Файл: IPBMafia.ru_IPB_3.4.6_Final_Rus _Nulled/board/upload/admin/applications/forums/modules_admin/attachments/search.php
Строк: 204
* <pre>
* Invision Power Services
* IP.Board v3.4.6
* Attachments: Search
* Last Updated: $LastChangedDate: 2012-05-10 16:10:13 -0400 (Thu, 10 May 2012) $
* </pre>
* @author $Author: bfarber $
* @copyright (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
* @package IP.Board
* @subpackage Forums
* @link http://www.invisionpower.com
* @since Mon 24th May 2004
* @version $Rev: 10721 $
if ( ! defined( 'IN_ACP' ) )
print "<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded 'admin.php'.";
class admin_forums_attachments_search extends ipsCommand
* Skin object
* @var object Skin templates
protected $html;
* Shortcut for url
* @var string URL shortcut
protected $form_code;
* Shortcut for url (javascript)
* @var string JS URL shortcut
protected $form_code_js;
* Main class entry point
* @param object ipsRegistry reference
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
public function doExecute( ipsRegistry $registry )
// Load HTML and language bits
$this->html = $this->registry->output->loadTemplate( 'cp_skin_attachments' );
$this->lang->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_attachments' ) );
// Set up stuff
$this->form_code = $this->html->form_code = 'module=attachments&section=search';
$this->form_code_js = $this->html->form_code_js = 'module=attachments§ion=search';
// StRT!
switch( $this->request['do'] )
case 'attach_search_complete':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'view_attachments' );
case 'attach_bulk_remove':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'remove_attachments' );
case 'overview':
case 'search':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg( 'view_attachments' );
/* Output */
$this->registry->output->html_main .= $this->registry->output->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();
* Bulk remove attachments
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
protected function _bulkRemoveAttachments()
foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value )
if ( preg_match( "/^attach_(d+)$/", $key, $match ) )
if ( $this->request[ $match[0] ] )
$ids[] = $match[1];
$ids = IPSLib::cleanIntArray( $ids );
$attach_tid = array();
if ( count( $ids ) )
// Get attach details?
$this->DB->build( array(
'select' => 'a.*',
'from' => array( 'attachments' => 'a' ),
'where' => "a.attach_rel_id > 0 AND a.attach_id IN(" . implode( ",", $ids ) . ")",
'add_join' => array(
'select' => 'p.pid, p.topic_id',
'from' => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
'where' => "p.pid=a.attach_rel_id AND attach_rel_module='post'",
'type' => 'left',
) );
while ( $killmeh = $this->DB->fetch() )
if ( $killmeh['attach_location'] )
@unlink( $this->settings['upload_dir'] . "/" . $killmeh['attach_location'] );
if ( $killmeh['attach_thumb_location'] )
@unlink( $this->settings['upload_dir'] . "/" . $killmeh['attach_thumb_location'] );
$attach_tid[ $killmeh['topic_id'] ] = $killmeh['topic_id'];
$this->DB->delete( 'attachments', "attach_id IN(" . implode( ",", $ids ) . ")" );
$this->registry->adminFunctions->saveAdminLog( sprintf( $this->lang->words['deleted_attachments'], implode( ",", $ids ) ) );
// Recount topic upload marker
require_once( IPSLib::getAppDir('forums') . '/sources/classes/post/classPost.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary( IPSLib::getAppDir( 'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/post/classPostForms.php', 'classPostForms', 'forums' );
$postlib = new $classToLoad( $this->registry );
foreach( $attach_tid as $tid )
if( $tid )
$postlib->recountTopicAttachments( $tid );
$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['attachments_removed'];
$this->registry->output->global_message = $this->lang->words['noattach_to_remove'];
if ( $this->request['return'] == 'stats' )
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage( $this->settings['base_url'] . 'module=attachments§ion=stats' );
if ( $_POST['url'] )
foreach( explode( '&', $_POST['url'] ) as $u )
list ( $k, $v ) = explode( '=', $u );
$this->request[ $k] = $v ;
* Attachment search results
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
protected function _searchResults()
$show = intval($this->request['show']);
$show = $show > 100 ? 100 : $show;
// Build URL
$url = "";
$url_components = array( 'extension', 'filesize', 'filesize_gt', 'days', 'days_gt', 'hits', 'hits_gt', 'filename', 'authorname', 'onlyimage', 'orderby', 'sort', 'show' );
foreach( $url_components as $u )
$url .= $u . '=' . $this->request[ $u ] . '&';
// Build Query
$queryfinal = "";
$query = array();
if ( $this->request['extension'] )
$query[] = 'a.attach_ext="' . strtolower( str_replace( ".", "", $this->request['extension'] ) ) . '"';
