Файл: rebuildFromXml.php
Строк: 254
* <pre>
* Invision Power Services
* IP.Board v3.3.3
* Rebuilds stuff from XML
* Last Updated: $Date: 2012-05-10 16:10:13 -0400 (Thu, 10 May 2012) $
* </pre>
* @author $Author: bfarber $
* @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
* @package IP.Board
* @link http://www.invisionpower.com
* @version $Rev: 10721 $
define( 'IPS_IS_SHELL', TRUE );
define( 'IPB_THIS_SCRIPT', 'admin' );
if ( is_file( './initdata.php' ) )
require_once( './initdata.php' );/*noLibHook*/
require_once( '../initdata.php' );/*noLibHook*/
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsRegistry.php' );/*noLibHook*/
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/base/ipsController.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$reg = ipsRegistry::instance();
$moo = new moo( $reg );
class moo
function __construct( ipsRegistry $registry )
$this->registry = $registry;
$this->DB = $this->registry->DB();
$this->settings =& $this->registry->fetchSettings();
$this->request =& $this->registry->fetchRequest();
$this->cache = $this->registry->cache();
$this->caches =& $this->registry->cache()->fetchCaches();
$this->stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
$this->_print( "--------------------------------------------nWelcome to the IP.Board Shell Rebuild Stuff From XML Tooln--------------------------------------------n" );
$this->_print( "What do you wish to do? [l=Rebuild Lang, s=Rebuild Skins, b=Both]nEnter: " );
$option = $this->_fetchOption();
switch( $option )
case 'l':
case 's':
case 'b':
$this->_print( "nIncorrect option" );
* Rebuild langs
protected function _doSkins()
/* INIT */
$start = time();
$output = array();
$errors = array();
/* Grab class */
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinFunctions.php' );/*noLibHook*/
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinCaching.php' );/*noLibHook*/
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinImportExport.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$skinFunctions = new skinImportExport( $this->registry );
/* Grab skin data */
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
'from' => 'skin_collections' ) );
while( $row = $this->DB->fetch() )
/* Bit of jiggery pokery... */
if ( $row['set_key'] == 'default' )
$row['set_key'] = 'root';
$row['set_id'] = 0;
$skinSets[ $row['set_key'] ] = $row;
/* Templates */
foreach( ipsRegistry::$applications as $appDir => $appData )
foreach( $skinSets as $skinKey => $skinData )
$_PATH = IPSLib::getAppDir( $appDir ) . '/xml/';
$output[] = "Upgrading {$skinData['set_name']} for $appDir templates...";
if ( is_file( $_PATH . $appDir . '_' . $skinKey . '_templates.xml' ) )
// Install
$return = $skinFunctions->importTemplateAppXML( $appDir, $skinKey, $skinData['set_id'], TRUE );
$output[] = intval( $return['insertCount'] ) . " added, " . intval( $return['updateCount'] ) . " templates updated";
if ( is_file( $_PATH . $appDir . '_' . $skinKey . '_css.xml' ) )
// Install
$return = $skinFunctions->importCSSAppXML( $appDir, $skinKey, $skinData['set_id'] );
$output[] = intval( $return['insertCount'] ) . " {$skinData['set_name']} CSS files inserted";
/* Replacements */
foreach( $skinSets as $skinKey => $skinData )
if ( is_file( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'setup/xml/skins/replacements_' . $skinKey . '.xml' ) )
$skinFunctions->importReplacementsXMLArchive( file_get_contents( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'setup/xml/skins/replacements_' . $skinKey . '.xml' ), $skinKey );
$output[] = $skinKey . " replacements rebuilt";
/* reset ID */
$skinSets['root']['set_id'] = 1;
/* Recache */
foreach( $skinSets as $skinKey => $skinData )
$skinFunctions->rebuildPHPTemplates( $skinData['set_id'] );
if ( $skinFunctions->fetchErrorMessages() !== FALSE )
$output[] = implode( "<br />", $skinFunctions->fetchErrorMessages() );
$skinFunctions->rebuildCSS( $skinData['set_id'] );
if ( $skinFunctions->fetchErrorMessages() !== FALSE )
$output[] = implode( "<br />", $skinFunctions->fetchErrorMessages() );
$skinFunctions->rebuildReplacementsCache( $skinData['set_id'] );
if ( $skinFunctions->fetchErrorMessages() !== FALSE )
$output[] = implode( "<br />", $skinFunctions->fetchErrorMessages() );
$output[] = $skinKey . " recached";
/* recache other */
$this->_print( implode( "n", $output ) );
$end = time();
$tkn = ( $end - $start) / 60;
$this->_print( "COMPLETE. Took " . $tkn . "mn" );
* Rebuild langs
protected function _doLang()
/* Grab class */
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'applications/core/modules_admin/languages/manage_languages.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$lang = new admin_core_languages_manage_languages( $this->registry );
$lang->makeRegistryShortcuts( $this->registry );
$start = time();
foreach( ipsRegistry::$applications as $app => $app_data )
$output[] = "Upgrading ADMIN languages...";
$_PATH = IPSLib::getAppDir( $app ) . '/xml/';
/* Loop through the xml directory and look for lang packs */
foreach( new DirectoryIterator( $_PATH ) as $f )
if( preg_match( "#(admin|public)_(.+?)_language_pack.xml#", $f->getFileName() ) )
// Import and cache
$output[] = "Importing " . $f->getFileName();
$this->request['file_location'] = $_PATH . $f->getFileName();
$lang->imprtFromXML( true, true, true, $app, 1, 1 );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {}
$this->_print( implode( "n", $output ) );
$this->_print( "nAll languages imported and recached" );
$end = time();
$tkn = ( $end - $start) / 60;
$this->_print( "COMPLETE. Took " . $tkn . "mn" );
* Out to stdout
protected function _print( $message, $newline="n" )
$stdout = fopen('php://stdout', 'w');
fwrite( $stdout, $message . $newline );
fclose( $stdout );
/* Fetch option
protected function _fetchOption()
return trim( fgets( $this->stdin ) );