Вход Регистрация
Файл: admin/applications/core/modules_public/global/lostpass.php
Строк: 358
 * <pre>
 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.3.3
 * Recover Lost Password
 * Last Updated: $Date: 2012-05-10 16:10:13 -0400 (Thu, 10 May 2012) $
 * </pre>
 * @author         $Author $
 * @copyright    (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license        http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
 * @package        IP.Board
 * @subpackage    Core
 * @link        http://www.invisionpower.com
 * @since        20th February 2002
 * @version        $Rev: 10721 $

if ( ! defined'IN_IPB' ) )
"<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

public_core_global_lostpass extends ipsCommand
     * Class entry point
     * @param    object        Registry reference
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen/redirects]
public function doExecuteipsRegistry $registry )
/* Load language */
$this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_register' ), 'core' );

        // Meta tags
$this->registry->output->addMetaTag'robots''noindex' );
/* What to do */
switch( $this->request['do'] )

/* Output */
$this->registry->output->addContent$this->output );
     * Validates a lost password request
     * @return    @e void
public function lostPasswordValidate()
/* Check for input and it's in a valid format. */
$in_user_id      intvaltrimurldecode$this->request['uid'] ) ) );
$in_validate_key IPSText::md5Cleantrimurldecode$this->request['aid'] ) ) );
/* Check Input */
if( ! $in_validate_key )
$this->registry->output->showError'validation_key_incorrect'1015 );
        if( ! 
preg_match'/^(?:d){1,}$/'$in_user_id ) )
$this->registry->output->showError'uid_key_incorrect'1016 );
/* Attempt to get the profile of the requesting user */
$member IPSMember::load$in_user_id );
        if( ! 
$member['member_id'] )
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_no_member'1017 );
/* Get validating info.. */
$validate $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'validating''where' => 'member_id=' $in_user_id ' and lost_pass=1' ) );

        if( ! 
$validate['member_id'] )
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_not_validating'1018 );
        if( ( 
$validate['new_reg'] == ) && ( $this->settings['reg_auth_type'] == "admin" ) ) 
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_new_reg'4010true ); 
$validate['vid'] != $in_validate_key )
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_key_wrong'1019 );
/* On the same page? */
if( $validate['lost_pass'] != )
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_not_lostpass'4011true );
/* Test GD image */
if( $this->settings['bot_antispam_type'] != 'none' )
                if ( 
$this->registry->getClass('class_captcha')->validate() !== TRUE )
$this->lostPasswordValidateForm'err_reg_code' );

/* Send a new random password? */
if( $this->settings['lp_method'] == 'random' )
                // INIT
$save_array = array();
                // Generate a new random password
$new_pass IPSMember::makePassword();
                // Generate a new salt
$salt IPSMember::generatePasswordSalt(5);
$salt str_replace'\', "\\", $salt );
                // New log in key
                $key  = IPSMember::generateAutoLoginKey();
                // Update...
members_pass_salt']        = $salt;
members_pass_hash']        = md5( md5($salt) . md5( $new_pass ) );
member_login_key']            = $key;
member_login_key_expire']    = $this->settings['login_key_expire'] * 60 * 60 * 24;
failed_logins']            = null;
failed_login_count']        = 0;
                // Load handler...
                $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . '
sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );
                $this->han_login =  new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
                $this->han_login->changePass( $member['
email'], md5( $new_pass ), $new_pass, $member );
                //if ( $this->han_login->return_code != '
METHOD_NOT_DEFINED' AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'SUCCESS' )
                //    $this->registry->output->showError( $this->lang->words['
lostpass_external_fail'], 2013 );
                IPSMember::save( $member['
member_id'], array( 'members' => $save_array ) );
                /* Password has been changed! */
                IPSLib::runMemberSync( '
onPassChange', $member['member_id'], $new_pass );
                // Send out the email...
email')->getTemplate( "lost_pass_email_pass", $member['language'] );
email')->buildMessage( array(
NAME'        => $member['members_display_name'],
THE_LINK'    => $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl( 'app=core&module=usercp&tab=core&area=email', 'publicNoSession' ),
PASSWORD'    => $new_pass,
LOGIN'        => $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl( 'app=core&module=global&section=login', 'publicNoSession' ),
USERNAME'    => $member['name'],
EMAIL'        => $member['email'],
ID'        => $member['member_id'],
email')->subject = $this->lang->words['lp_random_pass_subject'] . ' ' . $this->settings['board_name'];
email')->to      = $member['email'];

