Файл: public/js/ips.editor.js
Строк: 2878
/* IPB3 Javascript */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* ips.editor.js - Editor class */
/* (c) IPS, Inc 2008 */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Author: Rikki Tissier (based on Matt's code) */
var _editor = window.IPBoard;
var isRTL = ( isRTL ) ? isRTL : false;
/* ===================================================================================================== */
/* Values for the IPB text editor */
IPBoard.prototype.editor_values = $H({
'templates': $A(),
'colors_perrow': 8,
'colors': [ '000000' , 'A0522D' , '556B2F' , '006400' , '483D8B' , '000080' , '4B0082' , '2F4F4F' ,
'8B0000' , 'FF8C00' , '808000' , '008000' , '008080' , '0000FF' , '708090' , '696969' ,
'FF0000' , 'F4A460' , '9ACD32' , '2E8B57' , '48D1CC' , '4169E1' , '800080' , '808080' ,
'FF00FF' , 'FFA500' , 'FFFF00' , '00FF00' , '00FFFF' , '00BFFF' , '9932CC' , 'C0C0C0' ,
'FFC0CB' , 'F5DEB3' , 'FFFACD' , '98FB98' , 'AFEEEE' , 'ADD8E6' , 'DDA0DD' , 'FFFFFF'
// You can add new fonts here if you wish, HOWEVER, if you use
// non-standard fonts, users without those fonts on their computer
// will not see them. The default list below has the generally accepted
// safe fonts; add others at your own risk!
'primary_fonts': $H({ arial: "Arial",
arialblack: "Arial Black",
arialnarrow: "Arial Narrow",
bookantiqua: "Book Antiqua",
centurygothic: "Century Gothic",
comicsansms: "Comic Sans MS",
couriernew: "Courier New",
franklingothicmedium: "Franklin Gothic Medium",
garamond: "Garamond",
georgia: "Georgia",
impact: "Impact",
lucidaconsole: "Lucida Console",
lucidasansunicode: "Lucida Sans Unicode",
microsoftsansserif: "Microsoft Sans Serif",
palatinolinotype: "Palatino Linotype",
tahoma: "Tahoma",
timesnewroman: "Times New Roman",
trebuchetms: "Trebuchet MS",
verdana: "Verdana"
'font_sizes': $A([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ])
// =============================================================================================================//
// Class for RTE EDITOR which is inherited by main Editor class
_editor_rte = Class.create({
_identifyType: function()
Debug.write( "(Editor " + this.id + ") This is the RTE class" );
togglesource_pre_show_html: function()
togglesource_post_show_html: function()
editor_write_contents: function( text, do_init )
if ( ( Object.isUndefined(text) || text === false || text.blank() ) && Prototype.Browser.Gecko )
text = '<br />';
else if ( Object.isUndefined(text) || text === false )
text = '';
if ( this.editor_document && this.editor_document.initialized )
this.editor_document.body.innerHTML = text;
if ( do_init )
this.editor_document.designMode = 'on';
this.editor_document = this.editor_window.document;
this.editor_document.open( 'text/html', 'replace' );
this.editor_document.write( this.ips_frame_html.replace( '{:content:}', text ) );
if ( do_init )
this.editor_document.body.contentEditable = true;
this.editor_document.initialized = true;
removeformat: function(e)
this.apply_formatting( 'unlink' , false, false );
this.apply_formatting( 'removeformat', false, false );
/*this.apply_formatting( 'killword', false, false );*/
var text = this.get_selection();
if ( text )
text = this.strip_html( text );
text = this.strip_empty_html( text );
text = text.replace( /r/g, "" );
text = text.replace( /n/g, "<br />" );
text = text.replace( /<!--(.*?)-->/g, "" );
text = text.replace( /<!--(.*?)-->/g, "" );
this.insert_text( text );
editor_get_contents: function()
return this.editor_document.body.innerHTML;
editor_set_content: function( init_text )
if( $( this.id + '_iframe' ) )
this.editor_box = $( this.id + '_iframe' );
// Create iframe
var iframe = new Element('iframe', { 'id': this.id + '_iframe', 'tabindex': 0 } );
if( Prototype.Browser.IE && window.location.protocol == 'https:' )
iframe.writeAttribute( 'src', this.options.file_path + '/index.html' );
// Insert into DOM
this.items['text_obj'].up().insert( iframe );
this.editor_box = iframe;
if( !Prototype.Browser.IE )
this.editor_box.setStyle( 'border: 1px inset' );
// Bug #17772
if( !Object.isUndefined( init_text ) && init_text != false )
init_text = init_text.replace( /§/g, "&sect");
// Is there a height in the cookies?
var test_height = ipb.Cookie.get( 'ips_rte_height' );
/*Debug.write( "Height is " + test_height );*/
if ( Object.isNumber( test_height ) && test_height > 50 )
this.items['text_obj'].setStyle( { height: test_height + 'px' } );
Debug.write( "Set text_obj height to " + test_height );
// Set up
var tobj_dims = this.items['text_obj'].getDimensions();
if( Object.isUndefined( tobj_dims ) || tobj_dims['height'] == 0 )
tobj_dims['height'] = 250;
//Debug.write( tobj_dims );
/*Debug.write( this.items['text_obj'].getDimensions()['height'] );*/
this.editor_box.setStyle( { width: '100%',
height: tobj_dims.height + 'px',
className: this.items['text_obj'].className
this.editor_window = this.editor_box.contentWindow;
this.editor_document = this.editor_window.document;
if ( ! this.items['text_obj'].value && ( init_text === false || Object.isUndefined( init_text ) ) )
/* Wipe editor */
this.editor_write_contents(false, true);
this.editor_write_contents( (Object.isUndefined( init_text ) || ! init_text ? this.items['text_obj'].value : init_text), true );
this.editor_document.editor_id = this.editor_id;
this.editor_window.editor_id = this.editor_id;
this.editor_window.has_focus = false;
// Go on.. cursor, flash you bastard
Debug.write( "Attempt to get focus" );
// Sometimes moves the focus to the RTE
this.editor_document.execCommand("InsertHorizontalRule", false, null);
this.editor_document.execCommand("undo" , false, null);
Debug.write( "#011 " + error );
// Kill tags
//document.getElementById( this.editor_id + '_cmd_justifyfull' ).style.display = 'none';
apply_formatting: function(cmd, dialog, argument)
dialog = ( Object.isUndefined( dialog ) ? false : dialog);
argument = ( Object.isUndefined( argument ) ? true : argument);
if ( Prototype.Browser.IE && this.forum_fix_ie_newlines )
if ( cmd == 'justifyleft' || cmd == 'justifycenter' || cmd == 'justifyright' )
var _a = cmd.replace( "justify", "" );
this.wrap_tags_lite( "[" + _a + "]", "[/" + _a + "]" );
return true;
else if ( cmd == 'outdent' || cmd == 'indent' || cmd == 'insertorderedlist' || cmd == 'insertunorderedlist' )
var sel = this.editor_document.selection;
var ts = this.editor_document.selection.createRange();
var t = ts.htmlText.replace(/<p([^>]*)>(.*)</p>/i, '$2');
if ( (sel.type == "Text" || sel.type == "None") )
ts.pasteHTML( t + "<p />n" );
this.editor_document.body.innerHTML += "<p />";
//alert( "Here" );
/*Debug.write( "Apply formatting selection is: " + this.get_selection() + ", cmd is " + cmd );*/
if( Prototype.Browser.IE && this._ie_cache != null )
this.editor_document.execCommand( cmd, dialog, argument );
this._ie_cache = null;
return false;
/* ! get_selection */
get_selection: function()
var rng = this._ie_cache ? this._ie_cache : this.editor_document.selection.createRange();
//Debug.write( 'get selection: ie_cache:' + this._ie_cache.htmlText + '.' );
if ( rng.htmlText )
Debug.write( 'htmlTest:' + rng.htmlText + '.' );
return rng.htmlText;
var rtn = '';
for (var i = 0; i < rng.length; i++)
rtn += rng.item(i).outerHTML;
return rtn;
editor_set_functions: function()
//Debug.write( this.editor_document );
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'mouseup', this.events.editor_document_onmouseup.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'keyup', this.events.editor_document_onkeyup.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'keydown', this.events.editor_document_onkeydown.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
Event.observe( this.editor_window, 'blur', this.events.editor_window_onblur.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
Event.observe( this.editor_window, 'focus', this.events.editor_window_onfocus.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
set_context: function( cmd )
// Showing HTML?
if ( this._showing_html )
return false;
this.button_update.each( function(item)
//Debug.write( this.id + '_cmd_' + item );
var obj = $( this.id + '_cmd_' + item );
if( obj != null )
try {
var state = new String( this.editor_document.queryCommandState( item ) );
if( obj.readAttribute('state') != state )
obj.writeAttribute( 'state', new String( state ) );
this.set_button_context( obj, ( obj.readAttribute('cmd') == cmd ? 'mouseover' : 'mouseout' ) );
catch( error )
Debug.write( "#1 " + error );
}.bind(this) );
// Check and set font context
// Check and set size context
button_set_font_context: function( font_state )
changeto = '';
// Showing HTML?
