Файл: xmyx.ru/user/bookmarks/index/index.php
Строк: 276
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/sys/inc/home.php';
include_once H.'sys/inc/start.php';
include_once H.'sys/inc/compress.php';
include_once H.'sys/inc/sess.php';
include_once H.'sys/inc/settings.php';
include_once H.'sys/inc/db_connect.php';
include_once H.'sys/inc/ipua.php';
include_once H.'sys/inc/fnc.php';
include_once H.'sys/inc/user.php';
if (!isset($user)){
header("Location: /" . SID);
if (!isset($_GET['type'])){
$set['title'] = 'Метки : Закладки : ' . $user['nick']; // заголовок страницы
include_once H.'sys/inc/thead.php';
$vse = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id_object) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]'"),0);
$people = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id_object) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `type` = 'people'"),0);
$files = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id_object) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `type` = 'file'"),0);
$foto = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id_object) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `type` = 'foto'"),0);
$forum = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id_object) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `type` = 'forum'"),0);
$notes = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id_object) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `type` = 'notes'"),0);
<div class="lc_br wbg font0 relative oh" id="header_path">
<a href="/" style="font-size:0;"> <img src="/style/i/lb/home.png" alt=""> </a>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <a href="/user/?id=<?= $user['id']?>"><?= $user['nick']?></a> </span>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <a href="?id=<?= $user['id']?>">Закладки</a> </span>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <span class="lc_br_text">Метки</span> </span>
<div class="tabs_block oh">
<a href="/user/bookmarks/" class="tab_item left" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Закладки </a>
<div class="tab_item left tab_active black" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Метки </div>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/likes/" class="tab_item left"> Понравилось </a>
<div class="wrapper wbg">
if($vse == 0){
<div class="block"> Вы не добавили ни одной метки. </div>
if($people > 0){
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/?type=people" class="link darkblue">
<img src="/style/i/People.gif" alt="" class="m p16"> <span class="m">Люди</span> <span class="grey m">(<?= $people?>)</span>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/files.php?id=<?= $user['id']?>" class="link darkblue">
<img src="/style/i/files_bright_m.png" alt="" class="m p16"> <span class="m">Файлы</span> <span class="grey m">(<?= $files?>)</span>
if($foto > 0){
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/?type=photo" class="link darkblue">
<img src="/style/i/PhotoIcon.gif" alt="" class="m p16"> <span class="m">Фото</span> <span class="grey m">(<?= $foto?>)</span>
if($forum > 0){
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/?type=forum" class="link darkblue">
<img src="/style/i/Forum.gif" alt="" class="m p16"> <span class="m">Темы форума</span> <span class="grey m">(<?= $forum?>)</span>
if($notes > 0){
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/?type=blog" class="link darkblue">
<img src="/style/i/diary.gif" alt="" class="m p16"> <span class="m">Блоги</span> <span class="grey m">(<?= $notes?>)</span>
/* Вывод ЛЮДЕЙ */
if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'people'){
if (isset($user) && isset($_GET['del'])){
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($_GET['del']) . "' AND `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'people' LIMIT 1");
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Закладка удалена.';
header("Location: ?type=people&P=" . intval($_GET['page']) . "" . SID);
$set['title'] = 'Закладки : ' . $user['nick']; // заголовок страницы
include_once H.'sys/inc/thead.php';
<div class="lc_br wbg font0 relative oh" id="header_path">
<a href="/" style="font-size:0;"> <img src="/style/i/lb/home.png" alt=""> </a>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <a href="/user/?id=<?= $user['id']?>"><?= $user['nick']?></a> </span>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <span class="lc_br_text">Закладки</span> </span>
<div class="tabs_block oh">
<div class="tab_item left tab_active black" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Закладки </div>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/" class="tab_item left" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Метки </a>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/likes/" class="tab_item left"> Понравилось </a>
$set['p_str'] = '10';
$k_post = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'people' "),0);
$k_page = k_page($k_post,$set['p_str']);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = $set['p_str']*$page-$set['p_str'];
