Файл: public/js/mobile_touch.js
Строк: 276
document.observe("dom:loaded", function()
$$("#secondary_navigation a").each( function(e) { Event.observe(e, "click", loadUrl ); } );
$$(".touch-row").each(function(e) { Event.observe(e, "click", touchRowClick); addArrow(e); });
$$("a.prev:not(.disabled), a.next:not(.disabled)").invoke("on", "click", loadUrl);
$$(".post").each(function(e) { Event.observe(e, "click", postClick); });
$$('.sd_content').invoke('on', 'click', '.sd_content', toggleDeletedContent);
Event.observe($('options-button'), "click", openNavigation);
if($('filter-option')) {Event.observe($('filter-option'), "click", openFilter);}
$('options-button').setStyle({'display': 'block'});
if( $('nav_markread') ){
$('nav_markread').down('a').observe('click', markAsRead);
if ( $('full_version') )
$('full_version').on( 'click', function( e, elem )
var url = ipb.vars['base_url'] + 'app=core&module=ajax§ion=skin&do=change&skinId=fullVersion&secure_key=' + ipb.vars['secure_hash'];
Debug.write( url );
new Ajax.Request( url,
method: 'get',
onSuccess: function(t)
* Get an error?
if( t.responseJSON['status'] == 'ok' )
window.location = window.location;
ipb.global.errorDialogue( ipb.lang['ajax_failure'] );
} );
if( $('show_langs') ){
$('show_langs').on('click', function(e){
return false;
/* Set this here to 'toggle' works later */
$('shade').setStyle({'display': 'none'});
if ( $('filter-letters') ){
// Set up user nav box
var items = $("user_navigation").down("ul").select("li").size();
var diff = 3 - (items % 3);
/* Ensure loading box isn't visible */
if ( $('loadingBox') )
for(i=0; i<diff; i++){
$("user_navigation").down("ul").insert({bottom: new Element("li").addClassName("dummy").insert( new Element("span") ) });
/* Ensure embedded videos are sized nicely */
function resizeEmbeds()
$$('embed').each( function( embed )
if ( embed.src && embed.width && embed.height )
var pct = 0;
while ( embed.width > 440 )
pct += 10;
embed.width = embed.width - ( ( embed.width / 100 ) * pct );
if ( pct > 0 )
embed.height = embed.height - ( ( embed.height / 100 ) * pct );
} );
function toggleDeletedContent(e, element)
var id = element.id.replace('seeContent_', '');
$('postsDelete-' + id).hide();
$('post-' + id).show();
function markAsRead(e)
if( !confirm( ipb.lang['clear_markboard'] ) ){
function mobileFilter( e, element )
// Does the pane exist?
if( !$( element.id + '_pane' ) ){
$( element.id + '_pane' ).show();
function closePane( e, element )
* Add the touch arrow */
function addArrow(e)
d = e.getDimensions();
t = ( d.height / 2 ) - 18;
if ( ! e.inspect().match( '<h2' ) )
e.insert( { 'top' : new Element( 'div', { 'class': 'touch-row-arrow', 'style': 'margin-top:' + t + 'px !important' } ) } );
function touchRowClick()
$$('#' + this.id + ' a.title').each(function(e) { loadUrl( e ); });
function loadUrl( e )
/* Show loading box */
var content = LOADING_TEMPLATE.evaluate();
$('ipbwrapper').insert( { 'after' : content } );
positionCenter( $('loadingBox') );
window.location = e.href;
function postClick()
if( $(this.id + '-controls') ){
$(this.id + '-controls').toggleClassName('visible');
function openNavigation()
//vp = document.viewport.getDimensions();
var elem = $( document.body ).getLayout();
$('user_navigation').setStyle( { 'position': 'absolute', 'width': elem.get('margin-box-width') + 'px' } );
function openFilter()
if ( $('filter-letters') )
$('filter-option').setStyle({'display': 'none'});
function positionCenter( elem, dir )
if( !$(elem) ){ return; }
elem_s = $(elem).getDimensions();
window_s = document.viewport.getDimensions();
window_offsets = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets();
center = { left: ((window_s['width'] - elem_s['width']) / 2),
top: ((window_s['height'] - elem_s['height']) / 2)
if ( window_offsets['top'] )
center['top'] += window_offsets['top'];
if( typeof(dir) == 'undefined' || ( dir != 'h' && dir != 'v' ) )
$(elem).setStyle('top: ' + center['top'] + 'px; left: ' + center['left'] + 'px');
else if( dir == 'h' )
$(elem).setStyle('left: ' + center['left'] + 'px');
else if( dir == 'v' )
$(elem).setStyle('top: ' + center['top'] + 'px');
$(elem).setStyle('position: fixed');
var Debug = {
write: function( text ){
if( !Object.isUndefined(window.console) ){
console.log( text );
/*else if( jsDebug )
if( !$('_inline_debugging') ){
var _inline_debug = new Element('div', { id: '_inline_debugging' }).setStyle('background: rgba(0,0,0,0.7); color: #fff; padding: 10px; width: 97%; height: 150px; position: absolute; bottom: 0; overflow: auto; z-index: 50000').show();
if( !Object.isUndefined( $$('body')[0] ) ){
$$('body')[0].insert( _inline_debug );
try {
$('_inline_debugging').innerHTML += "<br />" + text;
} catch(err){}
dir: function( values ){
if( jsDebug && !Object.isUndefined(window.console) && ! Prototype.Browser.IE && ! Prototype.Browser.Opera ){
console.dir( values );
error: function( text ){
if( jsDebug && !Object.isUndefined(window.console) ){
console.error( text );
warn: function( text ){
if( jsDebug && !Object.isUndefined(window.console) ){
console.warn( text );
info: function( text ){
if( jsDebug && !Object.isUndefined(window.console) ){
console.info( text );