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Файл: IPBMafia.ru_IPB_3.4.6_Final_Rus _Nulled/board/upload/admin/applications/members/modules_admin/groups/groups.php
Строк: 486
 * <pre>
 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.4.6
 * Group management
 * Last Updated: $Date: 2013-04-03 17:54:22 -0400 (Wed, 03 Apr 2013) $
 * </pre>
 * @author         $Author: bfarber $
 * @copyright    (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license        http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
 * @package        IP.Board
 * @subpackage    Members
 * @link        http://www.invisionpower.com
 * @version        $Revision: 12149 $

if ( ! defined'IN_ACP' ) )
"<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded 'admin.php'.";

admin_members_groups_groups extends ipsCommand
     * Skin object
     * @var        object            Skin templates
protected $html;
     * Shortcut for url
     * @var        string            URL shortcut
protected $form_code;
     * Shortcut for url (javascript)
     * @var        string            JS URL shortcut
protected $form_code_js;
     * Main class entry point
     * @param    object        ipsRegistry reference
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen]
public function doExecuteipsRegistry $registry 
        // Load skin
$this->html            $this->registry->output->loadTemplate('cp_skin_groups');
        // Set up stuff
$this->form_code    $this->html->form_code    'module=groups&amp;section=groups';
$this->form_code_js    $this->html->form_code_js    'module=groups&section=groups';
        // Load lang
ipsRegistry::getClass('class_localization')->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_groups' ) );

        // What to do...
switch( $this->request['do'] )
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_add' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_add' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_edit' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_edit' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_delete' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_delete' );

        // Pass to CP output hander
$this->registry->getClass('output')->html_main .= $this->registry->getClass('output')->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();
     * List the groups
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen]
protected function _mainScreen()
        // INIT
$g_array = array();
$content "";
$form    = array();
$rows    = array();

        // Get groups
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'    => 'g_id, g_access_cp, g_is_supmod, g_title, prefix, suffix',
'from'        => 'groups',
'order'    => 'g_title' ) );
$o $this->DB->execute();
        while ( 
$row $this->DB->fetch$o ) )
$_extra = ( $this->request['showSecondary'] ) ? ' OR ' $this->DB->buildWherePermission( array( intval($row['g_id']) ), 'mgroup_others'false ) : '';
/* As much as I hate nested queries, this is actually quicker especially when you add in the LIKE check.*/
$count $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select'    => 'COUNT(*) as count',
'from'    => 'members',
'where'   => 'member_group_id=' intval($row['g_id']) . $_extra ) );
$row['count'] = $count['count'];
$rows$row['g_id'] ] = $row;
$rows as $row )
            // Set up basics
$row['_can_delete']        = ( $row['g_id'] > ) ? 0;
$row['_can_acp']        = ( $row['g_access_cp'] == ) ? 0;
$row['_can_supmod']        = ( $row['g_is_supmod'] == ) ? 0;

            // Add
$content .= $this->html->groupsOverviewRow$row );
            // Add to array
$g_array[] = array( $row['g_id'], $row['g_title'] );

        // And output

$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->groupsOverviewWrapper$content$g_array );

     * Exports the groups to a master XML file for distribution
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen]
public function masterXMLExport()
        // INIT
$entry = array();
$skip  IPSLib::fetchNonDefaultGroupFields();
        // Get xml class
require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH.'classXML.php' );/*noLibHook*/

$xml = new classXMLIPS_DOC_CHAR_SET );
$xml->addElement'export' );
$xml->addElement'group''export' );

        // Grab our default 6 groups
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
'from'   => 'groups',
'order'  => 'g_id ASC',
'limit'  => array( 0)
                        )         );
        while ( 
$r $this->DB->fetch() )
$content        = array();
$r['g_icon']    = '';
is_array($skip) AND count($skip) )
$skip as $_kk )
$r$_kk ] );
$xml->addElementAsRecord'group''row'$r );

        // Print to browser
$this->registry->output->showDownload$xml->fetchDocument(), 'groups.xml''');

