Файл: modules/downloads/includes/view.php
Строк: 191
* This file is part of JohnCMS Content Management System.
* @copyright JohnCMS Community
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPL-3.0
* @link https://johncms.com JohnCMS Project
use DownloadsDownload;
use DownloadsScreen;
defined('_IN_JOHNCMS') || die('Error: restricted access');
* @var PDO $db
* @var JohncmsSystemLegacyTools $tools
* @var JohncmsSystemUsersUser $user
// Выводим файл
$req_down = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `download__files` WHERE `id` = '" . $id . "' AND (`type` = 2 OR `type` = 3) LIMIT 1");
$res_down = $req_down->fetch();
if (! $req_down->rowCount() || ! is_file($res_down['dir'] . '/' . $res_down['name'])) {
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('File not found'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => __('File not found'),
'back_url' => $url,
'back_url_name' => __('Downloads'),
$title_page = htmlspecialchars($res_down['rus_name']);
if ($res_down['type'] === 3 && $user->rights < 6 && $user->rights !== 4) {
echo $view->render(
'title' => __('The file is on moderation'),
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => __('The file is on moderation'),
'back_url' => $url,
'back_url_name' => __('Downloads'),
Download::navigation(['dir' => $res_down['dir'], 'refid' => 1, 'count' => 0]);
$extension = strtolower(pathinfo($res_down['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
$urls = [
'downloads' => $url,
'back' => '?id=' . $res_down['refid'],
$file_data = $res_down;
// Получаем список скриншотов
$text_info = '';
$screen = Screen::getScreens($id);
$file_data['file_type'] = 'other';
$file_data['screenshots'] = $screen;
$file_properties = [];
switch ($extension) {
case 'mp3':
case 'aac':
case 'm4a':
$getID3 = new getID3();
$getID3->encoding = 'cp1251';
$getid = $getID3->analyze($res_down['dir'] . '/' . $res_down['name']);
$mp3info = true;
if (! empty($getid['tags']['id3v2'])) {
$tagsArray = $getid['tags']['id3v2'];
} elseif (! empty($getid['tags']['id3v1'])) {
$tagsArray = $getid['tags']['id3v1'];
} else {
$mp3info = false;
$file_properties = [
'name' => __('Channels'),
'value' => $getid['audio']['channels'] . ' (' . $getid['audio']['channelmode'] . ')',
'name' => __('Sample rate'),
'value' => ceil($getid['audio']['sample_rate'] / 1000) . ' KHz',
'name' => __('Bitrate'),
'value' => ceil($getid['audio']['bitrate'] / 1000) . ' Kbit/s',
'name' => __('Duration'),
'value' => $getid['playtime_string'],
if ($mp3info) {
if (isset($tagsArray['artist'][0])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Artist'),
'value' => Download::mp3tagsOut($tagsArray['artist'][0]),
if (isset($tagsArray['title'][0])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Title'),
'value' => Download::mp3tagsOut($tagsArray['title'][0]),
if (isset($tagsArray['album'][0])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Album'),
'value' => Download::mp3tagsOut($tagsArray['album'][0]),
if (isset($tagsArray['genre'][0])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Genre'),
'value' => Download::mp3tagsOut($tagsArray['genre'][0]),
if (isset($tagsArray['year'][0])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Year'),
'value' => Download::mp3tagsOut($tagsArray['year'][0]),
$file_data['file_type'] = 'audio';
case 'avi':
case 'webm':
case 'mov':
case 'mp4':
$getID3 = new getID3();
$getID3->encoding = 'cp1251';
$getid = $getID3->analyze($res_down['dir'] . '/' . $res_down['name']);
if (! empty($getid['video'])) {
if (isset($getid['video']['fourcc_lookup'])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Codec'),
'value' => $getid['video']['fourcc_lookup'],
if (isset($getid['video']['frame_rate'])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Frame rate'),
