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Файл: admin/applications/forums/modules_public/forums/forums.php
Строк: 777
 * <pre>
 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.3.3
 * Forum Viewing
 * Last Updated: $Date: 2012-05-22 10:39:38 -0400 (Tue, 22 May 2012) $
 * </pre>
 * @author         $Author: mmecham $
 * @copyright    (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license        http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
 * @package        IP.Board
 * @subpackage  Forums 
 * @link        http://www.invisionpower.com
 * @version        $Rev: 10779 $

if ( ! defined'IN_IPB' ) )
"<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

public_forums_forums_forums extends ipsCommand
     * Array of form data
     * @var        array
protected $forum                = array();
     * Array of topic ids to open
     * @var        array
protected $update_topics_open    = array();
     * Array of topic ids to close
     * @var        array
protected $update_topics_close    = array();
     * Permissions array
protected $permissions            = array();
$_sdTids                = array();
     * Permissions
     * @var    bool
protected $can_close_topics        false;
$can_move_topics        false;
$can_edit_topics        false;
$can_open_topics        false;
     * Class entry point
     * @param    object        Registry reference
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen/redirects]
public function doExecuteipsRegistry $registry )
        // Init

        // Error out if we can not find the forum
if( ! $this->forum['id'] )
$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError'forums_no_id'10333nullnull404 );
        // Build permissions
        // Is it a redirect forum?
if( !empty( $this->forum['redirect_on'] ) )
$redirect $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'redirect_url''from' => 'forums''where' => "id=".$this->forum['id']) );

$redirect['redirect_url'] )
                // Update hits:
$this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'update' => 'forums''set' => 'redirect_hits=redirect_hits+1''where' => "id=".$this->forum['id']) );
                // Boink!
$this->registry->getClass('output')->silentRedirect$redirect['redirect_url'] );
        // If this is a sub forum, we need to get
        // the cat details, and parent details
$this->nav $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsBreadcrumbNav$this->forum['id'] );
        // Check forum access perms
if( empty( $this->request['L'] ) )
$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsCheckAccess$this->forum['id'], );
        // Are we viewing the forum, or viewing the forum rules?
$subforum_data  = array();
$data           = array();

$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsGetChildren$this->forum['id'] ) )
$subforum_data $this->showSubForums();
        if ( 
$this->forum['sub_can_post'] )
$data $this->showForum();
            // No forum to show, just use the HTML in $this->sub_output
            // or there will be no HTML to use in the str_replace!
$subforum_data $subforum_data $subforum_data $this->showSubForums();
        // Set permissions
$this->forum['_user_can_post'] = $this->registry->class_forums->canStartTopic$this->forum['id'] );

        // Forum rules
if( $this->forum['show_rules'] == 2)
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_section    'rules';
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup            $this->memberData['member_group_id'];
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup_others    $this->memberData['mgroup_others'];
$this->forum['rules_text'] = IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->preDisplayParse$this->forum['rules_text'] );
/* @link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-37441-forum-rules/ */
$this->forum['rules_text'] = str_replace"<span rel='lightbox'>""<span>"$this->forum['rules_text'] );
$this->forum['rules_text'] = str_replace"class='bbc_img'"""$this->forum['rules_text'] );
        // Show the template
if ( !$this->request['sort_key'] )
$this->request['sort_key'] = $this->forum['sort_key'];
        if ( !
$this->request['sort_by'] )
$this->request['sort_by'] = $this->forum['sort_order'];
$template $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('forum')->forumIndexTemplate
$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsGetModerators$this->forum['id'] )
$this->registry->getClass('output')->setTitlestrip_tags($this->forum['name']) . ' - ' ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );
$this->registry->getClass('output')->addContent$template );

is_array$this->nav ) AND count$this->nav ) )
$this->nav as $_id => $_nav )
$this->registry->getClass('output')->addNavigation$_nav[0], $_nav[1], $_nav[2], $_nav[3] );
        // Add code
if( $this->registry->getClass('IPSAdCode')->userCanViewAds() )
$this->registry->getClass('IPSAdCode')->setGlobalCode'header''ad_code_forum_view_header' );
$this->registry->getClass('IPSAdCode')->setGlobalCode'footer''ad_code_forum_view_footer' );

