Файл: modules/forum/includes/editpost.php
Строк: 117
* This file is part of JohnCMS Content Management System.
* @copyright JohnCMS Community
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPL-3.0
* @link https://johncms.com JohnCMS Project
defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') || die('Error: restricted access');
* @var PDO $db
* @var JohncmsSystemLegacyTools $tools
* @var JohncmsSystemUsersUser $user
if (! $user->isValid() || ! $id) {
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('Edit Message'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => __('Wrong data'),
'back_url' => '/forum/',
'back_url_name' => __('Back'),
$req = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_messages` WHERE `id` = '${id}' " . ($user->rights >= 7 ? '' : " AND (`deleted` != '1' OR deleted IS NULL)"));
if ($req->rowCount()) {
// Предварительные проверки
$res = $req->fetch();
$topic = $db->query('SELECT `section_id`, `curators` FROM `forum_topic` WHERE `id` = ' . $res['topic_id'])->fetch();
$curators = ! empty($topic['curators']) ? unserialize($topic['curators'], ['allowed_classes' => false]) : [];
if (array_key_exists($user->id, $curators)) {
$user->rights = 3;
$page = ceil(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_messages` WHERE `topic_id` = '" . $res['topic_id'] . "' AND `id` " . ($set_forum['upfp'] ? '>=' : '<=') . " '${id}'" . ($user->rights < 7 ? " AND (`deleted` != '1' OR deleted IS NULL)" : '')
)->fetchColumn() / $user->config->kmess
$posts = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_messages` WHERE `topic_id` = '" . $res['topic_id'] . "' AND (`deleted` != '1' OR deleted IS NULL)")->fetchColumn();
$link = '?type=topic&id=' . $res['topic_id'] . '&page=' . $page;
$error = false;
if ($user->rights == 3 || $user->rights >= 6) {
// Проверка для Администрации
if ($res['user_id'] != $user->id) {
$req_u = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '" . $res['user_id'] . "'");
if ($req_u->rowCount()) {
$res_u = $req_u->fetch();
if ($res_u['rights'] > $user->rights) {
$error = __('You cannot edit posts of higher administration') . '<br /><a href="' . $link . '">' . __('Back') . '</a>';
} else {
// Проверка для обычных юзеров
if ($res['user_id'] != $user->id) {
$error = __('You are trying to change another's post') . '<br /><a href="' . $link . '">' . __('Back') . '</a>';
if (! $error) {
$section = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `forum_sections` WHERE `id` = ' . $topic['section_id'])->fetch();
$allow = ! empty($section['access']) ? (int) ($section['access']) : 0;
$check = true;
if ($allow == 2) {
$first = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_messages` WHERE `topic_id` = '" . $res['topic_id'] . "' ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1")->fetch();
if ($first['user_id'] == $user->id && $first['id'] == $id) {
$check = false;
if ($check) {
$res_m = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_messages` WHERE `topic_id` = '" . $res['topic_id'] . "' AND (`deleted` != 1 OR deleted IS NULL) ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1")->fetch();
if ($res_m['user_id'] != $user->id) {
$error = __('Your message not already latest, you cannot change it') . '<br /><a href="' . $link . '">' . __('Back') . '</a>';
} elseif (
$res['date'] < time() - 300
&& $res_m['user_id'] != $user->id && $res_m['date'] + 3600 > strtotime('+ 1 hour')
) {
$error = __('You cannot edit your posts after 5 minutes') . '<br /><a href="' . $link . '">' . __('Back') . '</a>';
} else {
$error = __('Message does not exists or has been deleted') . '<br><a href="./">' . __('Forum') . '</a>';
$fid = isset($_GET['fid']) && $_GET['fid'] > 0 ? abs((int) ($_GET['fid'])) : false;
if (! $error) {
switch ($do) {
case 'restore':
// Восстановление удаленного поста
$req_u = $db->query("SELECT `postforum` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '" . $res['user_id'] . "'");
if ($req_u->rowCount()) {
// Добавляем один балл к счетчику постов юзера
$res_u = $req_u->fetch();
$db->exec("UPDATE `users` SET `postforum` = '" . ($res_u['postforum'] + 1) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $res['user_id'] . "'");
$db->exec('UPDATE `forum_messages` SET `deleted` = NULL, `deleted_by` = ' . $db->quote($user->name) . " WHERE `id` = '${id}'");
$req_f = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `cms_forum_files` WHERE `post` = '${id}'");
if ($req_f->rowCount()) {
$db->exec("UPDATE `cms_forum_files` SET `del` = '0' WHERE `post` = '${id}'");
header('Location: ' . $link);
case 'delfile':
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('Delete file'),
'page_title' => __('Delete file'),
'id' => $id,
'fid' => $fid,
'back_url' => $link,
case 'deletefile':
if (isset($_POST['delfile'])) {
