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Файл: admin/applications/forums/modules_public/ajax/topics.php
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 * <pre>
 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.3.3
 * Ajax Functions For Topics
 * Last Updated: $Date: 2012-06-06 05:12:48 -0400 (Wed, 06 Jun 2012) $
 * </pre>
 * @author         $Author: mmecham $
 * @copyright    (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license        http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
 * @package        IP.Board
 * @subpackage    Forums
 * @link        http://www.invisionpower.com
 * @version        $Revision: 10870 $

if ( ! defined'IN_IPB' ) )
"<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

public_forums_ajax_topics extends ipsAjaxCommand
     * Class entry point
     * @param    object        Registry reference
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs for the ajax handler]
public function doExecuteipsRegistry $registry 
/* Load topic class */
if ( ! $this->registry->isClassLoaded('topics') )
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . "/sources/classes/topics.php"'app_forums_classes_topics''forums' );
$this->registry->setClass'topics', new $classToLoad$this->registry ) );
$this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_topic''public_mod' ), 'forums' );

        // What to do?
switch( $this->request['do'] )


    protected function 
$memberId trim$this->request['memberId'] );
$memberId = ( is_numeric$memberId ) ) ? $memberId 'all';
/* Whut */
if ( $memberId == 'all' )
IPSMember::save$this->memberData['member_id'], array( 'core' => array( 'view_sigs' => ) ) );
/* Insert or update? */
$ignored IPSMember::fetchIgnoredUsers$this->memberData );
            if ( ! empty( 
$ignored$memberId ] ) )
/* Update */
$this->DB->update'ignored_users', array( 'ignore_signatures' => ), 'ignore_owner_id=' $this->memberData['member_id'] . ' AND ignore_ignore_id=' $memberId );
$this->DB->insert'ignored_users', array( 'ignore_owner_id'   => $this->memberData['member_id'],
'ignore_ignore_id'  => $memberId,
'ignore_messages'   => 0,
'ignore_topics'     => 0,
'ignore_signatures' => ) );
/* Rebuild cache */
IPSMember::rebuildIgnoredUsersCache$this->memberData );
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'status' => 'ok' ) );
    protected function 
$pid intval$this->request['pid'] );
/* Fetch post */
$post  $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPostById$pid );
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData$post );
        if ( 
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->canView() )
$this->returnHtml$this->registry->output->getTemplate('topic')->ajaxSigCloseMenu$post ) );
$this->returnJsonError'nopermission' );
    protected function 
$tid intval$this->request['tid'] );
/* Get latest post */
$post  $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPosts( array( 'topicId' => $tid'sortField' => 'pid''sortOrder' => 'desc''offset' => 0'limit' => ) );
$post  array_pop$post );
$forum $this->registry->class_forums->getForumById$post['forum_id'] );
$this->registry->getClass('classItemMarking')->markRead( array( 'forumID' => $post['forum_id'], 'itemID' => $tid'markDate' => $post['post_date'], 'containerLastActivityDate' => $forum['last_post'] ) );
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'status' => 'ok' ) );
     * Polls for replies innit
protected function _pollForReplies()
$topicId intval$this->request['t'] );
$topPid  intval$this->request['pid'] );
/* Can we view this topic? */
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData$topicId );
/* Can we view? */
if ( $this->registry->getClass('topics')->canView() !== true )
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'count' => ) );
/* Get posts */ 
$posts $this->_getPosts$topicId$topPid$this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData('forum_id') );
/* Got anything sailor? */
if ( ! count$posts ) )
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'count' => ) );
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'count' => count$posts ), 'data' => $posts ) );
     * Fetches the new posts to insert into the live page ...
protected function _getNewPosts()
$topicId intval$this->request['t'] );
$topPid  intval$this->request['pid'] );
/* Can we view this topic? */
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData$topicId );
/* Can we view? */
if ( $this->registry->getClass('topics')->canView() !== true )
$this->returnHtml'' );
/* Get posts */ 
$posts $this->_getPosts$topicId$topPid$this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData('forum_id') );
/* Got anything sailor? */
if ( ! count$posts ) )
$this->returnHtml'' );
$this->registry->getClass('classItemMarking')->markRead( array( 'forumID' => $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData('forum_id'),
'itemID'  => $topicId,
'containerLastActivityDate' => $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData('last_post' ) ) );
$html '';
$posts as $pid => $data )
$html .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate('topic')->post$data, array(), $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData() );
$this->returnHtml$html );
     * Fetches posts
     * @param    INT        Topic ID
     * @param    INT        Top PID
     * @param    INT        Forum ID
protected function _getPosts$topicId$topPid$forumId )
IPSDebug::fireBug'info', array( 'Retrieving posts for topic id ' $topicId ' where pid is greater than ' $topPid ) );
/* Reset viewing member id - can be set to someone else by post class (e.g. in the sendOutQuoteNotifications() method) */
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->setMemberData$this->memberData );

