Файл: admin/applications/forums/modules_admin/forums/moderator.php
Строк: 486
* <pre>
* Invision Power Services
* IP.Board v3.3.3
* Forum moderator management
* Last Updated: $Date: 2012-05-10 16:10:13 -0400 (Thu, 10 May 2012) $
* </pre>
* @author $Author: bfarber $
* @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
* @package IP.Board
* @subpackage Forums
* @link http://www.invisionpower.com
* @since Tuesday 17th August 2004
* @version $Revision: 10721 $
if ( ! defined( 'IN_ACP' ) )
print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded 'admin.php'.";
class admin_forums_forums_moderator extends ipsCommand
* Forum functions library
* @var object
public $forumfunc;
* Skin methods library
* @var object
public $html;
* Main execution point
* @param object ipsRegistry reference
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
public function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry )
/* Admin forum functions */
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . "/sources/classes/forums/admin_forum_functions.php", 'admin_forum_functions', 'forums' );
$this->forumfunc = new $classToLoad( $registry );
/* Skin and Lang */
$this->html = $this->registry->output->loadTemplate( 'cp_skin_forums' );
$this->html->form_code = 'module=forums&section=moderator&';
$this->html->form_code_js = 'module=forums&section=moderator&';
$this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_forums' ) );
switch( $this->request['do'] )
case 'add':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'mods_add' );
case 'add_final':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'mods_add' );
case 'doadd':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'mods_add' );
case 'add_forum_to_set':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'mods_edit' );
case 'edit':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'mods_edit' );
case 'doedit':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'mods_edit' );
case 'remove':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'mods_delete' );
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['_base_url'] . 'app=core&module=help&id=mod_mmod' );
// Pass to CP output hander
$this->registry->output->html_main .= $this->registry->output->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();
* Delete a moderator
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
public function delete()
if ($this->request['mid'] == "")
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_valid'], 11319 );
$mod = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => "mid=".intval($this->request['mid']) ) );
if ( $mod['is_group'] )
$name = $this->lang->words['mod_group'].$mod['group_name'];
$getname = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'members_display_name', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => 'member_id=' . $mod['member_id'] ) );
$name = $getname['members_display_name'];
if( $this->request['fid'] == 'all' )
$this->DB->delete( 'moderators', "mid=".intval($this->request['mid']) );
// Delete *all* instances of this moderator
if( $mod['is_group'] )
$this->DB->delete( 'moderators', "is_group=1 AND group_id=". $mod['group_id'] );
$this->DB->delete( 'moderators', "is_group=0 AND member_id=". $mod['member_id'] );
$forumIds = explode( ',', IPSText::cleanPermString( $mod['forum_id'] ) );
$newForums = array();
foreach( $forumIds as $aForumId )
if( $aForumId != $this->request['fid'] )
$newForums[] = $aForumId;
if( !count($newForums) )
$this->DB->delete( 'moderators', "mid=" . $mod['mid'] );
$this->DB->update( 'moderators', array( 'forum_id' => ',' . implode( ',', $newForums ) . ',' ), 'mid=' . $mod['mid'] );
ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->saveAdminLog( sprintf($this->lang->words['mod_removedlog'], $name) );
$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['mod_removed'];
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'].'&app=forums&module=forums§ion=forums' );
* Edit a moderator
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
public function doEdit()
/* Set up our return forum */
$return_id = intval( $this->request['return_id'] );
$url_extra = $return_id ? "&f=".$return_id : "";
if( $this->request['mid'] == "" )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_valid'], 11321 );
$forums = array();
foreach( $this->request['forums'] as $forum_id )
$forums[ $forum_id ] = $forum_id;
$mod = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => "mid=" . intval( $this->request['mid'] ) ) );
if( $mod['is_group'] )
