Файл: modules/homepage/index.php
Строк: 131
* This file is part of JohnCMS Content Management System.
* @copyright JohnCMS Community
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPL-3.0
* @link https://johncms.com JohnCMS Project
use JohncmsCounters;
use JohncmsSystemLegacyTools;
use JohncmsSystemViewRender;
use JohncmsNavChain;
use JohncmsSystemi18nTranslator;
defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') || die('Error: restricted access');
define('_IS_HOMEPAGE', 1); // Пометка главной страницы
* @var Render $view
* @var NavChain $nav_chain
* @var Tools $tools
$view = di(Render::class);
$news_config = di('config')['johncms']['news'];
$tools = di(Tools::class);
$nav_chain = di(NavChain::class);
// Устанавливаем мета теги keywords и description
$config = di('config')['johncms'];
'keywords' => $config['meta_key'],
'description' => $config['meta_desc'],
// Register Namespace for module templates
$view->addFolder('homepage', __DIR__ . '/templates/');
// Register the module languages domain and folder
di(Translator::class)->addTranslationDomain('homepage', __DIR__ . '/locale');
$data = [];
if ($news_config['view'] > 0) {
$reqtime = $news_config['days'] ? time() - ($news_config['days'] * 86400) : 0;
$req = $db->query(
"SELECT * FROM `news` WHERE `time` > '${reqtime}' ORDER BY `time` DESC LIMIT " .
if ($req->rowCount()) {
$i = 0;
$news = '';
$items = [];
while ($res = $req->fetch()) {
$text = $res['text'];
$moreLink = '';
// Если текст больше заданного предела, обрезаем
if (mb_strlen($text) > $news_config['size']) {
$text = mb_substr($text, 0, $news_config['size']);
$text = htmlentities($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '...';
$text = $tools->checkout($text, $news_config['breaks'] ? 1 : 2, $news_config['tags'] ? 1 : 2);
if ($news_config['smileys']) {
$text = $tools->smilies($text);
// Ссылка на каменты
$comments_url = '';
$comments_count = 0;
if (! empty($res['kom']) && $news_config['view'] !== 2 && $news_config['kom'] > 0) {
$res_mes = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_topic` WHERE `id` = '" . $res['kom'] . "'");
if ($mes = $res_mes->fetch()) {
$comments_count = $mes['post_count'] - 1;
if ($comments_count >= 0) {
$comments_url = '/forum/?type=topic&id=' . $res['kom'];
$items[] = [
'text' => $news_config['view'] !== 2 ? $text : '',
'title' => $res['name'],
'comments' => $comments_count ?? 0,
'comments_url' => $comments_url,
$data['news'] = $items ?? [];
// TODO: Если приживется, объединить со счетчиками в меню для избежания лишних запросов
/** @var Counters $counters */
$counters = di('counters');
$count['forum'] = $counters->forumCounters();
$count['guestbook'] = $counters->guestbookCounters();
$count['downloads'] = $counters->downloadsCounters();
$count['library'] = $counters->libraryCounters();
$count['users'] = $counters->usersCounters();
$count['news'] = $counters->news();
$data['counters'] = $count;
echo $view->render('homepage::index', ['data' => $data]);