Файл: IPBMafia.ru_IPB_3.4.6_Final_Rus _Nulled/board/upload/admin/applications/members/extensions/content/plugin_blocks/online_friends/plugin.php
Строк: 348
* Online friends plugin
* @author $author$
* @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
* @package IP.Content
* @link http://www.invisionpower.com
* @version $Rev: 8752 $
* @since 1st March 2009
class plugin_online_friends implements pluginBlockInterface
* Registry Object Shortcuts
* @access protected
* @var object
protected $DB;
protected $settings;
protected $lang;
protected $member;
protected $memberData;
protected $cache;
protected $registry;
protected $caches;
protected $request;
* Constructor
* @access public
* @param object Registry reference
* @return @e void
public function __construct( ipsRegistry $registry )
// Make shortcuts
$this->registry = $registry;
$this->DB = $registry->DB();
$this->settings = $registry->fetchSettings();
$this->member = $registry->member();
$this->cache = $registry->cache();
$this->caches =& $registry->cache()->fetchCaches();
$this->request = $registry->fetchRequest();
$this->lang = $registry->class_localization;
$this->memberData =& $this->registry->member()->fetchMemberData();
* Return the tag help for this block type
* @access public
* @return array
public function getTags()
$_finalColumns = array();
$_noinfoColumns = array();
foreach( $this->DB->getFieldNames( 'sessions' ) as $_column )
if( $this->lang->words['col__sessions_' . $_column ] )
$_finalColumns[ $_column ] = array( "$r['" . $_column . "']", $this->lang->words['col__sessions_' . $_column ] );
$_noinfoColumns[ $_column ] = array( "$r['" . $_column . "']", $this->lang->words['notaghelpinfoavailable'], true );
foreach( $this->DB->getFieldNames( 'members' ) as $_column )
if( $this->lang->words['col__members_' . $_column ] )
$_finalColumns[ $_column ] = array( "$r['" . $_column . "']", $this->lang->words['col__members_' . $_column ] );
$_noinfoColumns[ $_column ] = array( "$r['" . $_column . "']", $this->lang->words['notaghelpinfoavailable'], true );
$_fieldInfo = array();
$this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'pf_id,pf_title,pf_desc', 'from' => 'pfields_data' ) );
while( $r= $this->DB->fetch() )
$_fieldInfo[ $r['pf_id'] ] = $r;
foreach( $this->DB->getFieldNames( 'pfields_content' ) as $_column )
if( $this->lang->words['col__pfields_content_' . $_column ] )
$_finalColumns[ $_column ] = array( "$r['" . $_column . "']", $this->lang->words['col__pfields_content_' . $_column ] );
else if( preg_match( "/^field_(d+)$/", $_column, $matches ) AND isset( $_fieldInfo[ $matches[1] ] ) )
$_finalColumns[ $_column ] = array( "$r['" . $_column . "']", $_fieldInfo[ $matches[1] ]['pf_title'] . ( $_fieldInfo[ $matches[1] ]['pf_desc'] ? ': ' . $_fieldInfo[ $matches[1] ]['pf_desc'] : '' ) );
$_noinfoColumns[ $_column ] = array( "$r['" . $_column . "']", $this->lang->words['notaghelpinfoavailable'], true );
foreach( $this->DB->getFieldNames( 'profile_portal' ) as $_column )
if( $this->lang->words['col__profile_portal_' . $_column ] )
$_finalColumns[ $_column ] = array( "$r['" . $_column . "']", $this->lang->words['col__profile_portal_' . $_column ] );
$_noinfoColumns[ $_column ] = array( "$r['" . $_column . "']", $this->lang->words['notaghelpinfoavailable'], true );
$_finalColumns['my_member_id'] = array( "$r['my_member_id']", $this->lang->words['col__special_my_member_id'] );
$_finalColumns['pp_main_photo'] = array( "$r['pp_main_photo']", $this->lang->words['col__special_pp_main_photo'] );
$_finalColumns['pp_main_width'] = array( "$r['pp_main_width']", $this->lang->words['col__special_pp_main_width'] );
$_finalColumns['pp_main_height'] = array( "$r['pp_main_height']", $this->lang->words['col__special_pp_main_height'] );
$_finalColumns['_has_photo'] = array( "$r['_has_photo']", $this->lang->words['col__special__has_photo'] );
$_finalColumns['pp_small_photo'] = array( "$r['pp_small_photo']", $this->lang->words['col__special_pp_small_photo'] );
