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Файл: IPBMafia.ru_IPB_3.4.6_Final_Rus _Nulled/board/upload/admin/applications/forums/extensions/search/engines/sql.php
Строк: 798
 * <pre>
 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.4.6
 * Basic Forum Search
 * Last Updated: $Date: 2013-05-21 20:51:17 -0400 (Tue, 21 May 2013) $
 * </pre>
 * @author         $Author: bfarber $
 * @copyright    (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license        http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
 * @package        IP.Board
 * @subpackage    Forums
 * @link        http://www.invisionpower.com
 * @version        $Rev: 12263 $

if ( ! defined'IN_IPB' ) )
"<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded all the relevant files.";

search_engine_forums extends search_engine
     * Constructor
public function __constructipsRegistry $registry )
/* Hard limit */
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.hardLimit', ( ipsRegistry::$settings['search_hardlimit'] ) ? ipsRegistry::$settings['search_hardlimit'] : 200 );
/* Get class forums, used for displaying forum names on results */
if ( ipsRegistry::isClassLoaded('class_forums') !== TRUE )
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . "/sources/classes/forums/class_forums.php"'class_forums''forums' );
ipsRegistry::setClass'class_forums', new $classToLoadipsRegistry::instance() ) );
ipsRegistry::getClass('class_forums')->strip_invisible 1;
/* Load tagging stuff */
if ( ! $registry->isClassLoaded('tags') )
/* Get live or archive */
$this->searchArchives = ( isset(ipsRegistry::$request['search_app_filters']['forums']['liveOrArchive']) && ipsRegistry::$request['search_app_filters']['forums']['liveOrArchive'] == 'archive' ) ? true false;
        if ( 
$this->searchArchives )
/* Load up archive class */
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/archive/reader.php''classes_archive_reader' );
$this->archiveReader = new $classToLoad();
$this->table             $this->archiveReader->getFields();
$this->table['_table_']  = 'forums_archive_posts';
$this->table['_prefix_'] = 'p.archive_';
/* disable max days search */
$this->settings['search_ucontent_days'] = 0;
$this->table = array( '_table_'          => 'posts',
'_prefix_'         => 'p.',
'pid'                => 'pid',
'author_id'         => 'author_id',
'author_name'       => 'author_name',
'ip_address'        => 'ip_address',
'post_date'          => 'post_date',
'post'              => 'post',
'queued'              => 'queued',
'topic_id'          => 'topic_id',
'new_topic'          => 'new_topic',
'post_bwoptions'   => 'post_bwoptions',
'post_key'             => 'post_key',
'post_htmlstate'   => 'post_htmlstate',
'use_sig'            => 'use_sig',
'use_emo'            => 'use_emo',
'append_edit'        => 'append_edit',
'edit_time'        => 'edit_time',
'edit_name'        => 'edit_name',
'post_edit_reason' => 'post_edit_reason' );
parent::__construct$registry );
     * Perform a search.
     * Returns an array of a total count (total number of matches)
     * and an array of IDs ( 0 => 1203, 1 => 928, 2 => 2938 ).. matching the required number based on pagination. The ids returned would be based on the filters and type of search
     * So if we had 1000 replies, and we are on page 2 of 25 per page, we'd return 25 items offset by 25
     * @return array
public function search()
/* INIT */ 
$sort_by             IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.search_sort_by');
$sort_order         IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.search_sort_order');
$search_term        IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.clean_search_term');
$search_tags        IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.raw_search_tags');
$rows                = array();
$c                  0;
$got                 0;
$sortKey            '';
$sortType            '';
$cType              IPSSearchRegistry::get('contextual.type');
$cId                IPSSearchRegistry::get('contextual.id' );
$topicIds            = array();
/* Contextual search */
if ( $cType == 'topic' )
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''pids' );
/* If searching tags, we don't show a preview */
if( $search_tags )
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''tids' );
/* Set up the flag for displaying results for posts and topics */
if ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.searchType') == 'both' || ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.searchType') == 'content' && IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.noPostPreview') ) )
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.searchResultType''both' );
/* Sorting */
switch( $sort_by )
$sortKey  = ! IPSSearchRegistry::searchTitleOnly() ? $this->table['post_date'] : 'last_post';
$sortType 'numerical';
$sortKey  'title';
$sortType 'string';
$sortKey  'posts';
$sortType 'numerical';
$sortKey  'views';
$sortType 'numerical';

