Файл: public/js/ips.attach.js
Строк: 886
/* IPB3 Javascript */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* ips.attach.js - Attachment manager */
/* (c) IPS, Inc 2008 */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Author: Rikki Tissier */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
var _attach = window.IPBoard;
_attach.prototype.attach = {
uploaders: [],
template: '',
_doneJson: false,
init: function()
Debug.write("Initializing ips.attach.js");
document.observe("dom:loaded", function(){
/* ------------------------------ */
* Registers an upload object
* @param {int} id The uploader ID
* @param {object} options Options to pass to object
registerUploader: function( id, type, wrapper, options )
if( Object.isUndefined( id ) || id == null )
Debug.error("ips.attach.js: Attachment manager already has that ID");
// Already exists?
if( ipb.attach.uploaders[ id ] )
Debug.error("ips.attach.js: This uploader has already been registered");
// Make object
if( type == 'swf' ){
if( options.file_size_limit )
options.file_size_limit = options.file_size_limit + " B";
uploader = new ipb.attachSWF( id, options, wrapper, ipb.attach.template );
} else {
uploader = new ipb.attachTraditional( id, options, wrapper, ipb.attach.template );
if( uploader )
ipb.attach.uploaders[ id ] = uploader;
if( $( 'nojs_' + id + '_1' ) ){
$( 'nojs_' + id + '_1' ).hide();
if( $( 'nojs_' + id + '_2' ) ){
$( 'nojs_' + id + '_2' ).hide();
switchUploadType: function( mode )
var url = ipb.vars['base_url'] + "app=core&module=ajax§ion=attach&do=setPref&pref=" + mode + '&secure_key=' + ipb.vars['secure_hash'];
var wLoc = window.location.toString();
new Ajax.Request( url,
method: 'post',
evalJSON: 'force',
hideLoader: true,
onSuccess: function(t)
if( Object.isUndefined( t.responseJSON ) ){ alert( ipb.lang['action_failed'] ); return; }
if ( t.responseJSON['status'] == 'ok' )
/* Do some jazzy stuffs */
if ( $('postingform') )
/* Preserve poll
@link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-32853-poll-data-missing-after-change-the-uploader
if( $('poll_wrap') && $('add_poll') )
try {
$('add_poll').insert({ after: $('poll_wrap') });
} catch(err){ }
$('postingform').action += '&preview=1&uploadPref=' + mode;
else if( $('msgForm') )
var _key = 'preview';
if( $('msgForm').action.match( /do=sendReply/ ) )
_key = 'previewReply';
$('msgForm').action += '&' + _key + '=1&uploadPref=' + mode;
window.location = wLoc.replace("#", "").replace( new RegExp( /&uploadPref=S+?(&|$)/ ), '' ) + '&uploadPref=' + mode + '&preview=1';
alert( ipb.lang['action_failed'] );
removeUpload: function(e)
elem = Event.findElement( e, 'li' );
elemid = elem.id.replace('cur_', '');
elemid = elemid.match( /^ali_(.+?)_([0-9]+)$/ );
if( !elemid[1] ){ return; }
obj = ipb.attach.uploaders[ elemid[1] ];
attachid = elem.readAttribute('attachid').replace('cur_', '');
//Debug.write( this.boxes );
// Send request to remove upload
new Ajax.Request( ipb.vars['base_url'] + "app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&do=attach_upload_remove&attach_rel_module=" +
obj.options['attach_rel_module'] + " &attach_rel_id=" + obj.options['attach_rel_id'] + " &attach_post_key=" +
obj.options['attach_post_key'] + "&forum_id=" + obj.options['forum_id'] + "&attach_id=" + attachid + '&secure_key=' + ipb.vars['secure_hash'],
method: 'post',
evalJSON: 'force',
onSuccess: function(t)
if( Object.isUndefined( t.responseJSON ) ){ alert( ipb.lang['action_failed'] ); return; }
if( t.responseJSON.msg == 'attach_removed' )
ipb.attach.uploaders[ elemid[1] ].removeUpload( elem.readAttribute('attachid'), elemid[2], t.responseJSON );
alert( ipb.lang['action_failed'] );
startedUploading: function(handler)
finishedUploading: function( attachid, fileindex )
if( !ipb.attach.uploaders[ attachid ] ){ return; }
if( !ipb.attach.uploaders[ attachid ].boxes[ fileindex ] ){ return; }
var row = ipb.attach.uploaders[ attachid ].boxes[ fileindex ];
if( $( row ) )
