Файл: base-sys/base/bol/question_dao.php
Строк: 651
class BOL_QuestionDao extends PEEP_BaseDao
const NAME = 'name';
const SECTION_NAME = 'sectionName';
const TYPE = 'type';
const PRESENTATION = 'presentation';
const SORT_ORDER = 'sortOrder';
const REQUIRED = 'required';
const ON_JOIN = 'onJoin';
const ON_EDIT = 'onEdit';
const ON_SEARCH = 'onSearch';
const ON_VIEW = 'onView';
* Constructor.
protected function __construct()
* Singleton instance.
* @var BOL_QuestionDao
private static $classInstance;
* Returns an instance of class (singleton pattern implementation).
* @return BOL_QuestionDao
public static function getInstance()
if ( self::$classInstance === null )
self::$classInstance = new self();
return self::$classInstance;
* @see PEEP_BaseDao::getDtoClassName()
public function getDtoClassName()
return 'BOL_Question';
* @see PEEP_BaseDao::getTableName()
public function getTableName()
return PEEP_DB_PREFIX . 'base_question';
public function findQuestionByName( $questionName )
if ( $questionName === null )
return null;
$name = trim($questionName);
$example = new PEEP_Example();
$example->andFieldEqual('name', $name);
return $this->findObjectByExample($example);
public function findQuestionByNameList( $questionNameList )
if ( empty($questionNameList) )
return array();
$example = new PEEP_Example();
$example->andFieldInArray('name', $questionNameList);
$dtoList = $this->findListByExample($example);
$result = array();
foreach ( $dtoList as $dto )
$result[$dto->name] = $dto;
return $result;
public function findQuestionsByPresentationList( $presentation )
if ( $presentation === null || !is_array($presentation) )
return array();
$example = new PEEP_Example();
$example->andFieldInArray('presentation', $presentation);
return $this->findListByExample($example);
public function findQuestionsByQuestionNameList( array $questionName )
if ( $questionName === null || !is_array($questionName) || count($questionName) === 0 )
return array();
$example = new PEEP_Example();
$example->andFieldInArray('name', $questionName);
return $this->findListByExample($example);
public function findAllQuestionsForAccountType( $accountType )
if ( $accountType === null )
return array();
$accountTypeName = trim($accountType);
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT `question`.* FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `question`
LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_QuestionSectionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `section`
ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL )
INNER JOIN " . BOL_QuestionToAccountTypeDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " as `qta` ON( `question`.`name` = `qta`.`questionName` )
WHERE ( `qta`.`accountType` = :accountTypeName OR :accountTypeName = 'all' ) AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 )
ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ";
return $this->dbo->queryForList($sql, array('accountTypeName' => $accountTypeName));
public function findQuestionsForAccountType( $accountType )
if ( $accountType === null )
return array();
$accountTypeName = trim($accountType);
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT `question`.* FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `question`
LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_QuestionSectionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `section`
ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL )
INNER JOIN " . BOL_QuestionToAccountTypeDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " as `qta` ON( `question`.`name` = `qta`.`questionName` )
WHERE ( `qta`.`accountType` = :accountTypeName ) AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 )
ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ";
return $this->dbo->queryForList($sql, array('accountTypeName' => $accountTypeName));
public function findSearchQuestionsForAccountType( $accountType )
$accountTypeName = trim($accountType);
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT `question`.* FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `question`
LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_QuestionSectionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `section`
ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL )
INNER JOIN " . BOL_QuestionToAccountTypeDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " as `qta` ON( `question`.`name` = `qta`.`questionName` )
WHERE ( `qta`.`accountType` = :accountTypeName OR :accountTypeName = 'all' ) AND `question`.`onSearch` = 1 AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 )
ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ";
return $this->dbo->queryForList($sql, array('accountTypeName' => $accountTypeName));
public function findAllQuestionsWithSectionForAccountType( $accountType )
if ( $accountType === null )
return array();
$accountTypeName = trim($accountType);
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT `question`.`id`, `question`.`name`, `section`.`name` as `sectionName`, `question`.`accountTypeName`,
`question`.`type`, `question`.`presentation`, `question`.`required`, `question`.`onJoin`,
`question`.`onEdit`, `question`.`onSearch`, `question`.`onView`, `question`.`base`,
`question`.`removable`, `question`.`columnCount`, `question`.`sortOrder`,
`section`.`sortOrder` as `sectionOrder`, `question`.`parent` as `parent`
FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `question`
LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_QuestionSectionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `section`
ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL )
LEFT JOIN " . BOL_QuestionToAccountTypeDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " as `qta` ON( `question`.`name` = `qta`.`questionName` )
