Файл: install/locale/en/install.php
Строк: 275
* This file is part of JohnCMS Content Management System.
* @copyright JohnCMS Community
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPL-3.0
* @link https://johncms.com JohnCMS Project
return [
'access_rights' => 'Access Rights',
'admin' => 'Administrator',
'admin_login' => 'Administrator Login',
'admin_login_help' => 'Allowed Latin letters, numbers and punctuation - = @ ! ? ~ _ ( ) [ ] * (except zero)<br />Min. 2, max. 15 characters.',
'admin_panel' => 'Admin Panel',
'admin_password' => 'Administrator Password',
'admin_password_help' => 'Allowed Latin letters and numbers<br />Min. 5, max. 10 characters',
'already_installed' => 'The system is already installed',
'are_warnings' => 'There are warnings.<br />Recommended to fix them, otherwise normal system work is not guaranteed.',
'back' => 'Back',
'change' => 'Change',
'change_language' => 'Choose language',
'check_1' => 'Pre-Installation Check',
'check' => 'Check',
'check_again' => 'Check again',
'configuration_successful' => 'Check your configuration is successful',
'congratulations' => 'CONGRATULATIONS!',
'continue' => 'Continue',
'critical_errors' => 'There are fatal errors.<br />Installation cannot be continue until the elimination of errors.',
'data_conversion' => 'Data Conversion',
'database' => 'DataBase',
'description' => 'Description',
'error_access_rights' => 'Necessary access rights',
'error_admin_empty' => 'Administrator is not specified',
'error_admin_lenght' => 'Invalid length for Nick',
'error_db_host' => 'Invalid DataBase host address',
'error_db_host_empty' => 'DataBase host is not specified',
'error_db_name' => 'Database does not exist',
'error_db_name_empty' => 'Not specified database',
'error_db_unknown' => 'Connection Error',
'error_db_user' => 'Invalid DataBase user',
'error_db_user_empty' => 'Not specified DataBase user',
'error_module' => 'PHP module is not loaded',
'error_nick_symbols' => 'Invalid characters in the Nickname',
'error_pass_symbols' => 'Invalid characters in the password',
'error_password_empty' => 'You have not entered the password of Administrator',
'error_password_lenght' => 'Invalid password length',
'error_php_version' => 'Outdated version, not supported by system',
'error_siteurl_empty' => 'Not specified site URL',
'error_table_prepare' => 'An error occurred while preparing the tables',
'error' => 'ERROR!',
'errors' => 'Errors',
'final' => 'Finish',
'final_note' => 'Do not forget to delete the folder <span class="red"><b>/install</b></span>',
'final_warning' => '<h2 class="red">WARNING!</h2><h3>After installation, you must delete folder /<span class="red">install</span></h3>',
'go_to_site' => 'Go to Site',
'home' => 'Home',
'ignore_warnings' => 'Ignore all the warnings and start the installation',
'install' => 'Installation',
'install_demo' => 'Install the DEMO data (on Russian)',
'install_demo_help' => 'Will be installed the basic setup and some texts (in Russian)',
'install_note' => '<h3 class="green">Welcome!</h3><ul><li>List of changes located in the file <a href="?act=changelog">CHANGELOG.md</a></li><li>Additional information is available on the official project website <a href="http://johncms.com">http://johncms.com</a></li><li>Installing and using JohnCMS, means complete acceptance of the terms of the <a href="?act=license">license</a></li></ul>',
'installation_completed' => 'Installation successful<br />Now you can go to the admin panel and customize your site',
'languages' => 'After installation, you can add additional languages.<br />They can be downloaded from <a href="http://johncms.com/download/index.php?cat=483">JohnCMS</a>',
'not_recommended' => '(not recommended)',
'photoalbums_move' => 'Transferring albums',
'php_critical_error' => 'PHP critical Errors',
'php_warnings' => 'PHP Warnings',
'prepare_tables' => 'Preparing Tables',
'reset_form' => 'Reset form',
'setup' => 'Install',
'site_email' => 'Site E-mail',
'site_email_help' => 'We recommend to use actual address<br />This e-mail will be used for notifying users',
'site_settings' => 'Site Settings',
'site_url' => 'Site URL',
'site_url_help' => 'Do not change this field if the address was defined correctly',
'start_installation' => 'Start Installation',
'start_update' => 'Begin Update',
'status' => 'Status',
'successfully_updated' => 'Congratulations!<br />JohnCMS have successfully updated to version INSTALL_VERSION',
'system' => 'System',
'table_prepared' => 'Table prepared',
'to_install_again' => 'To reinstall, remove the following files and run the installer again',
'to_site' => 'Go to site',
'update' => 'Update',
'update_from' => 'Update from Version',
'update_warning' => '<h2 class="red">ATTENTION!</h2><ul><li>Please note that an update is possible only for the original (no mods) system <b>JohnCMS #UPDATE_VERSION#</b><br />If you use any Mods, the possibility of updating necessarily agree with their authors.<br />Installing this update on the modified system can lead to complete Site failure.</li><li>Before starting the upgrade process, save a backup copy of the database.<br />If for some reason the update is not finished, you have to restore the database from backup.</li><li>Some steps can take a long time (several minutes), which depends on the size of the database, hosting, etc.</li><li>If you begin your upgrade, then undo the changes will not be possible without restoring from a backup</li><li>Be sure to read the <a href="../#MODE#.txt">instructions for updating</a>.</li></ul>',
'updated' => 'Updated',
'warnings' => 'Warnings',