var link = $( row ).down('.add_to_post');
if( $(link) )
$( link ).writeAttribute( 'fileindex', fileindex ).writeAttribute( 'attachid', attachid );
$( link ).observe('click', ipb.attach.insertIntoPost );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Fetches an uploader
* @param {int} id ID of uploader to get
* @return mixed Object if exists, false if not
getUploader: function( id )
if( ipb.attach.uploaders[ id ] )
return ipb.attach.uploaders[ id ];
return false;
/* ------------------------------ */
* Returns a human-readable string for errors
* @param {string} msg The msg code
* @return {string} The human-readable message
_determineServerError: function( msg )
if( msg.blank() ){ return ipb.lang['silly_server']; }
if( !Object.isUndefined( ipb.lang[ msg ] ) )
return ipb.lang[ msg ];
return ipb.lang['silly_server'];
_jsonPass: function( id, json )
if( ipb.attach._doneJson ){ return; }
ipb.attach.uploaders[ 'attach_' + id ].json = json;
ipb.attach.uploaders[ 'attach_' + id ].isReady();
// #33731: Opera would constantly call this function, causing the attachment
// list to break. As a workaround, we set this to true so that it only
// runs once.
// Sigh... this caused a regression.
//ipb.attach._doneJson = true;
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: Got json back from iframe id " + id );
* Builds boxes
_buildBoxes: function( currentItems )
for( var i in currentItems )
Debug.write( "Templating item: " + currentItems[i][1] );
id = i;
index = 'cur_' + currentItems[i][0];
name = currentItems[i][1];
size = currentItems[i][2];
temp = uploader.template.gsub(/[id]/, uploader.id + '_' + index).gsub(/[name]/, name);
$( uploader.wrapper ).insert( temp );
$( 'ali_' + uploader.id + '_' + index ).select('.progress_bar')[0].hide();
new Effect.Appear( $( 'ali_' + uploader.id + '_' + index ), { duration: 0.3 } );
$( 'ali_' + uploader.id + '_' + index ).select('.info')[0].update( ipb.global.convertSize( size ) );
// Add attachID
$( 'ali_' + uploader.id + '_' + index ).writeAttribute( 'attachid', index );
// Add event handlers
$( 'ali_' + uploader.id + '_' + index ).select('.delete')[0].observe( 'click', ipb.attach.removeUpload );
// Remove old statuses
['complete', 'in_progress', 'error'].each( function( cName ){ $( 'ali_' + uploader.id + '_' + index ).removeClassName( cName ); }.bind( uploader ) );
$( 'ali_' + uploader.id + '_' + index ).addClassName( 'complete' );
if( currentItems[ i ][ 3 ] == 1 )
tmp = currentItems[ i ];
var width = tmp[5];
var height = tmp[6];
if( ( tmp[5] && tmp[5] > 30 ) )
width = 30;
factor = ( 30 / tmp[5] );
height = tmp[6] * factor;
if( ( tmp[6] && tmp[6] > 30 ) )
height = 30;
factor = ( 30 / tmp[5] );
width = tmp[5] * factor;
thumb = new Element('img', { src: ipb.vars['upload_url'] + '/' + tmp[4], 'width': width, 'height': height, 'class': 'thumb_img' } ).hide();
$( 'ali_' + uploader.id + '_' + index ).select('.img_holder')[0].insert( thumb );
new Effect.Appear( $( thumb ), { duration: 0.4 } );
uploader.boxes[ index ] = 'ali_' + uploader.id + '_' + index;
// Fire finishedUpload
ipb.attach.finishedUploading( uploader.id, index );
insertIntoPost: function(e)
var elem = Event.element(e);
if( !elem.hasClassName('add_to_post') )
elem = Event.findElement(e, 'add_to_post');
elem = elem.up('.attach_row');
var fileindex = elem.readAttribute('attachid');
var filename = elem.down('.attach_name').innerHTML;
fileindex = fileindex.toString().replace('cur_', '');
if( fileindex && filename )
ipb.editorInsert( "[attachment=" + fileindex + ":" + filename.replace( /[/, '' ).replace( /]/, '' ) + "]" );
else if( fileindex )
ipb.editorInsert( "[attachment=" + fileindex + "]" );
_attach.prototype.attachTraditional = Class.create({
options: [],
boxes: [],
initialize: function( id, options, wrapper, template )
this.id = id;
this.wrapper = wrapper;
this.template = template;
this.options = options;
/* Build iframe */