     * Form to delete a group
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen]
     * @todo    Change the "group_id < 6" check for 3.4 with "< 5" as we're going to remove the banned group most likely
protected function _deleteForm()
$group_id    intval($this->request['id']);
$group        $this->caches['group_cache'][ $group_id ];

        if ( !
$group_id )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_whichgroup'], 1120 );
        if ( 
$group_id )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_preset'], 1121 );
$group['g_access_cp'] )
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_delete_admin' );

        // How many users will we be moving?
$black_adder $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as users''from' => 'members''where' => "member_group_id=" $group_id ) );
$extra_group $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as users''from' => 'members''where' => "mgroup_others LIKE '%,"$group_id .",%'" ) );

$black_adder['users']    = $black_adder['users'] > $black_adder['users'] : 0;
$extra_group['users']    = $extra_group['users'] > $extra_group['users'] : 0;

$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->groupDelete$group$black_adder['users'], $extra_group['users'] );
     * Delete the group
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen]
protected function _doDelete()
        // INIT
$this->request['id']    = intval($this->request['id'] );
$this->request['to_id']    = intval($this->request['to_id'] );
        // Auth check...

ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->checkSecurityKey$this->request['secure_key'] );
        // Check
if ( ! $this->request['id'] )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_whichgroup'], 1122 );
        if ( 
$this->request['id'] < )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_preset'], 1124 );
        if ( ! 
$this->request['to_id'] )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_mecries'], 1123 );

        // Check to make sure that the relevant groups exist.
$original        $this->caches['group_cache'][ $this->request['id'] ];
$move_to        $this->caches['group_cache'][ $this->request['to_id'] ];
        if( !
count($original) )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_whichgroup'], 1125 );
        if( !
count($move_to) )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_mecries'], 1126 );
        // Check restrictions.
if( $original['g_access_cp'] )
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_delete_admin' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'member_move_admin1''members''members' );
        else if( 
$move_to['g_access_cp'] )
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'member_move_admin2''members''members' );

        // Move and delete
$this->DB->update'members', array( 'member_group_id' => $this->request['to_id'] ), 'member_group_id=' $this->request['id'] );
$this->DB->delete'groups'"g_id=" $this->request['id'] );
$this->DB->delete'admin_permission_rows'"row_id_type='group' AND row_id=" $this->request['id'] );
        // Can't promote to non-existent group
foreach( $this->cache->getCache('group_cache') as $row )
$promotion explode'&'$row['g_promotion'] );
$promotion[0] == $this->request['id'] )
$this->DB->update'groups', array( 'g_promotion' => '-1&-1' ), 'g_id=' $row['g_id'] );
        // Remove from moderators table
$this->DB->delete'moderators'"is_group=1 AND group_id=" $this->request['id'] );

        // Remove as a secondary group
$this->DB->build( array( 
'select'    => 'member_group_id, mgroup_others, member_id'
'from'        => 'members'
'where'        => "mgroup_others LIKE '%," $this->request['id'] . ",%'" 
)         );
$exg $this->DB->execute();
$others $this->DB->fetch($exg) )
$extra        = array();
$extra        explode","IPSText::cleanPermString$others['mgroup_others'] ) );
$to_insert    = array();

count$extra ) )
$extra as $mgroup_other )
$mgroup_other != $this->request['id'] )
$mgroup_other != "" )
$to_insert[] = $mgroup_other;

count$to_insert ) )
$new_others ',' implode','$to_insert ) . ',';
$new_others "";

$this->DB->update'members', array( 'mgroup_others' => $new_others ), 'member_id=' $others['member_id'] );

        // Fix settings

$_toUpdate    = array();

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings''where' => "conf_extra='#show_groups#'" ) );
$o $this->DB->execute();

$r $this->DB->fetch($o) )
/* Dropdown with the deleted group selected? Return to default. */
if( $r['conf_type'] == 'dropdown' AND $r['conf_value'] == $this->request['id'] )
$_toUpdate$r['conf_key'] ]    = $r['conf_default'];
/* Multiselect with deleted group selected?  Fix values then. */
else if( $r['conf_type'] == 'multi' AND strpos$r['conf_value'], (string) $this->request['id'] ) !== false )
$_values    explode','$r['conf_value'] );
$_newValues    = array();