$this->forum['parent_id'] == )
$this->registry->output->addToDocumentHead'raw'"<link rel='up' href='{$this->settings['base_url']}' />" );
$this->registry->output->addToDocumentHead'raw'"<link rel='up' href='" $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl'showforum=' $this->forum['parent_id'], 'public'$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id$this->forum['parent_id'] ]['name_seo'], 'showforum' ) . "' />" );
        if ( 
$this->forum['description'] )
$this->registry->output->addMetaTag'description'$this->forum['name'] . ': ' $this->forum['description'] );
$this->registry->output->addMetaTag'description'$this->forum['name'] );
     * Setup for the forum controller
     * @return    @e void
public function initForums()
$this->registry->getClass'class_localization' )->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_forums''public_boards' ) );
        // Multi TIDS?
        // If st is not defined then kill cookie
        // st will always be defined across pages
if( !array_key_exists'st'$this->request ) AND !array_key_exists'prune_day'$this->request ) )
$this->request['selectedtids'] = '';
$this->request['selectedtids'] = IPSCookie::get('modtids');

        // Get the forum info based on the forum ID,
        // and get the category name, ID, etc.
$this->forum $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->getForumById$this->request['f'] );
/* Followed stuffs */
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/like/composite.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$this->_like classes_like::bootstrap'forums''forums' );
/* Load tagging stuff */
if ( ! $this->registry->isClassLoaded('tags') )
IPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/tags/bootstrap.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$this->registry->setClass'tags'classes_tags_bootstrap::run'forums''topics' )  );
/* Init */
if ( ! $this->registry->isClassLoaded('topics') )
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . "/sources/classes/topics.php"'app_forums_classes_topics''forums' );
$this->registry->setClass'topics', new $classToLoad$this->registry ) );
     * Builds permissions for the forum controller
     * @return    @e void
public function buildPermissions()
$mod $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'];
$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] )
$this->can_edit_topics  1;
$this->can_close_topics 1;
$this->can_open_topics  1;
$this->can_move_topics    1;
        else if( isset(
$mod$this->forum['id'] ]) AND is_array$mod$this->forum['id'] ] ) )
            if ( 
$mod$this->forum['id'] ]['edit_topic'] )
$this->can_edit_topics 1;
            if ( 
$mod$this->forum['id'] ]['close_topic'] )
$this->can_close_topics 1;
            if ( 
$mod$this->forum['id'] ]['open_topic'] )
$this->can_open_topics  1;
            if ( 
$mod$this->forum['id'] ]['move_topics'] )
$this->can_move_topics  1;
$this->permissions['PostSoftDelete']            = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSoftDeletePosts$this->forum['id'], array() );
$this->permissions['PostSoftDeleteRestore']        = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->can_Un_SoftDeletePosts$this->forum['id'] );
$this->permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee']            = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedPosts$this->forum['id'] );
$this->permissions['SoftDeleteReason']            = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeleteReason$this->forum['id'] );
$this->permissions['SoftDeleteContent']            = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeleteContent$this->forum['id'] );
$this->permissions['TopicSoftDelete']            = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSoftDeleteTopics$this->forum['id'], array() );
$this->permissions['TopicSoftDeleteRestore']    = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->can_Un_SoftDeleteTopics$this->forum['id'] );
$this->permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee']        = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedTopics$this->forum['id'] );
$this->permissions['canQueue']                    = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canQueuePosts$this->forum['id'] );
$this->forum['permissions'] =& $this->permissions;
     * Builds output array for sub forums
     * @return    array
public function showSubForums()
        // Init

$return_cat_data    = array();
$temp_cat_data        = array();
$member_ids            = array();
$fid                intval($this->request['f']);

        if ( isset( 
$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_cache$fid ] ) AND is_array$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_cache$fid ] ) )
$cat_data $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id$fid ];
$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_cache$fid ] as $forum_data )
$forum_data['_queued_img']        = isset($forum_data['_queued_img'] )    ? $forum_data['_queued_img']    : '';
$forum_data['_queued_info']        = isset($forum_data['_queued_info'] )    ? $forum_data['_queued_info']    : '';
$forum_data['show_subforums']    = isset($forum_data['show_subforums'] )    ? $forum_data['show_subforums']    : '';
$forum_data['last_unread']        = isset($forum_data['last_unread'] )    ? $forum_data['last_unread']    : '';
                // Get all subforum stats
                // and calculate