if ( this._showing_html )
return false;
if( this.items['buttons']['fontname'] )
if( Object.isUndefined( font_state ) ){
font_state = this.editor_document.queryCommandValue('fontname') || '';
if( font_state.blank() ){
if ( !Prototype.Browser.IE && window.getComputedStyle )
font_state = this.editor_document.body.style.fontFamily;
} else if( font_state == null ){
font_state = '';
if( font_state != this.font_state )
this.font_state = font_state;
var fontword = font_state;
var commapos = fontword.indexOf(",");
if( commapos != -1 ){
fontword = fontword.substr(0, commapos);
fontword = fontword.toLowerCase();
changeto = '';
ipb.editor_values.get('primary_fonts').any( function(font){
if( font.value.toLowerCase() == fontword ){
changeto = font.value;
return true;
} else {
return false;
changeto = ( changeto == '' ) ? this.fontoptions['_default'] : changeto;
this.items['buttons']['fontname'].update( changeto );
button_set_size_context: function( size_state )
if( this.items['buttons']['fontsize'] )
if( Object.isUndefined( size_state ) ){
size_state = this.editor_document.queryCommandValue('fontsize');
if( size_state == null || size_state == '' )
if ( Prototype.Browser.Gecko )
size_state = this.convert_size( this.editor_document.body.style.fontSize, 0 );
if ( ! size_state )
size_state = '2';
changeto = '';
if ( size_state != this.size_state )
this.size_state = size_state;
ipb.editor_values.get('font_sizes').any( function(size){
if( parseInt( size ) == parseInt( this.size_state ) ){
changeto = size;
return true;
} else {
return false;
changeto = ( changeto == '' ) ? this.sizeoptions['_default'] : changeto;
this.items['buttons']['fontsize'].update( changeto );
/* ! insert_text */
insert_text: function(text)
Debug.write( "Inserting " + text + "." );
if ( typeof( this.editor_document.selection ) != 'undefined'
&& this.editor_document.selection.type != 'Text'
&& this.editor_document.selection.type != 'None' )
var sel = this._ie_cache ? this._ie_cache : this.editor_document.selection.createRange();
this._ie_cache = null;
/* ! insert_emoticon */
insert_emoticon: function( emo_id, emo_image, emo_code, event )
Debug.write( "Adding emoticon " + emo_code );
//this._ie_cache = null;
var _emo_url = ipb.vars['emoticon_url'] + "/" + emo_image;
var _emo_html = ' <img src="' + _emo_url + '" class="bbc_emoticon" alt="' + this.unhtmlspecialchars( emo_code ) + '" />';
this.wrap_tags_lite( " " + _emo_html, " ", false);
catch( error )
Debug.write( "#2 " + error );
//alert( error );
/*if ( this.emoticon_window_id != '' && typeof( this.emoticon_window_id ) != 'undefined' )
togglesource: function( e, update )
// Already showing?
if( this._showing_html )
if( update )
this.editor_document.initialized = false;
this.editor_write_contents( $( this.id + '_htmlsource' ).value, true );
//this.editor_document.body.innerHTML = $( this.id + '_htmlsource' ).value;
$( this.editor_box ).show();
$( this.items['controls'] ).show();
// Remove source editor
$( this.id + '_htmlsource' ).remove();
$( this.id + '_ts_controls' ).remove();
// Post process
this._showing_html = false;
// Set context
this._showing_html = true;
// Create a new textarea
var textarea = new Element( 'textarea', { id: this.id + '_htmlsource', tabindex: 3 } );
textarea.className = this.items['text_obj'].className;
var dims = this.items['text_obj'].getDimensions();
/*textarea.setStyle('width: ' + dims.width + 'px; height: ' + dims.height + 'px;');*/
textarea.value = this.clean_html( this.editor_get_contents() );
// Build controls
var controlbar = ipb.editor_values.get('templates')['togglesource'].evaluate( { id: this.id } );
// Insert into page
$( this.items['text_obj'] ).insert( { after: textarea } );
$( textarea ).insert( { after: controlbar } );
// Hook up events
$( this.id + '_ts_update' ).writeAttribute('cmd', 'togglesource').writeAttribute('editor_id', this.id).observe('click', this.togglesource.bindAsEventListener( this, 1 ) );
$( this.id + '_ts_cancel' ).writeAttribute('cmd', 'togglesource').writeAttribute('editor_id', this.id).observe('click', this.togglesource.bindAsEventListener( this, 0 ) );
// Hide editor
$( this.items['controls'] ).hide();
$( this.editor_box ).hide();
// Set context
update_for_form_submit: function()
Debug.write("Updating for submit");
this.items['text_obj'].value = this.editor_get_contents();
Debug.write( "Before: " + this.items['text_obj'].value );
// IE does crappy things. </3
if ( Prototype.Browser.IE )
this.items['text_obj'].value = this.items['text_obj'].value.replace( / /g, ' ' );
this.items['text_obj'].value = this.items['text_obj'].value.replace( /s+?$/, '' );
// http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/47640
// Safari bug with execcommand and underline + strikethrough
if( Prototype.Browser.WebKit )
this.items['text_obj'].value = this.items['text_obj'].value.replace( /<span class="Apple-style-span" style="text-decoration: underline;">([^>]*)</span>/gi, "<u>$1</u>" );
this.items['text_obj'].value = this.items['text_obj'].value.replace( /<span class="Apple-style-span" style="text-decoration: line-through;">([^>]*)</span>/gi, "<strike>$1</strike>" );
Debug.write( "After: " + this.items['text_obj'].value );
return true;
// =============================================================================================================//
// Class for STANDARD EDITOR which is inherited by main Editor class
_editor_std = Class.create({
_identifyType: function()
Debug.write( "(Editor " + this.id + ") This is the STD class" );
editor_set_content: function( init_text )
var iframe = this.items['text_obj'].up().down('iframe', 0);
if ( !Object.isUndefined( iframe ) )
var iframeDims = iframe.getDimensions();
$( this.items['text_obj'] ).setStyle( { 'width': iframeDims.width, 'height': iframeDims.height } ).show();
$( iframe ).setStyle( 'width: 0px; height: 0px; border: none;' );
this.editor_window = this.items['text_obj'];
this.editor_document = this.items['text_obj'];
this.editor_box = this.items['text_obj'];
if( !Object.isUndefined( init_text ) && init_text !== false )
this.editor_write_contents( init_text );
this.editor_document.editor_id = this.id;
this.editor_window.editor_id = this.id;
// Hide those pesky buttons we dont need
if( !Prototype.Browser.IE && $( this.id + '_cmd_spellcheck' ) ){
$( this.id + '_cmd_spellcheck').hide();
if( $(this.id + '_cmd_removeformat') ){
$( this.id + '_cmd_removeformat' ).hide();
if( $(this.id + '_cmd_togglesource' ) ){
$( this.id + '_cmd_togglesource' ).hide();
if( $(this.id + '_cmd_justifyfull' ) ){
$( this.id + '_cmd_justifyfull' ).hide();
if( $(this.id + '_cmd_outdent' ) ){
$( this.id + '_cmd_outdent' ).hide();
if( $(this.id + '_cmd_switcheditor' ) ){
$( this.id + '_cmd_switcheditor' ).hide();
editor_write_contents: function(text)
if ( text !== false )
this.items['text_obj'].value = text;
editor_get_contents: function()
return this.editor_document.value;
apply_formatting: function(cmd, dialog, argument)
switch (cmd)
case 'bold':
case 'italic':
case 'underline':
this.wrap_tags(cmd.substr(0, 1), false);
case 'justifyleft':
case 'justifycenter':
case 'justifyright':
this.wrap_tags(cmd.substr(7), false);
case 'indent':
this.wrap_tags(cmd, false);
case 'createlink':
var sel = this.get_selection();
if (sel)
this.wrap_tags('url', argument);
this.wrap_tags('url', argument, argument);
case 'fontname':
this.wrap_tags('font', argument);
case 'fontsize':
this.wrap_tags('size', argument);
case 'forecolor':
this.wrap_tags('color', argument);
case 'backcolor':
this.wrap_tags('background', argument);
case 'insertimage':
this.wrap_tags('img', false, argument);
case 'strikethrough':
this.wrap_tags('s', false);
case 'superscript':
this.wrap_tags('sup', false);
case 'subscript':
this.wrap_tags('sub', false);
case 'removeformat':
editor_set_functions: function()
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'keypress', this.events.editor_document_onkeypress.bindAsEventListener(this) );
Event.observe( this.editor_window, 'focus', this.events.editor_window_onfocus.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
Event.observe( this.editor_window, 'blur', this.events.editor_window_onblur.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
set_context: function()
//Debug.write('Set context');
get_selection: function()
if ( !Object.isUndefined( this.editor_document.selectionStart ) )
return this.editor_document.value.substr(this.editor_document.selectionStart, this.editor_document.selectionEnd - this.editor_document.selectionStart);
else if ( ( document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) || this._ie_cache )
return ( ! document.selection.createRange().text && this._ie_cache ) ? this._ie_cache.text : document.selection.createRange().text;
else if ( window.getSelection )
return window.getSelection() + '';
return false;
insert_text: function(text)
if ( !Object.isUndefined( this.editor_document.selectionStart ) )
var open = this.editor_document.selectionStart + 0;
var st = this.editor_document.scrollTop;
var end = open + text.length;
/* Opera doesn't count the linebreaks properly for some reason */
if( Prototype.Browser.Opera )
var opera_len = text.match( /n/g );
end += parseInt(opera_len.length);
Debug.write( "#3 " + e );
this.editor_document.value = this.editor_document.value.substr(0, this.editor_document.selectionStart) + text + this.editor_document.value.substr(this.editor_document.selectionEnd);
// Don't adjust selection if we're simply adding <b></b>, etc
if ( ! text.match( new RegExp( "\" + this.open_brace + "(\S+?)" + "\" + this.close_brace + "\" + this.open_brace + "/(\S+?)" + "\" + this.close_brace ) ) )
this.editor_document.selectionStart = open;
this.editor_document.selectionEnd = end;
this.editor_document.scrollTop = st;
Debug.write("Insert 0");
// Only firefox seems to need this...
