Файл: modules/album/locale/ro.lng.php
Строк: 102
<?php return array (
'domain' => 'album',
'plural-forms' => 'nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100>0 && n%100<20)) ? 1 : 2);',
'messages' =>
array (
'' =>
array (
'User does not exists' => 'Utilizatorul nu exista',
'Access forbidden' => 'Acess interzis',
'Comments' => 'Comentarii',
'Wrong data' => 'Date gresite',
'Delete album:' => 'Sterge Album',
'Album deleted' => 'Album sters',
'Are you sure you want to delete this album? If it contains photos, they also will be deleted.' => 'Esti sigur ca vrei sa stergi acest album? Daca el contine poze, vor fi sterse.',
'Edit Album' => 'Editeaza album',
'Create Album' => 'Creeaza album',
'Title' => 'Titlu',
'Invalid length' => 'Lungime invalida',
'You have not entered password' => 'Nu ai introdus nici o parola',
'Password' => 'Parola',
'The album already exists' => 'Albumul exista deja',
'Album successfully changed' => 'Album schimbat cu sucess',
'Album successfully created' => 'Album creeat cu sucess',
'Delete image' => 'Șterge imaginea',
'Are you sure you want to delete this image?' => 'Esti sigur ca vrei sa stergi imaginea?',
'File does not exist' => 'Fisierul nu exista',
'Back' => 'Înapoi',
'Edit image' => 'Editeaza imagine',
'Image successfully changed' => 'Imagine schimbata cu sucess',
'Continue' => 'Continua',
'Move image' => 'Muta imaginea',
'Image successfully moved to the selected album' => 'Imaginea a fost mutate cu sucees in albumul selectat',
'You must create at least one additional album in order to move the image' => 'Trebuie sa creezi cel putin inca in album pentru a muta imaginea',
'Upload image' => 'Incarca poza',
'The weight of the file exceeds' => 'Dimensiunea fisierului este prea mare',
'Image uploaded' => 'Poza incarcata',
'Your albums' => 'Albumul Meu',
'User albums:' => 'Album Utilizator',
'User albums' => 'Album Utilizator',
'View photo' => 'Vizualizare Poza',
'Access denied' => 'Accesul Interzis',
'Album List' => 'Lista de albume',
'Incorrect Password' => 'Parola nu este corecta',
'Photo added to the profile' => 'Poza adaugata la profil',
'Unread Comments' => 'Comentarii necitite',
'Recent comments' => 'Comentarii recente',
'Top Views' => 'Top vizualizari',
'Top Downloads' => 'Top descarcari',
'Top Comments' => 'Top comentarii',
'Top Votes' => 'Top voturi',
'Top Worst' => 'Top cel mai urat',
'New photos' => 'Poze noi',
'List of users' => 'Lista Utilizatori',
'All' => 'Toate',
'Guys' => 'Baieti',
'Girls' => 'Fete',
'You cannot vote for this photo.' => 'Nu puteti vota aceasta poza',
'Albums' => 'Albume',
'For registered users only' => 'Doar pentru utilizatori inregistrati',
'Choose file' => 'Selecteaza Fisier',
'Allowed format image JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF<br>File size should not exceed %d kb.' => 'Fisiere premise JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF <br>Fisieru nu trebuie sa fie mai mare de %d kb.',
'Description' => 'Descriere',
'Save' => 'Salveaza',
'Cancel' => 'Anuleaza',
'Access' => 'Acess',
'Everyone' => 'Toata lumea',
'With Password' => 'Cu parola',
'Only for me' => 'Doar pentru mine',
'You must type a password to view this album' => 'Introdu parola pentru a vizualiza albumul',
'Enter' => 'Intra',
'Delete' => 'Șterge',
'New Photos' => 'Poze noi',
'New Comments' => 'Comantarii noi',
'My Album' => 'Albumul meu',
'Rating' => 'Voturi',
'Up' => 'Sus',
'Down' => 'Jos',
'Edit' => 'Editeaza',
'Select Album' => 'Selecteaza album',
'Move' => 'Muta',
'The list is empty' => 'Lista este goala',
'Add image' => 'Adauga imagine',
'User:' => 'Utilizator',
'Album:' => 'Album',
'Total' => 'Total',
'Photo' => 'Fotografie',
'Views' => 'Vizualizări',
'Downloads' => 'Descarcari',
'Date' => 'Data',
'User' => 'Utilizator',
'Album' => 'Album',
'Download' => 'Descarcă',
'Actions' => 'Actiuni',
'Add to Profile' => 'Adauga la profil',
'Total:' => 'Total',