if ( $forum_data['redirect_on'] )
$forum_data['redirect_target']        = isset($forum_data['redirect_target']) ? $forum_data['redirect_target'] : '_parent';
$temp_cat_data$forum_data['id'] ]    = $forum_data;
$temp_cat_data$forum_data['id'] ]    = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsFormatLastinfo$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsCalcChildren$forum_data['id'], $forum_data ) );
$temp_cat_data$forum_data['id'] ]['last_poster_id'] )
$member_ids$forum_data['id'] ]    = $temp_cat_data$forum_data['id'] ]['last_poster_id'];
count($member_ids) )
$_members    IPSMember::loadarray_unique($member_ids), 'members,profile_portal' );
$member_ids as $forumId => $memberId )
$_member    $_members$memberId ];
$_member['member_id'] )
$_member    IPSMember::buildDisplayData$_member );
$temp_cat_data as $fid => $fdata )
$fid != $forumId )
$temp_cat_data$fid ]    = array_merge$_member$fdata );
        if ( 
count$temp_cat_data ) )
$return_cat_data[] = array( 'cat_data'   => $cat_data,
'forum_data' => $temp_cat_data );

     * Forum view check for authentication
     * @return    string        HTML
public function showForum()
// are we checking for user authentication via the log in form
        // for a private forum w/password protection?
if( isset( $this->request['L'] ) AND $this->request['L'] > )
$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError'forums_why_l_gt_1'10336 );
        return !empty( 
$this->request['L'] ) ? $this->authenticateUser() : $this->renderForum();
     * Authenicate the log in for a password protected forum
     * @return    @e void
public function authenticateUser()
$this->request['f_password'] == "" )
$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError'forums_pass_blank'10337nullnull403 );
$this->request['f_password'] != $this->forum['password'] )
$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError'forums_wrong_pass'10338nullnull403 );
IPSCookie::set"ipbforumpass_" $this->forum['id'], md5$this->request['f_password'] ) );
$this->registry->getClass('output')->redirectScreen$this->lang->words['logged_in'] , "{$this->settings['base_url']}showforum={$this->forum['id']}"$this->forum['name_seo'], 'showforum' );
     * Builds an array of forum data for use in the output template
     * @return    array
public function renderForum()
        // INIT
$this->request['st']    = $this->request['changefilters'] ? : ( isset($this->request['st']) ? intval($this->request['st']) : );
$announce_data            = array();
$topic_data                = array();
$other_data                = array();
$multi_mod_data            = array();
$footer_filter            = array();
$member_ids                = array();
        // Show?
if ( isset( $this->request['show'] ) AND $this->request['show'] == 'sinceLastVisit' )
$this->request['prune_day'] = 200;
        // Are we actually a moderator for this forum?
$mod    $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'];
        if ( ! 
$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] )
            if( ! isset( 
$mod$this->forum['id'] ] ) OR ! is_array$mod$this->forum['id'] ] ) )
$this->memberData['is_mod'] = 0;
        // Announcements
if( is_array$this->registry->cache()->getCache('announcements') ) and count$this->registry->cache()->getCache('announcements') ) )
$announcements = array();
$this->registry->cache()->getCache('announcements') as $announce )
$order $announce['announce_start'] ? $announce['announce_start'].','.$announce['announce_id'] : $announce['announce_id'];
$announce['announce_forum'] == '*' )
$announcements$order ] = $announce;
                else if( 
strstr','.$announce['announce_forum'].','','.$this->forum['id'].',' ) )
$announcements$order ] = $announce;
count$announcements ) )
                // sort by start date
krsort$announcements );
$announcements as $announce )
                    if ( 
$announce['announce_start'] )
$announce['announce_start'] = $this->lang->getDate$announce['announce_start'], 'date' );
$announce['announce_start'] = '--';
$announce['announce_title'] = IPSText::stripslashes($announce['announce_title']);
$announce['forum_id']       = $this->forum['id'];
$announce['announce_views'] = intval($announce['announce_views']);
$announce_data[] = $announce;

