Файл: Just Wallet 2.0.4/application/libraries/Notice.php
Строк: 540
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Notice
function sum_tickets() {
$CI =& get_instance();
$tickets = $CI->load->support_model->sum_tickets("0");
return $tickets;
function sum_verification() {
$CI =& get_instance();
$verification = $CI->load->verification_model->sum_verification("0");
return $verification;
// ** Admin notice ** //
function sum_admin_support() {
$CI =& get_instance();
$ticket_pending = $CI->load->support_model->sum_admin_support();
return $ticket_pending;
// ** Admin notice ** //
function sum_admin_disputes() {
$CI =& get_instance();
$disputes_pending = $CI->load->disputes_model->sum_admin_disputes();
return $disputes_pending;
// ** Admin notice ** //
function sum_admin_verify() {
$CI =& get_instance();
$verify_pending = $CI->load->verification_model->sum_admin_verify();
return $verify_pending;
// ** User notice ** //
function sum_user_invoices($user) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$invoices_pending = $CI->load->invoices_model->sum_user_invoices($user);
return $invoices_pending;
// ** User notice support ** //
function sum_user_support($user) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$ticket_pending = $CI->load->support_model->sum_user_support($user);
return $ticket_pending;
// ** Total merchants ** //
function sum_merchants($id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$total_merchants = $CI->load->merchants_model->sum_total_merchants($id);
return $total_merchants;
// ** Total items ** //
function sum_items($merchant_id, $category_id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$total_items = $CI->load->merchants_model->sum_total_items($merchant_id, $category_id);
return $total_items;
// ** Total items in orders ** //
function sum_items_orders($user) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$total_items = $CI->load->orders_model->sum_total_orders($user);
return $total_items;
// ** Total ** //
function sum_items_cart($user) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$total_items = $CI->load->cart_model->sum_total_items($user);
return $total_items;
// ** Detail img item cart ** //
function detail_item_cart_img($id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$item = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_item($id);
return $item['img'];
// ** Detail name item cart ** //
function detail_item_cart_name($id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$item = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_item($id);
return $item['name'];
// ** Detail id item cart ** //
function detail_item_cart_id($id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$item = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_item($id);
return $item['id'];
// ** Detail id item fee ** //
function detail_item_cart_fee($id, $amount) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$item = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_item($id);
$merchant = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_merchant($item['merchant_id']);
// Who pays the fees?
if ($merchant['payeer_fee'] == "0") {
return "0.00";
} else {
// Calculation of the commission and total sum
$percent = $merchant['fee']/"100";
$percent_fee = $amount * $percent;
$total_fee_calc = $percent_fee + $merchant['fix_fee'];
$total_fee = number_format($total_fee_calc, 2, '.', '');
return $total_fee;
// ** Detail availability item cart ** //
function detail_item_cart_availability($id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$item = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_item($id);
return $item['availability'];
// ** Detail link item cart ** //
function detail_item_cart_link($id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$item = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_item($id);
return $item['download_link'];
// ** Detail currency item cart ** //
function detail_item_cart_currency($id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$item = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_item($id);
return $item['currency'];
// ** Detail price item cart ** //
function detail_item_cart_price($id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$item = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_item($id);
return $item['price'];
// ** Detail shop item cart ** //
function detail_item_cart_shop($id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
$item = $CI->load->merchants_model->get_cart_shop_item($id);
return $item['name'];
// ** Hold balance ** //
function hold_balance($user, $currency, $type)
$CI =& get_instance();
// Main balance
if ($type == 1) {
$user_holder = $CI->load->users_model->get_username($user);
// hold balance
$hold_balance = $CI->load->transactions_model->hold_balance($user, $currency);
// check balance - hold
if ($hold_balance == NULL) {
return $user_holder[$currency];
} else {
$total_balance = $user_holder[$currency] - $hold_balance;
return number_format($total_balance, 2, '.', '');
} else {
// hold balance
$hold_balance = $CI->load->transactions_model->hold_balance($user, $currency);
if ($hold_balance == NULL) {
return "0.00";
} else {
return $hold_balance;
// ** Check +/- amount and fee transactions for merchant for transaction ** //
function check_amount_transaction($sum, $amount, $fee, $sender, $receiver, $type, $user, $id_transaction) {
