Файл: IPBMafia.ru_IPB_3.4.6_Final_Rus _Nulled/board/upload/admin/extensions/coreVariables.php
Строк: 557
* <pre>
* Invision Power Services
* IP.Board v3.4.6
* Core variables file: defines caches, resets, etc.
* Last Updated: $Date: 2013-03-19 18:24:44 -0400 (Tue, 19 Mar 2013) $
* </pre>
* @author $Author: bfarber $
* @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
* @package IP.Board
* @link http://www.invisionpower.com
* @version $Rev: 12088 $
* @since 3.0.0
if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";
class coreVariables
* Fetch the caches array
* @access public
* @return array Caches
public function fetchCaches()
// Extension File: Registered Caches
$CACHE['systemvars'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => '',
'recache_function' => '' );
$CACHE['licenseData'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 0,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/tools/licensekey.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_tools_licensekey',
'recache_function' => 'recache' );
$CACHE['login_methods'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/tools/login.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_tools_login',
'recache_function' => 'loginsRecache' );
/* Apps and modules */
$CACHE['vnums'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/applications/applications.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_applications_applications',
'recache_function' => 'versionNumbersRecache' );
$CACHE['app_cache'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/applications/applications.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_applications_applications',
'recache_function' => 'applicationsRecache' );
$CACHE['navigation_tabs'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/applications/applications.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_applications_applications',
'recache_function' => 'applicationsRecache' );
$CACHE['module_cache'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/applications/applications.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_applications_applications',
'recache_function' => 'moduleRecache' );
$CACHE['app_menu_cache'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/applications/applications.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_applications_applications',
'recache_function' => 'applicationsMenuDataRecache',
'acp_only' => 1 );
$CACHE['hooks'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/applications/hooks.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_applications_hooks',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildHooksCache' );
/* User agents and skins */
$CACHE['useragents'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/useragents/userAgentFunctions.php',
'recache_class' => 'userAgentFunctions',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildUserAgentCaches' );
$CACHE['useragentgroups'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/useragents/userAgentFunctions.php',
'recache_class' => 'userAgentFunctions',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildUserAgentGroupCaches' );
$CACHE['skinsets'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinCaching.php',
'recache_class' => 'skinCaching',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildSkinSetsCache' );
$CACHE['outputformats'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinCaching.php',
'recache_class' => 'skinCaching',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildOutputFormatCaches' );
$CACHE['skin_remap'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/skins/skinCaching.php',
'recache_class' => 'skinCaching',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildURLMapCache' );
/* Basic caches */
$CACHE['group_cache'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'members' ) . '/modules_admin/groups/groups.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_members_groups_groups',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildGroupCache' );
$CACHE['settings'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/settings/settings.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_settings_settings',
'recache_function' => 'settingsRebuildCache' );
$CACHE['lang_data'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/class_localization.php',
'recache_class' => 'class_localization',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildLanguagesCache' );
$CACHE['banfilters'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'members' ) . '/modules_admin/members/banfilters.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_members_members_banfilters',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildBanCache' );
$CACHE['stats'] = array( 'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'members' ) . '/modules_admin/members/tools.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_members_members_tools',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildStats' );
/* Text handling */
