Файл: admin/applications/core/setup/versions/upg_31004/mysql_updates.php
Строк: 50
| IP.Board v3.3.3
| ========================================
| by Matthew Mecham
| (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services
| http://www.invisionpower.com
| ========================================
| Web: http://www.invisionboard.com
| Email: matt@invisionpower.com
| Licence Info: http://www.invisionboard.com/?license
$DB = ipsRegistry::DB();
$SQL[] = "CREATE TABLE mobile_notifications (
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
notify_title text NOT NULL,
notify_date int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
member_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL,
notify_sent tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
UNIQUE KEY id (id)
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE members ADD ips_mobile_token VARCHAR( 64 ) NULL;";
if ( ! method_exists( $DB, 'checkForIndex' ) )
print "Your ips_kernel/classDbMysql.php is out of date! Please update it from the download zip and refresh this browser window";
if ( $DB->checkForIndex( 'group_perms', 'rc_classes' ) )
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE rc_classes DROP INDEX group_perms;";
else if ( $DB->checkForIndex( 'onoff', 'rc_classes' ) )
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE rc_classes DROP INDEX onoff;";
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE rc_classes CHANGE group_can_report group_can_report TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL";
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE rc_classes CHANGE mod_group_perm mod_group_perm TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL;";
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE rc_classes ADD INDEX onoff ( onoff , mod_group_perm ( 255 ) );";
$SQL[] = "ALTER TABLE pfields_content DROP updated;";