$_values as $_value )
$_value != $this->request['id'] )
$_newValues[]    = $_value;

$_toUpdate$r['conf_key'] ]    = ( count($_newValues) ) ? $_newValues $r['conf_default'];

count($_toUpdate) )
/* The multiselect settings have evalphp which forces it to inspect $_POST */
$_POST    array_merge$_POST$_toUpdate );
IPSLib::updateSettings$_toUpdate );

        // Rebuild caches
$this->cache->rebuildCache'moderators''forums' );
ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->saveAdminLogsprintf$this->lang->words['g_removedlog'], $original['g_title'] ) );
$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['g_removed'];
     * Save the group [add/edit]
     * @param     string        'add' or 'edit'
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen]
protected function _saveGroup$type='edit' )
        // INIT
$group_id    intval($this->request['id']);
$oldGroup    $this->caches['group_cache'][ $group_id ];
        // Auth check...

ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->checkSecurityKey$this->request['secure_key'] );
        // Check...
if ( ! $this->request['g_title'] )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_title_error'], 1127 );
intval($this->request['g_max_mass_pm']) > 500 )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_mass_pm_too_large'], 1127 );
#MSSQL needs a check on this
if ( IPSText::mbstrlen$this->request['g_title'] ) > 32 )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_title_error'], 1127 );
        if ( 
$type == 'edit' )
            if ( !
$group_id )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_whichgroup'], 1128 );
            // Check restrictions.
if( $this->caches['group_cache'][ $group_id ]['g_access_cp'] )
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_edit_admin' );