$CACHE['emoticons'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 0,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/posts/emoticons.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_posts_emoticons',
'recache_function' => 'emoticonsRebuildCache'
$CACHE['badwords'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/posts/badwords.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_posts_badwords',
'recache_function' => 'badwordsRebuildCache'
$CACHE['bbcode'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/posts/bbcode.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_posts_bbcode',
'recache_function' => 'bbcodeRebuildCache'
$CACHE['mediatag'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/posts/media.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_posts_media',
'recache_function' => 'recacheMediaTag'
$CACHE['profilefields'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'members' ) . '/modules_admin/cfields/customfields.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_members_cfields_customfields',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildCache'
$CACHE['ranks'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 0,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'members' ) . '/modules_admin/members/ranks.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_members_members_ranks',
'recache_function' => 'titlesRecache'
$CACHE['reputation_levels'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 0,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'members' ) . '/modules_admin/members/reputation.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_members_members_reputation',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildReputationLevelCache'
$CACHE['rss_output_cache'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/tools/cache.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_tools_cache',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildRssCache'
$CACHE['rss_export'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'skip_rebuild_when_upgrading' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . '/modules_admin/rss/export.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_forums_rss_export',
'recache_function' => 'doRssRebuildCache'
$CACHE['sharelinks'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 0,
'skip_rebuild_when_upgrading' => 0,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/tools/sharelinks.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_tools_sharelinks',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildCache'
$CACHE['notifications'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 0,
'skip_rebuild_when_upgrading' => 0,
'recache_file' => IPS_ROOT_PATH . '/sources/classes/member/notifications.php',
'recache_class' => 'notifications',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildNotificationsCache'
$CACHE['report_plugins'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 0,
'skip_rebuild_when_upgrading' => 0,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/sources/classes/reportLibrary.php',
'recache_class' => 'reportLibrary',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildReportCache'
$CACHE['report_cache'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 0,
'skip_rebuild_when_upgrading' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/sources/classes/reportLibrary.php',
'recache_class' => 'reportLibrary',
'recache_function' => 'updateCacheTime'
/* SEO */
$CACHE['meta_tags'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/templates/meta.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_templates_meta',
'recache_function' => 'rebuildMetaTagCache'
$CACHE['ipseo_acronyms'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/posts/acronyms.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_posts_acronyms',
'recache_function' => 'recache'
$CACHE['ipseo_ignore_messages'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 0,
'recache_file' => IPSLib::getAppDir( 'core' ) . '/modules_admin/seo/advice.php',
'recache_class' => 'admin_core_seo_advice',
'recache_function' => 'recache'
if ( IN_DEV )
$CACHE['indev'] = array(
'array' => 1,
'allow_unload' => 0,
'default_load' => 1,
'recache_file' => '',
'recache_class' => '',
'recache_function' => ''
$_LOAD['report_cache'] = 1;
$_LOAD['report_plugins'] = 1;
$_LOAD['rss_output_cache'] = 1;
return array( 'caches' => $CACHE,
'cacheload' => $_LOAD );
* Fetch the redirect mapping for short-hand urls
* @access public
* @return array Redirect mappings
public function fetchRedirects()
$_RESET = array();
/* Make old skin selectors work */
if ( isset($_REQUEST['k']) && $_REQUEST['k'] && isset($_REQUEST['settingNewSkin']) && $_REQUEST['settingNewSkin'] )
$_RESET['app'] = 'core';
$_RESET['module'] = 'global';
$_RESET['section'] = 'skin';
$_RESET['skinId'] = intval( $_REQUEST['settingNewSkin'] );
/* Return here to stop other rules parsing */
return $_RESET;
else if ( isset($_REQUEST['setAsMobile']) && $_REQUEST['setAsMobile'] )
$_RESET['app'] = 'core';
$_RESET['module'] = 'global';
$_RESET['section'] = 'skin';
$_RESET['skinId'] = 'setAsMobile';
/* Return here to stop other rules parsing */
return $_RESET;