/* Search in titles */
        /* Removed  OR !($search_tags && $this->settings['tags_enabled']) ) as it was allowing a blank search if tags disabled which makes no sense - Matt */
if ( $search_term OR IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.search_author') )
            if ( ! 
IPSSearchRegistry::searchTitleOnly() )
/* Do the search */
$this->DB->build( array( 
'select'   => "p.{$this->table['pid']} as id, p.{$this->table['post_date']}, p.{$this->table['topic_id']}",
'from'       => array( $this->table['_table_'] => 'p' ),
'where'       => $this->_buildWhereStatement$search_termIPSSearchRegistry::searchTitleOnly(), ''null, ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.searchType') == 'content' || IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.search_author') ) ? false true ),
'limit'    => array(0IPSSearchRegistry::get('set.hardLimit') + 1),
'order'    => $sortKey ' ' $sort_order,
'group'        => ( $this->settings['forum_search_groupby'] AND IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.noPostPreview') ) ? "p.topic_id" '',
'add_join' => array( array( 'select' => 't.title, t.posts, t.views',
'from'     => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
'where'     => 't.tid=p.'.$this->table['topic_id'],
'type'     => 'left' ) ) ) );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''tids' );
/* Do the search */
$this->DB->build( array( 
'select'   => "t.tid as id, t.tid as topic_id, t.title, t.posts, t.views, t.last_post",
'from'       => 'topics t',
'where'       => str_replace'p.' $this->table['author_id'], 't.starter_id'$this->_buildWhereStatement$search_termIPSSearchRegistry::searchTitleOnly() ) ),
'limit'    => array(0IPSSearchRegistry::get('set.hardLimit') + 1),
'order'    => 't.'.$sortKey ' ' $sort_order ) );
$DB $this->DB->execute();
/* Fetch all to sort */
while( $r $this->DB->fetch$DB ) )
$topicIds[] = $r['topic_id'];
                if ( 
IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.noPostPreview') )
$_rows$r['topic_id'] ] = $r;
$_rows$r['id'] ] = $r;
/* Check tags */
if ( $search_tags && $this->settings['tags_enabled'] )
$tags $this->registry->tags->search$search_tags, array( 'meta_parent_id' => $this->request['search_app_filters']['forums']['forums'],
'meta_app'         => 'forums',
'meta_area'         => 'topics',
'meta_id'         => $topicIds,
'sortOrder'         => $sort_order,
'isViewable'     => true ) );
/* Do the search */
if ( is_array$tags) && count$tags ) )
$_tagIds = array();
$_rows   = array();
$tags as $id => $data )
$_tagIds[] = $data['tag_meta_id'];
$this->DB->build( array('select'    => "t.tid as id, t.tid as topic_id, t.title, t.posts, t.views, t.last_post, t.topic_firstpost",
'from'        => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
'where'        => 't.tid IN (' implode","$_tagIds ) . ') AND ' $this->_buildWhereStatement$search_termIPSSearchRegistry::searchTitleOnly() ),
'limit'        => array(0IPSSearchRegistry::get('set.hardLimit') + 1),
'order'        => 't.'.str_replace'post_date''last_post'$sortKey ) . ' ' $sort_order,
'add_join'    => array( array( 'select'    => 'p.' $this->table['post_date'] . ', p.'.$this->table['pid'],
'from'        => array( $this->table['_table_'] => 'p' ),
'where'    => 'p.'.$this->table['pid'].'=t.topic_firstpost',
'type'        => 'left' ) ) ) );
$DB $this->DB->execute();
/* Fetch all to merge and sort */
while( $r $this->DB->fetch$DB ) )
                    if ( 
IPSSearchRegistry::get('set.returnType') != 'pids' )
$_rows$r['topic_id'] ] = $r;
$r['id'] = $r[$this->table['pid']];
$_rows$r['id'] ] = $r;
/* Fetch count */
$count count$_rows );    
        if ( 
$count IPSSearchRegistry::get('set.hardLimit') )
$count IPSSearchRegistry::get('set.hardLimit');
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.resultsCutToLimit'true );