this.iframe = new Element('iframe', { id: 'iframeAttach_' + this.options['attach_rel_id'],
name: 'iframeAttach_' + this.options['attach_rel_id'],
scrolling: 'no',
frameBorder: 'no',
border: '0',
className: 'clearfix',
allowTransparency: true,
src: this.options.upload_url,
tabindex: '1'
width: '500px',
height: '25px',
overflow: 'hidden',
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
$('add_files_' + this.id ).insert( { before: this.iframe } );
$( wrapper ).addClassName('traditional');
Debug.write("Init traditional");
$('add_files_' + this.id ).observe('click', this.processUpload.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
_createFrame: function()
removeUpload: function( attachid, fileindex, fileinfo )
/*Debug.write( fileindex );
Debug.dir( this.boxes );*/
if( attachid.startsWith('cur_') ){
fileindex = 'cur_' + fileindex;
// Remove box
new Effect.Fade( $( this.boxes[ fileindex ] ), { duration: 0.4 } );
// Remove reference
this.boxes[ fileindex ] = null;
// Update totals
if( $('space_info_' + this.id ) && ipb.lang['used_space'] )
$('space_info_' + this.id ).update( ipb.lang['used_space'].gsub(/[used]/, fileinfo['attach_stats']['space_used_human']).gsub(/[total]/, fileinfo['attach_stats']['total_space_allowed_human']).gsub(/[left]/, fileinfo['attach_stats']['space_left_human']) );
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", removeUpload) Attach ID: " + attachid + ", File index: " + fileindex );
* Processes upload
processUpload: function( e )
var iFrameBox = window.frames[ 'iframeAttach_' + this.options['attach_rel_id'] ].document.getElementById('iframeUploadBox');
var iFrameForm = window.frames[ 'iframeAttach_' + this.options['attach_rel_id'] ].document.getElementById('iframeUploadForm');
var box = $('attach_' + this.options['attach_rel_id'] );
window.frames[ 'iframeAttach_' + this.options['attach_rel_id'] ].document.getElementById('waitImg').style.display = 'inline-block';
Debug.write( ipb.vars['base_url'] + "app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&do=attachUploadiFrame&attach_rel_module=" +
this.options['attach_rel_module'] + "&attach_rel_id=" + this.options['attach_rel_id'] + "&attach_post_key=" +
this.options['attach_post_key'] + "&forum_id=" + this.options['forum_id'] + '&fetch_all=1' );
iFrameForm.action = ipb.vars['base_url'] + "app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&do=attachUploadiFrame&attach_rel_module=" +
this.options['attach_rel_module'] + "&attach_rel_id=" + this.options['attach_rel_id'] + "&attach_post_key=" +
this.options['attach_post_key'] + "&forum_id=" + this.options['forum_id'] + '&fetch_all=1';
* Iframe is ready
isReady: function()
if ( this.json )
if ( this.json['is_error'] )
$('attach_error_box').update( ipb.lang['error'] + " <strong>" + ipb.attach._determineServerError( this.json['msg'] ) + "</strong>" );
if ( this.json['current_items'] )
$( this.wrapper ).update();
ipb.attach._buildBoxes( this.json['current_items'] );
if ( typeof( this.json['attach_rel_id']) !='undefined' )
if( $('space_info_attach_' + this.json['attach_rel_id'] ) )
$('space_info_attach_' + this.json['attach_rel_id'] ).update( ipb.lang['used_space'].gsub(/[used]/, this.json['attach_stats']['space_used_human']).gsub(/[total]/, this.json['attach_stats']['total_space_allowed_human']).gsub(/[left]/, this.json['attach_stats']['space_left_human']) );
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: iFrame is ready" );
_setJSON: function( json )
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: Got JSON from the iFrame" );
_attach.prototype.attachSWF = Class.create({
options: [],
boxes: [], /* simple array to hold file index => list id relationship, because im lazy :) */
initialize: function( id, options, wrapper, template )
this.id = id;
this.wrapper = wrapper;
this.template = template;
this.options = Object.extend({
upload_url: '',
file_post_name: 'FILE_UPLOAD',
file_types: '*.*',
file_types_description: ipb.lang['att_select_files'],