if( Prototype.Browser.Gecko ){
this.editor_document.scrollTop = st;
this.editor_document.setSelectionRange( open, end );
Debug.write("Insert 1");
else if ( ( document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) || this._ie_cache )
var sel = this._ie_cache ? this._ie_cache : document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = text.replace(/r?n/g, 'rn');
Debug.write("Insert 2");
this.editor_document.value += text;
Debug.write("Insert 3");
this._ie_cache = null;
insert_emoticon: function( emo_id, emo_image, emo_code, event )
emo_code = this.unhtmlspecialchars( emo_code );
this.wrap_tags_lite( " " + emo_code, " ");
/*if ( Prototype.Browser.IE )
if ( this.emoticon_window_id != '' && !Object.isUndefined( this.emoticon_window_id ) )
insertorderedlist: function(e)
this.insertlist( 'ol');
insertunorderedlist: function(e)
this.insertlist( 'ul');
insertlist: function( list_type )
var open_tag;
var close_tag;
var item_open_tag = '<li>';
var item_close_tag = '</li>';
var regex = '';
var all_add = '';
if ( this.use_bbcode )
regex = new RegExp('([rn]+|^[rn]*)(?!\[\*\]|\[\/?list)(?=[^rn])', 'gi');
open_tag = list_type == 'ol' ? '[list=1]n' : '[list]n';
close_tag = '[/list]';
item_open_tag = '[*]';
item_close_tag = '';
regex = new RegExp('([rn]+|^[rn]*)(?!<li>|<\/?ol|ul)(?=[^rn])', 'gi');
open_tag = list_type == 'ol' ? '<ol>n' : '<ul>n';
close_tag = list_type == 'ol' ? '</ol>n' : '</ul>n';
if ( text = this.get_selection() )
text = open_tag + text.replace( regex, "n" + item_open_tag + '$1' + item_close_tag ) + 'n' + close_tag;
if ( this.use_bbcode )
text = text.replace( new RegExp( '\[\*\][rn]+', 'gi' ), item_open_tag );
this.insert_text( text );
// http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-19347-insert-list/
// Commenting this out fixes the above bug report
//if ( Prototype.Browser.Gecko )
// //this.insert_text( open_tag + close_tag );
// this.insert_text( open_tag );
// /* SKINNOTE: use proper lang for these */
// while ( val = prompt( ipb.lang['editor_enter_list'], '') )
// {
// this.insert_text( item_open_tag + val + item_close_tag + 'n' );
// //all_add += item_open_tag + val + item_close_tag + 'n';
// }
// this.insert_text( close_tag );
var to_insert = open_tag;
var listitems = '';
while ( val = prompt( ipb.lang['editor_enter_list'], '') )
listitems += item_open_tag + val + item_close_tag + 'n';
//this.insert_text( close_tag );
if( listitems )
to_insert += listitems;
to_insert += close_tag;
this.insert_text( to_insert );
removeformat: function()
var text = this.get_selection();
if ( text )
text = this.strip_html( text );
this.insert_text( text );
unlink: function()
var text = this.get_selection();
var link_regex = '';
var link_text = '';
if ( text !== false )
if ( text.match( link_regex ) )
text = ( this.use_bbcode ) ? text.replace( /[url=([^]]+?)]([^[]+?)[/url]/ig, "$2" )
: text.replace( /<a href=['"]([^"']+?)['"]([^>]+?)?>(.+?)</a>/ig, "$3" );
this.insert_text( text );
undo: function()
this.history_record_state( this.editor_get_contents() );
this.history_time_shift( -1 );
if ( ( text = this.history_fetch_recording() ) !== false )
this.editor_document.value = text;
redo: function()
this.history_time_shift( 1 );
if ( ( text = this.history_fetch_recording() ) !== false )
this.editor_document.value = text;
update_for_form_submit: function(subjecttext, minchars)
return true;
if( USE_RTE ){//&& !Prototype.Browser.WebKit ){ // Dont support safari
Debug.write("Extending with RTE");
_type = _editor_rte;
} else {
Debug.write("Extending with STD");
_type = _editor_std;
_editor.prototype.editor = Class.create(_type, {
initialize: function( editor_id, mode, initial_content, options )
this.id = editor_id;
this.is_rte = mode;
this.use_bbcode = !mode;
this.events = null;
this.options = [];
this.items = [];
this.settings = {};
this.open_brace = '';
this.close_brace = '';
this.allow_advanced = 0;
this.initialized = 0;
this.ips_frame_html = '';
this.forum_fix_ie_newlines = 1;
this.has_focus = null;
this.history_recordings = [];
this.history_pointer = -1;
this._ie_cache = null;
this._showing_html = false;
this._loading = false;
this.original = $H();
this.hidden_objects = [];
this.fontoptions = $A();
this.sizeoptions = $A();
this.font_state = null;
this.size_state = null;
this.palettes = {};
this.defaults = {};
this.key_handlers = [];
this.showing_sidebar = false;
this.emoticons_loaded = false;
this.emoClick = false;
this.options = Object.extend({
file_path: '',
forum_fix_ie_newlines: 1,
char_set: 'UTF-8',
ignore_controls: [],
button_update: []
}, arguments[3] || {});
this.button_update = $A( [ "bold", "italic", "underline", "justifyleft", "justifycenter",
"justifyright", "insertorderedlist", "insertunorderedlist", "superscript", "subscript", "strikethrough" ].concat( this.options.button_update ) );
this.values = ipb.editor_values; // The values for things like font list, colors etc.
this.items['text_obj'] = $( this.id + "_textarea" );
this.items['buttons'] = $A();
this.items['controls'] = $( this.id + '_controls' );
//Other configuration
this.open_brace = this.use_bbcode ? '[' : '<';
this.close_brace = this.use_bbcode ? ']' : '>';
this.allow_advanced = this.use_bbcode ? 0 : 1;
this.doc_body = $$('body')[0];
//Object.extend( this._history, _editor_history );
this.events = new _editor_events();
// Any custom BBCodes to build?
if( this.values.get('bbcodes') && $( this.id + '_cmd_otherstyles' ) ) // check for existence of other styles menu
// Lets try and find the form this belongs to, and add a submit
// event to convert the text properly
if( this.items['text_obj'].up('form') ){
this.items['text_obj'].up('form').observe( 'submit', function(e){
}.bindAsEventListener(this) );
this.init( initial_content );
Debug.write("All editor initialization complete");
/* ------------------------------ */
* Initialization
init: function( initial_text )
try {
if ( this.initialized ){
// Set WYSIWYG flag
if( $( this.id + '_wysiwyg_used' ) ){
$( this.id + '_wysiwyg_used' ).value = parseInt( this.is_rte );
if( ipb.Cookie.get('emoticon_sidebar') == '1' && $( this.id + '_sidebar' ) )
$( this.id + '_sidebar' ).show();
$( 'editor_' + this.id ).addClassName('with_sidebar');
ipb.Cookie.set( 'emoticon_sidebar', 1, 1 );
this.showing_sidebar = true;
// Get default frame HTML
this.ips_frame_html = this.get_frame_html();
// Set editor up
this.editor_set_content( initial_text );
// Set mouse events
// Set controls up
// Having this here forces the page to jump down to the editor when it loads
// which is highly undesirable. Tested STD and RTE in FF and IE8, and Safari with STd
// with this commented out and seems fine... Bug 15476
this.initialized = true;
catch(err){ Debug.error( "#4 " + err ); }
/* ------------------------------ */
* Builds custom styles menu & toolbars
buildCustomStyles: function()
var buttons = false;
var other_styles = false;
// Create the toolbar to start with
var toolbar = ipb.editor_values.get('templates')['toolbar'].evaluate( { 'id': this.id, 'toolbarid': '3' } );
$( this.id + '_toolbar_2' ).insert( { after: toolbar } );
// And init the other styles menu
this.init_editor_menu( $( this.id + '_cmd_otherstyles' ) );
this.values.get('bbcodes').each( function( bbcode ){
if( !bbcode.value['image'].blank() )
$( this.id + '_toolbar_3' ).insert( ipb.editor_values.get('templates')['button'].evaluate( { 'id': this.id, 'cmd': bbcode.key, 'title': bbcode.value['title'], 'img': bbcode.value['image'] } ) );
buttons = true;
$( this.id + '_popup_otherstyles_menu' ).insert( ipb.editor_values.get('templates')['menu_item'].evaluate( { 'id': this.id, 'cmd': bbcode.key, 'title': bbcode.value['title'] } ) );
other_styles = true;
if( !( bbcode.value['useoption'] == '0' && bbcode.value['single_tag'] == '1' ) )
var item_wrap = new Element('div', { id: this.id + '_palette_otherstyles_' + bbcode.key } );
item_wrap.writeAttribute("styleid", bbcode.key);
var _content = this.values.get('templates')['generic'].evaluate( {
id: this.id + '_' + bbcode.key,
title: bbcode.value['title'],
example: bbcode.value['example'],
option_text: bbcode.value['menu_option_text'] || '',
value_text: bbcode.value['menu_content_text'] || ''
} );
item_wrap.update( _content );
this.doc_body.insert( { top: item_wrap } );
// Figure out what needs to be shown
if( bbcode.value['useoption'] == '0' ){
if( bbcode.value['single_tag'] == '1' ){
this.palettes[ 'otherstyles_' + bbcode.key ] = new ipb.Menu( $( this.id + '_cmd_custom_' + bbcode.key ), item_wrap, { stopClose: true, offsetX: 0, offsetY: 42, positionSource: $( this.id + '_cmd_otherstyles' ) } );
item_wrap.down('input[type="submit"]').observe('click', this.events.handle_custom_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
// Set up events
$( this.id + '_cmd_custom_' + bbcode.key ).observe('click', this.events.handle_custom_command.bindAsEventListener( this, bbcode.key ));
if( buttons ){
$( this.id + '_toolbar_3' ).show();
if( other_styles ){
$( this.id + '_cmd_otherstyles' ).show();
/* ------------------------------ */
* Resizes the content area
resize_to: function( size )
var afterFinish = function(){};
// Bug #17799
// Opera 10 wouldn't resize the emoticon pane when the editor resize buttons were used
// Have to manually recalculate height, resize editor, then remove height
if( Prototype.Browser.Opera && $( this.id + '_emoticon_holder' ) )
var height = $( this.id + '_emoticon_holder' ).getHeight();
var currentSize = ( this.is_rte ) ? $( this.editor_box ).getHeight() : $( this.items['text_obj'] ).getHeight();
var diff = currentSize - size;
var newSize = height - diff;
$( this.id + '_emoticon_holder' ).setStyle('height: ' + newSize + 'px');
var afterFinish = function(e){
$( this.id + '_emoticon_holder' ).setStyle('height: auto;');
}.bind( this );
//window.opera.postError("Height: " + height + "; diff: " + diff + "; newSize: " + newSize);
try {
if( this.is_rte )