/* Get posts */
$posts $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPosts( array(   'topicId'           => $topicId,
'pidIsGreater'   => $topPid,
'onlyViewable'   => true,
'onlyVisible'    => true,
'parse'          => true,
'forumId'          => $forumId,
'limit'          => 50,
'sortKey'          => 'date',
'sortOrder'      => 'asc' ) );
        if ( 
count$posts ) )
/* Fetch post count ID */
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPosts( array(   'topicId'          => $topicId,
'pidIsLess'      => $topPid,
'onlyViewable'   => true,
'onlyVisible'    => true,
'parse'               => false,
'getCount'         => true,
'forumId'         => $forumId,
'limit'             => 50,
'sortKey'         => 'date',
'sortOrder'         => 'asc' ) );
$count $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPostsCount();
$posts as $id => $data )
$posts$id ]['post']['post_count'] = ++$count;
/* Parse attachments */
$topic    $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$topic['topic_hasattach'] )
            // INIT. Yes it is
$postHTML = array();
            // Separate out post content
foreach( $posts as $id => $post )
$postHTML$id ] = $post['post']['post'];

            // Grab render attach class
if ( ! is_object$this->class_attach ) )
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'core' ) . '/sources/classes/attach/class_attach.php''class_attach' );
$this->class_attach           =  new $classToLoad$this->registry );
            // Not got permission to view downloads?
if ( $this->registry->permissions->check'download'$this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$topic['forum_id'] ] ) === FALSE )
$this->settings['show_img_upload'] = 0;
            // Continue...
$this->class_attach->type  'post';

$attachHTML $this->class_attach->renderAttachments$postHTMLarray_keys$posts ) );
/* Now parse back in the rendered posts */
if( is_array($attachHTML) AND count($attachHTML) )
$attachHTML as $id => $data )
/* Get rid of any lingering attachment tags */
if ( stristr$data['html'], "[attachment=" ) )
$data['html'] = IPSText::stripAttachTag$data['html'] );

$posts$id ]['post']['post']            = $data['html'];
$posts$id ]['post']['attachmentHtml']    = $data['attachmentHtml'];
     * Fetches data to quote
     * @return    @e void
protected function _quote()
/* Init */
$tid    intval$this->request['t'] );
$pid    intval$this->request['p'] );
$pids    explode','IPSText::cleanPermString$this->request['pids'] ) );
$posts    = array();
$_post    '';

/* Load editor stuff */
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php''classes_editor_composite' );
$this->editor = new $classToLoad();
/* set up bbcode */
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_section            'topics';
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup            $this->memberData['member_group_id'];
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup_others    $this->memberData['mgroup_others'];
/* Set up topic */
if( $pid )
$posts[]  = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPostById$pid );
$pids as $pid )
$posts[]  = $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getPostById$pid );

/* Permission ids */
$perm_id    $this->memberData['org_perm_id'] ? $this->memberData['org_perm_id'] : $this->memberData['g_perm_id'];
$perm_array    explode","$perm_id );

/* Naughty boy chex */
foreach( $posts as $post )
/* Set up data */
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData$post );
            if ( 
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->canView() !== true )
$this->returnJsonError'nopermission' );
            if ( 
$this->registry->permissions->check'read'$this->registry->class_forums->getForumById$post['forum_id'] ), $perm_array ) !== TRUE )
$this->returnJsonError'nopermission' );

/* Post visible? */
if ( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->fetchHiddenType$post ) != 'visible' )
$this->returnJsonError'nopermission' );