file_size_limit: "10 MB",
file_upload_limit: 0,
file_queue_limit: 10,
flash_color: ipb.vars['swf_bgcolor'] || '#FFFFFF',
custom_settings: {},
post_params: { 's': ipb.vars['session_id'] }
}, arguments[1] || {});
if( this.options.upload_url.blank() ){ Debug.error( "(ID " + id + ") No upload URL" ); return false; }
// Update the text of the button to indicate more than one can be attached
try {
$('add_files_' + this.id).value = ipb.lang['click_to_attach'];
} catch(err) {
Debug.write( err );
// Set up SWFU
try {
var swfu;
var settings = {
upload_url: this.options.upload_url,
flash_url: ipb.vars['swfupload_swf'],
file_post_name: this.options.file_post_name,
file_types: this.options.file_types,
file_types_description: this.options.file_types_description,
file_size_limit: this.options.file_size_limit,
file_upload_limit: this.options.file_upload_limit,
file_queue_limit: this.options.file_queue_limit,
custom_settings: this.options.custom_settings,
post_params: this.options.post_params,
debug: ipb.vars['swfupload_debug'],
// ---- BUTTON SETTINGS ----
button_placeholder_id: 'buttonPlaceholder',
button_width: $('add_files_' + this.id).getWidth(),
button_height: 30,
button_window_mode: SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE.TRANSPARENT,
button_cursor: SWFUpload.CURSOR.HAND,
// ---- EVENTS ----
upload_error_handler: this._uploadError.bind(this),
upload_start_handler: this._uploadStart.bind(this),
upload_success_handler: this._uploadSuccess.bind(this),
upload_complete_handler: this._uploadComplete.bind(this),
upload_progress_handler: this._uploadProgress.bind(this),
file_dialog_complete_handler: this._fileDialogComplete.bind(this),
file_queue_error_handler: this._fileQueueError.bind(this),
queue_complete_handler: this._queueComplete.bind(this),
file_queued_handler: this._fileQueued.bind(this)
swfu = new SWFUpload( settings );
// Add events
/*if( $('add_files_' + this.id ) )
$('add_files_' + this.id ).observe('click', this.showFilesDialog.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
this.obj = swfu;
// Now we have to get existing files
var getExisting = ipb.vars['base_url'] + "app=core&module=attach§ion=attach&do=attach_upload_show&attach_rel_module=" +
options['attach_rel_module'] + "&attach_rel_id=" + options['attach_rel_id'] + "&attach_post_key=" +
options['attach_post_key'] + "&forum_id=" + options['forum_id'] + "&attach_id=" + id + '&secure_key=' + ipb.vars['secure_hash'] + '&fetch_all=1';
// Send request to get the uploads
new Ajax.Request( getExisting,
method: 'get',
evalJSON: 'force',
hideLoader: true,
onSuccess: function(t)
if( Object.isUndefined( t.responseJSON ) ){ alert( ipb.lang['action_failed'] ); return; }
if( t.responseJSON.current_items )
ipb.attach._buildBoxes( t.responseJSON.current_items );
this.obj.onmouseover = $('SWFUpload_0').focus();
$('SWFUpload_0').writeAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ") Created uploader");
return true;
Debug.error( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ") " + e );
return false;
/* ------------------------------ */
* Removes an upload from the list (note: actual removing of file is done in the wrapper object
* @param {int} attachid Server ID of the attachment
* @param {int} fileindex The file index that SWFU is using
removeUpload: function( attachid, fileindex, fileinfo )
if( attachid.startsWith('cur_') ){
fileindex = 'cur_' + fileindex;
// Remove box
new Effect.Fade( $( this.boxes[ fileindex ] ), { duration: 0.4 } );
// Remove reference
this.boxes[ fileindex ] = null;
if( $('space_info_' + this.id ) && ipb.lang['used_space'] )
$('space_info_' + this.id ).update( ipb.lang['used_space'].gsub(/[used]/, fileinfo['attach_stats']['space_used_human']).gsub(/[total]/, fileinfo['attach_stats']['total_space_allowed_human']).gsub(/[left]/, fileinfo['attach_stats']['space_left_human']) );
