Файл: app/lib/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compile_block.php
Строк: 288
* This file is part of Smarty.
* (c) 2015 Uwe Tews
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile Block Class
* @author Uwe Tews <uwe.tews@googlemail.com>
class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Block extends Smarty_Internal_Compile_Shared_Inheritance
* Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
* @var array
* @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
public $required_attributes = array('name');
* Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
* @var array
* @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
public $shorttag_order = array('name');
* Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
* @var array
* @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
public $option_flags = array('hide', 'nocache');
* Attribute definition: Overwrites base class.
* @var array
* @see Smarty_Internal_CompileBase
public $optional_attributes = array('assign');
* nesting level of block tags
* @var int
public static $blockTagNestingLevel = 0;
* Saved compiler object
* @var Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase
public $compiler = null;
* Compiles code for the {block} tag
* @param array $args array with attributes from parser
* @param Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler compiler object
* @param array $parameter array with compilation parameter
* @return bool true
public function compile($args, Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler, $parameter)
if (!isset($compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ])) {
$compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] = 0;
if ($compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] == 0) {
// make sure that inheritance gets initialized in template code
$this->option_flags = array('hide', 'nocache', 'append', 'prepend');
} else {
$this->option_flags = array('hide', 'nocache');
// check and get attributes
$_attr = $this->getAttributes($compiler, $args);
$compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] ++;
$compiler->_cache[ 'blockName' ][ $compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] ] = $_attr[ 'name' ];
$compiler->_cache[ 'blockParams' ][ $compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] ] = array();
$this->openTag($compiler, 'block', array($_attr, $compiler->nocache, $compiler->parser->current_buffer,
// must whole block be nocache ?
if ($compiler->tag_nocache) {
$i = 0;
$compiler->nocache = $compiler->nocache | $compiler->tag_nocache;
// $compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = true;
if ($_attr[ 'nocache' ] === true) {
//$compiler->trigger_template_error('nocache option not allowed', $compiler->parser->lex->taglineno);
$compiler->parser->current_buffer = new Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Template();
$compiler->template->compiled->has_nocache_code = false;
$compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = true;
* Compile saved child block source
* @param Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase compiler object
* @param string $_name optional name of child block
* @return string compiled code of child block
static function compileChildBlock(Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler, $_name = null)
if (!isset($compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ])) {
$compiler->trigger_template_error(' tag {$smarty.block.child} used outside {block} tags ',
$compiler->has_code = true;
$compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = true;
$compiler->_cache[ 'blockParams' ][ $compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] ][ 'callsChild' ] = 'true';
$output = "<?php n$_smarty_tpl->inheritance->callChild($_smarty_tpl, $this);n?>n";
return $output;
* Compile $smarty.block.parent
* @param Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler compiler object
* @param string $_name optional name of child block
* @return string compiled code of child block
static function compileParentBlock(Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler, $_name = null)
if (!isset($compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ])) {
$compiler->trigger_template_error(' tag {$smarty.block.parent} used outside {block} tags ',
$compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = true;
$compiler->has_code = true;
$output = "<?php n$_smarty_tpl->inheritance->callParent($_smarty_tpl, $this);n?>n";
return $output;
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile BlockClose Class
class Smarty_Internal_Compile_Blockclose extends Smarty_Internal_Compile_Shared_Inheritance
* Compiles code for the {/block} tag
* @param array $args array with attributes from parser
* @param Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler compiler object
* @param array $parameter array with compilation parameter
* @return bool true
public function compile($args, Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase $compiler, $parameter)
list($_attr, $_nocache, $_buffer, $_has_nocache_code, $_caching) = $this->closeTag($compiler, array('block'));
// init block parameter
$_block = $compiler->_cache[ 'blockParams' ][ $compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] ];
unset($compiler->_cache[ 'blockParams' ][ $compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] ]);
$_name = $_attr[ 'name' ];
$_assign = isset($_attr[ 'assign' ]) ? $_attr[ 'assign' ] : null;
unset($_attr[ 'assign' ], $_attr[ 'name' ]);
foreach ($_attr as $name => $stat) {
if ((is_bool($stat) && $stat !== false) || (!is_bool($stat) && $stat != 'false')) {
$_block[ $name ] = 'true';
$_className = 'Block_' . preg_replace('![^w]+!', '_', uniqid(rand(), true));
// get compiled block code
$_functionCode = $compiler->parser->current_buffer;
// setup buffer for template function code
$compiler->parser->current_buffer = new Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Template();
$output = "<?phpn";
$output .= "/* {block {$_name}} */n";
$output .= "class {$_className} extends Smarty_Internal_Blockn";
$output .= "{n";
foreach ($_block as $property => $value) {
$output .= "public ${$property} = {$value};n";
$output .= "public function callBlock(Smarty_Internal_Template $_smarty_tpl) {n";
//$output .= "/*/%%SmartyNocache:{$compiler->template->compiled->nocache_hash}%%*/n";
if ($compiler->template->compiled->has_nocache_code) {
$output .= "$_smarty_tpl->cached->hashes['{$compiler->template->compiled->nocache_hash}'] = true;n";
if (isset($_assign)) {
$output .= "ob_start();n";
$output .= "?>n";
new Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Tag($compiler->parser,
$compiler->parser->current_buffer->append_subtree($compiler->parser, $_functionCode);
$output = "<?phpn";
if (isset($_assign)) {
$output .= "$_smarty_tpl->assign({$_assign}, ob_get_clean());n";
$output .= "}n";
$output .= "}n";
$output .= "/* {/block {$_name}} */nn";
$output .= "?>n";
new Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Tag($compiler->parser,
$compiler->blockOrFunctionCode .= $f = $compiler->parser->current_buffer->to_smarty_php($compiler->parser);
$compiler->parser->current_buffer = new Smarty_Internal_ParseTree_Template();
// nocache plugins must be copied
if (!empty($compiler->template->compiled->required_plugins[ 'nocache' ])) {
foreach ($compiler->template->compiled->required_plugins[ 'nocache' ] as $plugin => $tmp) {
foreach ($tmp as $type => $data) {
$compiler->parent_compiler->template->compiled->required_plugins[ 'compiled' ][ $plugin ][ $type ] =
// restore old status
$compiler->template->compiled->has_nocache_code = $_has_nocache_code;
$compiler->tag_nocache = $compiler->nocache;
$compiler->nocache = $_nocache;
$compiler->parser->current_buffer = $_buffer;
$output = "<?php n";
if ($compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] == 1) {
$output .= "$_smarty_tpl->inheritance->instanceBlock($_smarty_tpl, '$_className', $_name);n";
} else {
$output .= "$_smarty_tpl->inheritance->instanceBlock($_smarty_tpl, '$_className', $_name, $this->tplIndex);n";
$output .= "?>n";
$compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] --;
if ($compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ] == 0) {
unset($compiler->_cache[ 'blockNesting' ]);
$compiler->has_code = true;
$compiler->suppressNocacheProcessing = true;
return $output;