/* Set vars */
IPSSearch::$ask = ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('set.returnType') == 'tids' ) ? 'last_post' $this->table['post_date'];
IPSSearch::$aso strtolower$sort_order );
IPSSearch::$ast $sortType;
/* Sort */
if ( count$_rows ) )
//usort( $_rows, array("IPSSearch", "usort") ); See http://community.invisionpower.com/resources/bugs.html/_/ip-board/incorrect-search-order-of-topic-list-r40835
            /* Build result array */
foreach( $_rows as $r )
                if ( 
IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.start') AND IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.start') >= $c )
$rows$got ] = $r['id'];
/* Done? */
if ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.search_per_page') AND $got >= IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.search_per_page') )
/* Return it */
return array( 'count' => $count'resultSet' => $rows );
     * Perform the search
     * Populates $this->_count and $this->_results
     * @return    nothin'
public function viewUserContent$member )
$sort_by        IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.search_sort_by');
$sort_order        IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.search_sort_order');
$followedOnly    $this->memberData['member_id'] ? IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.vncFollowFilterOn' ) : false;

IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.userMode') )
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.searchType''both' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.noPostPreview'  true );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''tids' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.searchType''titles' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.noPostPreview'  true );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''tids' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.searchType''content' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.noPostPreview'  false );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''pids' );

/* Sorting */
switch( $sort_by )
$sortKey  IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.searchType') == 'content' 'p.post_date' 't.last_post';
$sortType 'numerical';
$sortKey  't.title';
$sortType 'string';
$sortKey  't.posts';
$sortType 'numerical';
$sortKey  't.views';
$sortType 'numerical';
/* Init */
$start        IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.start');
$perPage    IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.search_per_page');

/* Get list of good forum IDs */
$forumIdsOk = array();
$this->memberData['member_id'] != $member['member_id'] )
$forumIdsOk    $this->registry->class_forums->fetchSearchableForumIds$this->memberData['member_id'] );
/* Only show VNC results from specified forums? */
if( is_array(IPSSearchRegistry::get('forums.vncForumFilters')) AND count(IPSSearchRegistry::get('forums.vncForumFilters')) )
$_newIdsOk    = array();
IPSSearchRegistry::get('forums.vncForumFilters') as $forumId )
in_array$forumId$forumIdsOk ) )
$_newIdsOk[]    = $forumId;
$forumIdsOk    $_newIdsOk;
/* Fetch forum rel ids */
if ( $followedOnly )
IPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/like/composite.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$like classes_like::bootstrap'forums''topics' );
$followedTopics $like->getDataByMemberIdAndArea$this->memberData['member_id'] );
$followedTopics = ( $followedTopics === null ) ? array() : array_keys$followedTopics );
            if ( ! 
count$followedTopics ) )
/* Return it */
return array( 'count' => 0'resultSet' => array() );
$topic_where[] = ( "t.tid IN (" implode','$followedTopics ) . ")" );

        // No forums?