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", removeUpload) Attach ID: " + attachid + ", File index: " + fileindex );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Updates the info string for an upload
* @param {object} file The file object from SWFU
* @param {string} msg The message to set
_updateInfo: function( file, msg )
$( this.boxes[ file ] ).select('.info')[0].update( msg );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Sets a CSS class on the box depending on status
* @param {object} file The file object from SWFU
* @param {string} type Status to set
_setStatus: function( file, type )
// Remove old statuses
['complete', 'in_progress', 'error'].each( function( cName ){ $( this.boxes[ file ] ).removeClassName( cName ); }.bind( this ) );
$( this.boxes[ file ] ).addClassName( type );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Returns a human-readable string for errors
* @param {string} msg The msg code
* @return {string} The human-readable message
_determineServerError: function( msg )
if( msg.blank() ){ return ipb.lang['silly_server']; }
if( !Object.isUndefined( ipb.lang[ msg ] ) )
return ipb.lang[ msg ];
return ipb.lang['silly_server'];
/*switch( msg )
case 'upload_no_file':
return ipb.lang['upload_no_file'];
case 'invalid_mime_type':
return ipb.lang['invalid_mime_type'];
case 'upload_too_big':
return ipb.lang['upload_too_big'];
case 'upload_failed':
return ipb.lang['upload_failed'];
return ipb.lang['silly_server'] + " " + msg;
/* ------------------------------ */
* Builds the list row for each upload
* @param {object} file The file object passed from SWFU
_buildBox: function( file )
temp = this.template.gsub(/[id]/, this.id + '_' + file.index).gsub(/[name]/, file.name);
this.boxes[ file.index ] = 'ali_' + this.id + '_' + file.index;
$( this.wrapper ).insert( temp );
new Effect.Appear( $( this.boxes[ file.index ] ), { duration: 0.3 } );
this._updateInfo( file.index, ipb.global.convertSize( file.size ) + "bytes" );
_queueComplete: function( numFiles )
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", " + numFiles + " finished uploading");
_fileQueued: function( file )
this._buildBox( file );
$( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).addClassName('in_progress');
this._updateInfo( file.index, ipb.lang['pending'] );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Event handler for fileQueueError
* @param {object} file The file object
* @param {int} errorCode Error code
* @param {string} message Message from SWFUpload
_fileQueueError: function( file, errorCode, message )
var msg;
try {
alert( ipb.lang['upload_queue'] + ' ' + message );
return false;
switch (errorCode) {
msg = ipb.lang['upload_too_big'];
msg = ipb.lang['upload_no_file'];
msg = ipb.lang['invalid_mime_type'];
if( file !== null ) {
msg = ipb.lang['upload_failed'] + " " + errorCode;
// Have to manually build box
this._buildBox( file );
this._setStatus( file.index, 'error' );
this._updateInfo( file.index, ipb.lang['upload_skipped'] + " (" + msg + ")" );
$( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).select('.progress_bar')[0].hide();
$( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).select('.links')[0].hide();
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", fileQueueError) " + errorCode + ": " + message );
catch( err )
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", fileQueueError) " + errorCode + ": " + message );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Event handler for uploadError
* @param {object} file The file object
* @param {int} errorCode The error code returned
* @param {string} message The message returned
_uploadError: function( file, errorCode, message )
var msg;
switch( errorCode )
msg = ipb.lang['error'] + message;
msg = message;
msg = ipb.lang['error'] + " IO";
msg = ipb.lang['error_security'];
msg = ipb.lang['upload_limit_hit'];
msg = ipb.lang['invalid_mime_type'];
// If there aren't any files left (they were all cancelled) disable the cancel button
if (this.getStats().files_queued === 0) {
