Файл: xmyx.ru/foto/inc/user_show_foto.php
Строк: 336
if (!isset($user) && !isset($_GET['id_user'])){
header("Location: /foto/?".SID);
if (isset($user)){
$ank['id'] = $user['id'];
if (isset($_GET['id_user'])){
$ank['id'] = intval($_GET['id_user']);
$ank = get_user($ank['id']);
if (!$ank){
header("Location: /foto/?".SID);
/* Бан пользователя */
if (mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ban` WHERE `razdel` = 'foto' AND `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND (`time` > '$time' OR `view` = '0' OR `navsegda` = '1')"), 0) != 0)
header('Location: /ban.php?'.SID);
$gallery['id'] = intval($_GET['id_gallery']);
if (mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery` WHERE `id` = '$gallery[id]' AND `id_user` = '$ank[id]' LIMIT 1"),0)==0)
header("Location: /foto/$ank[id]/?".SID);
$gallery = mysql_fetch_assoc(query("SELECT * FROM `gallery` WHERE `id` = '$gallery[id]' AND `id_user` = '$ank[id]' LIMIT 1"));
$foto['id'] = intval($_GET['id_foto']);
if (mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_foto` WHERE `id` = '$foto[id]' LIMIT 1"),0)==0)
header("Location: /foto/$ank[id]/$gallery[id]/?".SID);
$foto = mysql_fetch_assoc(query("SELECT * FROM `gallery_foto` WHERE `id` = '$foto[id]' LIMIT 1"));
// Запись просмотра
if (isset($user) && $user['id'] != $ank['id']){
if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_foto_count` WHERE `id_foto` = '".$foto['id']."' AND `id_user` = '".$user['id']."' LIMIT 1"),0)==0){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `gallery_foto_count` (`id_foto`, `id_user`) VALUES ('$foto[id]', '$user[id]')");
mysql_query("UPDATE `gallery_foto` SET `count` = '".($foto['count']+1)."' WHERE `id` = '$foto[id]' LIMIT 1");
if (isset($user)){
// Лайк
if (isset($_GET['like']) && $_GET['like'] == 'up'){
// Запрещаем нам!
if ($user['id'] != $ank['id']){
if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_like` WHERE `id_user` = '".$user['id']."' AND `id_photo` = '".$foto['id']."' LIMIT 1"),0) == 0)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `gallery_like` (`id_photo`, `id_user`, `like`) VALUES ('$foto[id]', '$user[id]', '1')");
if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `bookmarks_like` WHERE `id_user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `id_object` = '" . $foto['id'] . "' AND `type` = 'photo' LIMIT 1"),0) == 0)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `bookmarks_like` (`type`,`id_object`, `id_user`, `time`) VALUES ('photo','$foto[id]', '$user[id]', '$time')");
$_SESSION['err'] = 'Вы уже голосовали за фото.';
$_SESSION['err'] = 'Вы не можете голосовать за себя.';
header("Location: ?");
// Добавляем в закладки
if (isset($_GET['fav']) && $_GET['fav'] == 1)
if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `id_object` = '" . $foto['id'] . "' AND `type` = 'foto' LIMIT 1"),0) == 0)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `bookmarks` (`type`,`id_object`, `id_user`, `time`) VALUES ('foto','$foto[id]', '$user[id]', '$time')");
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Закладка добавлена. ';
header("Location: /foto/$ank[id]/$gallery[id]/$foto[id]/?P=" . intval($_GET['page']));
// Удаляем из закладок
if (isset($_GET['fav']) && $_GET['fav'] == 0)
if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `id_object` = '".$foto['id']."' AND `type`='foto' LIMIT 1"),0) == 1)
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '$ank[id]' AND `id_object` = '$foto[id]' AND `type`='foto'");
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Закладка удалена. ';
header("Location: /foto/$ank[id]/$gallery[id]/$foto[id]/?P=" . intval($_GET['page']));