$member_ids$announce['member_id'] ]    = $announce['member_id'];
$this->forum['_showAnnouncementsBar'] = 1;
        // Read topics
$First   intval($this->request['st']);
        // Sort options
$cookie_prune    IPSCookie::get$this->forum['id'] . "_prune_day" );
$cookie_sort    IPSCookie::get$this->forum['id'] . "_sort_key" );
$cookie_sortb    IPSCookie::get$this->forum['id'] . "_sort_by" );
$cookie_fill    IPSCookie::get$this->forum['id'] . "_topicfilter" );
$prune_value    $this->selectVariable( array( 
=> ! empty( $this->request['prune_day'] ) ? $this->request['prune_day'] : NULL,
=> !empty($cookie_prune) ? $cookie_prune NULL,
=> $this->forum['prune'],
=> '100' )

$sort_key        $this->selectVariable( array(
=> ! empty( $this->request['sort_key'] ) ? $this->request['sort_key'] : NULL,
=> !empty($cookie_sort) ? $cookie_sort NULL,
=> $this->forum['sort_key'],
=> 'last_post'            )

$sort_by        $this->selectVariable( array(
=> ! empty( $this->request['sort_by'] ) ? $this->request['sort_by'] : NULL,
=> !empty($cookie_sortb) ? $cookie_sortb NULL,
=> $this->forum['sort_order'],
=> 'Z-A'                      )
$topicfilter    $this->selectVariable( array(
=> ! empty( $this->request['topicfilter'] ) ? $this->request['topicfilter'] : NULL,
=> !empty($cookie_fill) ? $cookie_fill NULL,
=> $this->forum['topicfilter'],
=> 'all'                      )

        if( ! empty( 
$this->request['remember'] ) )
$this->request['prune_day'] )
IPSCookie::set$this->forum['id'] . "_prune_day"$this->request['prune_day'] );
$this->request['sort_key'] )
IPSCookie::set$this->forum['id'] . "_sort_key"$this->request['sort_key'] );
$this->request['sort_by'] )
IPSCookie::set$this->forum['id'] . "_sort_by"$this->request['sort_by'] );
$this->request['topicfilter'] )
IPSCookie::set$this->forum['id'] . "_topicfilter"$this->request['topicfilter'] );

        // Figure out sort order, day cut off, etc
$Prune            $prune_value 100 ? (time() - ($prune_value 60 60 24)) : ( ( $prune_value == 200 AND $this->memberData['member_id'] ) ? $this->memberData['last_visit'] : );

$sort_keys        =  array( 'last_post'         => 'sort_by_date',
'last_poster_name'  => 'sort_by_last_poster',
'title'             => 'sort_by_topic',
'starter_name'      => 'sort_by_poster',
'start_date'        => 'sort_by_start',
'topic_hasattach'   => 'sort_by_attach',
'posts'             => 'sort_by_replies',
'views'             => 'sort_by_views',

$prune_by_day    = array( '1'    => 'show_today',
'5'    => 'show_5_days',
'7'    => 'show_7_days',
'10'   => 'show_10_days',
'15'   => 'show_15_days',
'20'   => 'show_20_days',
'25'   => 'show_25_days',
'30'   => 'show_30_days',
'60'   => 'show_60_days',
'90'   => 'show_90_days',
'100'  => 'show_all',
'200'  => 'show_last_visit'

$sort_by_keys = array( 'Z-A'  => 'descending_order',
'A-Z'  => 'ascending_order',
$filter_keys  = array( 'all'    => 'topicfilter_all',
'open'   => 'topicfilter_open',
'hot'    => 'topicfilter_hot',
'poll'   => 'topicfilter_poll',
'locked' => 'topicfilter_locked',
'moved'  => 'topicfilter_moved',
$this->memberData['member_id'] )
$filter_keys['istarted'] = 'topicfilter_istarted';
$filter_keys['ireplied'] = 'topicfilter_ireplied';