$req_f = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `cms_forum_files` WHERE `id` = ' . $fid);
$res_f = $req_f->fetch();
if ($req_f->rowCount()) {
$db->exec('DELETE FROM `cms_forum_files` WHERE `id` = ' . $fid);
unlink(UPLOAD_PATH . 'forum/attach/' . $res_f['filename']); //TODO: Разобраться с путем
header('Location: ' . $link);
} else {
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('Edit Message'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => __('You cannot edit your posts after 5 minutes'),
'back_url' => $link,
case 'delete':
// Удаление поста и прикрепленного файла
if ($res['deleted'] != 1) {
$req_u = $db->query("SELECT `postforum` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '" . $res['user_id'] . "'");
if ($req_u->rowCount()) {
// Вычитаем один балл из счетчика постов юзера
$res_u = $req_u->fetch();
$postforum = $res_u['postforum'] > 0 ? $res_u['postforum'] - 1 : 0;
$db->exec("UPDATE `users` SET `postforum` = '" . $postforum . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $res['user_id'] . "'");
if ($user->rights == 9 && ! isset($_GET['hide'])) {
// Удаление поста (для Супервизоров)
$req_f = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `cms_forum_files` WHERE `post` = '${id}'");
if ($req_f->rowCount()) {
// Если есть прикрепленные файлы, удаляем их
while ($res_f = $req_f->fetch()) {
unlink(UPLOAD_PATH . 'forum/attach/' . $res_f['filename']);
$db->exec('DELETE FROM `cms_forum_files` WHERE `post` = ' . $id);
// Формируем ссылку на нужную страницу темы
$page = ceil($db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_messages` WHERE `topic_id` = '" . $res['topic_id'] . "' AND `id` " . ($set_forum['upfp'] ? '>' : '<') . " '${id}'")->fetchColumn() / $user->config->kmess);
$db->exec("DELETE FROM `forum_messages` WHERE `id` = '${id}'");
if ($posts < 2) {
// Пересылка на удаление всей темы
header('Location: ?act=deltema&id=' . $res['topic_id']);
} else {
header('Location: ?type=topic&id=' . $res['topic_id'] . '&page=' . $page);
} else {
// Скрытие поста
$req_f = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `cms_forum_files` WHERE `post` = '${id}'");
if ($req_f->rowCount()) {
// Если есть прикрепленные файлы, скрываем их
$db->exec("UPDATE `cms_forum_files` SET `del` = '1' WHERE `post` = '${id}'");
if ($posts == 1) {
// Если это был последний пост темы, то скрываем саму тему
$res_l = $db->query("SELECT `section_id` FROM `forum_topic` WHERE `id` = '" . $res['topic_id'] . "'")->fetch();
$db->exec("UPDATE `forum_topic` SET `deleted` = '1', `deleted_by` = '" . $user->name . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $res['topic_id'] . "'");
header('Location: ?type=topics&id=' . $res_l['section_id']);
} else {
$db->exec("UPDATE `forum_messages` SET `deleted` = '1', `deleted_by` = '" . $user->name . "' WHERE `id` = '${id}'");
// Пересчитываем топик
header('Location: ?type=topic&id=' . $res['topic_id'] . '&page=' . $page);
// Пересчитываем топик
case 'del':
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('Delete Message'),
'page_title' => __('Delete Message'),
'id' => $id,
'posts' => $posts,
'back_url' => $link,
// Редактирование поста
$msg = isset($_POST['msg']) ? trim($_POST['msg']) : '';
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if (empty($_POST['msg'])) {
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('Edit Message'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => __('You have not entered the message'),
'back_url' => '/forum/?act=editpost&id=' . $id,
'back_url_name' => __('Repeat'),
UPDATE `forum_messages` SET
`edit_time` = ?,
`editor_name` = ?,
`edit_count` = ?,
`text` = ?
WHERE `id` = ?
($res['edit_count'] + 1),
header('Location: ?type=topic&id=' . $res['topic_id'] . '&page=' . $page);
$msg_pre = $tools->checkout($msg, 1, 1);
$msg_pre = $tools->smilies($msg_pre, $user->rights ? 1 : 0);
$msg_pre = preg_replace('#[c](.*?)[/c]#si', '<div class="quote">1</div>', $msg_pre);
if ($msg && ! isset($_POST['submit'])) {
$foundUser = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '" . $res['user_id'] . "' LIMIT 1")->fetch();
$message = (empty($_POST['msg']) ? htmlentities($res['text'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : $tools->checkout($_POST['msg'], 0, 0));
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('Edit Message'),
'page_title' => __('Edit Message'),
'id' => $id,
'bbcode' => di(JohncmsSystemLegacyBbcode::class)->buttons('edit_post', 'msg'),
'msg' => $message,
'start' => $start,
'back_url' => $link,
'settings_forum' => $set_forum,
'show_post_preview' => $msg && ! isset($_POST['submit']),
'preview_message' => $msg_pre,
'user_id' => $foundUser['id'] ?? 0,
'message_author' => $foundUser ?? [],
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('Error'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => $error,