Файл: IPBMafia.ru_IPB_3.4.6_Final_Rus _Nulled/board/upload/admin/applications/members/modules_public/list/view.php
Строк: 281
* <pre>
* Invision Power Services
* IP.Board v3.4.6
* Member list
* Last Updated: $Date: 2013-10-16 19:11:24 -0400 (Wed, 16 Oct 2013) $
* </pre>
* @author $Author: rashbrook $
* @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
* @package IP.Board
* @subpackage Members
* @link http://www.invisionpower.com
* @since 20th February 2002
* @version $Revision: 12381 $
if ( ! defined( 'IN_IPB' ) )
print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";
class public_members_list_view extends ipsCommand
* Custom fields object
* @var object
public $custom_fields;
* Temporary stored output HTML
* @var string
public $output;
* DB result start point
* @var integer
protected $first = 0;
* Maximum results per page
* @var integer
protected $max_results = 20;
* Key to sort on
* @var string
protected $sort_key = 'members_display_name';
* Sort order (desc or asc)
* @var string
protected $sort_order = 'asc';
* Filter
* @var string
protected $filter = 'ALL';
* Member titles
* @var array
protected $mem_titles = array();
* Member groups
* @var array
protected $mem_groups = array();
* Class entry point
* @param object Registry reference
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen/redirects]
public function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry )
// Get HTML and skin
$this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_list' ), 'members' );
// Can we access?
if ( !$this->memberData['g_mem_info'] )
$this->registry->output->showError( 'cannot_view_memberlist', 10221, null, null, 403 );
// Init variables
$see_groups = array();
$the_filter = array( 'ALL' => $this->lang->words['show_all'] );
$the_members = array();
$query = array( "m.members_l_display_name !='' AND m.members_l_display_name " . $this->DB->buildIsNull(false) );
$url = array();
$pp_rating_real = isset($this->request['pp_rating_real']) ? intval( $this->request['pp_rating_real'] ) : 0;
$this->first = isset($this->request['st']) ? intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$this->max_results = !empty($this->request['max_results']) ? $this->request['max_results'] : $this->max_results;
$this->sort_key = !empty($this->request['sort_key']) ? $this->request['sort_key'] : 'members_display_name';
$this->sort_order = !empty($this->request['sort_order']) ? $this->request['sort_order'] : 'asc';
$this->filter = !empty($this->request['filter']) ? ( $this->request['filter'] == 'ALL' ? 'ALL' : intval( $this->request['filter'] ) ) : 'ALL';
$this->request['showall'] = isset($this->request['showall']) ? intval( $this->request['showall'] ) : 0;
$this->request['name_box'] = isset($this->request['name_box']) ? $this->request['name_box'] : '';
$this->request['quickjump'] = isset($this->request['quickjump']) ? $this->request['quickjump'] : 0;
$_queryPP = false;
// Set some of the URL params
if ( $this->request['quickjump'] )
$this->request['name_box'] = 'begins';
$this->request['name'] = $this->request['quickjump'];
$url['app'] = "app=members&module=list";
$url['showall'] = 'showall=' . $this->request['showall'];
$url['sort_key'] = "sort_key={$this->sort_key}";
$url['sort_order'] = "sort_order={$this->sort_order}";
$url['max_results'] = "max_results={$this->max_results}";
$url['quickjump'] = "quickjump={$this->request['quickjump']}";
$url['name_box'] = 'name_box=' . $this->request['name_box'];
$url['name'] = isset($this->request['name']) ? "name={$this->request['name']}" : "name=";
// Sort the member group info
foreach( $this->caches['group_cache'] as $row )
if ( $row['g_hide_from_list'] )
if ( ! ( $this->memberData['g_access_cp'] AND $this->request['showall'] ) )
$hide_ids[] = $row['g_id'];
$see_groups[] = $row['g_id'];
$this->mem_groups[ $row['g_id'] ] = array( 'TITLE' => $row['g_title'],
'ICON' => $row['g_icon'] );
if ( $row['g_id'] == $this->settings['guest_group'] )
$the_filter[ $row['g_id'] ] = $row['g_title'];
// Init some arrays
$the_sort_key = array(
'members_l_display_name' => 'sort_by_name',
'posts' => 'pcount',
'joined' => 'sort_by_joined',
'members_profile_views' => 'm_dd_views',
$the_max_results = array(
10 => '10',
20 => '20',
40 => '40',
60 => '60',
$the_sort_order = array(
'desc' => 'descending_order',
'asc' => 'ascending_order',
$dropdowns = array(
'filter' => $the_filter,
'sort_key' => $the_sort_key,
'sort_order' => $the_sort_order,
'max_results' => $the_max_results,
$defaults = array(
'filter' => $this->filter,
'sort_key' => $this->sort_key,
'sort_order' => $this->sort_order,
'max_results' => $this->max_results,
'photoonly' => !empty($this->request['photoonly']) ? 1 : 0,
// Final vars for query
$this->sort_key = isset($the_sort_key[ $this->sort_key ]) ? $this->sort_key : 'members_l_display_name';
$this->sort_order = isset($the_sort_order[ $this->sort_order ]) ? $this->sort_order : 'asc';
$this->filter = isset($the_filter[ $this->filter ]) ? $this->filter : 'ALL';
$this->max_results = isset($the_max_results[ $this->max_results ]) ? $this->max_results : 20;
// Get custom profile information
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/customfields/profileFields.php', 'customProfileFields' );
$this->custom_fields = new $classToLoad();
$this->custom_fields->initData( 'edit', 1 );
$this->custom_fields->parseToEdit( 'mlist' );
// Member Groups...