        // check for any form funny business by wanna-be hackers
if( ( ! isset( $filter_keys[$topicfilter] ) ) or ( ! isset( $sort_keys[$sort_key] ) ) or ( ! isset( $prune_by_day[$prune_value] ) ) or ( ! isset( $sort_by_keys[$sort_by] ) ) )
$this->registry->getClass('output')->showError'forums_bad_filter'10339 );
$r_sort_by $sort_by == 'A-Z' 'ASC' 'DESC';
        // If sorting by starter, add secondary..
$sort_key_chk $sort_key;
$sort_key == 'starter_name' )
$sort_key    "starter_name {$r_sort_by}, t.last_post DESC";
$r_sort_by    '';
        // Additional queries?
$add_query_array = array();
$add_query       "";
$topicfilter )
$add_query_array[] = "t.state='open'";
$add_query_array[] = "t.state='open' AND t.posts + 1 >= ".intval($this->settings['hot_topic']);
$add_query_array[] = "t.state='closed'";
$add_query_array[] = "t.state='link'";
$add_query_array[] = "(t.poll_state='open' OR t.poll_state=1)";
        if( ! 
$this->memberData['g_other_topics'] or $topicfilter == 'istarted' OR ( ! $this->forum['can_view_others'] AND ! $this->memberData['is_mod'] ) )
$add_query_array[] = "t.starter_id='".$this->memberData['member_id']."'";
$_SQL_EXTRA        '';
$_SQL_AGE_PRUNE    '';
count($add_query_array) )
$_SQL_EXTRA    ' AND 'implode' AND '$add_query_array );
        // Moderator?
$this->request['modfilter'] = isset( $this->request['modfilter'] ) ? $this->request['modfilter'] : '';
        if ( 
$this->memberData['is_mod'] )
            if ( 
$this->request['modfilter'] == 'unapproved' )
$_SQL_APPROVED    ' AND (' $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('hidden'), 't.') . ' OR t.topic_queuedposts )';
            elseif ( 
$this->permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] )
                if ( 
$this->request['modfilter'] == 'hidden' )
$_SQL_APPROVED    ' AND (' $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('sdeleted'), 't.') . ' OR t.topic_deleted_posts )';
$_SQL_APPROVED    ' AND ' $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden''sdeleted'), 't.');
$_SQL_APPROVED    ' AND ' $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden'), 't.');
            if ( 
$this->permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] )
$_SQL_APPROVED    ' AND ' $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''sdeleted'), 't.');
$_SQL_APPROVED    ' AND ' $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible'), 't.');
        if ( 
$Prune )
            if ( 
$prune_value == 200 )
/* Just new content, don't show pinned, please */
if( $this->memberData['is_mod'] AND $this->request['modfilter'] )
$_SQL_AGE_PRUNE    " AND (t.last_post > {$Prune} OR t.approved=0)";
$_SQL_AGE_PRUNE    " AND (t.last_post > {$Prune})";
$this->memberData['is_mod'] AND $this->request['modfilter'] )
$_SQL_AGE_PRUNE    " AND (t.pinned=1 or t.last_post > {$Prune} OR t.approved=0)";
$_SQL_AGE_PRUNE    " AND (t.pinned=1 or t.last_post > {$Prune})";                    
        // Query the database to see how many topics there are in the forum
if( $topicfilter == 'ireplied' )
            // Checking topics we've replied to?

$this->DB->build( array( 'select'    => 'COUNT(' $this->DB->buildDistinct'p.topic_id' ) . ') as max',
'from'        => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
'where'    => "t.forum_id={$this->forum['id']} AND p.author_id=".$this->memberData['member_id'] . " AND p.new_topic=0" $_SQL_APPROVED $_SQL_AGE_PRUNE,
'add_join'    => array( array( 'from'    => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
'where'    => 'p.topic_id=t.tid' ) ) ) );
$total_possible $this->DB->fetch();
        else if ( 
$_SQL_EXTRA or $_SQL_AGE_PRUNE OR $this->request['modfilter'] )
$this->DB->build( array(  'select' => 'COUNT(*) as max',
'from'   => 'topics t',
'where'  => "t.forum_id=" $this->forum['id'] . $_SQL_APPROVED $_SQL_AGE_PRUNE $_SQL_EXTRA ) );

$total_possible $this->DB->fetch();
$total_possible['max'] = $this->memberData['is_mod'] ? $this->forum['topics'] + $this->forum['queued_topics'] : $this->forum['topics'];
            if ( 
$this->permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] AND $this->forum['deleted_topics'] )
$total_possible['max'] += intval$this->forum['deleted_topics'] );
$Prune 0;
        // Generate the forum page span links
$_extraStuff    '';
$this->request['modfilter'] )
$_extraStuff    .= "&amp;modfilter=" $this->request['modfilter'];
$this->forum['SHOW_PAGES'] = $this->registry->getClass('output')->generatePagination( array( 'totalItems'            => $total_possible['max'],
'itemsPerPage'            => $this->settings['display_max_topics'],
'currentStartValue'    => $this->request['st'],
'seoTitle'                => $this->forum['name_seo'],
'disableSinglePage'    => false,
'baseUrl'                => "showforum=".$this->forum['id']."&amp;prune_day={$prune_value}&amp;sort_by={$sort_by}&amp;sort_key={$sort_key_chk}&amp;topicfilter={$topicfilter}{$_extraStuff})    );

