Файл: js/xenforo/full/follow.js
Строк: 146
/** @param {jQuery} $ jQuery Object */
!function($, window, document, _undefined)
* Activates unfollow controls
* @param jQuery $link a.UnfollowLink
XenForo.UnfollowLink = function($link) { this.__construct($link); };
XenForo.UnfollowLink.prototype =
__construct: function($link)
this.$link = $link.click($.context(this, 'eClick'));
this.userId = $link.data('userid');
this.jsonUrl = $link.data('jsonurl') || $link.attr('href');
if (this.userId === null || this.jsonUrl === null)
console.warn('Unfollow link found without userId or url defined. %o', $link);
return false;
this.$container = $('#user_list_' + this.userId);
* Intercept a link on an un-follow link and ask for confirmation
* @param event e
eClick: function(e)
* Confirmation callback from link event - stop following the user via AJAX
stopFollowing: function()
{ user_id: this.userId, '_xfConfirm' : 1 },
$.context(this, 'stopFollowingSuccess')
* AJAX callback for stop-following. Removes the link's container from the DOM.
* @param object ajaxData
* @param string textStatus
stopFollowingSuccess: function(ajaxData, textStatus)
if (XenForo.hasResponseError(ajaxData))
return false;
//xfFadeUp(XenForo.speed.normal, function() { $(this).remove(); });
// *********************************************************************
* Controls to allow a new user to be followed.
* @param jQuery $form form.FollowForm
XenForo.FollowForm = function($form) { this.__construct($form); };
XenForo.FollowForm.prototype =
__construct: function($form)
this.$form = $form
.bind('AutoValidationComplete', $.context(this, 'ajaxCallback'));
this.$userInputField = this.$form.find(this.$form.data('userinputfield'));
* Fires when triggered by the response of the form being submitted via AJAX in XenForo.AutoValidatorForm
* @param event jQuery event containing ajaxData.templateHtml
ajaxCallback: function(e)
if (XenForo.hasResponseError(e.ajaxData))
return false;
var userIds = e.ajaxData.userIds.split(','),
lastId = null,
i = 0,
templateHtml = null;
for (i = 0; i < userIds.length; i++)
if (this.$form.find('#user_list_' + userIds[i]).length == 0)
// this user is not already shown, so insert the template here
$templateHtml = $(e.ajaxData.users[userIds[i]]);
if (lastId)
$templateHtml.xfInsert('insertAfter', lastId);
$templateHtml.xfInsert('prependTo', '.FollowList');
lastId = '#user_list_' + userIds[i];
// *********************************************************************
XenForo.register('a.UnfollowLink', 'XenForo.UnfollowLink');
XenForo.register('form.FollowForm', 'XenForo.FollowForm');
(jQuery, this, document);