foreach( $forums as $forum_id )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => "forum_id LIKE '%,{$forum_id},%' and group_id=" . $mod['group_id'] . ' AND mid<>' . $mod['mid'] ) );
while( $f = $this->DB->fetch() )
$theseForums = explode( ',', IPSText::cleanPermString( $f['forum_id'] ) );
foreach( $theseForums as $thisForumId )
unset($forums[ $thisForumId ]);
foreach( $forums as $forum_id )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => "forum_id LIKE '%,{$forum_id},%' and member_id=" . $mod['member_id'] . ' AND mid<>' . $mod['mid'] ) );
while( $f = $this->DB->fetch() )
$theseForums = explode( ',', IPSText::cleanPermString( $f['forum_id'] ) );
foreach( $theseForums as $thisForumId )
unset($forums[ $thisForumId ]);
// Build Mr Hash
$this->DB->update( 'moderators', array(
'forum_id' => ',' . implode( ',', $forums ) . ',',
'edit_post' => intval( $this->request['edit_post'] ),
'edit_topic' => intval( $this->request['edit_topic'] ),
'delete_post' => intval( $this->request['delete_post'] ),
'delete_topic' => intval( $this->request['delete_topic'] ),
'view_ip' => intval( $this->request['view_ip'] ),
'open_topic' => intval( $this->request['open_topic'] ),
'close_topic' => intval( $this->request['close_topic'] ),
'mass_move' => intval( $this->request['mass_move'] ),
'mass_prune' => intval( $this->request['mass_prune'] ),
'move_topic' => intval( $this->request['move_topic'] ),
'pin_topic' => intval( $this->request['pin_topic'] ),
'unpin_topic' => intval( $this->request['unpin_topic'] ),
'post_q' => intval( $this->request['post_q'] ),
'topic_q' => intval( $this->request['topic_q'] ),
'allow_warn' => intval( $this->request['allow_warn'] ),
'split_merge' => intval( $this->request['split_merge'] ),
'can_mm' => intval( $this->request['can_mm'] ),
'mod_can_set_open_time' => intval( $this->request['mod_can_set_open_time'] ),
'mod_can_set_close_time' => intval( $this->request['mod_can_set_close_time'] ),
'mod_bitoptions' => IPSBWOptions::freeze( $this->request, 'moderators', 'forums' )
), 'mid='.intval($this->request['mid']) );
$this->registry->adminFunctions->saveAdminLog( sprintf( $this->lang->words['mod_editedlog'], $mod['member_name'] ) );
$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['mod_edited'];
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'].'module=forums§ion=forums'.$url_extra );
* Add a moderator
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
public function addMod()
/* Set up our return forum */
$return_id = intval( $this->request['return_id'] );
$url_extra = $return_id ? "&f=".$return_id : "";
if( !is_array($this->request['forums']) OR !count($this->request['forums']) )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_noforums'], 11320 );
// Build Mr Hash
$mr_hash = array(
'edit_post' => intval( $this->request['edit_post'] ),
'edit_topic' => intval( $this->request['edit_topic'] ),
'delete_post' => intval( $this->request['delete_post'] ),
'delete_topic' => intval( $this->request['delete_topic'] ),
'view_ip' => intval( $this->request['view_ip'] ),
'open_topic' => intval( $this->request['open_topic'] ),
'close_topic' => intval( $this->request['close_topic'] ),
'mass_move' => intval( $this->request['mass_move'] ),
'mass_prune' => intval( $this->request['mass_prune'] ),
'move_topic' => intval( $this->request['move_topic'] ),
'pin_topic' => intval( $this->request['pin_topic'] ),
'unpin_topic' => intval( $this->request['unpin_topic'] ),
'post_q' => intval( $this->request['post_q'] ),
'topic_q' => intval( $this->request['topic_q'] ),
'allow_warn' => intval( $this->request['allow_warn'] ),
'split_merge' => intval( $this->request['split_merge'] ),
'can_mm' => intval( $this->request['can_mm'] ),
'mod_can_set_open_time' => intval( $this->request['mod_can_set_open_time'] ),
'mod_can_set_close_time' => intval( $this->request['mod_can_set_close_time'] ),
'forum_id' => ',' . implode( ',', $this->request['forums'] ) . ',',
'mod_bitoptions' => IPSBWOptions::freeze( $this->request, 'moderators', 'forums' )
$forums = array();
foreach( $this->request['forums'] as $forum_id )
$forums[ $forum_id ] = $forum_id;
if( $this->request['mod_type'] == 'group' )
if( $this->request['gid'] == "" )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_gid'], 11322 );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'g_id, g_title', 'from' => 'groups', 'where' => "g_id=" . intval( $this->request['gid'] ) ) );
if ( ! $group = $this->DB->fetch() )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_gid'], 11323 );
// Already using this group on this forum?