new Effect.Morph( $( this.editor_box ), { style: 'height: ' + size + 'px', duration: 0.3, afterFinish: afterFinish } );
$( this.items['text_obj'] ).setStyle( 'height: ' + size + 'px' );
new Effect.Morph( $( this.items['text_obj'] ), { style: 'height: ' + size + 'px', duration: 0.3, afterFinish: afterFinish } );
if( $( this.editor_box ) ){ $( this.editor_box ).setStyle( 'height: ' + size + 'px' ); }
} catch(err) { Debug.write( "#5 " + err ); }
/* ------------------------------ */
* Returns HTML for the RTE frame
get_frame_html: function()
var ips_frame_html = "";
ips_frame_html += "<html id=""+this.id+"_html">n";
ips_frame_html += "<head>n";
ips_frame_html += "<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=" + this.options.char_set + "" />";
ips_frame_html += "<style type='text/css' media='all'>n";
ips_frame_html += "body {n";
ips_frame_html += " background: #FFFFFF;n";
ips_frame_html += " margin: 0px;n";
ips_frame_html += " padding: 4px;n";
ips_frame_html += " font-family: arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif;n";
ips_frame_html += " font-size: 9pt;n";
ips_frame_html += "}n";
ips_frame_html += "font[size="1"] {n";
ips_frame_html += " font-size: 9px;n";
ips_frame_html += "}n";
ips_frame_html += "font[size="2"] {n";
ips_frame_html += " font-size: 13px;n";
ips_frame_html += "}n";
ips_frame_html += "font[size="3"] {n";
ips_frame_html += " font-size: 15px;n";
ips_frame_html += "}n";
ips_frame_html += "font[size="4"] {n";
ips_frame_html += " font-size: 17px;n";
ips_frame_html += "}n";
ips_frame_html += "font[size="5"] {n";
ips_frame_html += " font-size: 21px;n";
ips_frame_html += "}n";
ips_frame_html += "font[size="6"] {n";
ips_frame_html += " font-size: 26px;n";
ips_frame_html += "}n";
ips_frame_html += "font[size="7"] {n";
ips_frame_html += " font-size: 36px;n";
ips_frame_html += "}n";
ips_frame_html += "</style>n";
if( isRTL && rtlFull )
ips_frame_html += "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='" + rtlFull + "' />n";
if( rtlIe && Prototype.Browser.IE )
ips_frame_html += "<!--[if lte IE 7]>n";
ips_frame_html += "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='screen' href='" + rtlIe + "' />n";
ips_frame_html += "<![endif]-->n";
ips_frame_html += "</head>n";
ips_frame_html += "<body class='withRTL'>n";
ips_frame_html += "{:content:}n";
ips_frame_html += "</body>n";
ips_frame_html += "</html>";
return ips_frame_html;
editor_check_focus: function()
if( this.is_rte )
Debug.write( "Focussing RTE" );
try {
} catch(err) { Debug.write( "Could not focus editor window" ); }
Debug.write( "Focussing STD Textarea" );
if( !this._ie_cache )
/*if ( ! this.editor_window.has_focus ){
editor_set_controls: function()
//Debug.write( $( this.id + '_controls' ).select('span') );
controls = $( this.id + '_controls' ).select('.rte_control').each( function(elem)
if( !elem.id ){ return; }
if( this.options.ignore_controls.include( elem.id.toLowerCase() ) ){ return; }
if( elem.hasClassName('rte_button') ){
this.init_editor_button( elem );
} else if ( elem.hasClassName( 'rte_menu' ) && !elem.hasClassName( 'rte_special') ){
this.init_editor_menu( elem ); // SKINNOTE: IE error on this line
} else if ( elem.hasClassName( 'rte_palette' ) ){
this.init_editor_palette( elem );
} else {
this.set_control_unselectable( elem );
if( $( this.id + '_resizer' ) ){
this.init_editor_button( $( this.id + '_cmd_r_small' ) );
this.set_control_unselectable( $( this.id + '_cmd_r_small' ) );
this.init_editor_button( $( this.id + '_cmd_r_big' ) );
this.set_control_unselectable( $( this.id + '_cmd_r_big' ) );
set_button_context: function(obj, state, type)
// Showing HTML?
if ( this._showing_html ){
return false;
if ( Object.isUndefined( type ) ){
type = 'button';
if ( state == 'mousedown' && ( obj.readAttribute('cmd') == 'undo' || obj.readAttribute('cmd') == 'redo' ) ){
return false;
switch ( obj.readAttribute('state') )
case 'true':
switch (state)
case 'mouseout':
this.editor_set_ctl_style(obj, 'button', 'selected');
case 'mouseover':
case 'mousedown':
case 'mouseup':
this.editor_set_ctl_style(obj, type, 'down');
switch (state)
case 'mouseout':
this.editor_set_ctl_style(obj, type, 'normal');
case 'mousedown':
this.editor_set_ctl_style(obj, type, 'down');
case 'mouseover':
case 'mouseup':
this.editor_set_ctl_style(obj, type, 'hover');
editor_set_ctl_style: function( obj, type, mode )
if ( obj.readAttribute('mode') == mode ){ return; }
// Add in -menu class
var extra = '';
if ( type == 'menu' ){
extra = '_menu';
} else if ( type == 'menubutton' ) {
extra = '_menubutton';
// Add in -color if it's a color box
extra += obj.readAttribute('colorname') ? '_color' : '';
// Add in -emo if it's an emo
extra += obj.readAttribute('emo_id') ? '_emo' : '';
// Set mode...
obj.writeAttribute('mode', mode);
switch ( mode )
case "normal":
obj.addClassName('rte_normal' + extra).removeClassName('rte_hover').removeClassName('rte_selected');
case "hover":
obj.addClassName('rte_hover' + extra ).removeClassName('rte_normal').removeClassName('rte_selected');
case "selected":
case "down":
obj.addClassName('rte_selected' + extra ).removeClassName('rte_normal').removeClassName('rte_hover');
catch (err)
Debug.write( "#6 " + err );
set_control_unselectable: function(elem)
if( !$(elem) ){ return; }
$( elem ).descendants().each( function(dec){
dec.writeAttribute( 'unselectable', 'on' );
$(elem).writeAttribute( 'unselectable', 'on' );
init_editor_button: function( elem )
// What command are we running?
elem.writeAttribute( 'cmd', elem.id.replace( this.id + '_cmd_', '' ) );
elem.writeAttribute( 'editor_id', this.id );
// Add to buttons array
this.items['buttons'][ elem.readAttribute('cmd') ] = elem;
// Set up defaults
elem.writeAttribute('state', false);
elem.writeAttribute('mode', 'normal');
elem.writeAttribute('real_type', 'button');
elem.observe( 'click', this.events.button_onmouse_event.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
elem.observe( 'mousedown', this.events.button_onmouse_event.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
elem.observe( 'mouseover', this.events.button_onmouse_event.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
elem.observe( 'mouseout', this.events.button_onmouse_event.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Builds a simple menu
* @var {element} elem The relevant element
init_editor_menu: function( elem )
// Build the details
elem.writeAttribute( 'cmd', elem.id.replace( this.id + '_cmd_', '' ) );
elem.writeAttribute( 'editor_id', this.id );
this.items['buttons'][ elem.readAttribute('cmd') ] = elem;
// Build wrapper
var wrap = new Element('ul', { id: this.id + '_popup_' + elem.readAttribute('cmd') + '_menu' } );
wrap.writeAttribute( 'cmd', elem.readAttribute('cmd' ) ).addClassName('ipbmenu_content');
if( elem.hasClassName('rte_font') )
this.fontoptions[ '_default' ] = elem.innerHTML;
ipb.editor_values.get('primary_fonts').each( function(font){
var item = new Element( 'li', { 'id': this.id + '_fontoption_' + font.key } );
item.setStyle( 'font-family: "' + font.value + '"; cursor: pointer' ).addClassName('fontitem');
item.update( font.value );
$( item ).observe( 'click', this.events.font_format_option_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
wrap.insert( item );
this.fontoptions[ font.key ] = item;
elem.insert( { after: wrap } );
else if( elem.hasClassName('rte_fontsize') )
this.sizeoptions[ '_default' ] = elem.innerHTML;
ipb.editor_values.get('font_sizes').each( function( size ){
var item = new Element( 'li', { id: this.id + '_sizeoption_' + size } );
item.setStyle( 'font-size: ' + this.convert_size( size, 1 ) + 'px; cursor: pointer' ).addClassName('fontitem');
item.update( size );
$( item ).observe( 'click', this.events.font_format_option_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
wrap.insert( item );
this.sizeoptions.push( size );
elem.insert( { after: wrap } );
else if( elem.hasClassName('rte_special') )
/*ipb.editor_values.get('other_styles').each( function(style){
var item = new Element( 'li', { id: this.id + '_otherstyle_' + style.key } ).setStyle('cursor: pointer;').addClassName('specialitem');
item.update( style.value[0] );
//$( item ).observe( 'click', this.events.other_styles_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
wrap.insert( item );
// Set up palette
var item_wrap = new Element('div', {id: this.id + '_palette_other_' + style.key } );
item_wrap.writeAttribute("styleid", style.key);
var _content = ipb.editor_values.get('templates')['generic'].evaluate( {
id: this.id + '_' + style.key,
title: style.value[0],
example: style.value[3],
option_text: style.value[5] || '',
value_text: style.value[4] || ''
} );
item_wrap.update( _content );
item_wrap.down('input[type="submit"]').observe('click', this.events.other_styles_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
$( this.id + '_controls').insert( { bottom: item_wrap } );
if( !style.value[2] )
this.palettes[ 'otherstyles_' + style.key ] = new ipb.Menu( $( item ), item_wrap, { stopClose: true, offsetX: 50, offsetY: 50 } );
$( item ).observe('click', this.events.other_styles_preshow_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this, style.key ) );
elem.insert( { after: wrap } );
// Init function for IE
var beforeOpen = function( menu ){
Debug.write("Preserved IE Range");
// Create new menu
new ipb.Menu( $( elem ), wrap, {}, { beforeOpen: beforeOpen } );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Builds a palette
* @var {element} elem The relevant element
init_editor_palette: function( elem )
elem.writeAttribute( 'cmd', elem.id.replace( this.id + '_cmd_', '' ) );
elem.writeAttribute( 'editor_id', this.id );
this.items['buttons'][ elem.readAttribute('cmd') ] = elem;
wrap = new Element('div', { id: this.id + '_palette_' + elem.readAttribute('cmd') } );
wrap.writeAttribute( 'cmd', elem.readAttribute('cmd') ).addClassName('ipb_palette');
opt = {};
var handleReturn = false;
switch( elem.readAttribute('cmd') )
