Файл: base-sys/base/bol/text_format_service.php
Строк: 216
final class BOL_TextFormatService
const WS_BTN_BOLD = 'bold';
const WS_BTN_ITALIC = 'italic';
const WS_BTN_UNDERLINE = 'underline';
const WS_BTN_UNORDERED_LIST = 'unorderedlist';
const WS_BTN_ORDERED_LIST = 'orderedlist';
const WS_BTN_LINK = 'link';
const WS_BTN_IMAGE = 'image';
const WS_BTN_VIDEO = 'video';
const WS_BTN_HTML = 'html';
const WS_BTN_SWITCH_HTML = 'switchHtml';
const WS_BTN_MORE = 'more';
const CONF_MEDIA_RESOURCE_LIST = 'tf_resource_list';
const CONF_USER_INPUT_CUSTOM_HTML_DISABLE = 'tf_user_custom_html_disable';
const CONF_USER_INPUT_RICH_MEDIA_DISABLE = 'tf_user_rich_media_disable';
const CONF_COMMENTS_RICH_MEDIA_DISABLE = 'tf_comments_rich_media_disable';
* @var array
private $videoParams;
* @var array
private $htmlParams;
* @var array
private $buttonTags;
* Singleton instance.
* @var BOL_TextFormatService
private static $classInstance;
* Returns an instance of class (singleton pattern implementation).
* @return BOL_TextFormatService
public static function getInstance()
if ( self::$classInstance === null )
self::$classInstance = new self();
return self::$classInstance;
private function __construct()
$this->buttonTags = array(
self::WS_BTN_BOLD => array('tags' => array('b', 'strong', 'span'), 'attrs' => array('span.style')),
self::WS_BTN_ITALIC => array('tags' => array('i', 'em', 'span'), 'attrs' => array('span.style')),
self::WS_BTN_UNDERLINE => array('tags' => array('u', 'span'), 'attrs' => array('span.style')),
self::WS_BTN_ORDERED_LIST => array('tags' => array('ol', 'li'), 'attrs' => array()),
self::WS_BTN_UNORDERED_LIST => array('tags' => array('ul', 'li'), 'attrs' => array()),
self::WS_BTN_LINK => array('tags' => array('a'), 'attrs' => array('a.href', 'a.title', 'a.target', 'a.rel')),
self::WS_BTN_IMAGE => array('tags' => array('img', 'a'), 'attrs' => array('img.src', 'img.width', 'img.height', 'img.alt', 'img.style', 'a.href', 'a.target')),
$this->videoParams = array(
'tags' => array('object', 'iframe', 'param', 'embed'),
'attrs' => array('id', 'width', 'height', 'data', 'type', 'name', 'value', 'src', 'allowfullscreen', 'frameborder', 'flashvars')
$this->htmlParams = array(
'tags' => array(),
'attrs' => array()
* Returns flag if custom html is allowed for user input.
* @return boolean
public function isCustomHtmlAllowed()
return (!(bool) PEEP::getConfig()->getValue('base', self::CONF_USER_INPUT_CUSTOM_HTML_DISABLE));
* Returns flag if rich media is allowed for user input.
* @return boolean
public function isRichMediaAllowed()
return !((bool) PEEP::getConfig()->getValue('base', self::CONF_USER_INPUT_RICH_MEDIA_DISABLE));
* Returns flag if rich media is allowed for comments.
* @return type
public function isCommentsRichMediaAllowed()
return !((bool) PEEP::getConfig()->getValue('base', self::CONF_COMMENTS_RICH_MEDIA_DISABLE));
* Returns the list of allowed resources for media (iframes, objects, embed).