'value' => $getid['video']['frame_rate'] . ' FPS',
if (isset($getid['video']['bitrate'])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Bitrate'),
'value' => ceil($getid['video']['bitrate'] / 1000) . ' Kbit/s',
if (isset($getid['playtime_string'])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Duration'),
'value' => $getid['playtime_string'],
if (isset($getid['video']['resolution_x'])) {
$file_properties[] = [
'name' => __('Resolution'),
'value' => $getid['video']['resolution_x'] . 'x' . $getid['video']['resolution_y'] . 'px',
$file_data['file_type'] = 'video';
case 'jpg':
case 'jpeg':
case 'gif':
case 'png':
$file_path = $res_down['dir'] . '/' . $res_down['name'];
$screen[] = [
'url' => '/' . $file_path,
'preview' => '/assets/modules/downloads/preview.php?type=2&img=' . rawurlencode($file_path),
$file_data['screenshots'] = $screen;
$info_file = getimagesize($res_down['dir'] . '/' . $res_down['name']);
$file_data['image_info'] = [
'width' => $info_file[0],
'height' => $info_file[1],
$file_data['file_type'] = 'image';
$file_data['file_properties'] = $file_properties;
$file_data['description'] = $tools->checkout($res_down['about'], 1, 1);
// Выводим данные
$foundUser = $db->query('SELECT `name`, `id` FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ' . $res_down['user_id'])->fetch();
$file_data['upload_user'] = $foundUser;
// Рейтинг файла
$file_rate = explode('|', $res_down['rate']);
$file_rate[0] = ! empty($file_rate[0]) ? (int) $file_rate[0] : 0;
$file_rate[1] = ! empty($file_rate[1]) ? (int) $file_rate[1] : 0;
$session_index = 'rate_file_' . $id;
if ((isset($_GET['plus']) || isset($_GET['minus'])) && ! isset($_SESSION[$session_index]) && $user->isValid()) {
if (isset($_GET['plus'])) {
} else {
$db->exec("UPDATE `download__files` SET `rate`='" . $file_rate[0] . '|' . $file_rate[1] . "' WHERE `id`=" . $id);
$file_data['vote_accepted'] = true;
$_SESSION['rate_file_' . $id] = true;
$file_data['can_vote'] = false;
if (! isset($_SESSION[$session_index]) && $user->isValid()) {
$file_data['can_vote'] = true;
$sum = ($file_rate[1] + $file_rate[0]) ? round(100 / ($file_rate[1] + $file_rate[0]) * $file_rate[0]) : 50;
$file_data['rate'] = $file_rate;
// Запрашиваем дополнительные файлы
$req_file_more = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `download__more` WHERE `refid` = ' . $id . ' ORDER BY `time`');
$total_files_more = $req_file_more->rowCount();
$file_data['main_file'] = Download::downloadLlink(
'format' => $extension,
'res' => $res_down,
$file_data['additional_files'] = [];
// Дополнительные файлы
if ($total_files_more) {
$i = 0;
while ($res_file_more = $req_file_more->fetch()) {
$res_file_more['dir'] = $res_down['dir'];
$res_file_more['text'] = $res_file_more['rus_name'];
$file_data['additional_files'][] = Download::downloadLlink(
'format' => pathinfo($res_file_more['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION),
'res' => $res_file_more,
'more' => $res_file_more['id'],
// Управление закладками
if ($user->isValid()) {
$bookmark = $db->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `download__bookmark` WHERE `file_id` = ' . $id . ' AND `user_id` = ' . $user->id)->fetchColumn();
if (isset($_GET['addBookmark']) && ! $bookmark) {
$db->exec("INSERT INTO `download__bookmark` SET `file_id`='" . $id . "', `user_id` = " . $user->id);
$bookmark = 1;
} elseif (isset($_GET['delBookmark']) && $bookmark) {
$db->exec("DELETE FROM `download__bookmark` WHERE `file_id`='" . $id . "' AND `user_id` = " . $user->id);
$bookmark = 0;
echo $view->render(
'title' => $title_page,
'page_title' => $title_page,
'id' => $id,
'file' => $file_data,
'in_bookmarks' => $bookmark ?? 0,
'urls' => $urls ?? [],