        // Check restrictions.
if( ( $type == 'add' OR !$this->caches['group_cache'][ $group_id ]['g_access_cp'] ) AND $this->request['g_access_cp'] )
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_add_admin' );
        // Sort out the perm mask id things
$new_perm_set_id 0;
$this->request['g_new_perm_set'] )
$this->DB->insert'forum_perms', array( 'perm_name' => $this->request['g_new_perm_set'] ) );
$new_perm_set_id $this->DB->getInsertId();
            if ( !
is_array$this->request['permid'] ) )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_oneperm'], 1129 );
$this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_permissions' ), 'members' );
        // Some other generic fields
$promotion_a    '-1'// id
$promotion_b    '-1'// posts
if ( $this->request['g_promotion_id'] AND $this->request['g_promotion_id'] > )
$promotion_a $this->request['g_promotion_id'];
$promotion_b $this->request['g_promotion_posts'];
        if ( 
$this->request['g_attach_per_post'] and $this->request['g_attach_max'] > )
            if ( 
$this->request['g_attach_per_post'] > $this->request['g_attach_max'] )
$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['g_pergreater'];
$this->request['p_max']        = str_replace":"""$this->request['p_max'] );
$this->request['p_width']    = str_replace":"""$this->request['p_width'] );
$this->request['p_height']    = str_replace":"""$this->request['p_height'] );
$this->request['g_attach_max']         = intval$this->request['g_attach_max'] );
$this->request['g_attach_per_post'] = intval$this->request['g_attach_per_post'] );
$this->request['p_max']             = intval$this->request['p_max'] );
$sig_limits        = array(
        // Set the db array
$db_string = array( 'g_view_board'            => intval($this->request['g_view_board']),
'g_mem_info'            => intval($this->request['g_mem_info']),
'g_can_add_friends'        => intval($this->request['g_can_add_friends']),
'g_use_search'            => intval($this->request['g_use_search']),
'g_edit_profile'        => intval($this->request['g_edit_profile']),
'g_use_pm'                => intval($this->request['g_use_pm']),
'g_pm_perday'            => intval($this->request['g_pm_perday']),
'g_is_supmod'            => intval($this->request['g_is_supmod']),
'g_access_cp'            => intval($this->request['g_access_cp']),
'g_title'                => trim($this->request['g_title']),
'g_access_offline'        => intval($this->request['g_access_offline']),
'g_dname_changes'        => intval($this->request['g_dname_changes']),
'g_dname_date'            => intval($this->request['g_dname_date']),
'prefix'                => trimIPSText::safeslashes$_POST['prefix'] ) ),
'suffix'                => trimIPSText::safeslashes$_POST['suffix'] ) ),
'g_hide_from_list'        => intval($this->request['g_hide_from_list']),
'g_perm_id'                => $new_perm_set_id $new_perm_set_id implode","$this->request['permid'] ),
'g_icon'                => trimIPSText::safeslashes$_POST['g_icon'] ) ),
'g_attach_max'            => ( $this->request['g_attach_max'] == '' ) ? intval($this->request['g_attach_max']),
'g_max_messages'        => intval($this->request['g_max_messages']),
'g_max_mass_pm'            => intval($this->request['g_max_mass_pm']),
'g_pm_flood_mins'        => intval($this->request['g_pm_flood_mins']),
'g_search_flood'        => intval($this->request['g_search_flood']),
'g_promotion'            => $promotion_a '&' $promotion_b,
'g_photo_max_vars'        => $this->request['p_max'].':'.$this->request['p_width'].':'.$this->request['p_height'],
'g_dohtml'                => intval($this->request['g_dohtml']),
'g_bypass_badwords'        => intval($this->request['g_bypass_badwords']),
'g_can_msg_attach'        => intval($this->request['g_can_msg_attach']),
'g_attach_per_post'        => intval($this->request['g_attach_per_post']),
'g_rep_max_positive'    => intval$this->request['g_rep_max_positive'] ),
'g_rep_max_negative'    => intval$this->request['g_rep_max_negative'] ),
'g_signature_limits'    => implode':'$sig_limits ),
'g_hide_online_list'    => intval$this->request['g_hide_online_list'] ),
'g_displayname_unit'    => intval$this->request['g_displayname_unit'] ),
'g_sig_unit'            => intval$this->request['g_sig_unit'] ),
'g_max_notifications'    => intval$this->request['g_max_notifications'] ),
'g_max_bgimg_upload'    => intval$this->request['g_max_bgimg_upload'] ),
'g_bitoptions'            => IPSBWOPtions::freeze$this->request'groups''global' ), # Saves all BW options for all apps

$this->DB->setDataType'g_title''string' );
        // Ok? Load interface and child classes

IPSLib::loadInterface'admin/group_form.php' );
$_groupPlugins    = array();
IPSLib::getEnabledApplications() as $app_dir => $app_data )
            if ( 
is_fileIPSLib::getAppDir$app_dir ) . '/extensions/admin/group_form.php' ) )
$_class  IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir$app_dir ) . '/extensions/admin/group_form.php''admin_group_form__'.$app_dir$app_dir );
$_groupPlugins$_class ] = new $_class$this->registry );
$remote  $_groupPlugins$_class ]->getForSave();

$db_string array_merge$db_string$remote );

        // Editing...do an update
if ( $type == 'edit' )
$this->DB->update'groups'$db_string'g_id=' $group_id );
            // Update moderator table too
$this->DB->update'moderators', array( 'group_name' => $db_string['g_title'] ), 'group_id=' $group_id );
$this->cache->rebuildCache'moderators''forums' );
ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->saveAdminLogsprintf$this->lang->words['g_editedlog'], $db_string['g_title'] ) );

$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['g_edited'];
$this->DB->insert'groups'$db_string );
$group_id    $this->DB->getInsertId();
ipsRegistry::getClass('adminFunctions')->saveAdminLogsprintf$this->lang->words['g_addedlog'], $db_string['g_title'] ) );

