Файл: admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/topics.php
Строк: 1027
* <pre>
* Invision Power Services
* IP.Board v3.3.3
* Topic View
* Last Updated: $Date: 2012-06-08 14:41:59 -0400 (Fri, 08 Jun 2012) $
* </pre>
* @author $Author: mmecham $
* @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
* @package IP.Board
* @subpackage Forums
* @link http://www.invisionpower.com
* @version $Rev: 10902 $
if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";
class public_forums_forums_topics extends ipsCommand
* First post content
* @var string
protected $_firstPostContent = '';
* Number of posts so far (offset)
* @var integer
public $post_count = 0;
* First post id
* @var integer
public $first = 0;
* Quoted post ids
* @var string
public $qpids = "";
* Can rate a topic permission
* @var boolean
public $can_rate = false;
* Is this a poll only (disallow replies)?
* @var boolean
public $poll_only = false;
* Can we edit at least one post?
* @var boolean
protected $_canEditAPost = false;
* Attachments library
* @var object
public $class_attach;
* Soft deleted PIDS
protected $_sdPids = array();
* Permissions array
protected $permissions = array();
* Max post date for this page
protected $_maxPostDate = 0;
* Mod actions
* @var array
protected $mod_action = array( 'CLOSE_TOPIC' => '00',
'OPEN_TOPIC' => '01',
'MOVE_TOPIC' => '02',
'HIDE_TOPIC' => '03',
'UNHIDE_TOPIC' => 'sundelete',
'DELETE_TOPIC' => '08',
'EDIT_TOPIC' => '05',
'PIN_TOPIC' => '15',
'UNPIN_TOPIC' => '16',
'UNSUBBIT' => '30',
'MERGE_TOPIC' => '60',
'TOPIC_HISTORY' => '90',
* Main Execution Function
* @param object Registry reference
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen/redirects]
public function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry )
$post_data = array();
$poll_data = '';
$function = '';
/* Print CSS */
$this->registry->output->addToDocumentHead( 'raw', "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' title='Main' media='print' href='{$this->settings['css_base_url']}style_css/{$this->registry->output->skin['_csscacheid']}/ipb_print.css' />" );
/* Followed stuffs */
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/like/composite.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$this->_like = classes_like::bootstrap( 'forums', 'topics' );
/* Init */
if ( ! $this->registry->isClassLoaded('topics') )
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . "/sources/classes/topics.php", 'app_forums_classes_topics', 'forums' );
$this->registry->setClass( 'topics', new $classToLoad( $this->registry ) );
/* Load up the data dudes */
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->autoPopulate( null, false );
catch( Exception $crowdCheers )
$msg = str_replace( 'EX_', '', $crowdCheers->getMessage() );
$this->registry->output->showError( $msg, 10340, null, null, 404 );
/* Shortcut */
$this->forumClass = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums');
/* Setup basics for this method */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
/* Rating */
$this->can_rate = $this->memberData['member_id'] ? intval( $this->memberData['g_topic_rate_setting'] ) : 0;
/* Set up topic */
$topicData = $this->topicSetUp( $topicData );
/* Specific view? */
/* Get Posts */
$_NOW = IPSDebug::getMemoryDebugFlag();
if ( $this->registry->getClass('topics')->isArchived( $topicData ) && $this->registry->class_forums->fetchArchiveTopicType( $topicData ) != 'working' )
/* Load up archive class */
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/archive/reader.php', 'classes_archive_reader' );
$this->archiveReader = new $classToLoad();
$postData = $this->archiveReader->get( array( 'parentData' => $topicData,
'goNative' => true,
'offset' => intval( $this->request['st'] ),
'limit' => intval( $this->settings['display_max_posts'] ),
'sortKey' => $this->settings['post_order_column'],
'sortOrder' => $this->settings['post_order_sort'] ) );
$postData = $this->_getPosts();
/* Finish off post Data */
if ( count( $postData ) )
foreach( $postData as $pid => $data )
$postData[ $pid ] = $this->parsePostRow( $data );
unset( $this->cached_members );
/* Status? */
if ( $topicData['_ppd_ok'] === TRUE )
/* status from PPD */
if ( $this->forumClass->ppdStatusMessage )
$topicData['_fastReplyStatusMessage'][] = $this->forumClass->ppdStatusMessage;
$topicData['_fastReplyModAll'] = FALSE;
switch( intval( $forumData['preview_posts'] ) )
case 1:
case 3:
$topicData['_fastReplyModAll'] = TRUE;
// Update the item marker
if ( ! $this->request['view'] && ! $this->registry->getClass('topics')->isArchived( $topicData ) )
/* If we marked page 2 but land back on page 1 again we don't want to unmark it! */
$lastMarked = $this->registry->classItemMarking->fetchTimeLastMarked( array( 'forumID' => $forumData['id'], 'itemID' => $topicData['tid'] ) );
/* is this the very last page? */
if ( $this->registry->getClass('topics')->isOnLastPage() )
/* ...then make the timestamp 'NOW' so polls will be cleared correctly */
$this->_maxPostDate = IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW;
if ( $lastMarked < $this->_maxPostDate )
$this->registry->getClass('classItemMarking')->markRead( array( 'forumID' => $forumData['id'], 'itemID' => $topicData['tid'], 'markDate' => $this->_maxPostDate, 'containerLastActivityDate' => $forumData['last_post'] ) );
/* Set has unread flag */
$forumData['_hasUnreadTopics'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->getHasUnread( $forumData['id'] );
IPSDebug::setMemoryDebugFlag( "TOPICS: Parsed Posts - Completed", $_NOW );
// Generate template
$topicData['id'] = $topicData['forum_id'];
// This has to be called first to set $this->poll_only
$poll_data = ( $topicData['poll_state'] ) ? $this->_generatePollOutput() : array( 'html' => '', 'poll' => '' );
$displayData = array( 'fast_reply' => $this->_getFastReplyData(),
'multi_mod' => $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getMultiModerationData(),
'reply_button' => $this->_getReplyButtonData(),
'active_users' => $this->_getActiveUserData(),
'mod_links' => ( $this->registry->getClass('topics')->isArchived( $topicData ) ) ? '' : $this->_generateModerationPanel(),
'follow_data' => ( $this->registry->getClass('topics')->isArchived( $topicData ) or $topicData['_isDeleted'] ) ? '' : $this->_like->render( 'summary', $topicData['tid'] ),
