Файл: IPBMafia.ru_IPB_3.4.6_Final_Rus _Nulled/board/upload/admin/extensions/userAgents.php
Строк: 145
* <pre>
* Invision Power Services
* IP.Board v3.4.6
* User agent (browser and spider) mappings
* Last Updated: $Date: 2013-10-14 17:55:18 -0400 (Mon, 14 Oct 2013) $
* </pre>
* @author $Author: rashbrook $
* @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
* @package IP.Board
* @link http://www.invisionpower.com
* @version $Rev: 12377 $
* @since 3.0.0
if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";
// Default mobile skin matched agents */
$MOBILESKIN = array(
'groups' => array(),
'uagents' => array(
'android' => '',
'blackberry' => '',
'firefoxmobile' => '',
'iphone' => '',
'ipodtouch' => '',
'sonyericsson' => '',
'nokia' => '',
'motorola' => '',
'samsung' => '',
'htc' => '',
'lg' => '',
'palm' => '',
'windows7' => '',
'operamini' => '' )
// Mobile devices. These go first so they are matched
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_user_agents_for_mobile_phones
$BROWSERS['transformer'] = array(
'b_title' => "Transformer Tablet",
'b_regex' => array( ";s+?Transformers+?" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['android'] = array(
'b_title' => "Android",
'b_regex' => array( "sandroids+?([A-Za-z0-9.]{1,10}).+?mobile" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['firefoxmobile'] = array(
'b_title' => 'Firefox Mobile',
'b_regex' => array( "Mozilla(?:[^(]+?)((?:android|tablet)" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['androidtablet'] = array(
'b_title' => "Android Tablet",
'b_regex' => array( "sandroids+?([A-Za-z0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['blackberry'] = array(
'b_title' => "Blackberry",
'b_regex' => array( "blackberrys?(d+?)[/;]" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['iphone'] = array(
'b_title' => "iPhone",
'b_regex' => array( "iphone;" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['ipodtouch'] = array(
'b_title' => "iPod Touch",
'b_regex' => array( "(ipod|ipod touch);" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['iPad'] = array(
'b_title' => "iPad",
'b_regex' => array( "iPad;" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['sonyericsson'] = array(
'b_title' => "Sony Ericsson",
'b_regex' => array( "^SonyEricsson[A-Za-z0-9]" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['nokia'] = array(
'b_title' => "Nokia",
'b_regex' => array( "Nokia[A-Za-z0-9]" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['motorola'] = array(
'b_title' => "Motorola",
'b_regex' => array( "^mot-[A-Za-z0-9]" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['samsung'] = array(
'b_title' => "Samsung",
'b_regex' => array( "^samsung-[A-Za-z0-9]" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['siemens'] = array(
'b_title' => "Siemens (Openwave)",
'b_regex' => array( "^sie-[A-Za-z0-9]" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['htc'] = array(
'b_title' => "Nexus(Google)/HTC",
'b_regex' => array( "(htc-|htc_)([A-Za-z0-9.]{1,10})" => "2" )
$BROWSERS['lg'] = array(
'b_title' => "LG",
'b_regex' => array( "^(lg|lge)-[A-Za-z0-9]" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['palm'] = array(
'b_title' => "Palm",
'b_regex' => array( "(palmsource/| pre/[0-9.]{1,10}|palm webos)" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['operamini'] = array(
'b_title' => "Opera Mobile/Mini",
'b_regex' => array( "opera (mobi|mini)" => "0" )
$BROWSERS['windows7'] = array(
'b_title' => "Windows 7",
'b_regex' => array( "Windows Phone OS ([^;]+);" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['windows8'] = array(
'b_title' => "Windows Phone 8",
'b_regex' => array( "Windows Phone ([^;]+);" => "1" )
// Browsers
$BROWSERS['amaya'] = array(
'b_title' => "Amaya",
'b_regex' => array( "amaya/([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['aol'] = array(
'b_title' => "AOL",
'b_regex' => array( "aol[ /-]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['camino'] = array(
'b_title' => "Camino",
'b_regex' => array( "camino/([0-9.+]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['chimera'] = array(
'b_title' => "Chimera",
'b_regex' => array( "chimera/([0-9.+]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['chrome'] = array(
'b_title' => "Chrome",
'b_regex' => array( "Chrome/([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['curl'] = array(
'b_title' => "Curl",
'b_regex' => array( "curl[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['firebird'] = array(
'b_title' => "Firebird",
'b_regex' => array( "Firebird/([0-9.+]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['firefox'] = array(
'b_title' => "Firefox",
'b_regex' => array( "Firefox/([0-9.+]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['lotus'] = array(
'b_title' => "Lotus Notes",
'b_regex' => array( "Lotus[ -]?Notes[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['konqueror'] = array(
'b_title' => "Konqueror",
'b_regex' => array( "konqueror/([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['lynx'] = array(
'b_title' => "Lynx",
'b_regex' => array( "lynx/([0-9a-z.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['maxthon'] = array(
'b_title' => "Maxthon",
'b_regex' => array( " Maxthon[);]" => "" )
$BROWSERS['omniweb'] = array(
'b_title' => "OmniWeb",
