Файл: IPBMafia.ru_IPB_3.4.6_Final_Rus _Nulled/board/upload/admin/js/acp.permissions2.js
Строк: 138
/* IPB3 Javascript */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* acp.permissions.js - Permission functions */
/* (c) IPS, Inc 2009 */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Author: Rikki Tissier */
/* Options:
* form The ID of the form this is contained in
* table The ID of the matrix table
var _temp = window.IPBACP;
_temp.prototype.permissions = Class.create({
initialize: function( options )
if( !$( options.form ) )
return false;
this.options = options;
document.observe("dom:loaded", function(){
Debug.write("Initializing permission masks");
$( this.options.form ).observe('submit', this.submitForm.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
// Set delegate observer on table
$( this.options.table ).observe('click', this.boxChecked.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
$( this.options.table ).select('.select_row').each( function(button){
$( button ).observe('click', this.selectRow.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
}.bind(this) );
$( this.options.table ).select('.select_col').each( function(button){
$( button ).observe('click', this.selectColumn.bindAsEventListener( this ) );
}.bind(this) );
selectColumn: function(e)
var elem = Event.element(e);
if( !elem ){ return; }
var parts = elem.id.match(/(.*)_select_col_([0|1])_(.*)/);
if( !parts ){ return; }
var boo = ( parts[2] == 1 ) ? true : false;
$( this.options.form ).select('input[type=checkbox]').each( function( elem ){
if( $(elem).id.match( "^" + parts[1] + "_" + parts[3] ) )
$(elem).checked = boo;
selectRow: function(e)
var elem = Event.element(e);
if( !elem ){ return; }
// Get ID
var parts = elem.id.match(/(.*)_select_row_([0|1])_(.*)/);
if( !parts ){ return; }
if( !$( this.options.app + this.options.typekey + '_row_' + parts[3]) ){ return; }
$( this.options.app + this.options.typekey + '_row_' + parts[3]).select('input[type=checkbox]').each( function(check){
if( parts[2] == 1 ){
check.checked = true;
} else {
check.checked = false;
// If column header is checked, uncheck it
var tmpid = check.id.replace(/^perm_(.+?)_/, '');
if( $('col_' + tmpid) && $('col_' + tmpid).checked ){
$('col_' + tmpid).checked = false;
boxChecked: function(e)
var elem = Event.findElement(e, '.perm');
if( !elem ){ return; }
var input = elem.down('input');
if( !input ){ return; }
// If this is on the input itself, lets skip this bit
if( Event.element(e).tagName != 'INPUT' )
if( !input.checked ){
input.checked = true;
} else {
input.checked = false;
if( elem.hasClassName('column') )
// Toggle all in this column
this.toggleColumn( elem.id.replace('column_', ''), input.checked );
// See whether we need to uncheck the column header
if( !input.checked )
try {
var colid = input.id.replace(/^perm_(.+?)_/, '');
var col = $('column_' + colid).down('input');
col.checked = false;
} catch(err) { }
toggleColumn: function( id, boo )
$( this.options.form ).select('input[type=checkbox]').each( function( elem ){
if( $(elem).id.match( "^perm_(.+?)_" + id ) )
$(elem).checked = boo;
submitForm: function(e)
try {
if( !Object.isUndefined( noShowAlert ) )
if( noShowAlert ){
return true;
} catch(err) { }
// Get all inputs
var test = $( this.options.form ).select('input[type=checkbox]').any( function( elem ){ return elem.checked; } );
if( !test )
if( !confirm("Ничего не выбрано, действительно хотите продолжить?") )
return false;