* @return array
public function getMediaResourceList()
$list = PEEP::getConfig()->getValue('base', self::CONF_MEDIA_RESOURCE_LIST);
if ( !empty($list) )
$list = json_decode($list);
return (!empty($list) && is_array($list) ) ? $list : array();
* @param null $type
* @return array
public function getVideoParamList( $type = null )
if ( $type !== null && in_array($type, array('tags', 'attrs')) )
return $this->videoParams[$type];
return $this->videoParams;
public function processWsForOutput( $text, array $params = array() )
//hotfix for Chrome
// $text = str_replace('<div><br></div>', '<br />', $text);
// $text = str_replace(array('<div>', '</div>'), array('', '<br />'), $text);
//hotfix for ie8
$text = str_ireplace(array('<SPAN class=peep_ws_video>'), '<span class="peep_ws_video">', $text);
if ( in_array(self::WS_BTN_HTML, $params['buttons']) )
$htmlResult = $this->processHtml($text);
$text = $htmlResult['text'];
if ( in_array(self::WS_BTN_VIDEO, $params['buttons']) )
$videoResult = $this->processVideo($text);
$text = $videoResult['text'];
// default tags list
$tagsArray = array('br', 'span', 'blockquote', 'p');
// default attrs list
$attrsArray = array('class', 'p.style');
foreach ( $params['buttons'] as $param )
if ( !empty($this->buttonTags[$param]['tags']) )
$tagsArray = array_merge($tagsArray, $this->buttonTags[$param]['tags']);
if ( !empty($this->buttonTags[$param]['attrs']) )
$attrsArray = array_merge($attrsArray, $this->buttonTags[$param]['attrs']);
$text = UTIL_HtmlTag::stripTags($text, $tagsArray, $attrsArray);
if ( !empty($htmlResult) )
$text = str_replace($htmlResult['search'], $htmlResult['replace'], $text);
if ( !empty($videoResult) )
$text = str_replace($videoResult['search'], $videoResult['replace'], $text);
if ( in_array(self::WS_BTN_MORE, $params['buttons']) )
$text = str_replace('<!--more-->', '<!--more-->', $text);
return $text;
public function processWsForInput( $text, array $params = array() )
// if ( in_array('html', $params['buttons']) )
// {
// $htmlResult = $this->processHtml($text, false);
// $text = str_replace($htmlResult['search'], $htmlResult['replace'], $htmlResult['text']);
// }
// if ( in_array('video', $params['buttons']) )
// {
// $videoResult = $this->processVideo($text, false);
// $text = str_replace($videoResult['search'], $videoResult['replace'], $videoResult['text']);
// }
if ( in_array(self::WS_BTN_MORE, $params['buttons']) )
$text = str_replace('<!--more-->', '<!--more-->', $text);
return $text;
public function isCodeResourceValid( $code )
return true;
private function processHtml( $text )
$searchArray = array();
$replaceArray = array();
$index = 1;
while ( mb_strstr($text, '<span class="peep_ws_html">') )
$openSearchStr = '<span class="peep_ws_html">';
$closeSearchStr = '</span>';
$openPos = mb_stripos($text, $openSearchStr);
$closePos = mb_stripos($text, $closeSearchStr, $openPos) + mb_strlen($closeSearchStr);
$code = mb_substr($text, $openPos, $closePos - $openPos);
$subCode = mb_substr($code, mb_strlen($openSearchStr));
$subCode = mb_substr($subCode, 0, mb_strlen($subCode) - mb_strlen($closeSearchStr));
$ph = '#h#' . $index . '#h#';
$text = str_replace($code, $ph, $text);
$searchArray[$index] = $ph;
$replaceArray[$index] = $openSearchStr . UTIL_HtmlTag::stripJs($subCode) . $closeSearchStr;
return array('text' => $text, 'search' => $searchArray, 'replace' => $replaceArray);
private function processVideo( $text )
$searchArray = array();
$replaceArray = array();
$index = 1;
while ( mb_strstr($text, '<span class="peep_ws_video">') )
$openSearchStr = '<span class="peep_ws_video">';
$closeSearchStr = '</span>';
$openPos = mb_stripos($text, $openSearchStr);
$closePos = mb_stripos($text, $closeSearchStr, $openPos) + mb_strlen($closeSearchStr);
$code = mb_substr($text, $openPos, $closePos - $openPos);
$subCode = mb_substr($code, mb_strlen($openSearchStr));
$subCode = mb_substr($subCode, 0, mb_strlen($subCode) - mb_strlen($closeSearchStr));
$ph = '#v#' . $index . '#v#';
$text = str_replace($code, $ph, $text);
$searchArray[$index] = $ph;
$replaceArray[$index] = $openSearchStr . UTIL_HtmlTag::stripTags($subCode, $this->videoParams['tags'], $this->videoParams['attrs']) . $closeSearchStr;
return array('text' => $text, 'search' => $searchArray, 'replace' => $replaceArray);
* Validates provided video code, stripping all restricted tags.
* @param string $code
* @return string
public function validateVideoCode( $code )
return UTIL_HtmlTag::stripTags($code, $this->videoParams['tags'], $this->videoParams['attrs']);
* Adds parameter to embed code
* @param string $code
* @param string $name
* @param string $value
* @return string
public static function addVideoCodeParam( $code, $name = 'wmode', $value = 'transparent' )
$repl = $code;
if ( preg_match("/<object/i", $code) )
$searchPattern = '<param';
$pos = stripos($code, $searchPattern);
if ( $pos )
$addParam = '<param name="' . $name . '" value="' . $value . '"></param><param';
$repl = substr_replace($code, $addParam, $pos, strlen($searchPattern));
if ( preg_match("/<embed/i", !empty($repl) ? $repl : $code) )
$repl = preg_replace("/<embed/i", '<embed ' . $name . '="' . $value . '"', isset($repl) ? $repl : $code);
$matches = array();
if ( preg_match("/<iframe[^>]*src=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i", !empty($repl) ? $repl : $code, $matches) )
$src = null;
if ( strpos($matches[1], "//") === 0 )
$src = "http:" . $matches[1];
$src = PEEP::getRequest()->buildUrlQueryString($src, array($name => $value));
$src = substr($src, 5);
$src = PEEP::getRequest()->buildUrlQueryString($matches[1], array($name => $value));
$repl = preg_replace("/(<iframe[^>]*)src=['"]([^'"]+)['"]/i", "$1src="".$src.""", $code);
return $repl;