Файл: modules/admin/includes/forum/htopics.php
Строк: 92
* This file is part of JohnCMS Content Management System.
* @copyright JohnCMS Community
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPL-3.0
* @link https://johncms.com JohnCMS Project
defined('_IN_JOHNADM') || die('Error: restricted access');
* @var PDO $db
* @var JohncmsSystemLegacyTools $tools
* @var JohncmsSystemUsersUser $user
* @var JohncmsNavChain $nav_chain
* @var JohncmsSystemHttpRequest $request
$title = __('Hidden topics');
// Управление скрытыми темами форума
$sort = '';
$link = '';
$data['reset_filter'] = '?mod=htopics';
if (isset($_GET['usort'])) {
$sort = " AND `forum_topic`.`user_id` = '" . abs((int) ($_GET['usort'])) . "'";
$link = '&usort=' . abs((int) ($_GET['usort']));
$data['filtered_by'] = __('by author');
if (isset($_GET['rsort'])) {
$sort = " AND `forum_topic`.`section_id` = '" . abs((int) ($_GET['rsort'])) . "'";
$link = '&rsort=' . abs((int) ($_GET['rsort']));
$data['filtered_by'] = __('by section');
if (isset($_POST['deltopic'])) {
if ($user->rights != 9) {
echo $view->render(
'title' => $title,
'type' => 'alert-danger',
'message' => __('Access forbidden'),
'admin' => true,
'menu_item' => 'forum',
'parent_menu' => 'module_menu',
'back_url' => '/admin/forum/',
'back_url_name' => __('Back'),
$req = $db->query("SELECT `id` FROM `forum_topic` WHERE `deleted` = '1' ${sort}");
while ($res = $req->fetch()) {
$req_f = $db->query('SELECT * FROM `cms_forum_files` WHERE `topic` = ' . $res['id']);
if ($req_f->rowCount()) {
// Удаляем файлы
while ($res_f = $req_f->fetch()) {
unlink(UPLOAD_PATH . 'forum/attach/' . $res_f['filename']);
$db->exec('DELETE FROM `cms_forum_files` WHERE `topic` = ' . $res['id']);
// Удаляем посты
$db->exec('DELETE FROM `forum_messages` WHERE `topic_id` = ' . $res['id']);
// Удаляем темы
$db->exec("DELETE FROM `forum_topic` WHERE `deleted` = '1' ${sort}");
header('Location: ?mod=htopics');
} else {
$total = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `forum_topic` WHERE `deleted` = '1' ${sort}")->fetchColumn();
$req = $db->query(
"SELECT `forum_topic`.*,
`forum_topic`.`id` AS `fid`,
`forum_topic`.`name` AS `topic_name`,
`forum_topic`.`user_id` AS `id`,
`forum_topic`.`user_name` AS `name`,
FROM `forum_topic` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `forum_topic`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
WHERE `forum_topic`.`deleted` = '1' ${sort} ORDER BY `forum_topic`.`id` DESC LIMIT " . $start . ',' . $user->config->kmess
if ($req->rowCount()) {
while ($res = $req->fetch()) {
$subcat = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_sections` WHERE `id` = '" . $res['section_id'] . "'")->fetch();
$cat = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `forum_sections` WHERE `id` = '" . $subcat['parent'] . "'")->fetch();
$res['display_date'] = $tools->displayDate($res['mod_last_post_date']);
$res['topic_url'] = '/forum/?type=topic&id=' . $res['fid'];
$res['buttons'] = [
'url' => '?mod=htopics&rsort=' . $res['section_id'],
'name' => __('by author'),
'url' => '?mod=htopics&usort=' . $res['user_id'],
'name' => __('by section'),
$res['path'] = [
'url' => '/forum/?id=' . $cat['id'],
'name' => $cat['name'],
'url' => '/forum/?type=topics&id=' . $subcat['id'],
'name' => $subcat['name'],
$res['user_profile_link'] = '';
if (! empty($res['id']) && $user->id !== $res['id']) {
$res['user_profile_link'] = '/profile/?user=' . $res['id'];
$res['user_is_online'] = time() <= $res['lastdate'] + 300;
$res['search_ip_url'] = '/admin/search_ip/?ip=' . long2ip((int) $res['ip']);
$res['ip'] = long2ip((int) $res['ip']);
$res['ip_via_proxy'] = ! empty($res['ip_via_proxy']) ? long2ip((int) $res['ip_via_proxy']) : 0;
$res['search_ip_via_proxy_url'] = '/admin/search_ip/?ip=' . $res['ip_via_proxy'];
$items[] = $res;
if ($user->rights === 9 && $total > 0) {
$data['del_all_url'] = '?mod=htopics' . $link;
$data['items'] = $items ?? [];
$data['total'] = $total;
$data['back_url'] = '/admin/forum/';
if ($total > $user->config->kmess) {
$data['pagination'] = $tools->displayPagination('?mod=htopics&', $start, $total, $user->config->kmess);
echo $view->render(
'title' => $title,
'page_title' => $title,
'data' => $data,