$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['g_added'];
        // Post save callbacks
if( count($_groupPlugins) )
$_groupPlugins as $_className => $_object )
method_exists$_object'postSave' ) )
$_object->postSave$group_id );
$new_perm_set_id )
$from '';
            if( ( 
$type == 'edit' AND $db_string['g_access_cp'] AND !$oldGroup['g_access_cp'] ) OR ( $type == 'add' AND $db_string['g_access_cp'] ) )
                // Do they already have restrictions?
$test $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'row_id''from' => 'admin_permission_rows''where' => "row_id_type='group' AND row_id=" $group_id ) );
                if( !
$test['row_id'] )
$from    '&amp;_from=group-' $group_id;
$this->registry->output->global_message    $this->lang->words['per_saved'];
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage$this->settings['base_url'] . 'module=groups&amp;section=permissions&amp;do=edit_set_form' $from '&amp;id=' $new_perm_set_id );
            if( ( 
$type == 'edit' AND $db_string['g_access_cp'] AND !$oldGroup['g_access_cp'] ) OR ( $type == 'add' AND $db_string['g_access_cp'] ) )
                // Do they already have restrictions?
$test $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'row_id''from' => 'admin_permission_rows''where' => "row_id_type='group' AND row_id=" $group_id ) );
                if( !
$test['row_id'] )
$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->groupAdminConfirm$group_id );

     * Rebuilds the group cache
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildGroupCache()
$cache    = array();
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'    => '*',
'from'        => 'groups',
'order'    => 'g_title ASC' ) );
        while ( 
$i $this->DB->fetch() )
$cache$i['g_id'] ] = IPSMember::unpackGroup$ifalsetrue );
$this->cache->setCache'group_cache'$cache, array( 'array' => ) );

     * Show the add/edit group form
     * @param     string        'add' or 'edit'
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen]
     * @todo    _initTab doesn't seem to work anymore with the new tabs, need to update each app to have a unique name/id
protected function _groupForm$type='edit' )
        // Grab group data and start us off
if ($type == 'edit')
            if (
$this->request['id'] == "")
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['g_whichgroup'], 11210 );
$group $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'groups''where' => "g_id=" intval($this->request['id']) ) );
$group IPSMember::unpackGroup$groupFALSETRUE );
            // Check restrictions.
if( $group['g_access_cp'] )
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'groups_edit_admin' );
$group                = array();
$this->request['id'] )
$group $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'groups''where' => "g_id=" intval($this->request['id']) ) );
$group IPSMember::unpackGroup$groupFALSETRUE );

$group['g_title']    = 'New Group';

        // Grab permission masks
$perm_masks = array();
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'forum_perms''order' => 'perm_name ASC' ) );
        while ( 
$r $this->DB->fetch() )
$perm_masks[] = array( $r['perm_id'], $r['perm_name'] );
        // Ok? Load interface and child classes
$blocks    = array( 'tabs' => array(), 'area' => array() );

IPSLib::loadInterface'admin/group_form.php' );
$tabsUsed 5;
$firstTab = empty($this->request['_initTab']) ? false trim($this->request['_initTab']);
IPSLib::getEnabledApplications() as $app_dir => $app_data )
            if ( 
is_fileIPSLib::getAppDir$app_dir ) . '/extensions/admin/group_form.php' ) )
$_class IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir$app_dir ) . '/extensions/admin/group_form.php''admin_group_form__'.$app_dir$app_dir );
                if ( 
class_exists$_class ) )
$_object = new $_class$this->registry );
$data $_object->getDisplayContent$group$tabsUsed );
$blocks['area'][ $app_dir ] = $data['content'];
$blocks['tabs'][ $app_dir ] = $data['tabs'];
$tabsUsed $data['tabsUsed'] ? ( $tabsUsed $data['tabsUsed'] ) : ( $tabsUsed );
                    if ( !empty(
$this->request['_initTab']) && $this->request['_initTab'] == $app_dir )
$firstTab $tabsUsed;

        // And output to form
$this->registry->output->extra_nav[] = array( "{$this->settings['base_url']}&amp;{$this->form_code}"$this->lang->words['menu__manage_groups'] );
$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->groupsForm$type$group$perm_masks$blocks$firstTab );
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