        // Start printing the page
$other_data = array( 'forum_data'        => $this->forum,
'hasMore'            => ( $this->request['st'] + $this->settings['display_max_topics'] > $total_possible['max'] ) ? false true,
'can_edit_topics'    => $this->can_edit_topics,
'can_open_topics'    => $this->can_open_topics,
'can_close_topics'    => $this->can_close_topics,
'can_move_topics'    => $this->can_move_topics );

$total_topics_printed 0;
        // Get main topics
$topic_array = array();
$topic_ids   = array();
$topic_sort  "";
        // Cut off?
$parse_dots 1;
$topicfilter == 'ireplied' )
            // Checking topics we've replied to?
            // No point in getting dots again...
$parse_dots 0;
$_joins    = array( array( 'select'    => 't.*',
'from'        => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
'where'    => 'p.topic_id=t.tid AND p.author_id=' $this->memberData['member_id'] ) );

            if ( 
$this->settings['tags_enabled'] AND !$this->forum['bw_disable_tagging'] )
$_joins[]    = $this->registry->tags->getCacheJoin( array( 'meta_id_field' => 't.tid' ) );
// For some reason, mySQL doesn't like the distinct + t.* being in reverse order...
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'    => $this->DB->buildDistinct'p.author_id' ),
'from'        => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
'where'    => "t.forum_id=" $this->forum['id'] . " AND t.pinned IN (0,1)" $_SQL_APPROVED $_SQL_AGE_PRUNE " AND p.new_topic=0",
'order'    => "t.pinned desc,{$topic_sort} t.{$sort_key} {$r_sort_by}",
'limit'    => array( intval($First), intval($this->settings['display_max_topics']) ),
'add_join'    => $_joins ) );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'   => 't.*',
'from'     => array( 'topics' =>  't' ),
'where'    => "t.forum_id=" $this->forum['id'] . " AND t.pinned IN (0,1)" $_SQL_APPROVED $_SQL_AGE_PRUNE $_SQL_EXTRA,
'order'    => 't.pinned DESC, '.$topic_sort.' t.'.$sort_key .' '$r_sort_by,
'limit'    => array( intval($First), $this->settings['display_max_topics'] ),
'add_join' => ( $this->settings['tags_enabled'] AND !$this->forum['bw_disable_tagging'] ) ? array( $this->registry->tags->getCacheJoin( array( 'meta_id_field' => 't.tid' ) ) ) : array() 
                             )        );
$t $this->DB->fetch() )
$topic_array$t['tid'] ] = $t;
$topic_ids$t['tid'] ]   = $t['tid'];
            if ( 
$t['last_poster_id'] )
$member_ids$t['last_poster_id'] ]    = $t['last_poster_id'];
            if ( 
$t['starter_id'] )
$member_ids$t['starter_id'] ]    = $t['starter_id'];
ksort$topic_ids );
        // Are we dotty?
if( ( $this->settings['show_user_posted'] == ) and ( $this->memberData['member_id'] ) and ( count($topic_ids) ) and ( $parse_dots ) )
$_queued    $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery( array( 'visible' ), '' );

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'author_id, topic_id',
'from'   => 'posts',
'where'  => $_queued ' AND author_id=' $this->memberData['member_id'] . ' AND topic_id IN(' implode','$topic_ids ) . ')' )    );
$p $this->DB->fetch() )
                if ( 
is_array$topic_array$p['topic_id'] ] ) )
$topic_array$p['topic_id'] ]['author_id'] = $p['author_id'];