/* Phew that was a toughy wasn't it? */
if ( $this->settings['strip_quotes'] )
$post['post'] = IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->stripQuotes$post['post'] );
/* Strip shared media in quotes */
$post['post'] = IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->stripSharedMedia$post['post'] );
/* We don't use makeQuoteSafe() here because the result is returned via AJAX and inserted as text into the editor.  + shows as &#043; as a result if we do */
$_quoted    preg_replace'/(<brs*/?>s*)+$/'"<br />""<br />" rtrim($post['post']) . "<br />" );
$_post        .= "[quote name='" . ( $post['members_display_name'] ? $post['members_display_name'] : $post['author_name'] ) . "' timestamp='" $post['post_date'] . "' post='" $post['pid'] . "']{$_quoted}[/quote]<br />";

$this->editor->setContent$_post'topics' );
$this->returnHtml$this->editor->getContent() );
     * Saves the post
     * @return    @e void
protected function _reply()
/* Init */
$fid       intval$this->request['f'] );
$tid       intval$this->request['t'] );
$topPid  intval$this->request['pid'] );
/* Basic checks */
if ( ! $tid )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['ajax_reply_noperm'] );
        if ( 
$this->memberData['member_id'] )
            if ( 
IPSMember::isOnModQueue$this->memberData ) === NULL )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['ajax_reply_noperm'] );

/* Load lang and classes */
$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_topics' ) );

        if ( ! 
is_object$this->postClass ) )
IPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/post/classPost.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/post/classPostForms.php''classPostForms''forums' );
$this->postClass = new $classToLoad$this->registry );
/* Fetch topic data */
$topicData $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicById$tid );
        if ( ! 
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->canView$topicData ) )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['ajax_reply_noperm'] );
/* Duplicate posts */
if ( time() - $this->memberData['last_post'] <= )
$_lastPost    $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'topic_id',
'from'   => 'posts',
'where'  => 'author_id=' $this->memberData['member_id'],
'order'  => 'post_date DESC',
'limit'  => array( 0) ) );

/* We made a reply within the last 4 seconds to this topic.. */
if ( $_lastPost['topic_id'] == $tid )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['topic_duplicate_post'] );
/* Are we following? */
if ( $this->memberData['auto_track'] )
$_likes 1;
IPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/like/composite.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$_like    classes_like::bootstrap'forums','topics' );
$_likes    $_like->isLiked$topicData['tid'], $this->memberData['member_id'] );
/* Set post class data */
$this->postClass->setForumData$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->getForumById$topicData['forum_id'] ) );
$this->postClass->setTopicID$tid );
$this->postClass->setForumID$fid );
$this->postClass->setSettings( array( 'enableSignature' => 1,
'enableEmoticons' => 1,
'post_htmlstatus' => 0,
'enableTracker'   => ( $_likes ) ? ) );
/* Topic Data */
$this->postClass->setTopicData$topicData );
$this->postClass->setAuthor$this->member->fetchMemberData() );
$this->postClass->setIsAjaxTRUE );
$this->postClass->setPublished'reply' );
$this->postClass->setPostContent$_POST['Post'] );

/* POST */
             * If there was an error, return it as a JSON error
if ( $this->postClass->addReply() === FALSE )
$this->returnJsonError$this->postClass->getPostError() );
/* If it requires preview, return a message */
if( $this->postClass->getPublished() === false )
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'success' => 1'message' => $this->lang->words['thanks_need_preview'] ) );

IPSDebug::fireBug'info', array( 'The post was successfully saved...' ) );

$topic $this->postClass->getTopicData();
$post  $this->postClass->getPostData();
/* If we are merging, back up one */
if( $post['pid'] == $topPid )
/* Can we report? */
$classToLoad    IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir('core') . '/sources/classes/reportLibrary.php''reportLibrary''core' );
$reports        = new $classToLoad$this->registry );
/* Can we view this topic? */
$this->registry->getClass('topics')->setTopicData$topic );
$topic                    $this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData();
$topic['_canReport']    = $reports->canReport'post' );
/* Get posts */ 
$posts $this->_getPosts$tid$topPid$this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicData('forum_id') );
IPSDebug::fireBug'info', array( 'Found ' count($posts) . ' posts...' ) );
/* Got anything sailor? */
if ( ! count$posts ) )
$this->returnHtml'' );
$html        '';
$lastpid    0;
$posts as $pid => $data )
$html        .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate('topic')->post$data, array(), $topic$this->postClass->getForumData() );
$lastpid    $pid;
count($posts) == )
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'success' => 1'post' => $html'postid' => $lastpid ), true );
$this->returnHtml$html );
        catch ( 
Exception $error )
$this->returnJsonError$error->getMessage() );