if ( $this->request['filesize'] )
$gt = $this->request['filesize_gt'] == 'gt' ? '>=' : '<';
$query[] = "a.attach_filesize {$gt} " . intval( $this->request['filesize']*1024 );
if ( $this->request['days'] )
$day_break = time() - intval( $this->request['days'] * 86400 );
$gt = $this->request['days_gt'] == 'lt' ? '>=' : '<';
$query[] = "a.attach_date {$gt} {$day_break}";
if ( $this->request['hits'] )
$gt = $this->request['hits_gt'] == 'gt' ? '>=' : '<';
$query[] = "a.attach_hits {$gt} " . intval($this->request['hits']);
if ( $this->request['filename'] )
$query[] = $this->DB->buildLower('a.attach_file') . ' LIKE "%' . strtolower( $this->request['filename'] ) . '%"';
if ( $this->request['authorname'] )
$query[] = $this->DB->buildLower('p.author_name') . ' LIKE "%' . IPSText::mbstrtolower( $this->request['authorname'] ) . '%"';
if ( $this->request['onlyimage'] )
$query[] = 'a.attach_is_image=1';
if ( count($query) )
$queryfinal = 'AND '. implode( " AND ", $query );
$rows = array();
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'a.*',
'from' => array( 'attachments' => 'a' ),
'where' => "attach_rel_module='post'".$queryfinal,
'add_join' => array(
0 => array( 'select' => 'p.author_id, p.author_name, p.post_date',
'from' => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
'where' => 'p.pid=a.attach_rel_id',
'type' => 'left' ),
1 => array( 'select' => 't.tid, t.forum_id, t.title',
'from' => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
'where' => 'p.topic_id=t.tid',
'type' => 'left' ),
2 => array( 'select' => 'm.members_display_name',
'from' => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where' => 'm.member_id=a.attach_member_id',
'type' => 'left' )
'order' => "a.attach_" . $this->request['orderby'] . " " . $this->request['sort'],
'limit' => array( 0, $show ) ) );
while ( $r = $this->DB->fetch() )
$r['stitle'] = $r['title'] ? "<a href='{$this->settings['board_url']}/index.php?showtopic={$r['tid']}&view=findpost&p={$r['attach_rel_id']}' title='{$r['title']}'>" . IPSText::truncate( $r['title'], 30 ) . "</a>" : $this->lang->words['attach_not_topic'];
$r['attach_filesize'] = IPSLib::sizeFormat($r['attach_filesize']);
$r['attach_date'] = ipsRegistry::getClass( 'class_localization')->getDate( $r['attach_date'], 'SHORT', 1 );
$rows[] = $r;
$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->attachmentSearchResults( $url, $rows );
* Show attachment search form
* @return @e void [Outputs to screen]
protected function _searchForm()
$gt_array = array( 0 => array( 'gt', $this->lang->words['se_morethan'] ), 1 => array( 'lt', $this->lang->words['se_lessthan'] ) );
$form['extension'] = $this->registry->output->formSimpleInput( 'extension', isset($_POST['extension']) ? $_POST['extension'] : '', 10 );
$form['filesize_gt'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'filesize_gt', $gt_array, isset($_POST['filesize_gt']) ? $_POST['filesize_gt'] : '' );
$form['filesize'] = $this->registry->output->formSimpleInput( 'filesize', isset($_POST['filesize']) ? $_POST['filesize'] : '', 10 );
$form['days_gt'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'days_gt', $gt_array, isset($_POST['days_gt']) ? $_POST['days_gt'] : '' );
$form['days'] = $this->registry->output->formSimpleInput( 'days', isset($_POST['days']) ? $_POST['days'] : '', 10 );
$form['hits_gt'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'hits_gt', $gt_array, isset($_POST['hits_gt']) ? $_POST['hits_gt'] : '' );
$form['hits'] = $this->registry->output->formSimpleInput( 'hits', isset($_POST['hits']) ? $_POST['hits'] : '', 10 );
$form['filename'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'filename', isset($_POST['filename']) ? $_POST['filename'] : '' );
$form['authorname'] = $this->registry->output->formInput( 'authorname', isset($_POST['authorname']) ? $_POST['authorname'] : '' );
$form['onlyimage'] = $this->registry->output->formYesNo( 'onlyimage', isset($_POST['onlyimage']) ? $_POST['onlyimage'] : '' );
$form['orderby'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'orderby', array( 0 => array( 'date' , $this->lang->words['se_odate'] ),
1 => array( 'hits' , $this->lang->words['se_oviews'] ),
2 => array( 'filesize', $this->lang->words['se_osize'] ),
3 => array( 'file' , $this->lang->words['se_oname'] ),
), isset($_POST['orderby']) ? $_POST['orderby'] : '' );
$form['sort'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown( 'sort' , array( 0 => array( 'desc' , $this->lang->words['se_odsc'] ),
1 => array( 'asc' , $this->lang->words['se_oasc'] ),
), isset($_POST['sort']) ? $_POST['sort'] : '' );
$form['show'] = $this->registry->output->formSimpleInput( 'show', isset($_POST['show']) ? $_POST['show'] : 25, 10 );
$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->attachmentSearchForm( $form );