document.getElementById(this.customSettings.cancelButtonId).disabled = true;
msg = ipb.lang['error'] + ": " + errorCode;
this._setStatus( file.index, 'error' );
this._updateInfo( file.index, ipb.lang['upload_skipped'] + " (" + msg + ")" );
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", uploadError) " + errorCode + ": " + message );
return false;
/* ------------------------------ */
* Event handler for uploadStart
* @param {object} file The file object
_uploadStart: function( file )
ipb.attach.startedUploading( this.id );
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", uploadStart) " );
/*this._buildBox( file );
$( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).addClassName('in_progress');
this._updateInfo( file.index, ipb.lang['uploading'] );*/
/* ------------------------------ */
* Event handler for uploadSuccess
* @param {object} file The file object
* @param {string} serverData Data from the server (should be JSON)
_uploadSuccess: function( file, serverData )
if( !serverData.isJSON() ){ this._setStatus( file.index, 'error' ); this._updateInfo( file.index, ipb.lang['silly_server'] ); }
returnedObj = serverData.evalJSON();
if( Object.isUndefined( returnedObj ) ){ this._setStatus( file.index, 'error' ); this._updateInfo( file.index, ipb.lang['silly_server'] ); }
// Error?
if( returnedObj.is_error == 1 )
msg = this._determineServerError( returnedObj.msg );
this._setStatus( file.index, 'error' );
this._updateInfo( file.index, msg );
return false;
if( $('space_info_' + this.id ) && ipb.lang['used_space'] )
//$('space_info_' + this.id ).update( "Used <strong>" + returnedObj.attach_stats.space_used_human + "</strong> of <strong>" + returnedObj.attach_stats.total_space_allowed_human + "</strong>" );
$('space_info_' + this.id ).update( ipb.lang['used_space'].gsub(/[used]/, returnedObj.attach_stats.space_used_human).gsub(/[total]/, returnedObj.attach_stats.total_space_allowed_human).gsub(/[left]/, returnedObj.attach_stats.space_left_human) );
if( returnedObj.current_items[ returnedObj.insert_id ][ 3 ] == 1 )
tmp = returnedObj.current_items[ returnedObj.insert_id ];
var width = tmp[5];
var height = tmp[6];
if( ( tmp[5] && tmp[5] > 30 ) )
width = 30;
factor = ( 30 / tmp[5] );
height = tmp[6] * factor;
if( ( tmp[6] && tmp[6] > 30 ) )
height = 30;
factor = ( 30 / tmp[5] );
width = tmp[5] * factor;
thumb = new Element('img', { src: ipb.vars['upload_url'] + '/' + tmp[4], 'width': width, 'height': height, 'class': 'thumb_img' } ).hide();
$( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).select('.img_holder')[0].insert( thumb );
new Effect.Appear( $( thumb ), { duration: 0.4 } );
this._setStatus( file.index, 'complete' );
this._updateInfo( file.index, ipb.lang['upload_done'].gsub( /[total]/, ipb.global.convertSize( file.size ) ) );
// Write attachID to the object for easy retreival later
$( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).writeAttribute( 'attachid', returnedObj.insert_id );
// Add event handlers
$( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).select('.delete')[0].observe( 'click', ipb.attach.removeUpload );
ipb.attach.finishedUploading( this.id, file.index );
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", uploadSuccess) " + serverData );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Event handler for uploadComplete
* @param {object} file The file object
_uploadComplete: function( file )
ipb.attach.finishedUploading( this.id );
progress_bar = $( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).select('.progress_bar span')[0];
progress_bar.setStyle( "width: 100%" );
new Effect.Fade( $( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).select('.progress_bar')[0], { duration: 0.6 } );
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", uploadComplete)" );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Event handler for uploadProgress
* @param {object} file The file object