     * Displays a topic preview
     * @return    @e void
protected function _topicPreview()
/* INIT */
$tid            intval$this->request['tid'] );
$pid            intval$this->request['pid'] );
$sTerm            trim$this->request['searchTerm'] );
$topic            = array();
$posts            = array();
$permissions    = array();
$query            '';

/* Topic visibility */
$_perms = array( 'visible' );
        if ( 
$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedTopicsfalse ) )
$_perms[] = 'sdelete';
        if ( 
$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canQueuePostsfalse ) )
$_perms[] = 'hidden';

/* Grab topic data and first post */
$topic $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select'   => '*, title as topic_title, posts as topic_posts, last_post as topic_last_post',
'from'     => 'topics',
'where'    => $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery$_perms ) . ' AND tid=' $tid ) );
        if ( ! 
$topic['tid'] )
$this->returnString'no_topic' );
/* Permission check */
if ( $this->registry->class_forums->forumsCheckAccess$topic['forum_id'], 0'topic'$topictrue ) !== true )
$this->returnString'no_permission' );
/* is archived? */
$isArchived $this->registry->topics->isArchived$topic );
/* Build permissions */
$permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee']      = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedPosts$topic['forum_id'] );
$permissions['SoftDeleteContent']      = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeleteContent$topic['forum_id'] );
$permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee']     = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedTopics$topic['forum_id'] );
$permissions['canQueue']               = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canQueuePosts$topic['forum_id'] );
/* Boring old boringness */
if ( $permissions['canQueue'] )
            if ( 
$permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee'] )
$query    $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden''sdeleted'), $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('_prefix_'$isArchived ) ) . ' AND ';
$query    $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden'), $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('_prefix_'$isArchived ) ) . ' AND ';
            if ( 
$permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee'] )
$query    $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible''sdeleted'), $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('_prefix_'$isArchived ) ) . ' AND ';
$query    $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible'), $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('_prefix_'$isArchived ) ) . ' AND ';
/* Get first post */
$_post $this->registry->topics->getPosts( array( 'onlyViewable'    => true,
'sortField'         => 'pid',
'sortOrder'         => 'asc',
'topicId'         => array( $topic['tid'] ),
'limit'             => 1,
'archiveToNative' => true,
'isArchivedTopic' => $this->registry->topics->isArchived$topic ) ) );
$posts['first'] = array_pop$_post );
/* Archived? Get last post */
if ( $topic['topic_posts'] && $isArchived )
/* Get last post */
$_post $this->registry->topics->getPosts( array( 'onlyViewable'    => true,
'sortField'         => 'pid',
'sortOrder'         => 'desc',
'topicId'         => array( $topic['tid'] ),
'limit'             => 1,
'archiveToNative' => true,
'isArchivedTopic' => $this->registry->topics->isArchived$topic ) ) );
$posts['last'] = array_pop$_post );
/* Any more for any more? */
else if ( $topic['topic_posts'] && ! $isArchived )
/* Grab number of unread posts? */
$last_time $this->registry->classItemMarking->fetchTimeLastMarked( array( 'forumID' => $topic['forum_id'], 'itemID' => $tid ) );
            if ( 
$last_time AND $last_time $topic['topic_last_post'] )
$count $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as count, MAX(' $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('pid'$isArchived ) . ') as max, MIN(pid) as min',
