably UTF-8');
$text = trim($txt);
unlink(UPLOAD_PATH . 'library/tmp' . DS . $newname);
} else {
$err[] = __('Error uploading');
} else {
$err[] = __('Invalid file format allowed * .txt');
} elseif (empty($text)) {
$err[] = __('You have not entered text');
$md = $adm ? 1 : 0;
if (! count($err)) {
$insert = [
(isset($_POST['comments']) ? 1 : 0),
$sql = '
INSERT INTO `library_texts`
`cat_id` = ?,
`name` = ?,
`announce` = ?,
`text` = ?,
`uploader` = ?,
`uploader_id` = ?,
`premod` = ?,
`comments` = ?,
`time` = ?
if ($db->prepare($sql)->execute($insert)) {
$cid = (int) $db->lastInsertId();
$files = $request->getUploadedFiles();
/** @var GuzzleHttpPsr7UploadedFile $screen */
$screen = $files['image'] ?? false;
if ($screen->getClientFilename()) {
try {
Utils::imageUpload($cid, $screen);
} catch (Exception $exception) {
$err[] = __('Photo uploading error');
if (! empty($_POST['tags'])) {
$tags = (array) array_map('trim', explode(',', $_POST['tags']));
if (count($tags)) {
$obj = new Hashtags($cid);
$db->exec('UPDATE `users` SET `lastpost` = ' . time() . ' WHERE `id` = ' . $user->id);
if (count($err)) {
$error = '';
foreach ($err as $e) {
$error .= $tools->displayError($e);
} else {
echo $view->render(
'title' => $title,
'page_title' => $title,
'error' => $error,
'md' => $md,
'cid' => $cid,
'id' => $id,
'name' => $name,
'announce' => $announce,
'text' => $text,
'tag' => $tag,
'bbcode' => di(JohncmsSystemLegacyBbcode::class)->buttons('form', 'text'),