'same_tagged' => ( $this->registry->getClass('topics')->isArchived( $topicData ) ) ? '' : $this->_getSameTaggedData(),
'poll_data' => $poll_data,
'load_editor_js' => ( $this->_getFastReplyData() && $topicData['_isDeleted'] ) ? true : false,
'smilies' => '' );
// If we can edit, but not reply, load JS still
if( !$displayData['fast_reply'] AND $this->_canEditAPost )
$displayData['load_editor_js'] = true;
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite' );
$editor = new $classToLoad();
$displayData['smilies'] = $editor->fetchEmoticons();
$postData = $this->_parseAttachments( $postData );
/* Rules */
if( $forumData['show_rules'] == 2 )
IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parse_smilies = 1;
IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parse_html = 1;
IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parse_nl2br = 1;
IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parse_bbcode = 1;
IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parsing_section = 'topics';
IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup = $this->memberData['member_group_id'];
IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup_others = $this->memberData['mgroup_others'];
if( ! $forumData['rules_raw_html'] )
$forumData['rules_text'] = IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->preDisplayParse( $forumData['rules_text'] );
/* Got soft delete pids? */
if ( is_array( $this->_sdPids ) AND count( $this->_sdPids ) )
$displayData['sdData'] = IPSDeleteLog::fetchEntries( $this->_sdPids, 'post', false );
if ( $topicData['_isDeleted'] )
$topicData['sdData'] = IPSDeleteLog::fetchEntries( array( $topicData['tid'] ), 'topic', false );
$topicData['sdData'] = $topicData['sdData'][ $topicData['tid'] ];
if( $topicData['starter_id'] )
$topicData['_starter'] = IPSMember::buildDisplayData( IPSMember::load( $topicData['starter_id'] ) );
$topicData['_starter'] = IPSMember::buildDisplayData( array(
'member_id' => 0,
'members_display_name' => $topicData['starter_name'] ? $this->settings['guest_name_pre'] . $topicData['starter_name'] . $this->settings['guest_name_suf'] : $this->lang->words['global_guestname'],
) );
/* Can we report? */
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir('core') . '/sources/classes/reportLibrary.php', 'reportLibrary', 'core' );
$reports = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
$topicData['_canReport'] = $reports->canReport( 'post' );
$template = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('topic')->topicViewTemplate( $forumData, $topicData, $postData, $displayData );
// Send for output
$this->registry->output->setTitle( strip_tags( $topicData['title'] ) . '<%pageNumber%> - ' . $forumData['name'] . ' - ' . $this->settings['board_name']);
$this->registry->output->addContent( $template );
if ( is_array( $this->nav ) AND count( $this->nav ) )
foreach( $this->nav as $_nav )
$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $_nav[0], $_nav[1], $_nav[2], $_nav[3] );
* Add navigational links
$this->registry->output->addToDocumentHead( 'raw', "<link rel='up' href='" . $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl( 'showforum=' . $topicData['forum_id'], 'publicNoSession', $forumData['name_seo'], 'showforum' ) . "' />" );
$this->registry->output->addToDocumentHead( 'raw', "<link rel='author' href='" . $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl( 'showuser=' . $topicData['starter_id'], 'publicNoSession', $topicData['seo_first_name'], 'showuser' ) . "' />" );
/* Add Meta Content */
if ( $this->_firstPostContent )
/* Strip tags on title to ensure multi-mod added code isn't displayed */
$this->registry->output->addMetaTag( 'keywords', strip_tags( $topicData['title'] ) . ' ' . str_replace( "n", " ", str_replace( "r", "", strip_tags( $this->_firstPostContent ) ) ), TRUE );
$pageData = $this->registry->output->getPaginationProcessedData();
$pageMeta = ( $pageData['pages'] > 1 ) ? sprintf( $this->lang->words['topic_meta_pages'], $pageData['current_page'], $pageData['pages'] ) .' ' : '';
# Trim to 155 chars based on Dan's recommendation
$this->registry->output->addMetaTag( 'description', $pageMeta . sprintf( $this->lang->words['topic_meta_description'], strip_tags( $topicData['title'] ), $forumData['name'], str_replace( "r", "", $this->_firstPostContent ) ), FALSE );
/* Set Ad code for the board index */
if( $this->registry->getClass('IPSAdCode')->userCanViewAds() )
$this->registry->getClass('IPSAdCode')->setGlobalCode( 'header', 'ad_code_topic_view_header' );
$this->registry->getClass('IPSAdCode')->setGlobalCode( 'footer', 'ad_code_topic_view_footer' );
* Builds an array of post data for output
* @param array $row Array of post data
* @return array
public function parsePostRow( $row = array() )
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData();
/* Parse post */
$parsed = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->parsePost( $row );
if( $parsed['post']['_can_edit'] )
$this->_canEditAPost = true;
/* Collect PIDS of soft deleted posts */
if ( $parsed['post']['_isDeleted'] AND $parsed['post']['_softDeleteSee'] )
$this->_sdPids[] = $parsed['post']['pid'];
/* Grab first post */
if ( $topicData['topic_firstpost'] == $parsed['post']['pid'] )
$this->_firstPostContent = $parsed['post']['post'];
else if( $this->request['st'] AND ! $this->_firstPostContent )
$this->_firstPostContent = $parsed['post']['post'];
/* Anything to highlight? */
if ( isset($this->request['hl']) AND $this->request['hl'] )
$parsed['post']['post'] = IPSText::searchHighlight( $parsed['post']['post'], $this->request['hl'] );
/* Multi quote */
if ( $this->qpids )
if ( strstr( ','.$this->qpids.',', ','.$parsed['post']['pid'].',' ) )
$parsed['post']['_mq_selected'] = 1;
/* Mod PIDS */
if ( $this->memberData['is_mod'] )
if ( $this->request['selectedpids'] )
if ( strstr( ','.$this->request['selectedpids'].',', ','.$parsed['post']['pid'].',' ) )
$parsed['post']['_pid_selected'] = 1;
$this->request['selectedpidcount'] = count( explode( ",", $this->request['selectedpids'] ) );
/* Post number */
$parsed['post']['post_count'] = intval($this->request['st']) + $this->post_count;
if ( $parsed['post']['_isDeleted'] )
/* Post max date for item marking*/
if ( $row['post_date'] > $this->_maxPostDate )
$this->_maxPostDate = $row['post_date'];
return $parsed;
* Redirects to new post
* @param mixed $topicData
public function returnNewPost( $topicData=false )