'from'   => $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('_table_'$isArchived ),
'where'  => $query $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('topic_id'$isArchived ) . "={$tid} AND " $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('post_date'$isArchived ) ." > " intval$last_time ) )    );
$count $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'MAX(' $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('pid'$isArchived ) . ') as max',
'from'   => $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('_table_'$isArchived ),
'where'  => $query $this->registry->topics->getPostTableField('topic_id'$isArchived ) . "={$tid}) );
$count['min']   = 0;
$count['count'] = 0;
$topic['_lastRead']    = $last_time;
$topic['_unreadPosts'] = intval$count['count'] );
/* Got a max and min */
if ( $count['max'] )
$_posts $this->registry->topics->getPosts( array( 'onlyViewable'    => true,
'postId'          => array( intval$count['min'] ), intval$count['max'] ) ),
'archiveToNative' => true,
'isArchivedTopic' => $this->registry->topics->isArchived$topic ) ) );
$_posts as $pid => $r )
$r['tid']        = $topic['tid'];
$r['title_seo']    = $topic['title_seo'];
                    if ( 
$r['pid'] == $count['max'] )
$posts['last'] = $r;
$posts['unread'] = $r;
            if ( 
is_array$posts['unread'] ) AND is_array$posts['last'] ) )
                if ( 
$posts['unread']['pid'] == $posts['last']['pid'] )
$posts['unread'] );
                else if ( 
$posts['unread']['pid'] == $posts['first']['pid'] )
$posts['unread'] );
/* Search? */
if ( $pid AND $sTerm )
$_posts $this->registry->topics->getPosts( array( 'onlyViewable'    => true,
'postId'          => array( $pid ),
'archiveToNative' => true,
'isArchivedTopic' => $this->registry->topics->isArchived$topic ) ) );
$posts['search'] = array_pop$_posts );
/* Still here? */
foreach( $posts as $k => $data )
$data  IPSMember::buildDisplayData$data );
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parse_smilies            $data['use_emo'];
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parse_html                = ( $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$topic['forum_id'] ]['use_html'] and $this->caches['group_cache'][ $data['member_group_id'] ]['g_dohtml'] and $data['post_htmlstate'] ) ? 0;
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parse_nl2br                $data['post_htmlstate'] == 0;
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parse_bbcode                $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$topic['forum_id'] ]['use_ibc'];
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_section            'topics';
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup            $data['member_group_id'];
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup_others    $data['mgroup_others'];
$data['post']    = IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->stripQuotes$data['post'], array( 'quote''spoiler' ) );        
$data['post']    = IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->preDisplayParse$data['post'] );
/* Search term? */
if ( $k == 'search' AND $pid AND $sTerm )
$data['post'] = IPSText::truncateTextAroundPhraseIPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->stripAllTagsstr_replace'<br />'' 'strip_tags$data['post'], '<br>' ) ) ), $sTerm );
$data['post'] = IPSText::searchHighlight$data['post'], $sTerm );
$data['post'] = IPSText::truncateIPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->stripAllTagsstrip_tags$data['post'], '<br>' ) ), 500 );
$data['_isVisible']           = ( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->fetchHiddenType$data ) == 'visible' ) ? true false;
$data['_isHidden']           = ( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->fetchHiddenType$data ) == 'hidden' ) ? true false;
$data['_isDeleted']           = ( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->fetchHiddenType$data ) == 'sdelete' ) ? true false;