        // Get needed members
if( count($member_ids) )
$_members    IPSMember::load$member_ids );
            // Add member data to announcements
$new_announces    = array();
$announce_data as $announce )
$announce    array_merge$announceIPSMember::buildDisplayData$_members$announce['member_id'] ] ) );
$new_announces[]    = $announce;
$announce_data    $new_announces;
        // Show meh the topics!
$adCodeSet    false;
$topic_array as $topic )
/* Add member */
if( $topic['last_poster_id'] )
$topic    array_mergeIPSMember::buildDisplayData$_members$topic['last_poster_id'] ] ), $topic );
$topic    array_mergeIPSMember::buildProfilePhoto( array() ), $topic );
            if ( 
$topic['starter_id'] )
$topic['_starter'] = $_members$topic['starter_id'] ];
/* AD Code */
if( $this->registry->getClass('IPSAdCode')->userCanViewAds() && ! $adCodeSet )
$topic['_adCode'] = $this->registry->getClass('IPSAdCode')->getAdCode('ad_code_forum_view_topic_code');
$topic['_adCode'] )
$adCodeSet true;
            if ( 
$topic['pinned'] )

$topic_data$topic['tid'] ] = $this->renderEntry$topic );
        // Finish off the rest of the page  $filter_keys[$topicfilter]))
$sort_by_html    "";
$sort_key_html    "";
$prune_day_html    "";
$filter_html    "";
$sort_by_keys as $k => $v )
$sort_by_html   .= $k == $sort_by      "<option value='$k' selected='selected'>{$this->lang->words$sort_by_keys$k ] ]}</option>n"
"<option value='$k'>{$this->lang->words$sort_by_keys$k ] ]}</option>n";
$sort_keys as  $k => $v )
$sort_key_html  .= $k == $sort_key_chk "<option value='$k' selected='selected'>{$this->lang->words$sort_keys$k ] ]}</option>n"
"<option value='$k'>{$this->lang->words$sort_keys$k ] ]}</option>n";
$prune_by_day as  $k => $v )
$prune_day_html .= $k == $prune_value  "<option value='$k' selected='selected'>{$this->lang->words$prune_by_day$k ] ]}</option>n"
"<option value='$k'>{$this->lang->words$prune_by_day$k ] ]}</option>n";
$filter_keys as  $k => $v )
$filter_html    .= $k == $topicfilter  "<option value='$k' selected='selected'>{$this->lang->words$filter_keys$k ] ]}</option>n"
"<option value='$k'>{$this->lang->words$filter_keys$k ] ]}</option>n";
$footer_filter['sort_by']      = $sort_key_html;
$footer_filter['sort_order']   = $sort_by_html;
$footer_filter['sort_prune']   = $prune_day_html;
$footer_filter['topic_filter'] = $filter_html;
$this->memberData['is_mod'] )
$count 0;
$other_pages 0;
$this->request['selectedtids'] != "" )
$tids explode",",$this->request['selectedtids'] );
is_array$tids ) AND count$tids ) )
$tids as $tid )
$tid != '' )
                            if( ! isset(
$topic_array$tid ]) )
$this->lang->words['f_go'] .= " ({$count})";
$other_pages )
$this->lang->words['f_go'] .= " ({$other_pages} " $this->lang->words['jscript_otherpage'] . ")";
        // Multi-moderation?
if( $this->memberData['is_mod'] )
$mm_array $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->getMultimod$this->forum['id'] );
            if ( 
is_array$mm_array ) and count$mm_array ) )
$mm_array as $m )
$multi_mod_data[] = $m;
        // Need to update topics?
if( count$this->update_topics_open ) )
$this->DB->update'topics', array( 'state' => 'open' ), 'tid IN ('.implode","$this->update_topics_open ) .')' );
count$this->update_topics_close ) )
$this->DB->update'topics', array( 'state' => 'closed' ), 'tid IN ('.implode","$this->update_topics_close ) .')' );
/* Got soft delete tids? */
if ( is_array$this->_sdTids ) AND count$this->_sdTids ) )
$other_data['sdData'] = IPSDeleteLog::fetchEntries$this->_sdTids'topic'false );
/* Fetch follow data */
$other_data['follow_data'] = $this->_like->render'summary'$this->forum['id'] );
        return array( 
'announce_data'    => $announce_data,
'topic_data'        => $topic_data,
'other_data'        => $other_data,
'multi_mod_data'    => $multi_mod_data,
'footer_filter'    => $footer_filter,
'active_users'    => $this->_generateActiveUserData()
     * Returns a list of the active user in the forum
     * @return    @e array
protected function _generateActiveUserData()
$users = array();
/* Do we actually want active users? */
if ( empty($this->settings['no_au_forum']) )
$classToLoad  IPSLib::loadLibraryIPS_ROOT_PATH "sources/classes/session/api.php"'session_api' );