$topicData = ( $topicData === false ) ? $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData() : $topicData;
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData();
$st = 0;
$pid = "";
$last_time = $this->registry->classItemMarking->fetchTimeLastMarked( array( 'forumID' => $forumData['id'], 'itemID' => $topicData['tid'] ) );
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery('visible');
/* Can we deal with hidden posts? */
if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $topicData['forum_id'] ) )
if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'approved', 'sdeleted', 'hidden' ) );
/* Otherwise, see queued and approved */
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'visible', 'hidden' ) );
/* We cannot see hidden posts */
if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array('approved', 'sdeleted') );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'MIN(pid) as pid',
'from' => 'posts',
'where' => "topic_id={$topicData['tid']} AND post_date > " . intval( $last_time ) . $query,
'limit' => array( 0,1 ) ) );
$post = $this->DB->fetch();
if ( $post['pid'] )
$pid = "#entry".$post['pid'];
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as posts', 'from' => 'posts', 'where' => "topic_id={$topicData['tid']} AND pid <= {$post['pid']}" . $query ) );
$cposts = $this->DB->fetch();
if ( (($cposts['posts']) % $this->settings['display_max_posts']) == 0 )
$pages = ($cposts['posts']) / $this->settings['display_max_posts'];
$number = ( ($cposts['posts']) / $this->settings['display_max_posts'] );
$pages = ceil( $number);
$st = ($pages - 1) * $this->settings['display_max_posts'];
if( $this->settings['post_order_sort'] == 'desc' )
$st = (ceil(($topicData['posts']/$this->settings['display_max_posts'])) - $pages) * $this->settings['display_max_posts'];
$stUrlParam = ( $st ) ? "&st={$st}" : '';
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."showtopic=".$topicData['tid'].$stUrlParam.$pid, $topicData['title_seo'], 302, 'showtopic' );
$this->returnLastPost( $topicData );
* Return last post
* @return @e void
public function returnLastPost( $topicData=false )
/* Init */
$topicData = ( $topicData === false ) ? $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData() : $topicData;
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData();
$st = 0;
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery('visible');
$_posts = $topicData['posts'];
if( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $topicData['forum_id'] ) )
$_posts += intval($topicData['topic_queuedposts']);
if( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
$_posts += intval($topicData['topic_deleted_posts']);
/* Can we deal with hidden posts? */
if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $topicData['forum_id'] ) )
if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'approved', 'sdeleted', 'hidden' ) );
/* Otherwise, see queued and approved */
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'visible', 'hidden' ) );
/* We cannot see hidden posts */
if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array('approved', 'sdeleted') );
if( $_posts )
if ( (($_posts + 1) % $this->settings['display_max_posts']) == 0 )
$pages = ($_posts + 1) / $this->settings['display_max_posts'];
$number = ( ($_posts + 1) / $this->settings['display_max_posts'] );
$pages = ceil( $number );
$st = ($pages - 1) * $this->settings['display_max_posts'];
if( $this->settings['post_order_sort'] == 'desc' )
$st = (ceil(($_posts/$this->settings['display_max_posts'])) - $pages) * $this->settings['display_max_posts'];
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'pid',
'from' => 'posts',
'where' => "topic_id=".$topicData['tid'] . $query,
'order' => $this->settings['post_order_column'].' DESC',
'limit' => array( 0,1 ) ) );
$post = $this->DB->fetch();
$stUrlParam = ( $st ) ? "&st={$st}" : '';
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect($this->settings['base_url']."showtopic=".$topicData['tid']. $stUrlParam ."#entry".$post['pid'], $topicData['title_seo'], 302, 'showtopic' );
* Parse attachments
* @param array Array of post data
* @return string HTML parsed by attachment class
public function _parseAttachments( $postData )
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
// No attachments? Then what are you doing here?
if ( ! $topicData['topic_hasattach'] )
return $postData;
// INIT. Yes it is
$postHTML = array();
// Separate out post content
foreach( $postData as $id => $post )
$postHTML[ $id ] = $post['post']['post'];
if ( ! is_object( $this->class_attach ) )
// Grab render attach class
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/sources/classes/attach/class_attach.php', 'class_attach' );
$this->class_attach = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
// Not got permission to view downloads?
if ( $this->registry->permissions->check( 'download', $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[ $topicData['forum_id'] ] ) === FALSE )
$this->settings['show_img_upload'] = 0 ;
// Continue...
$this->class_attach->type = 'post';
$attachHTML = $this->class_attach->renderAttachments( $postHTML, array_keys( $postData ) );
/* Now parse back in the rendered posts */
if( is_array($attachHTML) AND count($attachHTML) )
foreach( $attachHTML as $id => $data )
/* Get rid of any lingering attachment tags */
if ( stristr( $data['html'], "[attachment=" ) )
$data['html'] = IPSText::stripAttachTag( $data['html'] );
$postData[ $id ]['post']['post'] = $data['html'];
$postData[ $id ]['post']['attachmentHtml'] = $data['attachmentHtml'];
return $postData;
* Generate the Poll output
* @return string
public function _generatePollOutput()
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$showResults = 0;
$pollData = array();
// Get the poll information...
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'polls', 'where' => 'tid=' . $topicData['tid'] ) );
$poll = $this->DB->fetch();
// check we have a poll
if ( ! $poll['pid'] )
return array( 'html' => '', 'poll' => '' );
// Do we have a poll question?
if ( ! $poll['poll_question'] )
$poll['poll_question'] = $topicData['title'];
// Poll only?
if ( $poll['poll_only'] == 1 )
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData( 'poll_only', true );
// Additional Poll Vars
$poll['_totalVotes'] = 0;
$poll['_memberVoted'] = 0;
$memberChoices = array();
// Have we voted in this poll?