$IS = GetImageSize(H.'sys/tpic/pictures/'.$foto['id'].'.0.'.$foto['ras']);
printf("", $IS[0], $IS[1]);
$w = $IS[0];
$h = $IS[1];
if ((user_access('foto_foto_edit')) || (isset($user) && $ank['id'] == $user['id'])){
include 'inc/gallery_show_foto_act.php';
if (isset($_POST['msg']) && isset($user))
$msg = $_POST['msg'];
if ($mat)$err[] = 'В тексте сообщения обнаружен мат: '.$mat;
if (strlen2($msg) > 1024 ){$err = 'Сообщение слишком длинное';}
elseif (strlen2($msg) < 2 ){$err = 'Короткое сообщение';}
elseif (mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_komm` WHERE `id_foto` = '$foto[id]' AND `id_user` = '$user[id]' AND `msg` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($msg)."' LIMIT 1"),0)!=0)
$err = 'Ваше сообщение повторяет предыдущее';
//Уведомления об ответах
// jjjjjjj
// Отправляем автору
// jjjjjjj
query("INSERT INTO `gallery_komm` (`id_foto`, `id_user`, `time`, `msg`) values('$foto[id]', '$user[id]', '$time', '".my_esc($msg)."')");
//$_SESSION['message'] = 'Сообщение успешно добавлено';
header("Location: ?P=".intval($_GET['page']));
if ((user_access('foto_komm_del') || $ank['id'] == $user['id']) && isset($_GET['delete']) && mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_komm` WHERE `id`='".intval($_GET['delete'])."' AND `id_foto`='$foto[id]' LIMIT 1"),0)!=0)
query("DELETE FROM `gallery_komm` WHERE `id`='".intval($_GET['delete'])."' LIMIT 1");
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Комментарий успешно удален';
header("Location: ?P=".intval($_GET['page']));
$set['title'] = text($foto['name']) . '.' . $foto['ras'] . ' / ' . text($gallery['name']); // заголовок страницы
include_once '../sys/inc/thead.php';
// Настройки юзера
$uSet = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `user_set` WHERE `id_user` = '$ank[id]' LIMIT 1"));
// Статус друг ли вы
$frend = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `frends` WHERE
(`user` = '$user[id]' AND `frend` = '$ank[id]') OR
(`user` = '$ank[id]' AND `frend` = '$user[id]') LIMIT 1"),0);
// Проверка завки в друзья
$frend_new = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `frends_new` WHERE
(`user` = '$user[id]' AND `to` = '$ank[id]') OR
(`user` = '$ank[id]' AND `to` = '$user[id]') LIMIT 1"),0);
* Если установлена приватность альбома
if ($gallery['privat'] == 1 && ($frend != 2 || !isset($user)) && $user['level'] <= $ank['level'] && $user['id'] != $ank['id'])
<div class="lc_br wbg font0 relative oh" id="header_path"> <a href="/" style="font-size:0;"> <img src="/style/i/lb/home.png" alt=""> </a> <span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <span class="lc_br_text">Ошибка</span> </span> </div>
<div class="list_item error_block mb0"> <b>Ошибка</b><br> Доступ к альбому <b><?= text($gallery['name'])?></b> доступен только друзьям. </div>
$block_foto = true;
include_once '../sys/inc/tfoot.php';
elseif ($gallery['privat'] == 2 && $user['id'] != $ank['id'] && $user['level'] <= $ank['level'])
<div class="lc_br wbg font0 relative oh" id="header_path"> <a href="/" style="font-size:0;"> <img src="/style/i/lb/home.png" alt=""> </a> <span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <span class="lc_br_text">Ошибка</span> </span> </div>
<div class="list_item error_block mb0"> <b>Ошибка</b><br> Доступ к альбому <b><?= text($gallery['name'])?></b> закрыт. </div>
$block_foto = true;
include_once '../sys/inc/tfoot.php';
/*--------------------Альбом под паролем-------------------*/
if ($user['id'] != $ank['id'] && $gallery['pass'] != NULL)
if (isset($_POST['password']))
$_SESSION['pass'] = my_esc($_POST['password']);