foreach( $forums as $forum_id )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => "forum_id LIKE '%,{$forum_id},%' and group_id=" . intval( $this->request['gid'] ) ) );
while( $f = $this->DB->fetch() )
$theseForums = explode( ',', IPSText::cleanPermString( $f['forum_id'] ) );
foreach( $theseForums as $thisForumId )
unset($forums[ $thisForumId ]);
$mr_hash['member_name'] = '-1';
$mr_hash['member_id'] = '-1';
$mr_hash['group_id'] = $group['g_id'];
$mr_hash['group_name'] = $group['g_title'];
$mr_hash['is_group'] = 1;
$ad_log = sprintf( $this->lang->words['mod_addedgroup'], $group['g_title'] );
if( $this->request['mem'] == "" )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_nomember'], 11324 );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'member_id, members_display_name', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => "member_id=" . intval( $this->request['mem'] ) ) );
if ( ! $mem = $this->DB->fetch() )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_memid'], 11325 );
// Already using this member on this forum?
foreach( $forums as $forum_id )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => "forum_id LIKE '%,{$forum_id},%' and member_id=" . intval( $this->request['mem'] ) ) );
while( $f = $this->DB->fetch() )
$theseForums = explode( ',', IPSText::cleanPermString( $f['forum_id'] ) );
foreach( $theseForums as $thisForumId )
unset($forums[ $thisForumId ]);
$mr_hash['member_name'] = $mem['members_display_name'];
$mr_hash['member_id'] = $mem['member_id'];
$mr_hash['is_group'] = 0;
$ad_log = sprintf( $this->lang->words['mod_addedmem'], $mem['members_display_name'] );
// Check for legal forums
if( count( $forums ) == 0 )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_nonewfor'], 11326 );
// Loopy loopy
$mr_has['forum_id'] = ',' . implode( ',', $forums ) . ',';
$this->DB->setDataType( 'member_name', 'string' );
$this->DB->insert( 'moderators', $mr_hash );
$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['mod_added'];
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'].'&module=forums§ion=forums'.$url_extra );
* Rebuild moderator cache
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
public function rebuildModeratorCache()
$new_cache = array();
// Get dem moderators
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'moderator.*',
'from' => array( 'moderators' => 'moderator' ),
'add_join' => array( 0 => array( 'select' => 'm.members_display_name, m.members_seo_name',
'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where' => "m.member_id=moderator.member_id",
'type' => 'left' ) ) ) );
while ( $i = $this->DB->fetch() )
$forums = explode( ',', IPSText::cleanPermString( $i['forum_id'] ) );
/* Unpack bitwise fields */
$_tmp = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $i['mod_bitoptions'], 'moderators', 'forums' );
if ( count( $_tmp ) )
foreach( $_tmp as $k => $v )
$i[ $k ] = $v;
foreach( $forums as $forum_id )
$i['forum_id'] = $forum_id;
$new_cache[] = $i;
$this->cache->setCache( 'moderators', $new_cache, array( 'array' => 1, 'donow' => 0 ) );
* Show the add/edit form
* @param string [add|edit]
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
public function modForm( $type='add' )
$group = array();
if ( $type == 'add' )
/* Form Data */
$mod_type = $this->request['group'] ? 'group' : 'name';
$mod = array();
$names = array();
$forum_id = explode( ',', $this->request['fid'] );
// Start proper
$button = $this->lang->words['mod_addthis'];
$form_code = 'doadd';
if ( $this->request['group'] )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'g_id, g_title', 'from' => 'groups', 'where' => "g_id=" . intval( $this->request['group'] ) ) );
if (! $group = $this->DB->fetch() )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_nogroup'], 11327 );
if ( ! $this->request['member_id'] )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_memid'], 11328 );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'members_display_name, member_id', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => 'member_id=' . intval( $this->request['member_id'] ) ) );
if ( ! $mem = $this->DB->fetch() )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_memid'], 11329 );
$member_id = $mem['member_id'];
$member_name = $mem['members_display_name'];
// Are they already a moderator?