/* Save a join @link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-35773-pollsvoters-voters-table-joining-to-million-plus-rows/ */
if ( $poll['poll_view_voters'] AND $this->settings['poll_allow_public'] )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'v.*',
'from' => array( 'voters' => 'v' ),
'where' => 'v.tid=' . $topicData['tid'],
'add_join' => array( array( 'select' => 'm.*',
'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where' => 'm.member_id=v.member_id',
'type' => 'left' ) ) ) );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
'from' => 'voters',
'where' => 'tid=' . $topicData['tid'] ) );
while( $voter = $this->DB->fetch() )
if ( $voter['member_id'] == $this->memberData['member_id'] )
$poll['_memberVoted'] = 1;
/* Member choices */
if ( $poll['poll_view_voters'] AND $voter['member_choices'] AND $this->settings['poll_allow_public'] )
$_choices = unserialize( $voter['member_choices'] );
if ( is_array( $_choices ) AND count( $_choices ) )
$memberData = array( 'member_id' => $voter['member_id'],
'members_seo_name' => $voter['members_seo_name'],
'members_display_name' => $voter['members_display_name'],
'members_colored_name' => str_replace( '"', '"', IPSMember::makeNameFormatted( $voter['members_display_name'], $voter['member_group_id'] ) ),
'_last' => 0 );
foreach( $_choices as $_questionID => $data )
foreach( $data as $_choice )
$memberChoices[ $_questionID ][ $_choice ][ $voter['member_id'] ] = $memberData;
// Already Voted
if ( $poll['_memberVoted'] )
$showResults = 1;
// Created poll and can't vote in it
if ( ($poll['starter_id'] == $this->memberData['member_id']) and ($this->settings['allow_creator_vote'] != 1) )
$showResults = 1;
// Guest, but can view results without voting
if ( ! $this->memberData['member_id'] AND $this->settings['allow_result_view'] )
$showResults = 1;
// is the topic locked?
if ( $topicData['state'] == 'closed' )
$showResults = 1;
// Can we see the poll before voting?
if ( $this->settings['allow_result_view'] == 1 AND $this->request['mode'] == 'show' )
$showResults = 1;
// Stop the parser killing images
// 'cos there are too many
$tmp_max_images = $this->settings['max_images'];
$this->settings['max_images'] = 0;
// Parse it
$poll_answers = unserialize(stripslashes($poll['choices']));
if( !is_array($poll_answers) OR !count($poll_answers) )
$poll_answers = unserialize( preg_replace( '!s:(d+):"(.*?)";!se', "'s:'.strlen('$2').':"$2";'", stripslashes( $poll['choices'] ) ) );
if( !is_array($poll_answers) OR !count($poll_answers) )
$poll_answers = '';
foreach ( $poll_answers as $id => $data )
if( !is_array($data['choice']) OR !count($data['choice']) )
// Get the question
$pollData[ $id ]['question'] = $data['question'];
$tv_poll = 0;
# Get total votes for this question
if( is_array($poll_answers[ $id ]['votes']) AND count($poll_answers[ $id ]['votes']) )
foreach( $poll_answers[ $id ]['votes'] as $number)
$tv_poll += intval( $number );
// Get the choices for this question
foreach( $data['choice'] as $choice_id => $text )
$choiceData = array();
$choice = $text;
$voters = array();
# Get total votes for this question -> choice
$votes = intval($data['votes'][ $choice_id ]);
if ( strlen($choice) < 1 )
$choice = IPSText::getTextClass( 'bbcode' )->parsePollTags($choice);
if ( $showResults )
$percent = $votes == 0 ? 0 : $votes / $tv_poll * 100;
$percent = sprintf( '%.2F' , $percent );
$width = $percent > 0 ? intval($percent * 2) : 0;
/* Voters */
if ( $poll['poll_view_voters'] AND $memberChoices[ $id ][ $choice_id ] )
$voters = $memberChoices[ $id ][ $choice_id ];
$_tmp = $voters;
$lastDude = array_pop( $_tmp );
$voters[ $lastDude['member_id'] ]['_last'] = 1;
$pollData[ $id ]['choices'][ $choice_id ] = array( 'votes' => $votes,
'choice' => $choice,
'percent' => $percent,
'width' => $width,
'voters' => $voters );
$pollData[ $id ]['choices'][ $choice_id ] = array( 'type' => !empty($data['multi']) ? 'multi' : 'single',
'votes' => $votes,
'choice' => $choice );
$_editPoll = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->canEditPost( array( 'member_id' => $topicData['starter_id'], 'post_date' => $topicData['start_date'] ) );
$html = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('topic')->pollDisplay( $poll, $topicData, $forumData, $pollData, $showResults, $_editPoll );
$this->settings['max_images'] = $tmp_max_images;
return array( 'html' => $html, 'poll' => $poll );
* Tests to see if we're viewing a post, etc
* @return @e void
protected function _doViewCheck()
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData();
if ( $this->request['view'] )
/* Determine what we can see */
$_approved = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'visible' ), '' );
/* Can we deal with hidden posts? */
if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $topicData['forum_id'] ) )
if ( $permissionData['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$_approved = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'approved', 'sdeleted', 'hidden' ), '' );
/* Otherwise, see queued and approved */
$_approved = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'visible', 'hidden' ), '' );
/* We cannot see hidden posts */
if ( $permissionData['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$_approved = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'approved', 'sdeleted' ), '' );
if ( $this->request['view'] == 'getnextunread' )
$tid = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getNextUnreadTopicId();
if ( $tid )
$topic = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicById( $tid );
$this->returnNewPost( $topic );
$this->registry->output->showError( 'topics_none_newer', 10356, null, null, 404 );
else if ($this->request['view'] == 'new')
// Newer
$this->DB->build( array(
'select' => 'tid, title_seo',
'from' => 'topics',
'where' => "forum_id={$forumData['id']} AND {$_approved} AND state <> 'link' AND last_post > {$topicData['last_post']}",
'order' => 'last_post',
'limit' => array( 0,1 )
) );
if ( $this->DB->getTotalRows() )
$this->topic = $this->DB->fetch();
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."showtopic=".$topicData['tid'], $topicData['title_seo'], true, 'showtopic' );