$_finalColumns['pp_small_width'] = array( "$r['pp_small_width']", $this->lang->words['col__special_pp_small_width'] );
$_finalColumns['pp_small_height'] = array( "$r['pp_small_height']", $this->lang->words['col__special_pp_small_height'] );
$_finalColumns['pp_mini_photo'] = array( "$r['pp_mini_photo']", $this->lang->words['col__special_pp_mini_photo'] );
$_finalColumns['pp_mini_width'] = array( "$r['pp_mini_width']", $this->lang->words['col__special_pp_mini_width'] );
$_finalColumns['pp_mini_height'] = array( "$r['pp_mini_height']", $this->lang->words['col__special_pp_mini_height'] );
$_finalColumns['member_rank_img_i'] = array( "$r['member_rank_img_i']", $this->lang->words['col__special_member_rank_img_i'] );
$_finalColumns['member_rank_img'] = array( "$r['member_rank_img']", $this->lang->words['col__special_member_rank_img'] );
return array(
$this->lang->words['block_plugin__generic'] => array(
array( '$title', $this->lang->words['block_custom__title'] ) ,
$this->lang->words['block_plugin__of_users'] => array(
array( '$friends', $this->lang->words['block_plugin__of_us'], IPSLib::mergeArrays( $_finalColumns, $_noinfoColumns ) ),
* Return the plugin meta data
* @access public
* @return array Plugin data (name, description, hasConfig)
public function returnPluginInfo()
return array(
'key' => 'online_friends',
'name' => $this->lang->words['plugin_name__online_friends'],
'description' => $this->lang->words['plugin_description__online_friends'],
'hasConfig' => false,
'templateBit' => 'block__online_friends',
* Get plugin configuration data. Returns form elements and data
* @access public
* @param array Session data
* @return array Form data
public function returnPluginConfig( $session )
return array();
* Check the plugin config data
* @access public
* @param array Submitted plugin data to check (usually $this->request)
* @return array Array( (bool) Ok or not, (array) Plugin data to use )
public function validatePluginConfig( $data )
return array( true, $data );
* Execute the plugin and return the HTML to show on the page.
* Can be called from ACP or front end, so the plugin needs to setup any appropriate lang files, skin files, etc.
* @access public
* @param array Block data
* @return string Block HTML to display or cache
public function executePlugin( $block )
$config = unserialize($block['block_config']);
$this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_ccs' ), 'ccs' );
$friends = array();
$onlineFriends = array();
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*', 'from' => 'profile_friends', 'where' => 'friends_member_id=' . $this->memberData['member_id'] ) );
while( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
$friends[ $r['friends_friend_id'] ] = $r['friends_friend_id'];
if( count($friends) )
$_time = $this->settings['au_cutoff'] * 60;
$_cutoff = time() - $_time;
$this->DB->build( array(
'select' => 's.*',
'from' => array( 'sessions' => 's' ),
'where' => 's.member_id IN(' . implode( ',', $friends ) . ') AND s.running_time > ' . $_cutoff,
'order' => 's.running_time DESC',
'add_join' => array(
'select' => 'm.*, m.member_id as my_member_id',
'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where' => 'm.member_id=s.member_id',
'type' => 'left',
'select' => 'pf.*',
'from' => array( 'pfields_content' => 'pf' ),
'where' => 'pf.member_id=m.member_id',
'type' => 'left',
'select' => 'pp.*',
'from' => array( 'profile_portal' => 'pp' ),
'where' => 'pp.pp_member_id=m.member_id',
'type' => 'left',
) );
$outer = $this->DB->execute();
while( $r = $this->DB->fetch($outer) )
$r['member_id'] = $r['my_member_id'];
$r = IPSMember::buildDisplayData( $r );
$onlineFriends[ $r['member_id'] ] = $r;
if( $config['hide_empty'] AND !count($onlineFriends) )
return '';
$pluginConfig = $this->returnPluginInfo();
$templateBit = $pluginConfig['templateBit'] . '_' . $block['block_id'];
$_return = $this->registry->output->getTemplate('ccs')->$templateBit( $block['block_name'], $onlineFriends );
return $_return;