###### New IPB 3.0.0 Redirects ######
/* Share links */
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['sharelink'] ) AND is_string( $_REQUEST['sharelink'] ) AND ! isset( $_REQUEST['app'] ) )
/* Some set ups parse ; automagically (bah) */
if ( ! strstr( $_REQUEST['sharelink'], ';' ) )
$_REQUEST['sharelink'] = preg_replace( "#sharelink=(.*)$#", "\1", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] );
list( $key, $url, $title ) = explode( ';', $_REQUEST['sharelink'] );
$_RESET['url'] = $url;
$_RESET['title'] = $title;
$_RESET['key'] = $key;
$_RESET['app'] = 'core';
$_RESET['module'] = 'global';
$_RESET['section'] = 'share';
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['showannouncement'] ) )
$_RESET['app'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['module'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['section'] = 'announcements';
$_RESET['announce_id'] = intval( $_REQUEST['showannouncement'] );
###### Redirect IPB 2.x to IPB 3.0 URLS ######
if( isset( $_REQUEST['act'] ) && $_REQUEST['act'] == 'idx' )
$_RESET['app'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['section'] = 'boards';
$_RESET['module'] = 'forums';
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['showforum'] ) )
$_RESET['app'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['module'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['section'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['showforum'] = intval( $_REQUEST['showforum'] );
$_RESET['f'] = intval( $_REQUEST['showforum'] );
if( !empty( $_REQUEST['showtopic'] ) OR ( isset($_REQUEST['act']) AND $_REQUEST['act'] == 'ST' ) )
$_RESET['app'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['module'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['section'] = 'topics';
if ( !$_REQUEST['t'] )
$_RESET['t'] = intval( $_REQUEST['showtopic'] );
else if( $_REQUEST['t'] AND !$_REQUEST['showtopic'] )
$_RESET['showtopic'] = intval( $_REQUEST['t'] );
if( ( isset( $_REQUEST['act'] ) && $_REQUEST['act'] == 'findpost' ) || !empty( $_REQUEST['findpost'] ) )
$_RESET['pid'] = intval( ( $_REQUEST['pid'] ) ? $_REQUEST['pid'] : $_REQUEST['findpost'] );
$_RESET['app'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['module'] = 'forums';
$_RESET['section'] = 'findpost';
if( isset( $_REQUEST['showuser'] ) )
$_RESET['app'] = 'members';
$_RESET['module'] = 'profile';
$_RESET['section'] = 'view';
$_RESET['id'] = intval( $_REQUEST['showuser'] );
if( isset( $_REQUEST['act'] ) && $_REQUEST['act'] == 'members' )
$_RESET['app'] = 'members';
$_RESET['module'] = 'list';
if ( isset( $_GET['act'] ) && $_GET['act'] == 'rss' && ! empty( $_GET['id'] ) )
$_RESET['app'] = 'core';
$_RESET['module'] = 'global';
$_RESET['section'] = 'rss';
$_RESET['type'] = 'forums';
# Redirect IPN URLs to IP.Nexus / IP.Subscriptions
if ( ( isset( $_REQUEST['act'] ) and $_REQUEST['act'] == 'paysubs' ) or ( isset( $_REQUEST['app'] ) and $_REQUEST['app'] == 'subscriptions' ) )
/* Brute force allow access */
if ( ! defined( 'IPS_ENFORCE_ACCESS' ) )
$_RESET['old'] = '1';
// If Nexus is installed, go to Nexus
$subs_version = IPSLib::fetchVersionNumber( 'subscriptions' );
if ( IPSLib::extractAppLocationKey('nexus') == 'ips' && $subs_version['long'] < 10008 )
$_RESET['app'] = 'nexus';
$_RESET['module'] = 'payments';
$_RESET['section'] = 'receive';
$_RESET['validate'] = 'paypal';
// Otherwise go to IP.Subscriptions
$_RESET['app'] = 'subscriptions';
if ( isset( $_REQUEST['CODE'] ) )
if ( $_REQUEST['CODE'] == 'incoming' )
$_RESET['module'] = 'incoming';
$_RESET['section'] = 'receive';
$_RESET['do'] = 'validate';
else if ( $_REQUEST['CODE'] == 'paydone' )
$_RESET['module'] = 'incoming';
$_RESET['section'] = 'receive';
$_RESET['do'] = 'done';
$_RESET['do'] = $_REQUEST['CODE'];
#Fix IP.Board 2.1 style module links
if( isset( $_REQUEST['act'] ) && $_REQUEST['act'] == 'module' && isset( $_REQUEST['module'] ) )
$_REQUEST['autocom'] = $_REQUEST['module'];
if( isset( $_REQUEST['cmd'] ) )
$_RESET['req'] = $_REQUEST['cmd'];
if( ! isset( $_REQUEST['do'] ) AND ( isset( $_REQUEST['CODE'] ) OR isset( $_REQUEST['code'] ) ) )
$_RESET['do'] = ( $_REQUEST['CODE'] ) ? $_REQUEST['CODE'] : $_REQUEST['code'];
if( isset( $_REQUEST['autocom'] ) or isset( $_REQUEST['automodule'] ) )
$_RESET['app'] = $_REQUEST['autocom'] ? $_REQUEST['autocom'] : $_REQUEST['automodule'];
# Blog friendly urls
else if( isset( $_GET['autocom'] ) or isset( $_GET['automodule'] ) )
$_RESET['app'] = $_GET['autocom'] ? $_GET['autocom'] : $_GET['automodule'];
# Calendar
if( isset( $_REQUEST['act'] ) && $_REQUEST['act'] == 'calendar' )
$_RESET['app'] = 'calendar';
return $_RESET;
* SEO templates
* First array element is a regex to run to see if we've a match for the URL
* The second array element is the template to use the results of the parenthesis capture
* Special variable #{__title__} is replaced with the $title data passed to output->formatUrl( $url, $title)
* IMPORTANT: Remember that when these regex are used, the output has not been fully parsed so you will get:
* showuser={$data['member_id']} NOT showuser=1 so do not try and match numerics only!