$this->registry->output->showError( 'topics_none_newer', 10356, null, null, 404 );
else if ($this->request['view'] == 'old')
// Older
$this->DB->build( array(
'select' => 'tid, title_seo',
'from' => 'topics',
'where' => "forum_id={$forumData['id']} AND {$_approved} AND state <> 'link' AND last_post < {$topicData['last_post']}",
'order' => 'last_post DESC',
'limit' => array( 0,1 )
) );
if ( $this->DB->getTotalRows() )
$this->topic = $this->DB->fetch();
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."showtopic=".$topicData['tid'], $topicData['title_seo'], true, 'showtopic' );
$this->registry->output->showError( 'topics_none_older', 10357, null, null, 404 );
else if ($this->request['view'] == 'getlastpost')
// Last post
else if ($this->request['view'] == 'getnewpost')
else if ($this->request['view'] == 'findpost')
// Find a post
$pid = intval($this->request['p']);
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery('visible');
/* Can we deal with hidden posts? */
if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $topicData['forum_id'] ) )
if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'approved', 'sdeleted', 'hidden' ) );
/* Otherwise, see queued and approved */
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'visible', 'hidden' ) );
/* We cannot see hidden posts */
if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$query = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array('approved', 'sdeleted') );
if ( $pid > 0 )
$sort_value = $pid;
$sort_field = ($this->settings['post_order_column'] == 'pid') ? 'pid' : 'post_date';
if($sort_field == 'post_date')
$date = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'post_date', 'from' => 'posts', 'where' => 'pid=' . $pid ) );
$sort_value = $date['post_date'];
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as posts', 'from' => 'posts', 'where' => "topic_id={$topicData['tid']} AND {$sort_field} <=" . intval( $sort_value ) . $query ) );
$cposts = $this->DB->fetch();
if ( (($cposts['posts']) % $this->settings['display_max_posts']) == 0 )
$pages = ($cposts['posts']) / $this->settings['display_max_posts'];
$number = ( ($cposts['posts']) / $this->settings['display_max_posts'] );
$pages = ceil($number);
$st = ($pages - 1) * $this->settings['display_max_posts'];
if( $this->settings['post_order_sort'] == 'desc' )
$st = (ceil(($topicData['posts']/$this->settings['display_max_posts'])) - $pages) * $this->settings['display_max_posts'];
$search_hl = '';
if( !empty( $this->request['hl'] ) )
$search_hl .= "&hl={$this->request['hl']}";
$stUrlParam = ( $st ) ? "&st={$st}" : '';
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url']."showtopic=".$topicData['tid']."{$stUrlParam}{$search_hl}"."#entry".$pid, $topicData['title_seo'], 302, 'showtopic' );
* Fetch data tagged the same
* @return array
protected function _getSameTaggedData()
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$results = array();
$final = array();
/* Have we got tags? */
if ( $this->settings['forums_enabled_also_tagged'] && $this->settings['tags_enabled'] && count( $topicData['tags']['tags'] ) )
$results = $this->registry->tags->search( $topicData['tags']['tags'], array( 'meta_app' => 'forums',
'meta_area' => 'topics',
'meta_parent_id' => false,
'not_meta_id' => $topicData['tid'],
'sortKey' => 'tg.tag_meta_id',
'sortOrder' => 'desc',
'limit' => 100,
'joins' => array( array( 'select' => 't.*, t.approved, t.title as topic_title, t.posts as topic_posts, t.last_post as topic_last_post', 'from' => array( 'topics' => 't' ), 'where' => 't.tid=tg.tag_meta_id' ),
array( 'select' => 'm.*', 'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ), 'where' => 'last_poster_id=m.member_id' ),
array( 'select' => 'p.*', 'from' => array( 'profile_portal' => 'p' ), 'where' => 'p.pp_member_id=m.member_id' ),
$this->registry->tags->getCacheJoin( array( 'meta_id_field' => 't.tid' ) ) ),
'isViewable' => true ) );
/* Limit to 5 unique topics */
if ( count( $results ) )
foreach( $results as $id => $data )
if ( ! in_array( $data['tid'], $final ) )
if ( $this->registry->class_forums->fetchHiddenTopicType( $data ) != 'visible' )
if ( count( $final ) == 5 )
$data = $this->registry->topics->parseTopicForLineEntry( $data );
/* Sort out navigation */
$data['nav'] = $this->registry->class_forums->forumsBreadcrumbNav( $data['forum_id'] );
if ( $data['last_poster_id'] )
$final[ $data['tid'] ] = IPSMember::buildDisplayData( $data, array( 'photoTagSize' => 'mini' ) );
$final[ $data['tid'] ] = $data;
return $final;
* Get reply button data
* @return array
public function _getReplyButtonData()
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$image = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getReplyStatus();
$url = ( $image == 'reply' OR ( $image == 'locked' AND $this->memberData['g_post_closed'] ) ) ? $this->settings['base_url_with_app'] . "module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=".$forumData['id']."&t=".$topicData['tid'] : '';
return array( 'image' => $image, 'url' => $url );
* Get fast reply status
* @return string
public function _getFastReplyData()
/* Hang on, can we post? */
if ( $this->memberData['member_id'] )
if ( $this->memberData['unacknowledged_warnings'] )
//return false;
elseif ( $this->memberData['restrict_post'] )
$data = IPSMember::processBanEntry( $this->memberData['restrict_post'] );
if ( $data['date_end'] )
if ( time() >= $data['date_end'] )
IPSMember::save( $this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'restrict_post' => 0 ) ) );
return false;
return false;
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$show = false;
if (
( $this->registry->permissions->check( 'reply', $forumData ) == TRUE )
and ( $topicData['state'] != 'closed' OR $this->memberData['g_post_closed'] )
and ( $topicData['_ppd_ok'] === TRUE )
and ( ! $topicData['poll_only'] ) )
$show = true;
return $show;
* Returns a list of the active user in the topic
* @return @e array
public function _getActiveUserData()
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
/* Nothing to retrieve? */
if( $this->registry->getClass('topics')->isArchived( $topicData ) || $this->settings['no_au_topic'] )
return array();