$existingForums = array();
$existingForumsByRecord = array();
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => ( isset( $member_id ) ? "member_id={$member_id}" : "group_id={$group['g_id']}" ) ) );
while ( $row = $this->DB->fetch() )
$exploded = array_filter( explode( ',', $row['forum_id'] ), create_function( '$v', 'return (bool) $v;' ) );
$existingForums = array_merge( $existingForums, $exploded );
foreach ( $exploded as $fid )
$existingForumsByRecord[ $fid ] = $row['mid'];
$alreadyAMod = array_intersect( $forum_id, $existingForums );
$notCurrentlyAMod = array_diff( $forum_id, $existingForums );
if ( !empty( $alreadyAMod ) and empty( $notCurrentlyAMod ) )
// All of the forums we have selected we are already a moderator of
// Are they all in the same record?
$recordId = NULL;
foreach ( $forum_id as $fid )
if ( $recordId === NULL or $recordId == $existingForumsByRecord[ $fid ] )
$recordId = $existingForumsByRecord[ $fid ];
$this->registry->output->showError( 'mod_all_selected_mod_already', 11332 );
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect( $this->settings['base_url'] . "app=forums&section=moderator&act=mod&do=edit&mid={$recordId}&return_id={$recordId}" );
elseif ( !empty( $alreadyAMod ) )
$_alreadyAMod = array();
$_alreadyAModByRecord = array();
foreach ( $alreadyAMod as $id )
$_alreadyAMod[ $id ] = $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[ $id ]['name'];
$_alreadyAModByRecord[ $existingForumsByRecord[ $id ] ][ $id ] = $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[ $id ]['name'];
$_notCurrentlyAMod = array();
foreach ( $notCurrentlyAMod as $id )
$_notCurrentlyAMod[ $id ] = $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id[ $id ]['name'];
$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->moderatorDuplicateForm( $mod_type, ( $mod_type == 'name' ? IPSMember::load( $member_id ) : $group ), $_alreadyAMod, $_notCurrentlyAMod, $_alreadyAModByRecord );
/* Check the moderator */
if ($this->request['mid'] == "")
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_valid'], 11330 );
/* Form bits */
$button = $this->lang->words['mod_edithis'];
$form_code = "doedit";
/* Moderator Info */
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => "mid=" . intval( $this->request['mid'] ) ) );
if ( ! $mod = $this->DB->fetch() )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_mid'], 11331 );
/* BW Options */
$_tmp = IPSBWOptions::thaw( $mod['mod_bitoptions'], 'moderators', 'forums' );
if ( count( $_tmp ) )
foreach( $_tmp as $k => $v )
$mod[ $k ] = $v;
/* Other */
$forum_id = explode( ',', IPSText::cleanPermString( $mod['forum_id'] ) );
$member_id = $mod['member_id'];
$member_name = $mod['member_name'];
$mod_type = $mod['is_group'] ? 'group' : 'name';
/* Form Fields */
$mod['edit_post'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'edit_post' , $mod['edit_post'] );
$mod['edit_topic'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'edit_topic' , $mod['edit_topic'] );
$mod['delete_post'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'delete_post' , $mod['delete_post'] );
$mod['delete_topic'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'delete_topic' , $mod['delete_topic'] );
$mod['view_ip'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'view_ip' , $mod['view_ip'] );
$mod['open_topic'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'open_topic' , $mod['open_topic'] );
$mod['close_topic'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'close_topic' , $mod['close_topic'] );
$mod['move_topic'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'move_topic' , $mod['move_topic'] );
$mod['pin_topic'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'pin_topic' , $mod['pin_topic'] );
$mod['unpin_topic'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'unpin_topic' , $mod['unpin_topic'] );
$mod['split_merge'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'split_merge' , $mod['split_merge'] );
$mod['mod_can_set_open_time'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'mod_can_set_open_time' , $mod['mod_can_set_open_time'] );
$mod['mod_can_set_close_time'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'mod_can_set_close_time', $mod['mod_can_set_close_time'] );