case 'forecolor':
case 'backcolor':
var table = new Element('table', { id: this.id + '_' + elem.readAttribute('cmd') + '_palette' }).addClassName('rte_colors');
// At this point IE would quite like you to have a tbody too
var tbody = new Element('tbody');
table.insert( tbody );
var tr = null;
var td = null;
var color = '';
for( i=0; i < ipb.editor_values.get('colors').length; i++ )
color = ipb.editor_values.get('colors')[i];
if( i % ipb.editor_values.get('colors_perrow') == 0 ){
tr = new Element('tr');
tbody.insert( tr );
td = new Element('td', { id: this.id + '_' + elem.readAttribute('cmd') + '_color_' + color } );
td.setStyle('background-color: #' + color).setStyle('background-image: none').writeAttribute('colorname', color);
tr.insert( td );
// Events
$( td ).observe('click', this.events.color_cell_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
wrap.insert( table ).addClassName('color_palette');
elem.insert( { after: wrap } );
/*case 'emoticons':
if( Object.isUndefined( ipb.editor_values.get('emoticons') ) )
/*var table = new Element( 'ul', { id: this.id + '_emoticons_palette' } ).addClassName('rte_emoticons');
var perrow = 10;
var row = null;
var i = 0;
ipb.editor_values.get('emoticons').each( function(emote){
var _tmp = emote.value.split(',');
var img = new Element('img', { id: 'smid_' + _tmp[0], src: ipb.vars['emoticon_url'] + '/' + _tmp[1] } );
var li = new Element('li', { id: this.id + '_emoticons_emote_' + _tmp[0] } ).setStyle('').addClassName('emote');
li.writeAttribute('emo_id', _tmp[0] );
li.writeAttribute('emo_img', _tmp[1] );
li.writeAttribute('emo_code', emote.key);
table.insert( li.insert( img ) );
$( li ).observe('click', this.events.emoticon_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
var table = new Element( 'table', { id: this.id + '_emoticons_palette' } ).addClassName('rte_emoticons');
// Same as before, tbody please, says IE
var tbody = new Element('tbody');
table.insert( tbody );
var tr = null;
var td = null;
var perrow = 10;
var i = 0;
//Debug.write( ipb.editor_values.get('emoticons') );
ipb.editor_values.get('emoticons').each( function(emote){
if( i % perrow == 0 )
tr = new Element( 'tr' );
tbody.insert( tr );
var _tmp = emote.value.split(',');
var img = new Element('img', { id: 'smid_' + _tmp[0], src: ipb.vars['emoticon_url'] + '/' + _tmp[1] } );
td = new Element('td', { id: this.id + '_emoticons_emote_' + _tmp[0] } ).setStyle('cursor: pointer; text-align: center').addClassName('emote');
td.writeAttribute('emo_id', _tmp[0] );
td.writeAttribute('emo_img', _tmp[1] );
td.writeAttribute('emo_code', emote.key);
td.insert( img );
tr.insert( td );
$( td ).observe('click', this.events.emoticon_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
// IE sucks
if( Prototype.Browser.IE )
var tmpdiv = new Element( 'div' ).setStyle('overflow-x: scroll');
wrap.insert( tmpdiv.insert( table ) ).addClassName('emoticons_palette');
elem.insert( { after: wrap } );
wrap.insert( table ).addClassName('emoticons_palette');
elem.insert( { after: wrap } );
if( this.values.get('show_emoticon_link') )
var emote_link = this.values.get('templates')['emoticons_showall'].evaluate( { id: this.id } );
wrap.insert( { bottom: emote_link } );
$( this.id + '_all_emoticons' ).observe( 'click', this.events.show_emoticon_sidebar.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
case 'link':
case 'image':
case 'email':
case 'media':
if( Object.isUndefined( ipb.editor_values.get('templates')[ elem.readAttribute('cmd') ] ) )
try {
wrap.update( ipb.editor_values.get('templates')[ elem.readAttribute('cmd') ].evaluate( { id: this.id } ) );
wrap.down('input[type="submit"]').observe('click', this.events.palette_submit.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
} catch( err ) { Debug.write("#7 " + err); }
this.doc_body.insert( { top: wrap } );
if( elem.readAttribute('cmd') == 'link' )
try {
this.defaults['link_text'] = $F( this.id + '_urltext' );
this.defaults['link_url'] = $F( this.id + '_url' );
} catch( err ){ Debug.write( "#8 " + err ); }
$( elem ).observe('click', this.events.link_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
if( elem.readAttribute('cmd') == 'image' )
try {
this.defaults['img'] = $F( this.id + '_img' );
} catch( err ){ Debug.write( "#15 " + err ); }
$( elem ).observe('click', this.events.image_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
if( elem.readAttribute('cmd') == 'email' )
try {
this.defaults['email_text'] = $F( this.id + '_emailtext' );
this.defaults['email'] = $F( this.id + '_email' );
} catch( err ){ Debug.write( "#8 " + err ); }
$( elem ).observe('click', this.events.email_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
if( elem.readAttribute('cmd') == 'media' )
try {
this.defaults['media'] = $F( this.id + '_media' );
} catch( err ){ Debug.write( "#17 " + err ); }
$( elem ).observe('click', this.events.media_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
this.key_handlers[ elem.readAttribute('cmd') ] = false;
this.items['buttons'][ elem.readAttribute( 'cmd' ) ] = null;
elem.hide(); // Hide since we dont know what to do with it
// Insert title
if( elem.readAttribute('title' ) )
title = new Element( 'div' );
title.update( elem.readAttribute('title') ).addClassName('rte_title');
wrap.insert( { top: title } );
if( !elem.readAttribute('cmd').endsWith('color') ){
opt = { stopClose: true };
$( elem ).observe('mouseover', this.events.palette_button_onmouseover.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
$( elem ).observe('mouseover', this.events.palette_onmouse_event.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
$( elem ).observe('mouseout', this.events.palette_onmouse_event.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
// Init function for IE
var beforeOpen = function( menu ){
Debug.write("Preserved IE Range");
//this.doc_body.insert( wrap.setStyle('position: absolute; top:0px; left:0px;') );
this.palettes[ elem.readAttribute('cmd') ] = new ipb.Menu( $( elem ), wrap, opt, { beforeOpen: beforeOpen } );
convert_size: function( size, type )
if( type == 1 )
switch( size )
case 1:
return 9;
case 2:
return 13;
case 3:
return 15;
case 4:
return 17;
case 5:
return 21;
case 6:
return 26;
case 7:
return 36;
return 13;
} else {
switch( size )
case '7.5pt':
case '9px': return 1;
case '13px': return 2;
case '15px': return 3;
case '17px': return 4;
case '21px': return 5;
case '26px': return 6;
case '36px': return 7;
default: return '';
format_text: function( e, command, arg )
// Check for special commands
if( command.startsWith( 'resize_' ) ){
if( command == 'switcheditor' ){
try {
ipb.switchEditor( this.id );
} catch(err) {
Debug.error( "#9 " + err );
// Recording state?
if ( ! this.is_rte && command != 'redo' ){
this.history_record_state( this.editor_get_contents() );
// Execute command
if ( this[ command ] )
var return_val = this[ command ](e);
/*Debug.write( "In format text, selection is: " + this.get_selection() );*/
var return_val = this.apply_formatting( command, false, (typeof arg == 'undefined' ? true : arg) );
Debug.warn( "#10 " + e );
var return_val = false;
// Recording state
if ( ! this.is_rte && command != 'undo' ){
this.history_record_state( this.editor_get_contents() );
// Set context
// Check focus
return return_val;
spellcheck: function()
// Only IE can use this
if( !Prototype.Browser.IE ){ return; }
try {
if ( this.rte_mode ){
var tmpis = new ActiveXObject("ieSpell.ieSpellExtension").CheckDocumentNode( this.editor_document );
} else {
var tmpis = new ActiveXObject("ieSpell.ieSpellExtension").CheckAllLinkedDocuments( this.editor_document );
} catch( exception ) {
if ( exception.number == -2146827859 ) {
if ( confirm( ipb.lang['js_rte_erroriespell'] ? ipb.lang['js_rte_erroriespell'] : "ieSpell необнаружен. Нажмите Ок для сохранения страницы." ) )
window.open("http://www.iespell.com/download.php", "Download");
alert( ipb.lang['js_rte_errorloadingiespell'] ? ipb.lang['js_rte_errorloadingiespell'] : "Ошибка загрузки ieSpell: номер ошибки " + exception.number);
wrap_tags: function(tag_name, has_option, selected_text)
// Fix up for HTML use
var tag_close = tag_name;
if ( ! this.use_bbcode )
switch( tag_name )
case 'url':
tag_name = 'a href';
tag_close = 'a';
tag_name = 'a href';
tag_close = 'a';
has_option = 'mailto:' + has_option;
case 'img':
tag_name = 'img src';
tag_close = '';
case 'font':
tag_name = 'font face';
tag_close = 'font';
case 'size':
tag_name = 'font size';
tag_close = 'font';
case 'color':
tag_name = 'font color';
tag_close = 'font';
case 'background':
tag_name = 'font bgcolor';
tag_close = 'font';
case 'indent':
tag_name = tag_close = 'blockquote';
case 'left':
case 'right':
case 'center':
has_option = tag_name;
tag_name = 'div align';
tag_close = 'div';
// Got selected text?
if ( Object.isUndefined( selected_text ) )
selected_text = this.get_selection();
selected_text = (selected_text === false) ? '' : new String(selected_text);
// Using option?
if ( has_option === true )
var option = prompt( ips_language_arrayp['js_rte_optionals'] ? ips_language_arrayp['js_rte_optionals'] : "Введите аттрибуты для данного тега", '');
if ( option )
var opentag = this.open_brace + tag_name + '="' + option + '"' + this.close_brace;
return false;
else if ( has_option !== false )
var opentag = this.open_brace + tag_name + '="' + has_option + '"' + this.close_brace;
var opentag = this.open_brace + tag_name + this.close_brace;
var closetag = ( tag_close != '' ) ? this.open_brace + '/' + tag_close + this.close_brace : '';
var text = opentag + selected_text + closetag;
//Debug.write( text );
/*Debug.write("Wrap tags selection is: " + this.get_selection() );*/
this.insert_text( text );
return false;
/* ! wrap_tags_lite */
wrap_tags_lite: function( start_text, close_text, replace_selection )
selected_text = '';
if( Object.isUndefined( replace_selection ) || replace_selection == 0 )
// Got selected text?