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . "sources/classes/session/api.php", 'session_api' );
$sessionClass = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
$users = $sessionClass->getUsersIn( 'forums', array( 'skipParsing' => true, 'addWhere' => array( "s.location_1_type='topic'", "s.location_1_id={$topicData['tid']}" ) ) );
/* Got any posting classes to add? */
if ( ! empty($users['stats']['members']) && is_array($users['rows']['members']) && count($users['rows']['members']) )
foreach( $users['rows']['members'] as $sid => $sdata )
if ( isset($users['names'][ $sid ]) && $sdata['member_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id'] && $sdata['current_module'] == 'post' )
$users['names'][ $sid ] = "<span class='activeuserposting'>" . $users['names'][ $sid ] . "</span>";
return $users;
* Generate the moderation panel
* $skcusgej, still. After all this time
* @return array
public function _generateModerationPanel()
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$moderator = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getModeratorData();
$mod_links = array();
$_got_data = 0;
$actions = array( 'edit_topic', 'pin_topic', 'unpin_topic', 'close_topic', 'open_topic', 'move_topic', 'merge_topic', 'hide_topic', 'unhide_topic', 'delete_topic', 'unsubbit' );
if ( ! $this->memberData['member_id'] )
if ( $this->memberData['member_id'] == $topicData['starter_id'] )
$_got_data = 1;
if ( $this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] == 1 )
$_got_data = 1;
if ( !empty( $moderator['mid'] ) )
$_got_data = 1;
if ( $_got_data == 0 )
// Add on approve/unapprove topic fing
if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts( $forumData['id'] ) )
if ( $topicData['approved'] != 1 )
$mod_links[] = array( 'option' => 'topic_approve',
'value' => $this->lang->words['cpt_approvet'] );
$mod_links[] = array( 'option' => 'topic_unapprove',
'value' => $this->lang->words['cpt_unapprovet'] );
foreach( $actions as $key )
if( is_array($this->_addModLink($key)) )
if ($this->memberData['g_is_supmod'])
$mod_links[] = $this->_addModLink($key);
elseif ( $key == 'hide_topic' )
if ( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSoftDeleteTopics( $forumData['id'], $topicData ) )
$mod_links[] = $this->_addModLink($key);
elseif ( $key == 'unhide_topic' )
if ( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->can_Un_SoftDeleteTopics( $forumData['id'], $topicData ) )
$mod_links[] = $this->_addModLink($key);
elseif ( $key == 'delete_topic' )
if ( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canHardDeleteTopics( $forumData['id'], $topicData ) )
$mod_links[] = $this->_addModLink($key);
elseif ( !empty($moderator['mid']) )
if ($key == 'merge_topic' or $key == 'split_topic')
if ($moderator['split_merge'] == 1)
$mod_links[] = $this->_addModLink($key);
else if ( !empty($moderator[ $key ]) )
$mod_links[] = $this->_addModLink($key);
// What if member is a mod, but doesn't have these perms as a mod?
elseif ($key == 'open_topic' or $key == 'close_topic')
if ($this->memberData['g_open_close_posts'])
$mod_links[] = $this->_addModLink($key);
elseif ($key == 'open_topic' or $key == 'close_topic')
if ($this->memberData['g_open_close_posts'])
$mod_links[] = $this->_addModLink($key);
if ($this->memberData['g_access_cp'] == 1)
$mod_links[] = $this->_addModLink('topic_history');
return $mod_links;
* Append mod links
* @param string $key
* @return array Options
public function _addModLink( $key="" )
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
if ($key == "") return "";
if ($topicData['state'] == 'open' and $key == 'open_topic') return "";
if ($topicData['state'] == 'closed' and $key == 'close_topic') return "";
if ($topicData['state'] == 'moved' and ($key == 'close_topic' or $key == 'move_topic')) return "";
if ($topicData['pinned'] == 1 and $key == 'pin_topic') return "";
if ($topicData['pinned'] == 0 and $key == 'unpin_topic') return "";
if ($topicData['approved'] != -1 and $key == 'unhide_topic' ) return "";
if ($topicData['approved'] == -1 and $key == 'hide_topic' ) return "";
return array( 'option' => $this->mod_action[ strtoupper($key) ],
'value' => $this->lang->words[ strtoupper($key) ] );
* Get Topic Data
* @return array
public function _getPosts()
/* Init */
$topicData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData();
$first = intval($this->request['st']) >=0 ? intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
/* Default - just see all visible posts */
$queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( 'visible', 'p.' );
/* Can we deal with hidden posts? */
if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts($topicData['forum_id']) )
if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'visible', 'hidden', 'sdeleted' ), 'p.' );
/* Otherwise, see queued and approved */
$queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'visible', 'hidden' ), 'p.' );
/* Specifically requesting to see queued posts only */
if ( $this->request['modfilter'] AND $this->request['modfilter'] == 'invisible_posts' )
$queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( 'hidden', 'p.' );
/* We cannot see hidden posts */
if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
/* See queued and soft deleted */
$queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array('approved', 'sdeleted'), 'p.' );
/* Did we specifically want to see soft deleted posts? */
if ( $this->request['modfilter'] == 'deleted_posts' AND $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] )
$queued_query_bit = ' AND ' . $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( 'sdeleted', 'p.' );
/* Data Hook Location */
$dataHook = array( 'members' => array(), 'postJoins' => array() );
IPSLib::doDataHooks( $dataHook , 'topicViewQuery' );
// Joins
$_extraMember = ( is_array($dataHook['members']) && count($dataHook['members']) ) ? ',m.'.implode(',m.', $dataHook['members']) : '';
$_post_joins = array( array( 'select' => 'm.member_id as mid,m.name,m.member_group_id,m.email,m.joined,m.posts, m.last_visit, m.last_activity,m.login_anonymous,m.title as member_title, m.warn_level, m.warn_lastwarn, m.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name, m.member_banned, m.has_gallery, m.has_blog, m.members_bitoptions,m.mgroup_others'.$_extraMember,