if( $this->memberData['member_id'] != $member['member_id'] )
            if( !
count$forumIdsOk ) )
                return array( 
'count' => 0'resultSet' => array() );
$topic_where[]    = "t.forum_id IN (" implode","$forumIdsOk ) . ")";
        if ( 
IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.userMode') != 'title' )
$where[] = "p.author_id=" intval$member['member_id'] );
        if ( 
$this->settings['search_ucontent_days'] )
            if ( 
IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.userMode') != 'title' )
$where[]       = "p.post_date > " . ( ( $member['last_post'] ? $member['last_post'] : time() ) - ( 86400 intval$this->settings['search_ucontent_days'] ) ) );
$topic_where[] = "t.last_post > " . ( ( $member['last_post'] ? $member['last_post'] : time() ) - ( 86400 intval$this->settings['search_ucontent_days'] ) ) );
$where[]    = "state != 'link'";
/* Set up perms */
$permissions                        = array();
$permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee']  = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedTopics);
$permissions['canQueue']            = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canQueuePosts);
$permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee']   = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedPosts);
$permissions['SoftDeleteReason']    = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeleteReason);
$permissions['SoftDeleteContent']    = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeleteContent);
/* Exclude some items */
if ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.userMode') != 'title' )
            if ( 
$permissions['SoftDeleteContent'] AND $permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee'] AND $permissions['canQueue'] )
$where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden''sdeleted'), 'p.');
            else if ( 
$permissions['SoftDeleteContent'] AND $permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee'] )
$where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible''sdeleted'), 'p.');
            else if ( 
$permissions['canQueue'] )
$where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden'), 'p.');
$where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible' ), 'p.' );
        if ( 
$permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] AND $permissions['canQueue'] )
$topic_where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden''sdeleted'), 't.' );
        else if ( 
$permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] )
$topic_where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''sdeleted'), 't.' );
        else if ( 
$permissions['canQueue'] )
$topic_where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden'), 't.' );
$topic_where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible' ), 't.' );
/* Not archives */
$topic_where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicArchiveQuery( array('not''exclude' ), 't.' );
/* Searching by time period */
if ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.period_in_seconds') )
$topic_where[]  = "t.last_post > " .  ( IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.period_in_seconds') );
/* Manual fetch if user content all */
if ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.userMode') == 'all' )
/* init */
$pids = array();
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'   => 't.tid, t.last_post, t.topic_firstpost',
'from'     => 'topics t',
'where'    => implode' AND '$topic_where ) . " AND t.starter_id=" intval$member['member_id'] ),
'order'    => $sortKey ' ' $sort_order,
'limit'    => array(01000 ) ) );
$t $this->DB->fetch() )
$pids$t['tid'] ] = $t['last_post'];
$where    = ( array_merge( (array) $where, (array) $topic_where ) );
$where    implode" AND "$where );
/* Now for posts */
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'   => 'p.pid',
'from'     => array('posts' => 'p' ),
'where'    => $where,
'add_join' => array( array( 'select' => 't.tid, t.forum_id, t.last_post, t.topic_firstpost',
'from'   => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
'where'  => 'p.topic_id=t.tid',
'type'   => 'left' ) ),
'order'    => 'p.post_date DESC',
'limit'    => array( 05000 ) ) );
$t $this->DB->fetch() )
$pids$t['tid'] ] = $t['last_post'];                
$tidsForFilter$t['tid'] ] = array( 'tid' => $t['tid'], 'forum_id' => $t['forum_id'], 'last_post' => $t['last_post'] );
$count = array( 'count' => count$pids ) );
            if ( 
$count['count'] )
arsort$pidsSORT_NUMERIC );
$tids array_slicearray_keys$pids ), $start$perPagetrue );
        else if ( 
IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.userMode') == 'title' )
$topic_where[] = "t.starter_id=" intval$member['member_id'] );
$where = ( array_merge( (array) $where, (array) $topic_where ) );
$where implode" AND "$where );

/* Fetch the count */
$count $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select'   => 'COUNT(tid) as count',
'from'     => 'topics t',
'where'    => $where ) );
/* Fetch the count */
if ( $count['count'] )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'   => 'tid, forum_id, last_post',
'from'     => 'topics t',
'where'    => $where,
'order'    => $sortKey ' ' $sort_order,
'limit'    => array( $start$perPage ) ) );
$inner $this->DB->execute();
$row $this->DB->fetch$inner ) )
$tids$row['tid'] ] = $row['tid'];
$tidsForFilter$row['tid'] ] = array( 'tid' => $row['tid'], 'forum_id' => $row['forum_id'], 'last_post' => $row['last_post'] );
$where = ( array_merge( (array) $where, (array) $topic_where ) );
$where implode" AND "$where );
/* Fetch the count */
$count $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select'   => 'COUNT(tid) as count',
'from'     => array('topics' => 't' ),
'where'    => $where,
'add_join' => array( array( 'from'   => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
'where'  => 'p.topic_id=t.tid',
'type'   => 'left' ) ) ) );