* @param {int} bytesLoaded Number of bytes loaded so far
* @param {int} bytesTotal Total size of file
_uploadProgress: function( file, bytesLoaded, bytesTotal)
var percent = Math.ceil((bytesLoaded / bytesTotal) * 100);
progress_bar = $( this.boxes[ file.index ] ).select('.progress_bar span')[0];
progress_bar.setStyle( "width: " + percent + "%" ).update( percent + "%" );
this._setStatus( file.index, 'in_progress' );
this._updateInfo( file.index, ipb.lang['upload_progress'].gsub( /[done]/, ipb.global.convertSize( bytesLoaded ) ).gsub( /[total]/, ipb.global.convertSize( bytesTotal ) ) );
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", uploadProgress)" );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Event handler for fileDialogComplete (called when used finishes selecting files
* @param {int} number Number of files selected
* @param {int} queued Number in the queue
_fileDialogComplete: function( number, queued )
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: (ID " + this.id + ", fileDialogComplete) Number: " + number + ", Queued: " + queued );
/* ------------------------------ */
* Event handler for the Add Files button
* @param {event} e The event
/*showFilesDialog: function(e)
Debug.write( "ips.attach.js: Adding files" );
Copyright (c) 2007, James Auldridge
All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
Version 1.0
Change Log:
* 09 JAN 07 - Version 1.0 written
//Preparing namespace
var jimAuld = window.jimAuld || {};
jimAuld.utils = jimAuld.utils || {};
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer = {
lastMajorRelease: 10,
installed: false,
version: null,
detect: function()
var fp,fpd,fAX;
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length)
fp = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
if (fp)
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed = true;
if (fp.description)
fpd = fp.description;
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version = fpd.substr( fpd.indexOf('.')-2, 2 ).strip();
Debug.write( jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version );
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed = false;
if (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"]){
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed = true;
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version = 2;
else if (navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length)
fp = navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'];
if (fp && fp.enabledPlugin)
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed = true;
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed = false;
for(var i=jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.lastMajorRelease;i>=2;i--)
fAX = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash."+i);
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed = true;
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version = i;
if(jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed == null){
fAX = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash");
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed = true;
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version = 2;
if(jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed == null)
jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.installed = false;
fAX = null;
isVersion: function(exactVersion)
return (jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version!=null && jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version==exactVersion);
isLatestVersion: function()
return (jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version!=null && jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version==jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.lastMajorRelease);
meetsMinVersion: function(minVersion)
return (jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version!=null && jimAuld.utils.flashsniffer.version>=minVersion);