selected_text = this.get_selection();
selected_text = (selected_text === false) ? '' : new String(selected_text);
this.insert_text( start_text + selected_text + close_text );
return false;
/* ! preserve_ie_range */
preserve_ie_range: function()
if ( Prototype.Browser.IE && document.selection && ! this.emoClick )
/* Don't preserve range for emoticon click. It buggers things up epically */
this._ie_cache = this.is_rte ? ( this.editor_document.selection.createRange ) ? this.editor_document.selection.createRange() : null : document.selection.createRange();
Debug.write( "Preserved IE Range: ");
this.emoClick = false;
clean_html: function( t )
if ( t.blank() || Object.isUndefined(t) )
return t;
// Sort out BR tags
t = t.replace( /<br>/ig, "<br />");
// Remove empty <p> tags
t = t.replace( /<p>(s+?)?</p>/ig, "");
// HR issues
t = t.replace( /<p><hr /></p>/ig , "<hr />");
t = t.replace( /<p> </p><hr /><p> </p>/ig, "<hr />");
// Attempt to fix some formatting issues...
t = t.replace( /<(p|div)([^&]*)>/ig , "n<$1$2>n" );
t = t.replace( /</(p|div)([^&]*)>/ig , "n</$1$2>n");
t = t.replace( /<br />(?!</td)/ig , "<br />n" );
// And some table issues...
t = t.replace( /</(td|tr|tbody|table)>/ig , "</$1>n");
t = t.replace( /<(tr|tbody|table(.+?)?)>/ig , "<$1>n" );
t = t.replace( /<(td(.+?)?)>/ig , "t<$1>" );
// Newlines
t = t.replace( /<p> </p>/ig , "<br />");
t = t.replace( /<br />/ig , "<br />n");
t = t.replace( /<br>/ig , "<br />n");
t = t.replace( /<td><br />n</td>/ig , "<td><br /></td>" );
// Script tags
t = t.replace( /<script/g , "<script" );
t = t.replace( /</script>/g , "</script>" );
t = t.replace( /^[snt]+/g, '' );
t = t.replace( /[snt]+$/g, '' );
t = t.replace( /<br />$/g, '' );
return t;
strip_empty_html: function( html )
html = html.replace( '<([^>]+?)></([^>]+?)>', "");
return html;
strip_html: function( html )
html = html.replace( /</?([^>]+?)>/ig, "");
return html;
history_record_state: function( content )
// Make sure we're not recording twice
if ( this.history_recordings[ this.history_pointer ] != content )
this.history_recordings[ this.history_pointer ] = content;
// Make sure we've not gone back in time
if ( !Object.isUndefined( this.history_recordings[this.history_pointer + 1] ) )
this.history_recordings[this.history_pointer + 1] = null;
unhtmlspecialchars: function( html )
html = html.replace( /"/g, '"' );
html = html.replace( /</g , '<' );
html = html.replace( />/g , '>' );
html = html.replace( /&/g , '&' );
return html;
htmlspecialchars: function( html )
html = html.replace(/&/g, "&");
html = html.replace(/"/g, """);
html = html.replace(/</g, "<");
html = html.replace(/>/g, ">");
return html;
history_time_shift: function( inc )
var i = this.history_pointer + inc;
if ( i >= 0 && this.history_recordings[ i ] != null && typeof this.history_recordings[ i ] != 'undefined' )
this.history_pointer += inc;
history_fetch_recording: function()
if ( !Object.isUndefined( this.history_recordings[ this.history_pointer ] ) &&
this.history_recordings[ this.history_pointer ] != null
return this.history_recordings[ this.history_pointer ];
return false;
ipb_quote: function()
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[quote]', '[/quote]', 0);
ipb_code: function()
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[code]', '[/code]', 0);
toggleEmoticons: function( e )
if( this.showing_sidebar )
$( this.id + '_sidebar').hide();
$( 'editor_' + this.id ).removeClassName('with_sidebar');
ipb.Cookie.set( 'emoticon_sidebar', 0, 0 );
this.showing_sidebar = false;
if( this.emoticons_loaded )
$( this.id + '_emoticon_holder' ).show();
$( this.id + '_sidebar' ).show();
$( 'editor_' + this.id ).addClassName('with_sidebar');
ipb.Cookie.set( 'emoticon_sidebar', 1, 1 );
this.showing_sidebar = true;
buildEmoticons: function()
var table = new Element( 'table', { id: this.id + '_emoticons_palette' } ).addClassName('rte_emoticons');
var tbody = new Element('tbody'); // IE needs a tbody
table.insert( tbody );
var perrow = 2;
var classname = '1';
var i = 0;
//Cycle through emoticons list to build
ipb.editor_values.get('emoticons').each( function(emote){
if( i % perrow == 0 )
tr = new Element( 'tr' ).addClassName('row' + classname);
tbody.insert( tr );
classname = ( classname == '1' ) ? '2' : '1';
var _tmp = emote.value.split(',');
var img = new Element('img', { id: 'smid_' + _tmp[0], src: ipb.vars['emoticon_url'] + '/' + _tmp[1] } );
td = new Element('td', { id: this.id + '_emoticons_emote_' + _tmp[0] } ).setStyle('cursor: pointer; text-align: center').addClassName('emote');
td.writeAttribute('emo_id', _tmp[0] );
td.writeAttribute('emo_img', _tmp[1] );
td.writeAttribute('emo_code', emote.key);
td.insert( img );
tr.insert( td );
$( td ).observe('click', this.events.emoticon_onclick.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
$( this.id + '_emoticon_holder' ).update( table ).show();
this.emoticons_loaded = true;
if( $( this.id + '_showall_emoticons' ) ){
$( this.id + '_showall_emoticons' ).observe('click', this.showAllEmoticons.bindAsEventListener( this ));
if( $( this.id + '_close_sidebar' ) ){
$( this.id + '_close_sidebar' ).observe('click', this.toggleEmoticons.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
showAllEmoticons: function( e )
// Get the emoticons
if( Object.isUndefined( inACP ) || inACP == false ){
var url = ipb.vars['base_url'];
} else {
var url = ipb.vars['front_url'];
url += "app=forums&module=ajax&section=emoticons&editor_id=" + this.id + "&secure_key=" + ipb.vars['secure_hash'];
new Ajax.Request( url.replace(/&/g, '&'),
method: 'get',
onSuccess: function(t)
$( this.id + '_emoticon_holder').update( t.responseText );
if( $( this.id + '_showall_bar' ) ){
$( this.id + '_showall_bar' ).hide();
$( this.id + '_emoticon_holder').addClassName('no_bar');
if( ( Prototype.Browser.Gecko || Prototype.Browser.WebKit ) && USE_RTE ){
_editor.prototype.editor.prototype.ORIGINAL_editor_set_content = _editor.prototype.editor.prototype.editor_set_content;
_editor.prototype.editor.prototype.ORIGINAL_apply_formatting = _editor.prototype.editor.prototype.apply_formatting;
Debug.write( "Adding mozilla-specific methods" );
_moz_test: function()
return "Test: " + this.id;
togglesource_pre_show_html: function()
this.editor_document.designMode = 'off';
togglesource_post_show_html: function()
this.editor_document.designMode = 'on';
editor_set_content: function( initial_text )
this.ORIGINAL_editor_set_content( initial_text );
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'keypress', this.events.editor_document_onkeypress.bindAsEventListener(this) );
// Remove spellcheck button
if( $( this.id + '_cmd_spellcheck' ) ){
$( this.id + '_cmd_spellcheck' ).hide();
this.hidden_objects[ this.id + '_cmd_spellcheck' ] = 1;
// Kill tags
if ( this.use_bbcode && $( this.id + '_cmd_justifyfull' ) )
$( this.id + '_cmd_justifyfull' ).hide();
this.hidden_objects[ this.id + '_cmd_justifyfull' ] = 1;
// Go on.. cursor, flash you bastard
var _y = parseInt( window.pageYOffset );
// Sometimes moves the focus to the RTE
this.editor_document.execCommand("inserthtml", false, " ");
this.editor_document.execCommand("undo" , false, null);
// Restore Y
scroll( 0, _y );
Debug.write( "#11 " + error );
editor_set_functions: function()
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'mouseup', this.events.editor_document_onmouseup.bindAsEventListener(this) );
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'keyup', this.events.editor_document_onkeyup.bindAsEventListener(this) );
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'keydown', this.events.editor_document_onkeydown.bindAsEventListener(this) );
Event.observe( this.editor_window, 'focus', this.events.editor_window_onfocus.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
Event.observe( this.editor_window, 'blur', this.events.editor_window_onblur.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
apply_formatting: function(cmd, dialog, arg)
// Moz fix to allow list button click before clicking in RTE
if ( cmd != 'redo' )
this.editor_document.execCommand("inserthtml", false, " ");
this.editor_document.execCommand("undo" , false, null);
this.editor_document.execCommand( 'useCSS', false, true );
this.editor_document.execCommand( 'styleWithCSS', false, false );
return this.ORIGINAL_apply_formatting(cmd, dialog, arg);
get_selection: function()
var selection = this.editor_window.getSelection();
var range = selection ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : this.editor_document.createRange();
return this.moz_read_nodes( range.cloneContents(), false );
moz_add_range: function(node, text_length)
/*Debug.write( "In moz_add_range" );*/
var sel = this.editor_window.getSelection();
var range = this.editor_document.createRange();
if ( text_length )
range.setEnd( node, text_length);
range.setStart(node, text_length);
moz_read_nodes: function(root, toptag)
var html = "";
var moz_check = /_moz/i;
switch (root.nodeType)
var closed;
if (toptag)
closed = ! root.hasChildNodes();
html = '<' + root.tagName.toLowerCase();
var attr = root.attributes;
for (var i = 0; i < attr.length; ++i)
var a = attr.item(i);
if (!a.specified || a.name.match(moz_check) || a.value.match(moz_check))
html += " " + a.name.toLowerCase() + '="' + a.value + '"';
html += closed ? " />" : ">";
for (var i = root.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling)
html += this.moz_read_nodes(i, true);
if (toptag && !closed)
html += "</" + root.tagName.toLowerCase() + ">";
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
html = this.htmlspecialchars(root.data);
return html;
moz_goto_parent_then_body: function( n )
var o = n;
while (n.parentNode != null && n.parentNode.nodeName == 'HTML')
n = n.parentNode;
if (n)
for ( var c = 0; c < n.childNodes.length; c++ )
if ( n.childNodes[c].nodeName == 'BODY' )
return n.childNodes[c];
return o;
moz_insert_node_at_selection: function(text, text_length)
var sel = this.editor_window.getSelection();
var range = sel ? sel.getRangeAt(0) : this.editor_document.createRange();
var node = range.startContainer;
var pos = range.startOffset;
text_length = text_length ? text_length : 0;
if ( node.nodeName == 'HTML' )
node = this.moz_goto_parent_then_body( node );
switch (node.nodeType)
if (text.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)
selNode = text.firstChild;
selNode = text;
node.insertBefore(text, node.childNodes[pos]);
this.moz_add_range(selNode, text_length);
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
if (text.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE)
var text_length = pos + text.length;
node.insertData(pos, text.data);
range = this.editor_document.createRange();
range.setEnd(node, text_length);
range.setStart(node, text_length);
node = node.splitText(pos);
var selNode;
if (text.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE)
selNode = text.firstChild;
selNode = text;
node.parentNode.insertBefore(text, node);