if ($k_post == 0){
<div class="wrapper link">Нет людей в закладках.</div>
<div class="wrapper wbg bb0">
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'people' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start, $set[p_str]");
while ($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))
$user_p = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` = $post[id_object] LIMIT 1"));
<div class="list_item"> <div class="bookmark">
<span class="iwb">
<a class="right" href="?type=people&del=<?= $post['id']?>"><img src="/style/i/cross_light.png" alt="" title="Удалить закладку"/></a>
<?= group($user_p['id'])?> <a href="/user/?id=<?= $user_p['id']?>" class="mysite-link">
<b class="nick"><?= unick($user_p['id'])?></b></a> <?= medal($user_p['id'])?>
</div> </div>
if ($k_page>1)str('?type=people&',$k_page,$page); // Вывод страниц
<div class="list_item"> <b>Выбранные метки:</b> <span class="lh_160"> <span>Люди</span> </span> </div>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/" class="link darkblue return full_link"> <span class="ico ico_arrow-back"></span> Назад </a>
/* Вывод фото */
if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'photo'){
if (isset($user) && isset($_GET['del'])){
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($_GET['del']) . "' AND `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'foto' LIMIT 1");
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Закладка удалена.';
header("Location: ?type=photo&P=" . intval($_GET['page']) . "" . SID);
$set['title'] = 'Закладки : ' . $user['nick']; // заголовок страницы
include_once H.'sys/inc/thead.php';
<div class="lc_br wbg font0 relative oh" id="header_path">
<a href="/" style="font-size:0;"> <img src="/style/i/lb/home.png" alt=""> </a>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <a href="/user/?id=<?= $user['id']?>"><?= $user['nick']?></a> </span>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <span class="lc_br_text">Закладки</span> </span>
<div class="tabs_block oh">
<div class="tab_item left tab_active black" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Закладки </div>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/" class="tab_item left" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Метки </a>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/likes/" class="tab_item left"> Понравилось </a>
$set['p_str'] = '10';
$k_post = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'foto' "),0);
$k_page = k_page($k_post,$set['p_str']);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = $set['p_str']*$page-$set['p_str'];
if ($k_post == 0){
<div class="wrapper link"> Нет фотографий в закладках. </div>
<div class="wrapper wbg bb0">
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'foto' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start, $set[p_str]");
while ($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){
$photo = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `gallery_foto` WHERE `id` = '$post[id_object]' LIMIT 1"));
<div class="list_item">
<div class="bookmark">
<div class="list_item bookmark_block js-file_item oh">
<div class="left font0 relative" style="margin-right:5px;">
<a class="tdn gview_link" href="/foto/<?= $photo['id_user']?>/<?= $photo['id_gallery']?>/<?= $photo['id']?>/">
<div class="inl_bl relative"> <img src="/foto/pic50/<?= $photo['id']?>.p.51.50.0.<?= $photo['ras']?>" alt="" class="preview"> </div>
<div class="oh">
<a href="/foto/<?= $photo['id_user']?>/<?= $photo['id_gallery']?>/<?= $photo['id']?>/" class="arrow_link strong_link">
<img src="/style/i/icon_img_jpg.gif" alt="" class="m p16"> <span class="m"><?= text($photo['name'])?></span></a>
<span style="color:gray;" class="m">.<?= $photo['ras']?></span>
<span class="file_size m"> <?= size_file(filesize(H.'sys/tpic/pictures/'.$photo['id'].'.0.jpg'))?> </span> <br> <br>
<a class="right" href="?type=photo&del=<?= $post['id']?>"><img src="/style/i/cross_light.png" alt="" title="Удалить закладку"/></a>
<div class="clear"></div>
</div> <div class="clear"></div> </div>
</div> </div>
if ($k_page > 1)str('?type=photo&',$k_page,$page); // Вывод страниц
<div class="list_item"> <b>Выбранные метки:</b> <span class="lh_160"> <span>Фото</span> </span> </div>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/" class="link darkblue return full_link"> <span class="ico ico_arrow-back"></span> Назад </a>
/****** ВВЫВОД БЛОГОВ ******** */
if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'blog'){
if (isset($user) && isset($_GET['del'])){
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($_GET['del']) . "' AND `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'notes' LIMIT 1");
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Закладка удалена.';
header("Location: ?type=blog&P=" . intval($_GET['page']) . "" . SID);
$set['title'] = 'Закладки : ' . $user['nick']; // заголовок страницы
include_once H.'sys/inc/thead.php';
<div class="lc_br wbg font0 relative oh" id="header_path">