$CI =& get_instance();
// Money transfer
if ($type == 3) {
if ($sender == $user) {
return '<span class="text-danger">- '.$sum.'</span>';
} else {
return '<span class="text-success">+ '.$amount.'</span>';
} else if ($type == 1) {
return '<span class="text-success">+ '.$sum.'</span>';
} else if ($type == 4) {
return '<span class="text-danger">- '.$sum.'</span>';
} else if ($type == 2) {
return '<span class="text-danger">- '.$sum.'</span>';
} else if ($type == 5) {
$transaction = $CI->load->transactions_model->get_transactions($id_transaction);
$sum_mecrhant = $amount - $fee;
// Merchant fee
if ($transaction['payer_fee'] == 1) {
// for user/sender
if ($sender == $user) {
return '<span class="text-danger">- '.$amount.'</span>';
} else {
return '<span class="text-success">+ '.number_format($sum_mecrhant, 2, '.', '').'</span>';
} else {
// Payer fee
if ($sender == $user) {
return '<span class="text-danger">- '.$sum.'</span>';
} else {
return '<span class="text-success">+ '.$amount.'</span>';
// ** Check detail transaction ** //
function check_fee_transaction($sum, $amount, $fee, $sender, $receiver, $type, $user, $id_transaction) {
$CI =& get_instance();
if ($type == 1) {
return $fee;
} else if ($type == 2) {
return $fee;
} else if ($type == 3) {
if ($sender == $user) {
return $fee;
} else {
return "0.00";
} else if ($type == 4) {
return $fee;
} else if ($type == 5) {
$transaction = $CI->load->transactions_model->get_transactions($id_transaction);
// Merchant fee
if ($transaction['payer_fee'] == 1) {
// for user/sender
if ($sender == $user) {
return "0.00";
} else {
return $fee;
} else {
// Payer fee
if ($sender == $user) {
return $fee;
} else {
return "0.00";
// ** Check detail sum transaction ** //
function check_sum_transaction($sum, $amount, $fee, $sender, $receiver, $type, $user, $id_transaction) {
$CI =& get_instance();
if ($type == 1) {
return $sum;
} else if ($type == 2) {
return $amount;
} else if ($type == 3) {
if ($sender == $user) {
return $sum;
} else {
return $amount;
} else if ($type == 4) {
return $sum;
} else if ($type == 5) {
// ** Check img for transactions ** //
function check_img($type, $sender, $id) {
$CI =& get_instance();
if ($type == 3) {
$user = $CI->load->users_model->get_username($sender);
$url = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/';
$url .= md5( strtolower( trim( $user['email'] ) ) );
if ( $img ) {
foreach ( $atts as $key => $val )
$url .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $val . '"';
return $url;
} else if ($type == 1) {
$method = $CI->load->settings_model->get_dep_method_name($sender);
if ($method != NULL) {
if ($method['id'] == 1) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/paypal.png";
} else if ($method['id'] == 2) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/pm.png";
} else if ($method['id'] == 3) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/advcash.png";
} else if ($method['id'] == 4) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/payeer.png";
} else if ($method['id'] == 5) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/visa.png";
} else if ($method['id'] == 6) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/visa.png";
} else if ($method['id'] == 7) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/swift.png";
} else if ($method['id'] == 8) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/local_bank.png";
} else if ($method['id'] == 9) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/btc.png";
} else if ($method['id'] == 10) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/blockchain.png";
} else {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/fiat.png";
} else {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/fiat.png";
} else if ($type == 4) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/exchange.png";
} else if ($type == 2) {
$transaction = $CI->load->transactions_model->get_transactions($id);
$method_win = $CI->load->settings_model->get_win_method_name($transaction['user_comment']);
if ($method_win != NULL) {
if ($method['id'] == 1) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/paypal.png";
} else if ($method_win['id'] == 2) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/visa.png";
} else if ($method_win['id'] == 3) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/btc.png";
} else if ($method_win['id'] == 4) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/swift.png";
} else if ($method_win['id'] == 5) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/skrill.png";
} else if ($method_win['id'] == 6) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/payza.png";
} else if ($method_win['id'] == 7) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/advcash.png";
} else if ($method_win['id'] == 8) {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/pm.png";
} else {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/fiat.png";
} else {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/fiat.png";
} else if ($type == 5) {
$transaction = $CI->load->transactions_model->get_transactions($id);
$check_merchant = $CI->load->transactions_model->get_merchant($transaction['merchant']);
if ($check_merchant != NULL) {
return '/upload/logo/'.$check_merchant['logo'];
} else {
return "/assets/themes/account/img/pay-icon/fiat.png";
// ** Send email notification ** //