* This allows the registry to piece back together a URL based on the template regex
* So, for example: "/user/(d+?)/", 'matches' => array( array( 'showuser' => '$1' ) )tells IP.Board to populate 'showuser' with the result
* of the parenthesis capture #1
* @access public
* @return array SEO templates
public function fetchTemplates()
$templates = array(
# SPECIAL TEMPLATE: Used when checking permalinks. {start}permalink{end}. If you changed these templates to use something like:
# /forums/forum-12-my-forum.html then you would need to use start => '/', end => '.html'
# varBlock is the bit that separates the FURL from other variables. varSep is the bit that separates the vars. So if you wanted to use:
# /forums/forum-12-my-forum.html?st/20 or /forums/forum-12-my-forum.html?st-20-view-newpost
# You'd use 'varBlock' = '?' and 'varSep' => ','
'__data__' => array( 'start' => '-',
'end' => '/',
'varBlock' => '?',
'varPage' => 'page-',
'varSep' => '&',
'varJoin' => '=' ),
return $templates;
* Fetch bitwise mappings
* You can add to any of these arrays, but you cannot remove keys or re-order them. BAD THINGS WILL HAPPEN
* @access public
* @return array Bitwise mappings
public function fetchBitwise()
$_BITWISE = array( 'facebook' => array( 'fbc_s_pic', 'fbc_s_status', 'fbc_s_aboutme', 'fbc_si_status' ), // facebook == profile_portal.fb_bwoptions
'twitter' => array( 'tc_s_pic', 'tc_s_status', 'tc_s_aboutme', 'tc_s_bgimg', 'tc_si_status' ), // twitter = profile_portal.tc_bwoptions
'vkontakte' => array( 'vc_s_pic', 'vc_s_status' ), //vkontakte
'members' => array( 'bw_is_spammer', #1
'bw_from_sfs', #2
'bw_vnc_type', #4 # 1 based on topic marking table, 0 based on last_visit
'bw_forum_result_type', #8 # 1 is list, 0 is forum
'bw_no_status_update', #16 # 1 is yes ban, 0 is no, allow
'bw_status_email_mine', #32 # 1 is 'send me an email when anyone replies to my status updates', 0 is DO NOT DO WHAT 1 DOES OR ELSE
'bw_status_email_all', #64 # 1 is 'send me an email when anyone replies to any status update I replied to', 0 is OMG DO NOT DO THAT
'bw_disable_customization', #128 # 1 yeah, 0 nah boi
'bw_local_password_set', #256 # 1 means "user was created by remote, but has local password set", 0 means not, or not local user
'bw_disable_tagging', #512 # 1 means no tagging for this dude
'bw_disable_prefixes', #1024 # 1 means no prefixes
'bw_using_skin_gen', #2048 # 1 means yes. 0 means.. well, I think you can figure that out
'bw_disable_gravatar', #4096 # If 1, Gravatar will not be used for this user
'bw_paste_plain', #8192 # If 1, editor will paste as plain text
'bw_html_sig' #16384 # If 1, signature is HTML
'groups' => array(
'gbw_mod_post_unit_type' , #1 1 is days, 0 is posts
'gbw_ppd_unit_type' , #2 1 is days, 0 is posts
'gbw_displayname_unit_type' , #4 1 is days, 0 is posts
'gbw_sig_unit_type' , #8 1 is days, 0 is posts
'gbw_promote_unit_type' , #16 1 is days, 0 is posts
'gbw_no_status_update' , #32 1 is blocked, 0 is not. Quite simple really
'gbw_soft_delete' , #64 1 is ok, 0 is not - NO LONGER USED
'gbw_soft_delete_own' , #128 1 is ok, 0 is not
'gbw_soft_delete_own_topic' , #256 1 is ok, 0 is not - NO LONGER USED
'gbw_un_soft_delete' , #512 1 is ok, 0 is not - NO LONGER USED
'gbw_soft_delete_see' , #1024 1 is ok, 0 is not - NO LONGER USED
'gbw_soft_delete_topic' , #2048 1 is ok, 0 is not - NO LONGER USED
'gbw_un_soft_delete_topic' , #4096 1 is ok, 0 is not - NO LONGER USED
'gbw_soft_delete_topic_see' , #8192 1 is ok, 0 is not - NO LONGER USED
'gbw_soft_delete_reason' , #16384 1 means can read reason, 0 means cannot - NO LONGER USED
'gbw_soft_delete_see_post' , #32768 seriously. - NO LONGER USED
'gbw_allow_customization' , #65536 1 YES, 0 NO
'gbw_allow_url_bgimage' , #131072 ^^
'gbw_allow_upload_bgimage' , #262144 ^^
'gbw_view_reps' , #524288 1 allows them to view who gave rep to a post, 0 is can't
'gbw_no_status_import' , #1048576 1 prevents members in group from importing statuses from services.
'gbw_disable_tagging' , #2097152 1 means no tagging for this group
'gbw_disable_prefixes' , #4194304 1 means cannot prefixes
'gbw_view_last_info' , #8388608 1 for yes, 0 for NOOOOO
'gbw_view_online_lists' , #16777216 1 for yes
'gbw_hide_leaders_page' , #33554432 1 for yes
) );
return $_BITWISE;