if ($_SESSION['pass'] != $gallery['pass'])
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Неверный пароль';
$_SESSION['pass'] = NULL;
header("Location: ?");
if (!isset($_SESSION['pass']) || $_SESSION['pass'] != $gallery['pass'])
<div class="lc_br wbg font0 relative oh" id="header_path"> <a href="/" style="font-size:0;"> <img src="/style/i/lb/home.png" alt=""> </a> <span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <span class="lc_br_text">Ошибка</span> </span> </div>
<div class="list_item error_block mb0">
<form action="?" method="post">
<div class="stnd_padd"> Альбом <b><?= text($gallery['name'])?></b> доступен только по паролю:<br> Пароль:
<input name="password" value="" type="text">
<input value="OK" class="main_submit" id="mainSubmitForm" type="submit">
include_once '../sys/inc/tfoot.php';
if (!isset($block_foto))
<div class="lc_br wbg font0 relative oh" id="header_path"> <a href="/" style="font-size:0;"> <img src="/style/i/lb/home.png" alt=""> </a> <span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <a href="/user/?id=<?= $ank['id']?>"><?= $ank['nick']?></a> </span> <span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <a href="/foto/<?= $ank['id']?>/">Фото</a> </span> <span class="lc_brw"> <img src="/style/i/lb/sep.png" alt="" class="lc_br_sep"> <a href="/foto/<?= $ank['id']?>/<?= $gallery['id']?>/"><?= text($gallery['name'])?></a> </span> </div>
// Редактор фото
include 'inc/gallery_show_foto_form.php';
<div class="list_item light_border_bottom">
<div class="file_name">
<img src="/style/i/icon_img_jpg.gif" alt="" class="m p16">
<span> <b><?= text($foto['name'])?></b>.<span class="grey">jpg</span>
if ($foto['metka'] == 1){
<img src="/style/i/adult_ico.png" alt="" class="m p16">
<div class="preview_block">
<div class="pad_t_a">
<a class="tdn" href="/foto/pic400/<?= $foto['id']?>.p.401.400.0.<?= $foto['ras']?>">
<div class="inl_bl relative">
<img src="/foto/pic400/<?= $foto['id']?>.p.401.400.0.<?= $foto['ras']?>" alt="" class="preview">
<span id="transmark" style="display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px;"></span>
</div> <div class="pad_t_a"> </div> </div>
if ($foto['opis'] != null){
<div> <?= output_text($foto['opis'])?> </div>
//if($ank['id'] == $user['id']){
$listr = mysql_fetch_assoc(query("SELECT * FROM `gallery_foto` WHERE `id_gallery` = '$gallery[id]' AND `id` < '$foto[id]' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"));
$list = mysql_fetch_assoc(query("SELECT * FROM `gallery_foto` WHERE `id_gallery` = '$gallery[id]' AND `id` > '$foto[id]' ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1"));
$k_1 = mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_foto` WHERE `id` > '$foto[id]' AND `id_gallery` = '$gallery[id]'"),0) + 1;
$k_2 = mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_foto` WHERE `id_gallery` = '$gallery[id]'"),0);
<div class="pag"> <div class="pgar oh font0">
<table class="table__wrap"> <tbody><tr>
<td class="table__cell" width="35%">
<div class="pagw">
<a href="/foto/<?= $ank['id']?>/<?= $gallery['id']?>/<?= $list['id']?>/"> ← Назад </a>
<a class="m grey">← Назад</a>
<td class="table__cell">
<div class="pagw pagwb"> <span class="blk"><?= $k_1?> из <?= $k_2?></span> </div>
<td class="table__cell" width="35%">
<div class="pagw">
<a href="/foto/<?= $ank['id']?>/<?= $gallery['id']?>/<?= $listr['id']?>/"> Вперёд → </a>
<a class="m grey">Вперёд →</a>
</tr> </tbody></table>
</div> </div>
if (($user['abuld'] == 1 || $foto['metka'] == 0 || $foto['id_user'] == $user['id']))
if($gallery['pass'] != null){
$iconka = '<img src="/style/i/folder_password.gif" alt="" class="icon icon_align p16">';