WHERE ( `qta`.`accountType` = :accountTypeName OR :accountTypeName = 'all' ) AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 )
ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ) ASC, `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ";
return $this->dbo->queryForList($sql, array('accountTypeName' => $accountTypeName));
public function findSignUpQuestionsForAccountType( $accountType, $baseOnly = false )
if ( $accountType === null )
return array();
$accountTypeName = trim($accountType);
$questionAdds = "";
if ( $baseOnly === true )
$questionAdds = ' AND `question`.`base` = 1 ';
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT `question`.* FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `question`
LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_QuestionSectionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `section`
ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL )
INNER JOIN " . BOL_QuestionToAccountTypeDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " as `qta` ON( `question`.`name` = `qta`.`questionName` )
WHERE ( `qta`.`accountType` = :accountTypeName OR :accountTypeName = 'all' ) AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 )
AND `question`.`onJoin` = '1' " . $questionAdds . "
ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ";
return $this->dbo->queryForList($sql, array('accountTypeName' => $accountTypeName));
public function findEditQuestionsForAccountType( $accountType )
if ( $accountType === null )
return array();
$accountTypeName = trim($accountType);
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT `question`.* FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `question`
LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_QuestionSectionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `section`
ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL )
INNER JOIN " . BOL_QuestionToAccountTypeDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " as `qta` ON( `question`.`name` = `qta`.`questionName` )
WHERE ( `qta`.`accountType` = :accountTypeName OR :accountTypeName = 'all' ) AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 )
AND `question`.`onEdit` = '1'
ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ";
return $this->dbo->queryForList($sql, array('accountTypeName' => $accountTypeName));
public function findRequiredQuestionsForAccountType( $accountType )
if ( $accountType === null )
return array();
$accountTypeName = trim($accountType);
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT `question`.* FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `question`
LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_QuestionSectionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `section`
ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL )
INNER JOIN " . BOL_QuestionToAccountTypeDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " as `qta` ON( `question`.`name` = `qta`.`questionName` )
WHERE `qta`.`accountType` = :accountTypeName AND `question`.`required` = '1' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 )
ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ";
return $this->dbo->queryForList($sql, array('accountTypeName' => $accountTypeName));
public function findViewQuestionsForAccountType( $accountType )
if ( $accountType === null )
return array();
$accountTypeName = trim($accountType);
$sql = " SELECT DISTINCT `question`.* FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `question`
LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_QuestionSectionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `section`
ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL )
INNER JOIN " . BOL_QuestionToAccountTypeDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . " as `qta` ON( `question`.`name` = `qta`.`questionName` )
WHERE ( `qta`.`accountType` = :accountTypeName OR :accountTypeName = 'all' ) AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 )
AND `question`.`onView` = '1'
ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ";
return $this->dbo->queryForList($sql, array('accountTypeName' => $accountTypeName));
public function findBaseSignUpQuestions()
$sql = " SELECT `question`.* FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` as `question`
LEFT JOIN `" . BOL_QuestionSectionDao::getInstance()->getTableName() . "` as `section`
ON ( `question`.`sectionName` = `section`.`name` AND `question`.`sectionName` != '' AND `question`.`sectionName` IS NOT NULL )
WHERE `question`.`base` = 1 AND `question`.`onJoin` = '1' AND ( `section`.isHidden IS NULL OR `section`.isHidden = 0 )
ORDER BY IF( `section`.`name` IS NULL, 0, 1 ), `section`.`sortOrder`, `question`.`sortOrder` ";
return $this->dbo->queryForList($sql);
public function findLastQuestionOrder( $sectionName )
$sql = " SELECT MAX( `sortOrder`) FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` ";
$result = null;
if ( isset($sectionName) && count(trim($sectionName)) > 0 )
$sql .= ' WHERE `sectionName`= :sectionName ';
$result = $this->dbo->queryForColumn($sql, array('sectionName' => trim($sectionName)));
$result = $this->dbo->queryForColumn($sql);
return $result;
public function findQuestionsBySectionNameList( array $sectionNameList )
if ( $sectionNameList === null || !is_array($sectionNameList) || count($sectionNameList) === 0 )
return array();
$example = new PEEP_Example();
$example->andFieldInArray('sectionName', $sectionNameList);
return $this->findListByExample($example);
public function batchReplace( $objects )
$this->dbo->batchInsertOrUpdateObjectList($this->getTableName(), $objects);
return $this->dbo->getAffectedRows();
public function findQuestionChildren( $parentQuestionName )
if ( empty($parentQuestionName) )
return array();
$example = new PEEP_Example();
$example->andFieldEqual('parent', $parentQuestionName);
return $this->findListByExample($example);