this.moz_add_range(selNode, text_length);
insert_text: function(str, len)
fragment = this.editor_document.createDocumentFragment();
holder = this.editor_document.createElement('span');
holder.innerHTML = str;
while (holder.firstChild){
fragment.appendChild( holder.firstChild );
var my_length = parseInt( len ) > 0 ? len : 0;
this.moz_insert_node_at_selection( fragment, my_length );
insert_emoticon: function( emo_id, emo_image, emo_code, event )
var _emo_url = ipb.vars['emoticon_url'] + "/" + emo_image;
this.editor_document.execCommand('InsertImage', false, _emo_url);
var images = this.editor_document.getElementsByTagName('img');
// Sort through and fix emo
if ( images.length > 0 )
for ( var i = 0 ; i <= images.length ; i++ )
if ( !Object.isUndefined( images[i] ) && images[i].src.match( new RegExp( _emo_url + "$" ) ) )
if ( ! images[i].getAttribute('alt') )
images[i].setAttribute( 'alt', this.unhtmlspecialchars( emo_code ) );
images[i].setAttribute( 'class', 'bbc_emoticon' );
Debug.write( "#12 " + error );
//alert( error );
if ( this.emoticon_window_id != '' && typeof( this.emoticon_window_id ) != 'undefined' )
if( Prototype.Browser.Opera && USE_RTE ){
_editor.prototype.editor.prototype.ORIGINAL_editor_set_content = _editor.prototype.editor.prototype.editor_set_content;
editor_set_content: function(initial_text)
// Opera doesn't auto 100% the height, so
// lets force the body to be 100% high
this.editor_document.body.style.height = '95%';
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'keypress', this.events.editor_document_onkeypress.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
// Remove spellcheck button
if ( $( this.id + '_cmd_spellcheck' ) )
$( this.id + '_cmd_spellcheck' ).hide();
this.hidden_objects[ this.id + '_cmd_spellcheck' ] = 1;
// Kill tags
if ( this.use_bbcode )
$( this.id + '_cmd_justifyfull' ).hide();
this.hidden_objects[ this.id + '_cmd_justifyfull' ] = 1;
// Go on.. cursor, flash you bastard
var _y = parseInt( window.pageYOffset );
// Sometimes moves the focus to the RTE
this.editor_document.execCommand("inserthtml", false, "-");
this.editor_document.execCommand("undo" , false, null);
// Restore Y
scroll( 0, _y );
Debug.write( "#13 " + error );
insert_text: function(str)
this.editor_document.execCommand('insertHTML', false, str);
get_selection: function()
var selection = this.editor_window.getSelection();
var range = selection ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : this.editor_document.createRange();
var lsserializer = document.implementation.createLSSerializer();
return lsserializer.writeToString(range.cloneContents());
editor_set_functions: function()
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'mouseup', this.events.editor_document_onmouseup.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
Event.observe( this.editor_document, 'keyup', this.events.editor_document_onkeyup.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
Event.observe( this.editor_window, 'focus', this.events.editor_window_onfocus.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
Event.observe( this.editor_window, 'blur', this.events.editor_window_onblur.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
_editor_events = Class.create({
handle_custom_command: function( e, cmd )
//Debug.write( Event.element(e) );
var elem = ( $( Event.element(e) ).hasClassName('specialitem') ) ? $( Event.element(e) ) : $( Event.element( e ) ).up('.specialitem');
if( !$( elem ) ){ return; }
var cmd = $( elem ).id.replace( this.id + '_cmd_custom_', '' );
var info = this.values.get('bbcodes').get( cmd );
Debug.write( cmd );
if( info['single_tag'] == '1' && info['useoption'] == '0' )
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[' + info['tag'] + ']', '', 1);
ipb.menus.registered.get( this.id + '_cmd_otherstyles' ).doClose();
var selection = this.get_selection();
try {
window.setTimeout( function()
if( info['useoption'] == '1' && info['single_tag'] == '1' )
if( $( this.id + '_' + cmd + '_option') ){
$( this.id + '_' + cmd + '_option' ).focus();
if( selection )
$( this.id + '_' + cmd + '_text' ).value = selection;
if( $( this.id + '_' + cmd + '_option') ){
$( this.id + '_' + cmd + '_option' ).focus();
} else {
$( this.id + '_' + cmd + '_text' ).activate();
}.bind(this), 200
} catch( err ){
Debug.write( err );
handle_custom_onclick: function(e)
Debug.write("Here 5");
var elem = Event.element(e);
if( !elem.hasClassName('ipb_palette') ){
elem = Event.findElement(e, '.ipb_palette');
var styleid = elem.readAttribute("styleid");
if( !styleid || Object.isUndefined( this.values.get('bbcodes').get( styleid ) ) ) { return; }
var info = this.values.get('bbcodes').get( styleid );
Debug.write("Here 4");
// Check for required option
if( info['useoption'] == '1' && info['optional_option'] == '0' && $F( this.id + '_' + styleid + '_option' ).blank() )
alert( ipb.lang['option_is_empty'] );
try {
$( this.id + '_' + styleid + '_option' ).focus();
} catch( err ){ }
Debug.write("Here 3");
// Now work out what kind of tag to build...
if( info['useoption'] == '1' && info['single_tag'] == '1' )
var option = $F( this.id + '_' + styleid + '_option' );
if( info['optional_option'] == '1' && option.blank() ){
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[' + info['tag'] + ']', '', 1 );
} else {
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[' + info['tag'] + "='" + option + "']", '', 1 );
Debug.write("Here 1");
var value = $F( this.id + '_' + styleid + '_text' );
Debug.write("Here 2");
var option = ( $(this.id + '_' + styleid + '_option') ) ? $F( this.id + '_' + styleid + '_option' ) : '';
// If this is RTE, change newlines to br tags.
// @link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-21173-line-breaks-arent-converted-to-%26lt%3Bbr%26gt%3B-in-code-popup-in-rte/
if( USE_RTE )
value = value.replace( /n/g, '<br />' );
if( ( info['optional_option'] == '1' && option.blank() ) || info['useoption'] == '0' ){
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[' + info['tag'] + ']' + value, '[/' + info['tag'] + ']', 1 );
} else {
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[' + info['tag'] + "='" + option + "']" + value, '[/' + info['tag'] + ']', 1 );
/*var value = $F( this.id + '_' + styleid + '_text' );
if( style[2] ){
var option = $F( this.id + '_' + styleid + '_option' );
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[' + style[1] + "='" + option + "']" + value, '[/' + style[1] + ']' );
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[' + style[1] + ']' + value, '[/' + style[1] + ']' );
this.palettes[ 'otherstyles_' + styleid ].doClose();
/* ! editor_document_onmouseup */
editor_document_onmouseup: function(e)
Debug.write("Mouse up");
ipb.menus.closeAll(); // Close menus
if ( Prototype.Browser.IE )
editor_document_onkeyup: function(e)
editor_document_onkeydown: function(e)
//alert( this.forum_fix_ie_newlines + " " + Prototype.Browser.IE + " " + e.keyCode );
if ( this.forum_fix_ie_newlines &&
Prototype.Browser.IE &&
e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN ) // Enter key
var _test = ['Indent', 'Outdent', 'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'InsertOrderedList', 'InsertUnorderedList'];
for ( i=0; i< _test.length; i++ )
if ( this.editor_document.queryCommandState( _test[ i ] ) )
return true;
var sel = this.editor_document.selection;
var ts = this.editor_document.selection.createRange();
var t = ts.htmlText.replace(/<p([^>]*)>(.*)</p>/i, '$2');
if ( (sel.type == "Text" || sel.type == "None") )
ts.pasteHTML( "<br />" + t + "n" );
this.editor_document.innerHTML += "<br />n";
this.editor_window.event.returnValue = false;
editor_document_onkeypress: function(e)
if ( e.ctrlKey )
switch (String.fromCharCode(e.charCode).toLowerCase())
case 'b': cmd = 'bold'; break;
case 'i': cmd = 'italic'; break;
case 'u': cmd = 'underline'; break;
default: return;
this.apply_formatting(cmd, false, null);
return false;
editor_window_onfocus: function(e)
this.has_focus = true;
editor_window_onblur: function(e)
this.has_focus = false;
button_onmouse_event: function(e)
if( !Event.element(e).hasClassName( 'rte_control' ) ){
elem = $( Event.element(e) ).up('.rte_control');
} else {
elem = Event.element(e);
Debug.write( elem.readAttribute('cmd') );
if ( e.type == 'click' )
if( elem.readAttribute('cmd').startsWith('custom_') )
// Return so that the custom styles code can run interruptedb
else if( elem.readAttribute('cmd') == 'help' )
if( inACP )
window.open( ipb.vars['front_url'] + "&app=forums&module=extras§ion=legends&do=bbcode", "bbcode", "status=0,toolbar=0,width=1024,height=800,scrollbars=1");
window.open( ipb.vars['base_url'] + "&app=forums&module=extras§ion=legends&do=bbcode", "bbcode", "status=0,toolbar=0,width=1024,height=800,scrollbars=1");
return false;
else if( elem.readAttribute('cmd').startsWith('r_') )
// Resize commands
var editorSize = $( this.id + '_textarea' ).getHeight();
if( elem.readAttribute('cmd') == 'r_small' ){
this.resize_to( editorSize - 100 );
} else {
this.resize_to( editorSize + 100 );
else if( elem.readAttribute('cmd') == 'emoticons' )
this.toggleEmoticons( e );
this.format_text( e, elem.readAttribute('cmd'), false, true);
Event.stop(e); // Removed if(IE) check
this.set_button_context(elem, e.type);
font_format_option_onclick: function(e)
if( !Event.element(e).hasClassName('fontitem') ){
elem = Event.element(e).up('.fontitem');
} else {
elem = Event.element(e);
cmd = $( elem ).up('.ipbmenu_content').readAttribute('cmd');
/*Debug.write( "Selection: " + this.get_selection() );
Debug.write( "Format text option: " + elem.innerHTML );*/
this.format_text(e, cmd, elem.innerHTML);
color_cell_onclick: function(e)
elem = Event.element(e);
cmd = $( elem ).up('.ipb_palette').readAttribute('cmd');
this.format_text(e, cmd, '#' + elem.readAttribute('colorname'));
this.palettes[ cmd ].doClose();
palette_button_onmouseover: function(e)
if( !Event.element(e).hasClassName( 'rte_palette' ) ){
elem = $( Event.element(e) ).up('.rte_palette');
} else {
elem = Event.element(e);
elem.setStyle('cursor: pointer;');
palette_onmouse_event: function(e)
if( !Event.element(e).hasClassName( 'rte_control' ) ){
elem = $( Event.element(e) ).up('.rte_control');
} else {
elem = Event.element(e);
if( e.type == 'mouseover' ){
$( elem ).addClassName('rte_hover');
} else {
$( elem ).removeClassName('rte_hover');
palette_return_key: function(e)
/*elem = Event.element(e);
palette = elem.up('.ipb_palette');
if( !palette ){ return; }
cmd = palette.readAttribute('cmd');
if( e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN )
Debug.write( cmd );
var test = this.events.palette_submit.bind( this, e );
test = null;
palette_submit: function(e)
elem = Event.element(e);
palette = elem.up('.ipb_palette');
if( !palette ){ return; }
cmd = palette.readAttribute('cmd');
Debug.write( $( elem ).id + " " + $( palette ).id + " " + cmd );
// What are we doing?