<a href="/" style="font-size:0;"> <img src="/style/i/lb/home.png" alt=""> </a>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <a href="/user/?id=<?= $user['id']?>"><?= $user['nick']?></a> </span>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <span class="lc_br_text">Закладки</span> </span>
<div class="tabs_block oh">
<div class="tab_item left tab_active black" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Закладки </div>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/" class="tab_item left" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Метки </a>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/likes/" class="tab_item left"> Понравилось </a>
$set['p_str'] = '10';
$k_post = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'notes' "),0);
$k_page = k_page($k_post,$set['p_str']);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = $set['p_str']*$page-$set['p_str'];
if ($k_post == 0){
<div class="wrapper link"> Нет блогов в закладках. </div>
<div class="wrapper wbg bb0">
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'notes' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start, $set[p_str]");
while ($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){
$diary = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `notes` WHERE `id` = '$post[id_object]' LIMIT 1"));
<div class="list_item">
<div class="bookmark">
<span class="iwb">
<a class="right" href="?type=blog&del=<?= $post['id']?>"><img src="/style/i/cross_light.png" alt="" title="Удалить закладку"/></a>
<span style="display:inline-block;max-width:100%;" class="m oh diary_inline">
<a class="arrow_link strong_link" href="/user/blogs/read/?id=<?= $diary['id']?>">
<span><?= text($diary['name'])?></span>
</span> </span>
</div> </div>
if ($k_page > 1)str('?type=blog&',$k_page,$page); // Вывод страниц
<div class="list_item"> <b>Выбранные метки:</b> <span class="lh_160"> <span>Блоги</span> </span> </div>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/" class="link darkblue return full_link"> <span class="ico ico_arrow-back"></span> Назад </a>
/****** ВВЫВОД ФОРУМА ******** */
if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'forum'){
if (isset($user) && isset($_GET['del'])){
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id` = '" . intval($_GET['del']) . "' AND `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'forum' LIMIT 1");
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Закладка удалена.';
header("Location: ?type=forum&P=" . intval($_GET['page']) . "" . SID);
$set['title'] = 'Закладки : ' . $user['nick']; // заголовок страницы
include_once H.'sys/inc/thead.php';
<div class="lc_br wbg font0 relative oh" id="header_path">
<a href="/" style="font-size:0;"> <img src="/style/i/lb/home.png" alt=""> </a>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <a href="/user/?id=<?= $user['id']?>"><?= $user['nick']?></a> </span>
<span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <span class="lc_br_text">Закладки</span> </span>
<div class="tabs_block oh">
<div class="tab_item left tab_active black" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Закладки </div>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/" class="tab_item left" style="padding: 12px 9px 8px 9px"> Метки </a>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/likes/" class="tab_item left"> Понравилось </a>
$set['p_str'] = '10';
$k_post = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'forum' "),0);
$k_page = k_page($k_post,$set['p_str']);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = $set['p_str']*$page-$set['p_str'];
if ($k_post == 0){
<div class="wrapper link"> Нет тем форума в закладках. </div>
<div class="wrapper wbg bb0">
$q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `type` = 'forum' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start, $set[p_str]");
while ($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){
$them = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum_t` WHERE `id` = '$post[id_object]' LIMIT 1"));
// Определение подфорума
$forum = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum_f` WHERE `id` = '$them[id_forum]' LIMIT 1"));
// Определение раздела
$razdel = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `forum_r` WHERE `id` = '$them[id_razdel]' LIMIT 1"));
<div class="list_item"> <div class="bookmark">
<span class="iwb">
<a class="right" href="?type=forum&del=<?= $post['id']?>"><img src="/style/i/cross_light.png" alt="" title="Удалить закладку"/></a>
<img src="/style/i/Forum.gif" alt="" class="m p16">
<a href="/forum/<?= $them['id_forum']?>/<?= $them['id_razdel']?>/"><?= text($razdel['name'])?></a> :
<a class="" href="/forum/<?= $them['id_forum']?>/<?= $them['id_razdel']?>/<?= $them['id']?>/"><?= text($them['name'])?></a>
</div> </div>
if ($k_page > 1)str('?type=forum&',$k_page,$page); // Вывод страниц
<div class="list_item"> <b>Выбранные метки:</b> <span class="lh_160"> <span>Форум</span> </span> </div>
<a href="/user/bookmarks/index/" class="link darkblue return full_link"> <span class="ico ico_arrow-back"></span> Назад </a>
header("Location: /" . SID);
include_once H.'sys/inc/tfoot.php';