'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where' => 'm.member_id=p.author_id',
'type' => 'left' ),
array( 'select' => 'pp.*',
'from' => array( 'profile_portal' => 'pp' ),
'where' => 'm.member_id=pp.pp_member_id',
'type' => 'left' ),
array( 'select' => 'w.wl_id',
'from' => array( 'members_warn_logs' => 'w' ),
'where' => 'w.wl_content_app='forums' and w.wl_content_id1=p.pid' ) );
/* Add data hook joins */
if ( is_array($dataHook['postJoins']) && count($dataHook['postJoins']) )
$_post_joins = array_merge( $_post_joins, $dataHook['postJoins'] );
/* Add custom fields join? */
if( $this->settings['custom_profile_topic'] == 1 )
$_post_joins[] = array( 'select' => 'pc.*',
'from' => array( 'pfields_content' => 'pc' ),
'where' => 'pc.member_id=p.author_id',
'type' => 'left' );
/* Reputation system enabled? */
if( $this->settings['reputation_enabled'] )
/* Add the join to figure out if the user has already rated the post */
$_post_joins[] = $this->registry->repCache->getUserHasRatedJoin( 'pid', 'p.pid', 'forums' );
/* Add the join to figure out the total ratings for each post */
if( $this->settings['reputation_show_content'] )
$_post_joins[] = $this->registry->repCache->getTotalRatingJoin( 'pid', 'p.pid', 'forums' );
/* Cache? */
if ( IPSContentCache::isEnabled() )
if ( IPSContentCache::fetchSettingValue('post') )
$_post_joins[] = IPSContentCache::join( 'post', 'p.pid' );
if ( IPSContentCache::fetchSettingValue('sig') )
$_post_joins[] = IPSContentCache::join( 'sig' , 'm.member_id', 'ccb', 'left', 'ccb.cache_content as cache_content_sig, ccb.cache_updated as cache_updated_sig' );
/* Ignored Users */
$ignored_users = array();
foreach( $this->member->ignored_users as $_i )
if( $_i['ignore_topics'] )
$ignored_users[] = $_i['ignore_ignore_id'];
// Get posts
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'p.*',
'from' => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
'where' => 'p.topic_id='.$topicData['tid']. $queued_query_bit,
'order' => 'p.'.$this->settings['post_order_column'].' '.$this->settings['post_order_sort'],
'limit' => array( $first, $this->settings['display_max_posts'] ),
'add_join' => $_post_joins ) );
$oq = $this->DB->execute();
if ( ! $this->DB->getTotalRows() )
if ( $first >= $this->settings['display_max_posts'] )
// AUTO FIX: Get the correct number of replies...
$this->DB->build( array(
'select' => 'COUNT(*) as pcount',
'from' => 'posts',
'where' => "topic_id=".$topicData['tid']." and queued=0" ) );
$newq = $this->DB->execute();
$pcount = $this->DB->fetch($newq);
$pcount['pcount'] = $pcount['pcount'] > 0 ? $pcount['pcount'] - 1 : 0;
// Update the post table...
if ( $pcount['pcount'] > 1 )
$this->DB->update( 'topics', array( 'posts' => $pcount['pcount'] ), "tid=".$topicData['tid'] );
// Render the page top
$topicData['go_new'] = isset($topicData['go_new']) ? $topicData['go_new'] : '';
// Format and print out the topic list
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData('adCodeSet' , false );
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData('ignoredUsers', $ignored_users );
$posts = array();
while ( $row = $this->DB->fetch( $oq ) )
$row['member_id'] = $row['mid'];
$posts[ $row['pid'] ] = $row;
/* Return */
return $posts;
* Topic set up ya'll
* @return @e void
public function topicSetUp( $topicData )
/* Init */
$topicData = ( $topicData['tid'] ) ? $topicData : $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$forumData = $this->forumClass->getForumById( $topicData['forum_id'] );
$permissionData = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPermissionData();
// Memory...
$_before = IPSDebug::getMemoryDebugFlag();
$this->request['start'] = ! empty( $this->request['start'] ) ? intval( $this->request['start'] ) : '';
$this->request['st'] = ! empty( $this->request['st'] ) ? intval( $this->request['st'] ) : '';
$this->settings['post_order_column'] = ( $this->settings['post_order_column'] != 'post_date' ) ? 'pid' : 'post_date';
$this->settings['post_order_sort'] = ( $this->settings['post_order_sort'] != 'desc' ) ? 'asc' : 'desc';
$this->settings['au_cutoff'] = ( empty( $this->settings['au_cutoff'] ) ) ? 15 : $this->settings['au_cutoff'];
// Compile the language file
$this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_boards', 'public_topic' ) );
$this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_editors' ), 'core' );
// Get all the member groups and
// member title info
if ( ! is_array( $this->cache->getCache('ranks') ) )
$this->cache->rebuildCache( 'ranks', 'global' );
// Are we actually a moderator for this forum?
if ( ! $this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] )
$moderator = $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'];
if ( !isset($moderator[ $forumData['id'] ]) OR !is_array( $moderator[ $forumData['id'] ] ) )
$this->memberData['is_mod'] = 0;
$this->settings['_base_url'] = $this->settings['base_url'];
$this->first = intval( $this->request['st'] ) > 0 ? intval( $this->request['st'] ) : 0;
$this->request['view'] = ! empty( $this->request['view'] ) ? $this->request['view'] : NULL ;
// Check viewing permissions, private forums,
// password forums, etc
if ( ( ! $this->memberData['g_other_topics'] ) AND ( $topicData['starter_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id'] ) )
$this->registry->output->showError( 'topics_not_yours', 10359, null, null, 403 );
else if( (!$forumData['can_view_others'] AND !$this->memberData['is_mod'] ) AND ( $topicData['starter_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id'] ) )
$this->registry->output->showError( 'topics_not_yours2', 10360, null, null, 403 );
else if( $forumData['redirect_on'] AND $forumData['redirect_url'] )
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $forumData['redirect_url'] );
// Update the topic views counter
if ( ! $this->request['view'] AND $topicData['state'] != 'link' )
if ( $this->settings['update_topic_views_immediately'] )
$this->DB->update( 'topics', 'views=views+1', "tid=".$topicData['tid'], true, true );
$this->DB->insert( 'topic_views', array( 'views_tid' => $topicData['tid'] ), true );
// Need to update this topic?