/* Fetch the count */
if ( $count['count'] )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'   => 'tid, forum_id, last_post',
'from'     => array('topics' => 't' ),
'where'    => $where,
'add_join' => array( array( 'select' => 'p.pid',
'from'   => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
'where'  => 'p.topic_id=t.tid',
'type'   => 'left' ) ),
'order'    => $sortKey ' ' $sort_order,
'limit'    => array( $start$perPage ) ) );
$inner $this->DB->execute();
$row $this->DB->fetch$inner ) )
$tids$row['pid'] ] = $row['pid'];
$tidsForFilter$row['tid'] ] = array( 'tid' => $row['tid'], 'forum_id' => $row['forum_id'], 'last_post' => $row['last_post'] );
/* Unread only? */
if( IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.period') == 'unread' )
$filter                $this->registry->class_forums->postProcessVncTids$tidsForFilter );
$count['count']        = $filter['count'];
$tids                $filter['tids'];
/* Fix to 1000 results max */
$count['count'] = ( $count['count'] > 1000 ) ? 1000 $count['count'];
/* Return it */
return array( 'count' => $count['count'], 'resultSet' => $tids );
     * Perform the viewNewContent search
     * Forum Version
     * Populates $this->_count and $this->_results
     * @return    nothin'
public function viewNewContent()
$rtids        = array();
$oldStamp    $this->registry->getClass('classItemMarking')->fetchOldestUnreadTimestamp( array(), 'forums' );
$check        IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW - ( 86400 $this->settings['topic_marking_keep_days'] );
$forumIdsOk    = array();
$where        = array();
$_tidsOnly    = array();
$noLimit    FALSE;
/* Loop through the forums and build a list of forums we're allowed access to */
$bvnp            explode','$this->settings['vnp_block_forums'] );
$start            IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.start');
$perPage        IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.search_per_page');
$seconds        IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.period_in_seconds');
$followedOnly    $this->memberData['member_id'] ? IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.vncFollowFilterOn' ) : false;
$followedForums    = array();
$followedTopics    = array();
IPSSearchRegistry::set('in.search_sort_by'        'date' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('in.search_sort_order'    'desc' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.searchType'            'titles' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.noPostPreview'        true );
        // Only content we have participated in?

if( IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.userMode') )
$_tempResults    $this->viewUserContent$this->memberData );
$_tempResults['count'] )
$_tidsOnly    array_merge$_tidsOnly$_tempResults['resultSet'] );
                return array( 
'count' => 0'resultSet' => array() );

IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.userMode') )
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.searchType''both' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.noPostPreview'  true );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.searchType''titles' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('opt.noPostPreview'  false );
/* Set return type */
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''tids' );
/* Get list of good forum IDs */
$_forumIdsOk    $this->registry->class_forums->fetchSearchableForumIds$this->memberData['member_id'], ( $followedOnly ) ? array() : $bvnp );
/* Fetch forum rel ids */
if ( $followedOnly )
IPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/like/composite.php' );/*noLibHook*/
            /* @link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-33284-view-new-content-just-items-i-follow */
            //$like = classes_like::bootstrap( 'forums', 'forums' );
            //$followedForums = $like->getDataByMemberIdAndArea( $this->memberData['member_id'] );
$followedForums = array(); //( $followedForums === null ) ? array() : array_keys( $followedForums );
$like classes_like::bootstrap'forums''topics' );
$followedTopics $like->getDataByMemberIdAndArea$this->memberData['member_id'], 5000 );
$followedTopics = ( $followedTopics === null ) ? array() : array_keys$followedTopics );