$posts$k ] = $data;
$topic['_key'] = uniqid(microtime());
$this->returnHtml$this->registry->output->getTemplate('topic')->topicPreview$topic$posts ) );
     * Toggle the posts approve thingy
     * @return    @e void
protected function _postApproveToggle()
/* INIT */
$topicID  intval$this->request['t'] );
$postID   intval$this->request['p'] );
$approve  = ( $this->request['approve'] == ) ? TRUE FALSE;
$_yoGo    FALSE;
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/moderate.php''moderatorLibrary''forums' );
$_modLibrary = new $classToLoad$this->registry );
/* Load topic */
$topic $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*',
'from'   => 'topics',
'where'  => 'tid=' $topicID ) );
        if ( ! 
$topic['tid'] )
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'error' => 'notopic' ) );
/* Permission Checks */
if ( $this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] )
$_yoGo TRUE;
        else if ( 
is_array$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'] ) AND $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $topic['forum_id'] ]['post_q'] )
$_yoGo TRUE;

        if ( ! 
$_yoGo )
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'error' => 'nopermission' ) );
$_modLibrary->postToggleApprove( array( $postID ), $approve$topicID );
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'status' => 'ok''postApproved' => $approve ) );
     * Add vote to rating
     * @return    @e void
public function rateTopic()
/* INIT */
$topic_id  intval$this->request['t'] );
$rating_id intval$this->request['rating'] );
$vote_cast = array();
IPSDebug::fireBug'info', array( 'The topic rating request has been received...' ) );
/* Query topic */
$topic_data $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'topics''where' => "tid={$topic_id}) );
/* Make sure we have a valid topic id */
if( ! $topic_data['tid'] )
IPSDebug::fireBug'error', array( 'The topic was not found in the database' ) );
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'error_key' => 'topics_no_tid''error_code' => 10346 ) );
$topic_data['state'] != 'open' )
IPSDebug::fireBug'error', array( 'The topic is not open' ) );
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'error_key' => 'topic_rate_locked''error_code' => 10348 ) );
/* Query Forum */
$forum_data $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'forums''where' => "id={$topic_data['forum_id']}) );
/* Permission Check */
$can_rate = ( $forum_data['forum_allow_rating'] && $this->memberData['member_id'] && $this->memberData['g_topic_rate_setting'] ) ? 0;
        if( ! 
$can_rate )
IPSDebug::fireBug'error', array( 'The user cannot rate topics in this forum' ) );
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'error_key' => 'topic_rate_no_perm''error_code' => 10345 ) );
/* Sneaky members rating topic more than 5? */        
if( $rating_id )
$rating_id 5;
$rating_id )
$rating_id 0;
/* Have we rated before? */
$rating $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'topic_ratings''where' => "rating_tid={$topic_data['tid']} and rating_member_id=".$this->memberData['member_id'] ) );
/* Already rated? */
if( $rating['rating_id'] )
/* Do we allow re-ratings? */
if( $this->memberData['g_topic_rate_setting'] == )
$rating_id != $rating['rating_value'] )
$new_rating $rating_id $rating['rating_value'];
$this->DB->update'topic_ratings', array( 'rating_value' => $rating_id ), 'rating_id=' $rating['rating_id'] );
$this->DB->update'topics', array( 'topic_rating_total' => intval$topic_data['topic_rating_total'] ) + $new_rating ), 'tid=' $topic_data['tid'] );
IPSDebug::fireBug'info', array( 'The rating was updated' ) );
$this->returnJsonArray( array(
'rated'                 => 'update',
'message'             => $this->lang->words['topic_rating_changed'],
'topic_rating_total' => intval$topic_data['topic_rating_total'] ) + $new_rating,
'topic_rating_hits'     => $topic_data['topic_rating_hits']
                                )     );
IPSDebug::fireBug'warn', array( 'The user is not allowed to update their rating' ) );
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'error_key' => 'topic_rated_already''error_code' => ) );
$this->DB->insert'topic_ratings', array( 
'rating_tid'        => $topic_data['tid'],
'rating_member_id'  => $this->memberData['member_id'],
'rating_value'      => $rating_id,
'rating_ip_address' => $this->member->ip_address 

$this->DB->update'topics', array( 
'topic_rating_hits'  => intval$topic_data['topic_rating_hits'] )  + 1,
'topic_rating_total' => intval$topic_data['topic_rating_total'] ) + $rating_id 
), 'tid='.$topic_data['tid'] );

IPSDebug::fireBug'info', array( 'The rating was inserted' ) );
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 
'rated'                 => 'new',
'message'             => $this->lang->words['topic_rating_done'],
'topic_rating_total' => intval$topic_data['topic_rating_total'] ) + $rating_id ,
'topic_rating_hits'     => intval$topic_data['topic_rating_hits'] )  + 1,
'_rate_int'             => round( (intval$topic_data['topic_rating_total'] ) + $rating_id) / (intval$topic_data['topic_rating_hits'] ) + 1) )
                            )     );
     * Saves a ajax topic title edit
     * @return    @e void
public function saveTopicTitle()
/* INIT */
$name       $_POST['name'];
$tid       intval$this->request['tid'] );
$can_edit  0;

/* Check ID */
if( ! $tid )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['ajax_no_topic_id'] );
/* Load Topic */
$topic $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'topics''where' => 'tid=' $tid ) );
        if( ! 
$topic['tid'] )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['ajax_topic_not_found'] );
/* Check Permissions */
if ( $this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] )
$can_edit 1;
        else if( 
is_array$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'] ) AND $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $topic['forum_id'] ]['edit_topic'] )
$can_edit 1;

        if( ! 
$can_edit )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['ajax_no_t_permission'] );