if ( $this->filter != 'ALL' )
if ( ! in_array( $this->filter, $see_groups ) )
$query[] = 'm.member_group_id IN(' . implode( ',', $see_groups ) . ')';
$query[] = 'm.member_group_id=' . $this->filter;
$url['filter'] = 'filter='.$this->filter;
// NOT IN Member Groups...
if ( count( $hide_ids ) )
$query[] = "m.member_group_id NOT IN(" . implode( ",", $hide_ids ) . ")";
/* Not banned */
$query[] = "m.member_banned=0";
/* Not a spammer */
$query[] = '( ! ' . IPSBWOptions::sql( 'bw_is_spammer', 'members_bitoptions', 'members', 'global', 'has' ) . ')';
// Build query
$dates = array( 'lastpost', 'lastvisit', 'joined' );
$mapit = array( 'posts' => 'm.posts',
'joined' => 'm.joined',
'lastpost' => 'm.last_post',
'lastvisit' => 'm.last_visit',
'signature' => 'pp.signature',
'name' => 'm.members_display_name',
'photoonly' => 'pp.pp_main_photo' );
// Do search
foreach( $mapit as $in => $tbl )
* Leave isset && != '', can't use empty or 0 values are skipped as well
* @link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-37350-sorting-members-by-post-count/
$this->request[$in] = ( isset($this->request[ $in ]) && $this->request[ $in ] != '' ) ? $this->request[ $in ] : '';
$inbit = $this->request[ $in ] = IPSText::parseCleanValue( trim( urldecode( IPSText::stripslashes( $this->request[ $in ] ) ) ) );
$url[ $in ] = $in . '=' . urlencode($this->request[ $in ]);
// Name...
if ( $in == 'name' and $inbit != "" )
if ( $this->request['name_box'] == 'begins' )
$query[] = "m.members_l_display_name LIKE '" . IPSText::mbstrtolower( $inbit ) . "%'";
$query[] = "m.members_l_display_name LIKE '%" . IPSText::mbstrtolower( $inbit ) . "%'";
else if ( $in == 'posts' and is_numeric($inbit) and intval($inbit) > -1 )
$ltmt = $this->request[ $in .'_ltmt' ] == 'lt' ? '<' : '>';
$query[] = $tbl . ' ' . $ltmt . ' ' . intval($inbit);
$url[ $in ] = $in . '_ltmt=' . $this->request[ $in .'_ltmt' ] . '&posts=' . intval($inbit);
else if ( in_array( $in, $dates ) and $inbit )
if( preg_match( '/d{2}-d{2}-d{4}/', $this->request[ $in ] ) )
$_tmp = explode( '-', $this->request[ $in ] );
$time_int = mktime( 23, 59, 59, $_tmp[0], $_tmp[1], $_tmp[2] );
$time_int = strtotime( IPSText::monthNameRu2En($this->request[ $inbit ]) );
if( $time_int )
$ltmt = $this->request[ $in . '_ltmt' ] == 'lt' ? '<' : '>';
$query[] = $tbl . ' ' . $ltmt . ' ' . $time_int;
$url[ $in . '_ltmt' ] = $in . '_ltmt=' . $this->request[ $in . '_ltmt' ];
else if ( $in == 'photoonly' )
if ( $this->request['photoonly'] == 1 )
$_queryPP = true;
$query[] = $tbl . "<> ''";
$url[] = 'photoonly=1';
else if ( $inbit != "" AND $in != 'posts' )
$_queryPP = true;
$query[] = $tbl . " LIKE '%{$inbit}%'";
// Custom fields?
if ( count( $this->custom_fields->out_fields ) )
foreach( $this->custom_fields->out_fields as $id => $data )
if ( !empty($this->request[ 'field_' . $id ]) )
$_queryPP = true;
if( is_array($this->request[ 'field_' . $id ]) )
foreach( $this->request[ 'field_' . $id ] as $k => $v )
$this->request[ 'field_' . $id ][ $k ] = urldecode($v);
$url['field_' . $id] = "field_{$id}[{$k}]=" . $v;
$url['field_' . $id] = "field_{$id}=" . $this->request[ 'field_' . $id ];
$this->request[ 'field_' . $id ] = urldecode($this->request[ 'field_' . $id ]);
if( $this->custom_fields->cache_data[ $id ]['pf_type'] == 'drop' )
$query[] = "p.field_{$id}='" . $this->request[ 'field_' . $id ] . "'";
else if( $this->custom_fields->cache_data[ $id ]['pf_type'] == 'cbox' )
if ( count( $this->request[ 'field_' . $id ] ) )
foreach ( $this->request[ 'field_' . $id ] as $k => $v )
$query[] = "p.field_{$id} LIKE '%|{$k}|%'";
$query[] = $this->custom_fields->cache_data[ $id ]['pf_search_type'] == 'loose' ? "p.field_{$id} LIKE '%" . $this->request[ 'field_' . $id ] . "%'" : "p.field_{$id} = '" . $this->request[ 'field_' . $id ] . "'";
// Rating..