/* Period filtering */
if ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.period_in_seconds') !== false )
$where[]  = "last_post > " .  ( IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW $seconds );

$forumIdsOk $_forumIdsOk;
            if ( 
intval$this->memberData['_cache']['gb_mark__forums'] ) > )
$oldStamp $this->memberData['_cache']['gb_mark__forums'];

/* Finalize times */
if ( ! $oldStamp OR $oldStamp == IPS_UNIX_TIME_NOW )
$oldStamp intval$this->memberData['last_visit'] );
/* Older than 3 months.. then limit */
if ( $oldStamp $check )
$oldStamp $check;
$_forumIdsOk as $id )
/*if ( $followedOnly && ! in_array( $id, $followedForums ) )
                    // We don't want to skip followed topics just because we don't follow the forum
$lMarked    $this->registry->getClass('classItemMarking')->fetchTimeLastMarked( array( 'forumID' => $id ), 'forums' );
$fData      $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->forumsFetchData$id );
                if ( 
$fData['last_post'] > $lMarked )
$forumIdsOk$id ] = $id;
/* If no forums, we're done */
if ( ! count$forumIdsOk ) )
/* Return it */
return array( 'count' => 0'resultSet' => array() );
/* Based on oldest timestamp */
$where[] = "last_post > " $oldStamp;

$forumIdsOk    = ( count$forumIdsOk ) ) ? $forumIdsOk : array( => );
/* Only show VNC results from specified forums? */
if( is_array(IPSSearchRegistry::get('forums.vncForumFilters')) AND count(IPSSearchRegistry::get('forums.vncForumFilters')) )
$_newIdsOk    = array();
IPSSearchRegistry::get('forums.vncForumFilters') as $forumId )
in_array$forumId$forumIdsOk ) )
$_newIdsOk[]    = $forumId;
$forumIdsOk    $_newIdsOk;

        // No forums?
if( !count$forumIdsOk ) )
            return array( 
'count' => 0'resultSet' => array() );

$where[]    = "forum_id IN (" implode","$forumIdsOk ) . ")";
/* Add in last bits */
$where[]    = "state != 'link'";
/* Set up perms */
$permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee']  = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedTopics);
$permissions['canQueue']            = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canQueuePosts);
        if ( 
$permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] AND $permissions['canQueue'] )
$permWhere $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden''sdeleted') );
        else if ( 
$permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] )
$permWhere $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''sdeleted') );
        else if ( 
$permissions['canQueue'] )
$permWhere $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden') );
$permWhere $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible' )  );
$where[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicArchiveQuery( array('not''exclude' ) );
/* add perm */
$where[]  = $permWhere;
$_ffWhere '';
/* Followed topics only? */
if ( $followedOnly )
            if ( ! 
count$followedTopics ) && ! count$followedForums ) )
                return array( 
'count' => 0'resultSet' => array() );

$_tidsOnly    array_merge$_tidsOnly$followedTopics );
            if ( 
count$followedForums ) )
$_ffWhere ' OR forum_id IN (' implode','$followedForums ) . ') ';

/* This method allows us to have just one "tid IN()" clause, instead of two, depending on scenario */
if( count($_tidsOnly) AND count($followedTopics) )
/* Only look for tids in both arrays */
$_both    array_intersect$_tidsOnly$followedTopics );
count($_both) )
$where[]  = "( tid IN(" implode','$_both ) . ')' $_ffWhere ' )';
        else if( 
count($_tidsOnly) )
$where[]  = "( tid IN(" implode','$_tidsOnly ) . ')' $_ffWhere ' )';
$noLimit TRUE// If we're here, we've already limited in $this->viewUserContent()
        else if( 
count($followedTopics) )
$where[]  = "( tid IN(" implode','$followedTopics ) . ')' $_ffWhere ' )';
$where implode" AND "$where );