if($gallery['privat'] == 0){
$iconka = '<img src="/style/i/folder.gif" alt="" class="icon icon_align p16">';
}elseif($gallery['privat'] == 1){
$iconka = '<img src="/style/i/folder_user.gif" alt="" class="icon icon_align p16">';
}elseif($gallery['privat'] == 2){
$iconka = '<img src="/style/i/folder_locked.gif" alt="" class="icon icon_align p16">';
$like = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_like` WHERE `like` = '1' AND `id_photo` = '".$foto['id']."' LIMIT 1"),0);
$us_like = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_like` WHERE `like` = '1' AND `id_user` = '".$user['id']."' AND `id_photo` = '".$foto['id']."' LIMIT 1"),0);
<div id="download_wrap"> <div class="list_item green_box">
<div class="lh_160"> <div>
<a href="/sys/tpic/pictures/<?= $foto['id']?>.0.jpg" class="arrow_link m" id="download_link">
<img src="/style/i/dload.gif" alt="" class="m" width="12px" height="14px"> <span class="m">Скачать</span>
<span class="file_parameters m">(<!-- --><?= $w?>×<?= $h?>, <!-- --><?= size_file(filesize(H.'sys/tpic/pictures/'.$foto['id'].'.0.jpg'))?><!-- -->)</span>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="list_item light_border_bottom ufi lh_160">
<div class="block_item"> <b>Просмотров:</b> <?= $foto['count']?> </div>
<div class="block_item"> <span>Файл добавлен:</span> <?= group($ank['id'])?>
<a href="/user/?id=<?= $ank['id']?>" class="mysite-link"><b class="nick"><?= $ank['nick']?></b></a> (<?= vremja($foto['time'])?>)
<div class="block_item">
<span class="m">В альбом:</span>
<span><a href="/foto/<?= $ank['id']?>/<?= $gallery['id']?>/" class="arrow_link break-word"> <?= $iconka?> «<span class="m"><?= text($gallery['name'])?></span>»</a> </span>
<div class="list_item light_border_bottom cf">
<div class="oh signature">
<span class="right">
<img class="m p16" src="/style/i/vote/up.png" alt=""> <span class="m lit voteUpInfo" id="vote_up_cnt"><?= $like?></span>
if (isset($user))
if (mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_like` WHERE `id_user` = '".$user['id']."' AND `id_photo` = '".$foto['id']."' LIMIT 1"),0) == 0){
$ico_vote_up = 'up.png';
$ico_vote_up = 'up_on.png';
<div class=" lh_160"><div class="cf js-action_bar">
<div class="pad_t_a">
<div class="oh pad_t_a">
<a href="?like=up" class="arrow_link m btnb" id="like_up">
<img src="/style/i/vote/<?= $ico_vote_up?>" alt="" class="m p16">
<span class="m green" id="like_cnt"><?= $like?></span>
if (user_access('foto_foto_edit') && $ank['level'] < $user['level'] || isset($user) && $ank['id'] == $user['id']){
<a href="?act=rename" class="arrow_link"> <img src="/style/i/edit_gray.png" alt="" class="p16 m"> <span class="m">Редактировать</span> </a>
if (mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `bookmarks` WHERE `id_user` = '" . $user['id'] . "' AND `id_object` = '" . $foto['id'] . "' AND `type`='foto' LIMIT 1"),0) == 0){
<a href="?fav=1" class="arrow_link">
<img src="/style/i/action_fav_gray.png" alt="" class="p16 m"> <span class="m">В закладки</span>
<a href="?fav=0" class="arrow_link"> <img src="/style/i/action_fav_color.png" alt="" class="p16 m"> <span class="m">Удалить из закладок</span> </a>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://spac.me/css/custom/CommentWidget/CommentsWap.css?r=1445p" data-tmp_css="1" />
<a name="page-up"></a>
$k_post = mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `gallery_komm` WHERE `id_foto` = '$foto[id]'"),0);
$k_page = k_page($k_post,$set['p_str']);
$page = page($k_page);
$start = $set['p_str']*$page-$set['p_str'];
<div class="header oh text_left"> <b class="upcs m">Комментарии (<?= $k_post?>)</b> </div>