$mod['mass_move'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'mass_move' , $mod['mass_move'] );
$mod['mass_prune'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'mass_prune' , $mod['mass_prune'] );
$mod['topic_q'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'topic_q' , $mod['topic_q'] );
$mod['post_q'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'post_q' , $mod['post_q'] );
$mod['allow_warn'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'allow_warn' , $mod['allow_warn'] );
$mod['can_mm'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'can_mm' , $mod['can_mm'] );
$mod['bw_flag_spammers'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'bw_flag_spammers' , $mod['bw_flag_spammers'] );
$mod['forums'] = $this->registry->output->formMultiDropdown( 'forums[]' , $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->adForumsForumList(1), $forum_id );
$mod['bw_mod_soft_delete'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( "bw_mod_soft_delete", $mod['bw_mod_soft_delete'] );
$mod['bw_mod_un_soft_delete'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( "bw_mod_un_soft_delete", $mod['bw_mod_un_soft_delete'] );
$mod['bw_mod_soft_delete_see'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( "bw_mod_soft_delete_see", $mod['bw_mod_soft_delete_see'] );
/* Output */
$this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( '', $this->lang->words['mod_' . $type ] );
$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->moderatorPermissionForm( $mod, $form_code, $mod['mid'], $member_id, $mod_type, $group['g_id'], $group['g_name'], $button );
* Refine member search, if necessary
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
public function moderatorAddPreform()
$type = $this->request['name'] ? 'name' : 'group';
$this->request['fid'] = ltrim( $this->request['modforumids'], ',' );
// Are we adding a group as a mod?
if ( $type == 'group' )
// Got forums?
if ( ! $this->request['fid'] )
$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['mod_noforums'];
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'] . '&module=forums§ion=forums' );
// Else continue as normal.
if ( $this->request['name'] == "" )
$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['mod_nomember'];
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'] . '&module=forums§ion=forums' );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'member_id, members_display_name as name', 'from' => 'members', 'where' => "members_display_name LIKE '{$this->request['name']}%' OR members_display_name LIKE '{$this->request['name']}%'" ) );
if (! $this->DB->getTotalRows() )
$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['mod_noresults'];
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'] . '&module=forums§ion=forums' );
// Show possible matches
$form_array = array();
while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
$form_array[] = array( $r['member_id'] , $r['name'] );
/* Output */
$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->moderatorSelectForm( $this->request['fid'], $this->registry->output->formDropdown( "member_id", $form_array ) );
* Add a forum to an existing moderator
public function addForumToSet()
$mid = intval( $this->request['mid'] );
$record = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'moderators', 'where' => "mid={$mid}" ) );
if ( !$record['mid'] )
$this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['mod_valid'], 11333 );
$existingForums = array_filter( explode( ',', $record['forum_id'] ), create_function( '$v', 'return (bool) $v;' ) );
$forumsToAdd = array_filter( explode( ',', $this->request['forums'] ), create_function( '$v', 'return (bool) $v;' ) );
foreach ( $forumsToAdd as $f )
if ( !in_array( $f, $existingForums ) )
$existingForums[] = $f;
$this->DB->update( 'moderators', array( 'forum_id' => ',' . implode( ',', $existingForums ) . ',' ), "mid={$mid}" );
$this->registry->adminFunctions->saveAdminLog( sprintf( $this->lang->words['mod_editedlog'], $record['member_name'] ) );
$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['mod_added'];
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'].'&module=forums§ion=forums' );