                $this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['
activation_form'] . ' ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );
                $this->output = $this->registry->getClass('
output')->getTemplate('register')->showLostPassWaitRandom( $member );    
                if( $_POST['
pass1'] == "" )
                    $this->registry->output->showError( '
pass_blank', 10184 );
                if( $_POST['
pass2'] == "" )
                    $this->registry->output->showError( '
pass_blank', 10185 );
                $pass_a = trim( $this->request['
pass1'] );
                $pass_b = trim( $this->request['
pass2'] );
                if( strlen( $pass_a ) < 3 )
                    $this->registry->output->showError( '
pass_too_short', 10186 );                        
                if( $pass_a != $pass_b )
                    $this->registry->output->showError( '
pass_no_match', 10187 );                                
                $new_pass = md5( $pass_a );
                /* Update Member Array */
                $save_array = array();
                /* Generate a new salt */
                $salt = IPSMember::generatePasswordSalt(5);
                $salt = str_replace( '
\', "\\", $salt );
                /* New log in key */
                $key = IPSMember::generateAutoLoginKey();
                /* Update Array */
members_pass_salt']        = $salt;
members_pass_hash']        = md5( md5($salt) . $new_pass );
member_login_key']            = $key;
member_login_key_expire']    = $this->settings['login_key_expire'] * 60 * 60 * 24;
failed_logins']            = null;
failed_login_count']        = 0;                    
                /* Change the password */
                $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . '
sources/handlers/han_login.php', 'han_login' );
                $this->han_login =  new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
                $this->han_login->changePass( $member['
email'], $new_pass, $pass_a, $member );
                // We'
ll ignore any remote errors
                /*if( $this->han_login->return_code != 'METHOD_NOT_DEFINED' AND $this->han_login->return_code != 'SUCCESS' )
                    // Pass not changed remotely
                /* Update the member */
IPSMember::save$member['member_id'], array( 'members' => $save_array ) );
/* Password has been changed! */
IPSLib::runMemberSync'onPassChange'$member['member_id'], $pass_a );
/* Remove "dead" validation */
$this->DB->delete'validating'"vid='{$validate['vid']}' OR (member_id={$member['member_id']} AND lost_pass=1)" );
$this->registry->output->silentRedirect$this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl'app=core&module=global&section=login&do=autologin&frompass=1' ) );
     * Completes the lost password request form
     * @return    @e void
public function lostPasswordEnd()
$this->settings['bot_antispam_type'] != 'none' )
            if( !
$this->registry->getClass('class_captcha')->validate$this->request['regid'], $this->request['reg_code'] ) )
$this->lostPasswordForm'err_reg_code' );
/* Back to the usual programming! :o */
if( $this->request['member_name'] == "" AND $this->request['email_addy'] == "" )
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_name_email'10110 );
/* Check for input and it's in a valid format. */
$member_name trimmb_strtolower$this->request['member_name'] ) );
$email_addy  trimmb_strtolower$this->request['email_addy'] ) );
$member_name == "" AND $email_addy == "" )
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_name_email'10111 );
/* Attempt to get the user details from the DB */
if( $member_name )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'members_display_name, name, member_id, email, member_group_id''from' => 'members''where' => "members_l_username='{$member_name}'" ) );
        else if( 
$email_addy )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'members_display_name, name, member_id, email, member_group_id''from' => 'members''where' => "email='{$email_addy}'" ) );