if ($k_post > 0)
$q = query("SELECT * FROM `gallery_komm` WHERE `id_foto` = '$foto[id]' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $start, $set[p_str]");
while ($post = mysql_fetch_assoc($q))
$ank2 = mysql_fetch_assoc(query("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `id` = '$post[id_user]' LIMIT 1"));
$postBan = mysql_result(query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ban` WHERE (`razdel` = 'all' OR `razdel` = 'foto') AND `post` = '1' AND `id_user` = '$ank2[id]' AND (`time` > '$time' OR `navsegda` = '1')"), 0);
<div id="<?= $ank2['id']?>" data-link="#page-up">
// Блок сообщения
if ($postBan == 0)
<div class="comm oh">
<div class="comm oh comm_hidden">
<a name="com<?= $post['id']?>"></a>
<div class="p40 left t-padd_right">
<a class="tdn" href="/user/?id=<?= $ank2['id']?>">
<div class="inl_bl relative"> <?= ava40($ank2['id'])?> </div>
<div class="oh">
<?= group($ank2['id'])?> <a href="/user/?id=<?= $ank2['id']?>" class="mysite-link"><b class="nick black"><?= unick($ank2['id'])?></b></a>
<div class="right">
<a class="grey js-link_copy"> <span class="m"> <?= vremja($post['time'])?> </span> </a>
<div class="comm_spoiler cl hide" id="m189852925"></div>
<div class="cl">
// Блок сообщения
if ($postBan == 0)
<?= output_text($post['msg'])?>
<div class="cl"> <div>Комментарий скрыт</div> </div>
<div id="vote_err_44_189852925" class="hide comm-warn nl"></div>
if (isset($user)){
<div class="oh pad_t_a">
if($user['id'] != $ank2['id']){
<a href="?response=<?= $ank2['id']?>&P=<?= $page?>" class="link-grey js-comm_reply">Ответить</a>
if($user['id'] == $ank2['id']){
echo ' | ';
if (user_access('foto_komm_del') || $ank['id'] == $user['id']) {
<span class="slb"><a href="?delete=<?= $post['id']?>">Удалить</a> </span>
</div> </div>
<a name="page-down"></a>
if ($k_page > 1)str('?',$k_page,$page); // Вывод страниц
if (isset($user))
<div class="comm_form">
<div id="comments_form_wrap">
<div id="comments_form">
<form action="?P=<?= $pageEnd?>&<?= REPLY?>" method="post" name="message">
<div class="wrapper block pd0">
if($insert != null){
<div id="comments_form_reply" class="stnd_padd pdb">
<span class="grey">Ответить на комментарий</span>
<span id="comments_form_user">
<a href="?" class="mysite-link">
<b class="nick black"><?= $insert?></b> </a> </span>: </div>
<div class="block js-toolbar_wrap"> <div class="text-input__wrap">
<div class="cl" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <div class="relative">
<div class="input-txt_wrapper">
<textarea class="input-txt" tabindex="1" name="msg" rows="4" id="textarea" data-maxlength="1000" data-toolbar="{hide:true,disable:{}}" cols="17" placeholder="Напишите комментарий"></textarea>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
<div class="block wide pdt">
<div class="cf pad_t_a">
<span class="form-tools__left left"> <!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- -->
<button name="smiles_btn" value="" class=" url-btn " id="smiles_btn"><!-- -->
<img src="/style/i/ico/smile.png" alt="" class="m"> <!-- --><span class="m"> </span><!-- -->
</button><!-- --><!-- --> </span>
<span class="form-tools__left left"><span class="js-bb_toggle"> <!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- --><!-- -->
<button name="response_btn" value="" class=" url-btn " id="response_btn"><!-- -->
<img src="/style/i/a.png" alt="" class="m"> <!-- --><span class="m"> </span><!-- -->
</button><!-- --><!-- --> </span>
<input value="Отправить" class="main_submit right" type="submit">
</div> </div> </div>
</form> </div></div> </div> </div>
include_once '../sys/inc/tfoot.php';