/* Make sure we have a valid name */
if( trim$name ) == '' || ! $name )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['ajax_no_t_name'] );
/* Clean */
if( $this->settings['etfilter_shout'] )
function_exists('mb_convert_case') )
in_arraystrtolower$this->settings['gb_char_set'] ), array_map'strtolower'mb_list_encodings() ) ) )
$name mb_convert_case$nameMB_CASE_TITLE$this->settings['gb_char_set'] );
$name ucwordsmb_strtolower($name) );
$name ucwordsmb_strtolower($name) );
$name        IPSText::parseCleanValue$name );
$name        $this->cleanTopicTitle$name );
$name        IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->stripBadWords$name );
$title_seo    IPSText::makeSeoTitle$nameTRUE );

/* Update the topic */
$this->DB->update'topics', array( 'title' => $name'title_seo' => $title_seo ), 'tid='.$tid );
$this->DB->insert'moderator_logs', array(
'forum_id'        => intval$topic['forum_id'] ),
'topic_id'        => $tid,
'member_id'        => $this->memberData['member_id'],
'member_name'    => $this->memberData['members_display_name'],
'ip_address'    => $this->member->ip_address,
'http_referer'    => htmlspecialcharsmy_getenv('HTTP_REFERER') ),
'ctime'            => time(),
'topic_title'    => $name,
'action'        => sprintf$this->lang->words['ajax_topictitle'], $topic['title'], $name),
'query_string'    => htmlspecialcharsmy_getenv('QUERY_STRING') ),
                                          )  );            
/* Update the last topic title? */
if ( $topic['tid'] == $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$topic['forum_id'] ]['last_id'] )
$this->DB->update'forums', array( 'last_title' => $name'seo_last_title' => $title_seo ), 'id=' $topic['forum_id'] );
        if ( 
$topic['tid'] == $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$topic['forum_id'] ]['newest_id'] )
$this->DB->update'forums', array( 'newest_title' => $name ), 'id=' $topic['forum_id'] );

/* All Done */
$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'title' => $name'url' => $this->registry->output->buildSEOUrl'showtopic=' $tid'public'$title_seo'showtopic' ) ) );
     * Clean the topic title
     * @param    string    Raw title
     * @return    string    Cleaned title
public function cleanTopicTitle$title="" )
$this->settings['etfilter_punct'] )
$title    preg_replace'/?{1,}/'      "?"    $title );        
$title    preg_replace'/(&#33;){1,}/' "&#33;"$title );

        // The DB column is 250 chars, so we need to do true mb_strcut, then fix broken HTML entities
        // This should be fine, as DB would do it regardless (cept we can fix the entities)

$title preg_replace"/&(#{0,}([a-zA-Z0-9]+?)?)?$/"''IPSText::mbsubstr$title0250 ) );
$title IPSText::stripAttachTag$title );
$title str_replace"<br />"""$title  );
$title trim$title );


     * Saves the post
     * @return    @e void
public function editBoxSave()
        // INIT

$pid           intval$this->request['p'] );
$fid           intval$this->request['f'] );
$tid           intval$this->request['t'] );
$attach_pids   = array();

$this->request['post_edit_reason'] = $this->convertAndMakeSafe$_POST['post_edit_reason'] );

        // Set things right
$this->request['Post'] =  IPSText::parseCleanValue$_POST['Post'] );

        // Check P|T|FID

if ( ! $pid OR ! $tid OR ! $fid )
$this->returnString'error' );
        if ( 
$this->memberData['member_id'] )
            if ( 
IPSMember::isOnModQueue$this->memberData ) === NULL )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['ajax_reply_noperm'] );

        // Load Lang

$this->registry->getClass'class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_topics' ) );

        if ( ! 
is_object$this->postClass ) )
IPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/post/classPost.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/post/classPostForms.php''classPostForms''forums' );
$this->postClass = new $classToLoad$this->registry );
# Forum Data
$this->postClass->setForumData$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id$fid ] );
# IDs
$this->postClass->setTopicID$tid );
$this->postClass->setPostID$pid );
$this->postClass->setForumID$fid );
$this->postClass->setPublished'reply' );
        if( isset(
$this->request['post_htmlstatus']) )    // Off is "0"
$this->postClass->setSettings( array( 'post_htmlstatus' => $this->request['post_htmlstatus'] ) );
/* Topic Data */
$this->postClass->setTopicData$this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 
'select'   => 't.*, p.poll_only'
'from'     => array( 'topics' => 't' ), 
'where'    => "t.forum_id={$fid} AND t.tid={$tid}",
'add_join' => array(
'type'    => 'left',
'from'    => array( 'polls' => 'p' ),
'where'    => 'p.tid=t.tid'
                                    )                             )     );
# Set Author
$this->postClass->setAuthor$this->member->fetchMemberData() );
# Set from ajax
$this->postClass->setIsAjaxTRUE );

