Файл: admin/applications/core/setup/versions/upg_33012/mysql_updates.php
Строк: 55
$PRE = trim(ipsRegistry::dbFunctions()->getPrefix());
$DB = ipsRegistry::DB();
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE inline_notifications ADD INDEX notify_from_id (notify_from_id);";
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE message_posts ADD INDEX msg_author_id (msg_author_id);";
# 3.3.0 fresh install still has this field
if ( $DB->checkForField( 'rss_import_inc_pcount', 'rss_import' ) )
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE rss_import DROP rss_import_inc_pcount;";
# 3.3.x install might still have this old/unused fields
if ( $DB->checkForField( 'sys_module_parent', 'core_sys_module' ) )
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE core_sys_module DROP sys_module_parent;";
if ( $DB->checkForField( 'sys_module_tables', 'core_sys_module' ) )
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE core_sys_module DROP sys_module_tables;";
if ( $DB->checkForField( 'sys_module_hooks', 'core_sys_module' ) )
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE core_sys_module DROP sys_module_hooks;";
# New blog column
if ( ! $DB->checkForField( 'blogs_recache', 'members' ) )
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE members ADD blogs_recache tinyint(1) NULL DEFAULT NULL;";
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE members ADD INDEX blogs_recache (blogs_recache);";
# New mobile app stuff
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE mobile_notifications ADD COLUMN notify_url text null;";
$SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE mobile_app_style (
filename varchar(255) NOT NULL,
hasRetina tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
isInUse tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
lastUpdated int(10) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY filename (filename)
$SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE mobile_device_map (
token varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
member_id mediumint(8) DEFAULT NULL,
);"; // We don't import the old values since the new mobile app will need resetup anyway. I've also not dropped the old column in case users are still using the old app
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE cache_store CHANGE cs_value cs_value mediumtext null default null;";
$SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE reputation_totals (
rt_key CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
rt_app_type CHAR(32) NOT NULL,
rt_total INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
rt_type_id INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
PRIMARY KEY (rt_key),
INDEX rt_app_type (rt_app_type, rt_total)
$SQL[] = "INSERT INTO reputation_totals SELECT MD5( CONCAT( app, ';', type, ';', type_id) ), MD5( CONCAT( app, ';', type ) ), SUM(rep_rating), type_id FROM {$PRE}reputation_index GROUP BY app, type, type_id ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE rt_key=rt_key;";
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE forums_archive_posts ADD archive_forum_id INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;";