$sessionClass = new $classToLoad$this->registry );
$users $sessionClass->getUsersIn'forums', array( 'skipParsing' => true'addWhere' => array( "s.location_2_type='forum'""s.location_2_id={$this->forum['id']}) ) );
/* Got any posting classes to add? */
if ( ! empty($users['stats']['members']) && is_array($users['rows']['members']) && count($users['rows']['members']) )
$users['rows']['members'] as $sid => $sdata )
                    if ( isset(
$users['names'][ $sid ]) && $sdata['member_id'] != $this->memberData['member_id'] && $sdata['current_module'] == 'post' )
$users['names'][ $sid ] = "<span class='activeuserposting'>" $users['names'][ $sid ] . "</span>";
     * Parase Topic Data
     * @param    array    $topic                Topic data
     * @param    bool    $last_time_default    Use default "last read time"
     * @return    array
public function parseTopicData$topic$last_time_default=true )
        // INIT
        /* Update perms */
$this->permissions['TopicSoftDelete'] = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSoftDeleteTopics$this->forum['id'], $topic );
$topic $this->registry->topics->parseTopicForLineEntry$topic );
/* Collect TIDS of soft deleted topics */
if ( $topic['_isDeleted'] AND $this->permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] )
$this->_sdTids[] = $topic['tid'];
        // Need to update this topic?
if ( $topic['state'] == 'open' )
            if( !
$topic['topic_open_time'] OR $topic['topic_open_time'] < $topic['topic_close_time'] )
                if ( 
$topic['topic_close_time'] AND ( $topic['topic_close_time'] <= time() AND ( time() >= $topic['topic_open_time'] OR !$topic['topic_open_time'] ) ) )
$topic['state'] = 'closed';
$this->update_topics_close[] = $topic['real_tid'];
            else if( 
$topic['topic_open_time'] OR $topic['topic_open_time'] > $topic['topic_close_time'] )
                if ( 
$topic['topic_close_time'] AND ( $topic['topic_close_time'] <= time() AND time() <= $topic['topic_open_time'] ) )
$topic['state'] = 'closed';
$this->update_topics_close[] = $topic['real_tid'];
        else if ( 
$topic['state'] == 'closed' )
            if( !
$topic['topic_close_time'] OR $topic['topic_close_time'] < $topic['topic_open_time'] )
                if ( 
$topic['topic_open_time'] AND ( $topic['topic_open_time'] <= time() AND ( time() >= $topic['topic_close_time'] OR !$topic['topic_close_time'] ) ) )
$topic['state'] = 'open';
$this->update_topics_open[] = $topic['real_tid'];
            else if( 
$topic['topic_close_time'] OR $topic['topic_close_time'] > $topic['topic_open_time'] )
                if ( 
$topic['topic_open_time'] AND ( $topic['topic_open_time'] <= time() AND time() <= $topic['topic_close_time'] ) )
$topic['state'] = 'open';
$this->update_topics_open[] = $topic['real_tid'];
     * Returns an array of topic data
     * @param    array     Topic entry
     * @return    array
public function renderEntry$topic )
$topic $this->parseTopicData$topic );
$topic['pages']                = isset($topic['pages'])        ? $topic['pages']        : '';
$topic['prefix']            = isset($topic['prefix'])        ? $topic['prefix']        : '';
$topic['attach_img']        = isset($topic['attach_img'])    ? $topic['attach_img']    : '';
$topic['_hasqueued']        = isset($topic['_hasqueued'])    ? $topic['_hasqueued']    : '';
$topic['tidon']                = isset($topic['tidon'])        ? $topic['tidon']        : 0;
/* Collect TIDS of soft deleted topics */
if ( $topic['_isDeleted'] AND $this->permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] )
$this->_sdTids[] = $topic['tid'];
        if ( 
$topic['pinned'] == )
$topic['prefix'] = $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('forum')->topicPrefixWrap$this->lang->words['pre_pinned'] );
     * Given an array of possible variables, the first one found is returned
     * @param    array     Mixed variables
     * @return    mixed     First variable from the array
     * @since    2.0
public static function selectVariable($array)
        if ( !
is_array($array) ) return -1;


$chosen = -1;

        foreach (
$array as $v)
            if ( isset(
$v) )
$chosen $v;

Онлайн: 1