Файл: config/notifications.global.php
Строк: 33
* This file is part of JohnCMS Content Management System.
* @copyright JohnCMS Community
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GPL-3.0
* @link https://johncms.com JohnCMS Project
return [
// Шаблоны уведомлений для модуля форума
'forum' => [
'name' => d__('system', 'Forum'),
'events' => [
'new_message' => [
'name' => d__('system', 'New reply on the forum'),
'message' => d__('system', 'New answer in the topic:') .
' <a href="#topic_url#"><b>#topic_name#</b></a><br>' .
d__('system', 'User <b>#user_name#</b> responded to <a href="#reply_to_message#">Your message</a>.') .
'<div class="text-muted small mt-2">#message#</div>',
'karma' => [
'name' => d__('system', 'Karma'),
'events' => [
'new_vote' => [
'name' => d__('system', 'New vote in karma'),
'message' => d__('system', 'User <b>#user_name#</b> voted in <a href="#karma_url#">your karma</a>.') .
'<div><b>#vote_points#</b> #message#</div>',