        if ( ! 
$this->DB->getTotalRows() )
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_no_user'10112 );
$member $this->DB->fetch();
/* Is there a validation key? If so, we'd better not touch it */
if( $member['member_id'] == "" )
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_no_mid'2014 );
$validate_key md5IPSMember::makePassword() . uniqidmt_rand(), TRUE ) );
/* Get rid of old entries for this member */
$this->DB->delete'validating'"member_id={$member['member_id']} AND lost_pass=1" );
/* Update the DB for this member. */
$db_str = array('vid'         => $validate_key,
'member_id'   => $member['member_id'],
'temp_group'  => $member['member_group_id'],
'entry_date'  => time(),
'coppa_user'  => 0,
'lost_pass'   => 1,
'ip_address'  => $this->member->ip_address,
/* Are they already in the validating group? */
if( $member['member_group_id'] != $this->settings['auth_group'] )
$db_str['real_group'] = $member['member_group_id'];
$this->DB->insert'validating'$db_str );
/* Send out the email. */
IPSText::getTextClass('email')->getTemplate'lost_pass'$member['language'] );
IPSText::getTextClass('email')->buildMessage( array(
'USERNAME'   => $member['name'],
'NAME'       => $member['members_display_name'],
'THE_LINK'   => $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl"app=core&module=global&section=lostpass&do=sendform&uid={$member['member_id']}&aid={$validate_key}"'publicNoSession' ),
'MAN_LINK'   => $this->registry->getClass('output')->buildUrl'app=core&module=global&section=lostpass&do=sendform''publicNoSession' ),
'EMAIL'      => $member['email'],
'ID'         => $member['member_id'],
'CODE'       => $validate_key,
'IP_ADDRESS' => $this->member->ip_address,
IPSText::getTextClass('email')->subject $this->lang->words['lp_subject'] . ' ' $this->settings['board_name'];
IPSText::getTextClass('email')->to      $member['email'];            
$this->output $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('register')->lostPasswordWait$member );
$this->registry->output->setTitle$this->lang->words['lost_pass_form'] . ' - ' ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );
     * Displays the lost password form
     * @param    string    $errors
     * @return    @e void
public function lostPasswordForm$errors="" )
        // Do we have another URL for password resets?
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/handlers/han_login.php''han_login' );
$han_login =  new $classToLoad$this->registry );
if( $this->settings['bot_antispam_type'] != 'none' )
$captchaHTML $this->registry->getClass('class_captcha')->getTemplate();
$this->registry->output->setTitle$this->lang->words['lost_pass_form'] . ' - ' ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );
$this->registry->output->addNavigation$this->lang->words['lost_pass_form'], '' );

$this->output .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate('register')->lostPasswordForm$this->lang->words$errors ] );
        if ( 
$this->settings['bot_antispam_type'] != 'none' )
$this->output str_replace"<!--{REG.ANTISPAM}-->"$captchaHTML$this->output );
     * Shows the form for validating a lost password request
     * @param    string    $msg
     * @return    @e void
public function lostPasswordValidateForm$msg='' )
$this->output .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('register')->showLostpassForm$this->lang->words[$msg] );
/* Check for input and it's in a valid format. */
if( $this->request['uid'] AND $this->request['aid'] )
$in_user_id      intvaltrimurldecode$this->request['uid'] ) ) );
$in_validate_key IPSText::md5Cleantrimurldecode$this->request['aid'] ) ) );
$in_type         trim$this->request['type'] );
            if (
$in_type == "")
$in_type 'reg';
/* Check and test input */
if ( ! $in_validate_key )
$this->registry->output->showError'validation_key_incorrect'10113 );
            if (! 
preg_match'/^(?:d){1,}$/'$in_user_id ) )
$this->registry->output->showError'uid_key_incorrect'10114 );
/* Attempt to get the profile of the requesting user */
$member IPSMember::load$in_user_id );

            if( ! 
$member['member_id'] )
$this->registry->output->showError'lostpass_no_member'10115 );
/* Get validating info.. */
$validate $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'validating''where' => "member_id={$in_user_id} and vid='{$in_validate_key}' and lost_pass=1" ) );
            if( ! 
$validate['member_id'] )
$this->registry->output->showError'validation_key_incorrect'10116 );
$this->output str_replace"<!--IBF.INPUT_TYPE-->"$this->registry->output->getTemplate('register')->show_lostpass_form_auto$in_validate_key$in_user_id ), $this->output );
$this->output str_replace"<!--IBF.INPUT_TYPE-->"$this->registry->output->getTemplate('register')->show_lostpass_form_manual(), $this->output );
if( $this->settings['bot_antispam_type'] != 'none' )
$this->output str_replace"<!--{REG.ANTISPAM}-->"$this->registry->getClass('class_captcha')->getTemplate(), $this->output );
$this->registry->output->setTitle$this->lang->words['activation_form'] . ' - ' ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );
$this->registry->output->addNavigation$this->lang->words['activation_form'], '' );
Онлайн: 1