Файл: modules/forum/includes/nt.php
Строк: 139
* This file is part of JohnCMS Content Management System.
* @copyright JohnCMS Community
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPL-3.0
* @link https://johncms.com JohnCMS Project
defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') || die('Error: restricted access');
* @var array $config
* @var PDO $db
* @var JohncmsSystemLegacyTools $tools
* @var JohncmsSystemUsersUser $user
// Check access
if (
! $id
|| ! $user->isValid()
|| isset($user->ban['1'])
|| isset($user->ban['11'])
|| (! $user->rights && $config['mod_forum'] == 3)
) {
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('Access forbidden'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => __('Access forbidden'),
'back_url' => '?type=topics&id=' . $id,
'back_url_name' => __('Go to Section'),
// Вспомогательная Функция обработки ссылок форума
function forum_link($m)
global $config, $db;
if (! isset($m[3])) {
return '[url=' . $m[1] . ']' . $m[2] . '[/url]';
$p = parse_url($m[3]);
if ('http://' . $p['host'] . ($p['path'] ?? '') . '?id=' == $config['homeurl'] . '/forum/?id=') {
$thid = abs((int) (preg_replace('/(.*?)id=/si', '', $m[3])));
$req = $db->query("SELECT `text` FROM `forum_topic` WHERE `id`= '${thid}' AND (`deleted` != '1' OR deleted IS NULL)");
if ($req->rowCount()) {
$res = $req->fetch();
$name = strtr(
'"' => '',
'&' => '',
'<' => '',
'>' => '',
''' => '',
'[' => '',
']' => '',
if (mb_strlen($name) > 40) {
$name = mb_substr($name, 0, 40) . '...';
return '[url=' . $m[3] . ']' . $name . '[/url]';
return $m[3];
return $m[3];
// Проверка на флуд
$flood = $tools->antiflood();
if ($flood) {
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('New Topic'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => sprintf(__('You cannot add the message so often<br>Please, wait %d sec.'), $flood),
'back_url' => '?type=topics&id=' . $id . '&start=' . $start,
'back_url_name' => __('Back'),
$req_r = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_sections` WHERE `id` = '${id}' AND `section_type` = 1 LIMIT 1");
if (! $req_r->rowCount()) {
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('New Topic'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => __('Wrong data'),
'back_url' => '/forum/',
'back_url_name' => __('Back'),
$res_r = $req_r->fetch();
$th = filter_has_var(INPUT_POST, 'th')
? mb_substr(filter_var($_POST['th'], FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS, ['flag' => FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGH]), 0, 100)
: '';
$msg = isset($_POST['msg']) ? trim($_POST['msg']) : '';
$msg = preg_replace_callback(
if (
isset($_POST['submit'], $_POST['token'], $_SESSION['token'])
&& $_POST['token'] == $_SESSION['token']
) {
$error = [];
if (empty($th)) {
$error[] = __('You have not entered topic name');
if (mb_strlen($th) < 2) {
$error[] = __('Topic name too short');
if (empty($msg)) {
$error[] = __('You have not entered the message');
if (mb_strlen($msg) < 4) {
$error[] = __('Text is too short');
if (! $error) {
$msg = preg_replace_callback(
$sql = 'SELECT (
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_topic` WHERE `section_id` = ? AND `name` = ?) AS topic, (
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_messages` WHERE `user_id` = ? AND `text`= ?) AS msg';
$sth = $db->prepare($sql);
$sth->execute([$id, $th, $user->id, $msg]);
$row = $sth->fetch();
// Прверяем, есть ли уже такая тема в текущем разделе?
if ($row['topic']) {
$error[] = __('Topic with same name already exists in this section');
// Проверяем, не повторяется ли сообщение?
if ($row['msg']) {
$error[] = __('Message already exists');
if (! $error) {
// Если задано в настройках, то назначаем топикстартера куратором
$curator = $res_r['access'] == 1 ? serialize([$user->id => $user->name]) : '';
$date = new DateTime();
$date = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// Добавляем тему
INSERT INTO `forum_topic` SET
`section_id` = ?,
`created_at` = ?,
`user_id` = ?,
`user_name` = ?,
`name` = ?,
`last_post_date` = ?,
`post_count` = 0,
`curators` = ?
/** @var JohncmsSystemHttpEnvironment $env */
$env = di(JohncmsSystemHttpEnvironment::class);
$rid = $db->lastInsertId();
// Добавляем текст поста
INSERT INTO `forum_messages` SET
`topic_id` = ?,
`date` = ?,
`user_id` = ?,
`user_name` = ?,
`ip` = ?,
`ip_via_proxy` = ?,
`user_agent` = ?,
`text` = ?
$postid = $db->lastInsertId();
// Пересчитаем топик
// Записываем счетчик постов юзера
$fpst = $user->postforum + 1;
"UPDATE `users` SET
`postforum` = '${fpst}',
`lastpost` = '" . time() . "'
WHERE `id` = '" . $user->id . "'
// Ставим метку о прочтении
"INSERT INTO `cms_forum_rdm` SET
`user_id`='" . $user->id . "',
`time`='" . time() . "'
if (isset($_POST['addfiles']) && $_POST['addfiles'] == 1) {
header("Location: ?id=${postid}&act=addfile");
} else {
header("Location: ?type=topic&id=${rid}");
} else {
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('New Topic'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => $error,
'back_url' => '/forum/?act=nt&id=' . $id,
'back_url_name' => __('Repeat'),
} else {
$tree = [];
$tools->getSections($tree, $res_r['parent']);
$msg_pre = $tools->checkout($msg, 1, 1);
$msg_pre = $tools->smilies($msg_pre, $user->rights ? 1 : 0);
$msg_pre = preg_replace('#[c](.*?)[/c]#si', '<div class="quote">1</div>', $msg_pre);
foreach ($tree as $item) {
$nav_chain->add($item['name'], '/forum/?' . ($item['section_type'] == 1 ? 'type=topics&' : '') . 'id=' . $item['id']);
$nav_chain->add($res_r['name'], '/forum/?' . ($res_r['section_type'] == 1 ? 'type=topics&' : '') . 'id=' . $res_r['id']);
$nav_chain->add(__('New Topic'));
$token = mt_rand(1000, 100000);
$_SESSION['token'] = $token;
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('New Topic'),
'page_title' => __('New Topic'),
'settings_forum' => $set_forum,
'id' => $id,
'token' => $token,
'th' => $th,
'add_files' => isset($_POST['addfiles']),
'msg' => isset($_POST['msg']) ? $tools->checkout($_POST['msg'], 0, 0) : '',
'bbcode' => di(JohncmsSystemLegacyBbcode::class)->buttons('new_topic', 'msg'),
'back_url' => '/forum/?' . ($res_r['section_type'] == 1 ? 'type=topics&' : '') . 'id=' . $id,
'show_post_preview' => $msg && $th && ! isset($_POST['submit']),
'preview_message' => $msg_pre,