/* Fetch the count */
$count $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select'   => 'count(*) as count',
'from'     => 'topics',
'where'    => $where ) );
/* Fetch the count */
if ( $count['count'] )
$limit $noLimit NULL : ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.period') != 'unread' ) ? array( $start$perPage ) : array( 01200 );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'   => 'tid, forum_id, last_post',
'from'     => 'topics',
'where'    => $where,
'order'    => 'last_post DESC',
'limit'    => $limit ) );
$inner  $this->DB->execute();
$row $this->DB->fetch$inner ) )
$rtids$row['tid'] ] = $row;
/* Set up some vars */
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.resultCutToDate'$oldStamp );
IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.period') == 'unread' )
$filter                $this->registry->class_forums->postProcessVncTids$rtids, array( $start$perPage ) );
$data['count']        = $filter['count'];
$data['resultSet']    = $filter['tids'];
$data    = array( 'count' => ( ( isset( $_tempResults['count'] ) and $_tempResults['count'] > $count['count'] ) ? $_tempResults['count'] : $count['count'] ), 'resultSet' => array_keys$rtids) ); // For explaination of why we check $_tempResults, see bug report 38178
/* Return it */
return $data;

     * Builds the where portion of a search string
     * @param    string    $search_term        The string to use in the search
     * @param    bool    $content_title_only    Search only title records
     * @param    string    $order                Order by data
     * @param    bool    $onlyPosts            Enforce posts only
     * @param    bool    $noForums            Don't check forums that posts are in
     * @return    string
protected function _buildWhereStatement$search_term$content_title_only=false$order=''$onlyPosts=null$noForums=false )
/* INI */
$where_clause    = array();
$onlyPosts        = ( $onlyPosts !== null ) ? $onlyPosts : ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.searchType') == 'content' );
$sort_by        IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.search_sort_by');
$sort_order        IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.search_sort_order');
$sortKey        '';
$sortType        '';
$cType            IPSSearchRegistry::get('contextual.type');
$cId            IPSSearchRegistry::get('contextual.id' );
$search_tags    IPSSearchRegistry::get('in.raw_search_tags');
/* Loop through the forums and build a list of forums we're allowed access to */
$forumIdsOk        = array();
$forumIdsBad    = array();
        if ( ! empty( 
ipsRegistry::$request['search_app_filters']['forums']['forums'] ) AND countipsRegistry::$request['search_app_filters']['forums']['forums'] ) )
ipsRegistry::$request['search_app_filters']['forums']['forums'] as $forum_id )
$forum_id )
$data    $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$forum_id ];
/* Check for sub forums */
$children ipsRegistry::getClass'class_forums' )->forumsGetChildren$forum_id );
$children as $kid )
                        if( ! 
in_array$kidipsRegistry::$request['search_app_filters']['forums']['forums'] ) )
                            if( ! 
$this->registry->permissions->check'read'$this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$kid ] ) )
$forumIdsBad[] = $kid;
/* Can read, but is it password protected, etc? */
if ( ! $this->registry->class_forums->forumsCheckAccess$kid0'forum', array(), true ) )
$forumIdsBad[] = $kid;

                            if ( ! 
$this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$kid ]['sub_can_post'] OR ! $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$kid ]['can_view_others'] )
$forumIdsBad[] = $kid;
$forumIdsOk[] = $kid;

/* Can we read? */
if ( ! $this->registry->permissions->check'view'$data ) )
$forumIdsBad[] = $forum_id;

/* Can read, but is it password protected, etc? */
if ( ! $this->registry->class_forums->forumsCheckAccess$forum_id0'forum', array(), true ) )
$forumIdsBad[] = $forum_id;

                    if ( ( ! 
$data['sub_can_post'] OR ! $data['can_view_others'] ) AND !$this->memberData['g_access_cp'] )
$forumIdsBad[] = $forum_id;
$forumIdsOk[] = $forum_id;
        if ( ! 
count($forumIdsOk) )
/* Get list of good forum IDs */
$forumIdsOk $this->registry->class_forums->fetchSearchableForumIds();