'b_regex' => array( "omniweb/[ a-z]?([0-9.]{1,10})$" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['opera'] = array(
'b_title' => "Opera",
'b_regex' => array( "opera[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['safari'] = array(
'b_title' => "Safari",
'b_regex' => array( "version/([0-9.]{1,10})s+?safari/([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['webtv'] = array(
'b_title' => "Webtv",
'b_regex' => array( "webtv[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['explorer'] = array(
'b_title' => "Explorer",
'b_regex' => array( "(compatible; MSIE[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" ),
'b_position' => 5000,
$BROWSERS['netscape'] = array(
'b_title' => "Netscape",
'b_regex' => array( "^mozilla/([0-4].[0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['mozilla'] = array(
'b_title' => "Mozilla",
'b_regex' => array( "^mozilla/([5-9].[0-9a-z.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$BROWSERS['xbox'] = array(
'b_title' => "Xbox",
'b_regex' => array( "(compatible; MSIE[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})(.*)Xbox" => "1" )
$ENGINES['about'] = array(
'b_title' => "About",
'b_regex' => array( "Libby[_/ ]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['alexa'] = array(
'b_title' => "Alexa",
'b_regex' => array( "^ia_archive" => "0" )
$ENGINES['altavista'] = array(
'b_title' => "Altavista",
'b_regex' => array( "Scooter[ /-]*[a-z]*([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['ask'] = array(
'b_title' => "Ask Jeeves",
'b_regex' => array( "Ask[ -]?Jeeves" => "0" )
$ENGINES['excite'] = array(
'b_title' => "Excite",
'b_regex' => array( "Architext[ -]?Spider" => "0" )
$ENGINES['google'] = array(
'b_title' => "Google",
'b_regex' => array( "Googl(e|ebot)(-Image)?/([0-9.]{1,10})" => "\\3","Googl(e|ebot)(-Image)?/" => "" )
$ENGINES['googlemobile'] = array(
'b_title' => "Google Mobile",
'b_regex' => array( "Googl(e|ebot)(-Mobile)?/([0-9.]{1,10})" => "\\3","Googl(e|ebot)(-Mobile)?/" => "" )
$ENGINES['facebook'] = array(
'b_title' => "Facebook",
'b_regex' => array( "facebookexternalhit/([0-9.]{1,10})" => "\\1" )
$ENGINES['infoseek'] = array(
'b_title' => "Infoseek",
'b_regex' => array( "SideWinder[ /]?([0-9a-z.]{1,10})" => "1","Infoseek" => "" )
$ENGINES['inktomi'] = array(
'b_title' => "Inktomi",
'b_regex' => array( "slurp@inktomi.com" => "" )
$ENGINES['internetseer'] = array(
'b_title' => "InternetSeer",
'b_regex' => array( "^InternetSeer.com" => "" )
$ENGINES['look'] = array(
'b_title' => "Look",
'b_regex' => array( "www.look.com" => "" )
$ENGINES['looksmart'] = array(
'b_title' => "Looksmart",
'b_regex' => array( "looksmart-sv-fw" => "" )
$ENGINES['lycos'] = array(
'b_title' => "Lycos",
'b_regex' => array( "Lycos_Spider_" => "" )
$ENGINES['msproxy'] = array(
'b_title' => "MSProxy",
'b_regex' => array( "MSProxy[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['bingbot'] = array(
'b_title' => "Bing",
'b_regex' => array( "bingbot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['webcrawl'] = array(
'b_title' => "WebCrawl",
'b_regex' => array( "webcrawl.net" => "" )
$ENGINES['websense'] = array(
'b_title' => "Websense",
'b_regex' => array( "(Sqworm|websense|Konqueror/3.(0|1)(-rc[1-6])?; i686 Linux; 2002[0-9]{4})" => "" )
$ENGINES['yahoo'] = array(
'b_title' => "Yahoo",
'b_regex' => array( "Yahoo(.*?)(Slurp|FeedSeeker)" => "" )
$ENGINES['AdSense'] = array(
'b_title' => "Mediapartners(AdSense)",
'b_regex' => array( "Mediapartners-Google" => "" )
$ENGINES['BrandWatch'] = array(
'b_title' => "BrandWatch",
'b_regex' => array( "magpie-crawler[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['Ahrefs'] = array(
'b_title' => "Ahrefs",
'b_regex' => array( "AhrefsBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['MSNMedia'] = array(
'b_title' => "MSN",
'b_regex' => array( "msnbot-media[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['integrome'] = array(
'b_title' => "Integrome",
'b_regex' => array( "www.integromedb.org/Crawler" => "" )
$ENGINES['Baidu'] = array(
'b_title' => "Baidu",
'b_regex' => array( "Baiduspider[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['Solomono'] = array(
'b_title' => "Solomono",
'b_regex' => array( "SolomonoBot[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['Ezoom'] = array(
'b_title' => "Ezoom!",
'b_regex' => array( "Ezoom[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
//Russian Search Engine Crawlers
$ENGINES['yandex'] = array(
'b_title' => "Yandex",
'b_regex' => array( "Yandex(Blogs|Blog|Bot|Images|Video|Media|Favicons|Webmaster|Pagechecker|ImageResizer|Direct|Metrika|News|Newslinks|Catalog|Antivirus|Zakladki|Sitelinks|Vertis)?[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "2" )
$ENGINES['rambler'] = array(
'b_title' => "Rambler",
'b_regex' => array( "StackRambler[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['aport'] = array(
'b_title' => "Aport",
'b_regex' => array( "Aport" => "" )
$ENGINES['nigma'] = array(
'b_title' => "Nigma",
'b_regex' => array( "Nigma[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "1" )
$ENGINES['webalta'] = array(
'b_title' => "Webalta",
'b_regex' => array( "Webalta([ /]Crawler)?" => "" )
$ENGINES['mailru'] = array(
'b_title' => "Mail.ru",
'b_regex' => array( "Mail.(RU|ru|Ru)[ /]([0-9.]{1,10})" => "2" )