# Post Content
$this->postClass->setPostContent$_POST['Post'] );

# Get Edit form
             * If there was an error, return it as a JSON error
if ( $this->postClass->editPost() === FALSE )
$this->returnJsonError$this->postClass->getPostError() );
$topic $this->postClass->getTopicData();
$post  $this->postClass->getPostData();
            // Pre-display-parse
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parse_smilies            $post['use_emo'];
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parse_html                = ( $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id$fid ]['use_html'] and $this->memberData['g_dohtml'] and $post['post_htmlstate'] ) ? 0;
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parse_nl2br                $post['post_htmlstate'] == 0;
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parse_bbcode                $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forum_by_id$fid ]['use_ibc'];
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_section            'topics';
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup            $this->postClass->getAuthor('member_group_id');
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->parsing_mgroup_others    $this->postClass->getAuthor('mgroup_others');
$post['post']    = IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->preDisplayParse$post['post'] );

            if ( 
IPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->error )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->wordsIPSText::getTextClass'bbcode' )->error ] );

$edit_by    '';
            if ( 
$post['append_edit'] == AND $post['edit_time'] AND $post['edit_name'] )
$e_time        $this->registry->getClass'class_localization')->getDate$post['edit_time'] , 'LONG' );
$edit_by    sprintf$this->lang->words['edited_by'], $post['edit_name'], $e_time );
/* Attachments */
if ( ! is_object$this->class_attach ) )
                // Grab render attach class
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'core' ) . '/sources/classes/attach/class_attach.php''class_attach' );
$this->class_attach = new $classToLoad$this->registry );

$this->class_attach->type 'post';

$attachHtml             $this->class_attach->renderAttachments( array( $pid => $post['post'] ) );
$post['post']           = $attachHtml$pid ]['html'];
$post['attachmentHtml'] = $attachHtml$pid ]['attachmentHtml'];
$output        $this->registry->output->getTemplate('topic')->quickEditPost( array(
'post'                => $this->registry->getClass('output')->replaceMacrosIPSText::stripAttachTag$post['post'] ) ),
'attachmentHtml'    => $post['attachmentHtml'],
'pid'                => $pid,
'edit_by'            => $edit_by,
'post_edit_reason'    => $post['post_edit_reason']
                                                                                    )         );

            // Return plain text

$this->returnJsonArray( array( 'successString' => $output ) );
        catch ( 
Exception $error )
$this->returnJsonError$error->getMessage() );
     * Shows the edit box
     * @return    @e void
public function editBoxShow()
        // INIT
$pid         intval$this->request['p'] );
$fid         intval$this->request['f'] );
$tid         intval$this->request['t'] );
$show_reason 0;

        // Check P|T|FID
if ( ! $pid OR ! $tid OR ! $fid )
$this->returnString'error' );
        if ( 
$this->memberData['member_id'] )
            if ( 
IPSMember::isOnModQueue$this->memberData ) === NULL )
$this->returnJsonError$this->lang->words['ajax_reply_noperm'] );

        // Get classes
if ( ! is_object$this->postClass ) )
$this->registry->getClass'class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_editors' ), 'core' );
IPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . "/sources/classes/post/classPost.php" );/*noLibHook*/
$classToLoad     IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/post/classPostForms.php''classPostForms''forums' );
$this->postClass = new $classToLoad$this->registry );

/* Set post class data */
$this->postClass->setForumData$this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->getForumById$fid ) );
$this->postClass->setTopicID$tid );
$this->postClass->setForumID$fid );
$this->postClass->setPostID$pid );
/* Topic Data */
$this->postClass->setTopicData$this->registry->getClass('topics')->getTopicById$tid ) );
# Set Author
$this->postClass->setAuthor$this->member->fetchMemberData() );
# Get Edit form
$html $this->postClass->displayAjaxEditForm();
$html $this->registry->output->replaceMacros$html );

$this->returnHtml$html );
        catch ( 
Exception $error )
$this->returnString$error->getMessage() );
Онлайн: 3