if ( $topicData['state'] == 'open' )
if( !$topicData['topic_open_time'] OR $topicData['topic_open_time'] < $topicData['topic_close_time'] )
if ( $topicData['topic_close_time'] AND ( $topicData['topic_close_time'] <= time() AND ( time() >= $topicData['topic_open_time'] OR !$topicData['topic_open_time'] ) ) )
$topicData['state'] = 'closed';
$this->DB->update( 'topics', array( 'state' => 'closed' ), 'tid='.$topicData['tid'], true );
else if( $topicData['topic_open_time'] OR $topicData['topic_open_time'] > $topicData['topic_close_time'] )
if ( $topicData['topic_close_time'] AND ( $topicData['topic_close_time'] <= time() AND time() <= $topicData['topic_open_time'] ) )
$topicData['state'] = 'closed';
$this->DB->update( 'topics', array( 'state' => 'closed' ), 'tid='.$topicData['tid'], true );
else if ( $topicData['state'] == 'closed' )
if( !$topicData['topic_close_time'] OR $topicData['topic_close_time'] < $topicData['topic_open_time'] )
if ( $topicData['topic_open_time'] AND ( $topicData['topic_open_time'] <= time() AND ( time() >= $topicData['topic_close_time'] OR !$topicData['topic_close_time'] ) ) )
$topicData['state'] = 'open';
$this->DB->update( 'topics', array( 'state' => 'open' ), 'tid='.$topicData['tid'], true );
else if( $topicData['topic_close_time'] OR $topicData['topic_close_time'] > $topicData['topic_open_time'] )
if ( $topicData['topic_open_time'] AND ( $topicData['topic_open_time'] <= time() AND time() <= $topicData['topic_close_time'] ) )
$topicData['state'] = 'open';
$this->DB->update( 'topics', array( 'state' => 'open' ), 'tid='.$topicData['tid'], true );
// Current topic rating value
$topicData['_rate_show'] = 0;
$topicData['_rate_int'] = 0;
$topicData['_rate_img'] = '';
if ( $topicData['state'] != 'open' )
$topicData['_allow_rate'] = 0;
$topicData['_allow_rate'] = $this->can_rate;
if ( $forumData['forum_allow_rating'] )
$rating = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'topic_ratings', 'where' => "rating_tid={$topicData['tid']} and rating_member_id=".$this->memberData['member_id'] ) );
if ( $rating['rating_value'] AND $this->memberData['g_topic_rate_setting'] != 2 )
$topicData['_allow_rate'] = 0;
$topicData['_rate_id'] = 0;
$topicData['_rating_value'] = $rating['rating_value'] ? $rating['rating_value'] : -1;
if ( $topicData['topic_rating_total'] )
$topicData['_rate_int'] = round( $topicData['topic_rating_total'] / $topicData['topic_rating_hits'] );
// Show image?
if ( ( $topicData['topic_rating_hits'] >= $this->settings['topic_rating_needed'] ) AND ( $topicData['_rate_int'] ) )
$topicData['_rate_id'] = $topicData['_rate_int'];
$topicData['_rate_show'] = 1;
$topicData['_allow_rate'] = 0;
// If this forum is a link, then
// redirect them to the new location
if ( $topicData['state'] == 'link' AND $topicData['moved_to'] )
$f_stuff = explode("&", $topicData['moved_to']);
$_topic = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'title_seo', 'from' => 'topics', 'where' => 'tid=' . $f_stuff[0] ) );
* Mark redirect links as read too
* @link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-36985-linked-topics-readunread-status/
$this->registry->getClass('classItemMarking')->markRead( array( 'forumID' => $forumData['id'], 'itemID' => $topicData['tid'] ), 'forums' );
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . "showtopic={$f_stuff[0]}", $_topic['title_seo'], true, 'showtopic' );
// If this is a sub forum, we need to get
// the cat details, and parent details
$this->nav = $this->registry->class_forums->forumsBreadcrumbNav( $forumData['id'] );
// Hi! Light?
$hl = !empty( $this->request['hl'] ) ? '&hl=' . $this->request['hl'] : '';
// If we can see queued topics, add count
if ( $this->registry->class_forums->canQueuePosts($forumData['id']) )
if( isset( $this->request['modfilter'] ) AND $this->request['modfilter'] == 'invisible_posts' )
$topicData['posts'] = intval( $topicData['topic_queuedposts'] );
$topicData['posts'] += intval( $topicData['topic_queuedposts'] );
if ( $permissionData['softDeleteSee'] AND $topicData['topic_deleted_posts'] )
$topicData['posts'] += intval( $topicData['topic_deleted_posts'] );
// Generate the forum page span links
if( $this->request['modfilter'] )
$hl .= "&modfilter=" . $this->request['modfilter'];
= $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array(
'totalItems' => ($topicData['posts']+1),
'itemsPerPage' => $this->settings['display_max_posts'],
'currentStartValue' => $this->first,
'seoTitle' => $topicData['title_seo'],
'realTitle' => $topicData['title'],
'seoTemplate' => 'showtopic',
'baseUrl' => "showtopic=".$topicData['tid'].$hl ) );
// Fix up some of the words
$topicData['TOPIC_START_DATE'] = $this->registry->class_localization->getDate( $topicData['start_date'], 'LONG' );
$this->lang->words['topic_stats'] = str_replace( "<#START#>", $topicData['TOPIC_START_DATE'], $this->lang->words['topic_stats']);
$this->lang->words['topic_stats'] = str_replace( "<#POSTS#>", $topicData['posts'] , $this->lang->words['topic_stats']);
// Multi Quoting?
$this->qpids = IPSCookie::get('mqtids');
// Multi PIDS?
$this->request['selectedpids'] = ! empty( $this->request['selectedpids'] ) ? $this->request['selectedpids'] : IPSCookie::get('modpids');
$this->request['selectedpidcount'] = 0 ;
IPSCookie::set('modpids', '', 0);
IPSDebug::setMemoryDebugFlag( "TOPIC: topics.php::topicSetUp", $_before );
return $topicData;