switch( cmd )
case 'link':
var url = $F( this.id + '_url' );
var text = $F( this.id + '_urltext' );
if( url == 'http://' || url.blank() ){ return; };
if( text.blank() ){
text = url;
this.wrap_tags( 'url', url, text );
case 'image':
var img = $F( this.id + '_img' );
if( img == 'http://' || img.blank() ){ return; };
if ( ! this.is_rte ){
this.wrap_tags( 'img', false, img );
} else {
this.wrap_tags( 'img', img, '' );
case 'email':
var email = $F( this.id + '_email' );
var text = $F( this.id + '_emailtext' );
if( email.blank() || email.indexOf('@') == -1 ){ return; }
if( text.blank() ){
text = email;
this.wrap_tags( 'email', email, text );
case 'media':
var url = $F( this.id + '_media' );
if( url.blank() ){ return; }
if( ! this.is_rte ){
this.wrap_tags( 'media', false, url );
} else {
this.wrap_tags_lite( '[media]' + url, '[/media]' );
this.palettes[ cmd ].doClose();
emoticon_onclick: function(e)
var elem = Event.element(e);
var emo = elem.up('.emote');
if( !emo )
return false;
this.insert_emoticon( emo.readAttribute('emo_id'), emo.readAttribute('emo_img'), emo.readAttribute('emo_code'), e );
link_onclick: function(e)
// Any selected text?
var selection = this.get_selection();
var _active = null;
try {
if( selection )
Debug.write( "**selection: " + selection );
/* Got an image? */
if( selection.match( /<img/ ) || selection.match( /[img]/ ) )
/* Make sure it's valid BBcode */
if ( ! this.is_rte )
selection = selection.gsub( /<img src=['"]([^'"]+?)['"]s+?/>/, function( match ) { return "[img]" + match[1] + "[/img]"; } );
$( this.id + '_url' ).value = this.defaults['link_url'];
$( this.id + '_urltext' ).value = selection;
else if( selection.match(/<a/) )
if ( res = selection.match( /href="([^"]+?)"([^>]+?)?>([^<]+?)</a>/i ) )
Debug.write( res );
if ( res.length )
$( this.id + '_url' ).value = res[1];
$( this.id + '_urltext' ).value = res[3];
$( this.id + '_url' ).value = selection.strip();
$( this.id + '_urltext' ).value = this.defaults['link_text'];
_active = $( this.id + '_urltext' );
else if( selection.match(/[A-Za-z]+://[A-Za-z0-9.-]{3,}.[A-Za-z]{3}/) ){
$( this.id + '_url' ).value = selection.strip();
$( this.id + '_urltext' ).value = this.defaults['link_text'];
_active = $( this.id + '_urltext' );
} else {
$( this.id + '_urltext' ).value = selection.strip();
$( this.id + '_url' ).value = this.defaults['link_url'];
_active = $( this.id + '_url' );
$( this.id + '_urltext' ).value = this.defaults['link_text'];
$( this.id + '_url' ).value = this.defaults['link_url'];
_active = $( this.id + '_url' );
if( !this.key_handlers[ 'url' ] )
$( this.id + '_url' ).observe('keypress', this.events.palette_return_key.bindAsEventListener( this ));
$( this.id + '_urltext' ).observe('keypress', this.events.palette_return_key.bindAsEventListener( this ));
this.key_handlers[ 'url' ] = true;
window.setTimeout( function()
$( _active ).activate();
}.bind(this), 200
} catch(err){ Debug.write( "#13 " + err ); }
image_onclick: function(e)
var selection = this.get_selection();
var msg = ( selection && !selection.startsWith('<IMG') ) ? selection : this.defaults['img'];
try {
$( this.id + '_img' ).value = msg;
if( !this.key_handlers[ 'image' ] )
$( this.id + '_img' ).observe('keypress', this.events.palette_return_key.bindAsEventListener( this ));
this.key_handlers[ 'image' ] = true;
window.setTimeout( function()
$( this.id + '_img' ).activate();
}.bind(this), 200
} catch(err){ Debug.write( "#14 " + err ); }
media_onclick: function(e)
var selection = this.get_selection();
var msg = ( selection ) ? selection : this.defaults['media'];
try {
$( this.id + '_media' ).value = msg;
if( !this.key_handlers[ 'media' ] )
$( this.id + '_media' ).observe('keypress', this.events.palette_return_key.bindAsEventListener( this ));
this.key_handlers[ 'media' ] = true;
window.setTimeout( function()
$( this.id + '_media' ).activate();
}.bind(this), 200
} catch(err){ Debug.write( "#18 " + err ); }
email_onclick: function(e)
var selection = this.get_selection();
var _active = $( this.id + '_email' );
try {
if( selection )
if( selection.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])+@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+/) )
$( this.id + '_email' ).value = selection.strip();
$( this.id + '_emailtext' ).value = this.defaults['email_text'];
_active = $( this.id + '_emailtext' );
$( this.id + '_emailtext' ).value = selection.strip();
$( this.id + '_email' ).value = this.defaults['email'];
$( this.id + '_emailtext' ).value = this.defaults['email_text'];
$( this.id + '_email' ).value = this.defaults['email'];
if( !this.key_handlers[ 'email' ] )
$( this.id + '_email' ).observe('keypress', this.events.palette_return_key.bindAsEventListener( this ));
$( this.id + '_emailtext' ).observe('keypress', this.events.palette_return_key.bindAsEventListener( this ));
this.key_handlers[ 'email' ] = true;
window.setTimeout( function()
$( _active ).activate();
}.bind(this), 200
} catch( err ){ Debug.write( "#16 " + err ); }
show_emoticon_sidebar: function( e )
// Get the emoticons
if( Object.isUndefined( inACP ) || inACP == false ){
var url = ipb.vars['base_url'];
} else {
var url = ipb.vars['front_url'];
url += "app=forums&module=ajax&section=emoticons&editor_id=" + this.id;
new Ajax.Request( url.replace(/&/g, '&'),
method: 'get',
onSuccess: function(t)
// Add the sidebar
$('editor_' + this.id).addClassName('with_sidebar');
var div = $('editor_' + this.id).down('.sidebar');
div.update( this.values.get('templates')['emoticon_wrapper'].evaluate( { id: this.id } ) );
$( this.id + '_emoticon_holder').update( t.responseText );
this.palettes[ 'emoticons' ].doClose();
//called statically
addEmoticon: function( code, id, img, editorid )
try {
this.insert_emoticon( '', img, code, '' );
Debug.error( err );
var x_expanded = new Array();
function editorMinimize( key )
Debug.write( 'shrinking: ' + key );
x_expanded[key] = 0;
$(key + '_textarea').setStyle( { height: '70px' } );
$('editor_' + key).removeClassName('ips_editor');
$(key + '_controls').hide();
/* is there value? */
if ( $(key + '_textarea').value )
editorExpand( key );
$(key + '_textarea').observe( 'focus', function(e) {
editorExpand( key );
} );
function editorExpand( key )
$H(x_expanded).each( function(i)
/* Shrink set up editors */
if ( i.key != key )
editorCollapse( i.key );
} );
if ( !x_expanded[key] || x_expanded[key] == 0 )
Debug.write(" expanding: " + key);
$(key + '_controls').appear();
$('editor_' + key).addClassName('ips_editor');
ipb.editors[key] = new ipb.editor( key, USE_RTE );
$( ipb.editors[key ] ).resize_to( 250 );
x_expanded[ key ] = 1;
} catch(err) { Debug.write( err ); }
function editorCollapse(key)
/*_editor.prototype.switchEditor = function( editorID )
if( !ipb.editors[ editorID ] ){ Debug.error( "No editor found for ID " + editorID ); }
var editor = ipb.editors[ editorID ];
var url = ipb.vars['base_url'] + "app=";
var newmode = !ipb.editors[ editorID ].is_rte;
if( editor._loading ){
Debug.info("Editor is already loading")
return false;
} else {
editor._loading = true;