if ( $pp_rating_real )
$_queryPP = true;
$query[] = "pp.pp_rating_real > " . $pp_rating_real;
$url['pp_rating_real'] = "pp_rating_real=" . $pp_rating_real;
// Finish query
//$query[] = "m.members_l_display_name != ''";
$joins = array();
if ( $_queryPP )
$joins[] = array( 'from' => array( 'pfields_content' => 'p' ), 'where' => 'p.member_id=m.member_id', 'type' => 'left' );
$joins[] = array( 'from' => array( 'profile_portal' => 'pp' ), 'where' => 'pp.pp_member_id=m.member_id', 'type' => 'left' );
// Reputation
if( ! ipsRegistry::isClassLoaded( 'repCache' ) )
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/class_reputation_cache.php', 'classReputationCache' );
ipsRegistry::setClass( 'repCache', new $classToLoad() );
$notInMembers = 0;
foreach( $query as $q )
if ( ! strstr( $q, 'm.' ) )
/* Get the count */
if ( $notInMembers > 0 OR $this->sort_key != 'members_l_display_name' OR $this->request['request_method'] == 'post' )
$_max = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT( * ) as cnt',
'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where' => implode( " AND ", $query ),
'add_join' => $joins ) );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' =>' m.member_id',
'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where' => implode( " AND ", $query ),
'order' => 'm.' . $this->sort_key . ' ' . $this->sort_order,
'limit' => array( $this->first, $this->max_results ),
'add_join' => $joins ) );
$_max = $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT( * ) as cnt',
'from' => 'members m',
'where' => implode( " AND ", $query ) ) );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'm.member_id',
'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where' => implode( " AND ", $query ),
'order' => 'm.' . $this->sort_key . ' ' . $this->sort_order,
'limit' => array( $this->first, $this->max_results ) ) );
/* Fetch IDs */
$mids = array();
while( $m = $this->DB->fetch() )
if( $m['member_id'] )
$mids[] = $m['member_id'];
if ( count( $mids ) )
$members = array();
$_members = IPSMember::load( $mids, 'all' );
/* Make sure that we keep the ordering from the query */
foreach( $mids as $id )
$members[$id] = $_members[$id];
$max = $_max['cnt'];
if( is_array($members) AND count($members) )
foreach( $members as $id => $member )
/* Damn SQL thing with member_id */
if ( ! $member['member_id'] )
$member['member_id'] = $member['member_table_id'];
$member['members_display_name'] = $member['members_display_name'] ? $member['members_display_name'] : $member['name'];
$member['members_seo_name'] = IPSMember::fetchSeoName( $member );
$member['group'] = $this->mem_groups[ $member['member_group_id'] ]['TITLE'];
$member = IPSMember::buildProfilePhoto( $member );
$member['pp_reputation_points'] = $member['pp_reputation_points'] ? $member['pp_reputation_points'] : 0;
$member['author_reputation'] = ipsRegistry::getClass( 'repCache' )->getReputation( $member['pp_reputation_points'] );
/* Reputation */
if ( $this->settings['reputation_protected_groups'] )
if ( in_array( $member['member_group_id'], explode( ",", $this->settings['reputation_protected_groups'] ) ) )
$member['pp_reputation_points'] = null;
$member['author_reputation'] = null;
$the_members[] = $member;
/* make sure URL doesn't contain empty params */
$_url = $url;
$url = array();
foreach( $_url as $key => $bit )
if ( strrpos( $bit, '=' ) + 1 == strlen( $bit ) )
$url[] = $bit;
$pages = $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array( 'totalItems' => $max,
'itemsPerPage' => $this->max_results,
'currentStartValue' => $this->first,
'seoTitle' => "false",
'seoTemplate' => 'members_list',
'baseUrl' => implode( '&', $url ) ) );
// Print...
$this->output .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->getTemplate('mlist')->member_list_show( $the_members, $pages, $dropdowns, $defaults, $this->custom_fields, implode( '&', $url ) );
// Push to print handler
$this->registry->output->addContent( $this->output );
$this->registry->output->setTitle( $this->lang->words['page_title'] . ' - ' . ipsRegistry::$settings['board_name'] );
$this->registry->output->addNavigation( $this->lang->words['page_title'], 'app=members', "false", 'members_list' );