/* Add allowed forums */
if ( $noForums !== true )
$forumIdsOk = ( count$forumIdsOk ) ) ? $forumIdsOk : array( => );
/* Contextual */
if ( $cType == 'forum' AND $cId AND in_array$cId$forumIdsOk ) )
$where_clause[] = "t.forum_id=" $cId;
$where_clause[] = "t.forum_id IN (" implode","$forumIdsOk ) . ")";
/* Topic contextual */
if ( $cType == 'topic' AND $cId )
$where_clause[] = "t.tid=" $cId;
/* Exclude some items */
$permissions                        = array();
$permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee']  = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedTopics);
$permissions['canQueue']            = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canQueuePosts);
$permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee']   = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeletedPosts);
$permissions['SoftDeleteReason']    = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeleteReason);
$permissions['SoftDeleteContent']   = $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->canSeeSoftDeleteContent);

        if ( ! 
$content_title_only )
            if ( 
$permissions['SoftDeleteContent'] AND $permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee'] AND $permissions['canQueue'] )
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden''sdeleted'), $this->table['_prefix_']);
            else if ( 
$permissions['SoftDeleteContent'] AND $permissions['PostSoftDeleteSee'] )
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible''sdeleted'), $this->table['_prefix_']);
            else if ( 
$permissions['canQueue'] )
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden'), $this->table['_prefix_']);
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchPostHiddenQuery(array('visible' ), $this->table['_prefix_'] );

        if ( 
$permissions['SoftDeleteContent'] AND $permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] AND $permissions['canQueue'] )
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden''sdeleted'), 't.');
        else if ( 
$permissions['SoftDeleteContent'] AND $permissions['TopicSoftDeleteSee'] )
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''sdeleted'), 't.');
        else if ( 
$permissions['canQueue'] )
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible''hidden'), 't.');
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicHiddenQuery(array('visible' ), 't.' );
/* Live or archived? */
if ( $this->searchArchives )
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicArchiveQuery( array('working''archived' ), 't.' );
$where_clause[] = $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicArchiveQuery( array('not''exclude' ), 't.' );

$search_term )
$search_term str_replace'&quot;''"'$search_term );
$content_title_only )
$where_clause[] = $this->DB->buildSearchStatement't.title'$search_termtruefalseipsRegistry::$settings['use_fulltext'] );

IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''tids' );
                if ( 
$onlyPosts )
$where_clause[] = $this->DB->buildSearchStatement'p.' $this->table['post'], $search_termtruefalseipsRegistry::$settings['use_fulltext'] );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''pids' );
IPSSearchRegistry::set('set.returnType''pids' );
/* Sorting */
switch( $sort_by )
$sortKey  'last_post';
$sortType 'numerical';
$sortKey  'title';
$sortType 'string';
$sortKey  'posts';
$sortType 'numerical';
$sortKey  'views';
$sortType 'numerical';

/* Set vars */
IPSSearch::$ask $sortKey;
IPSSearch::$aso strtolower$sort_order );
IPSSearch::$ast $sortType;
/* Find topic ids that match */
$tids = array( => );
$pids = array( => );
$this->DB->build( array('select'   => "t.tid, t.last_post, t.forum_id",
'from'       => 'topics t',
'where'       => str_replace'p.' $this->table['author_id'], 't.starter_id'$this->_buildWhereStatement$search_termtrue$ordernull ) ),
'order'    => 't.' $sortKey ' ' $sort_order,
'limit'    => array(0IPSSearchRegistry::get('set.hardLimit')) ) );
$i $this->DB->execute();
/* Grab the results */
while( $row $this->DB->fetch$i ) )
$_rows$row['tid'] ] = $row;
/* Sort */
if ( count$_rows ) )
usort$_rows, array("IPSSearch""usort") );
$_rows as $id => $row )
$tids[] = $row['tid'];
/* Now get the Pids */
if ( count$tids ) > )
$this->DB->build( array('select'  => $this->table['pid'],
'from'      => $this->table['_table_'],
'where'   => $this->table['topic_id'] . ' IN ('implode','$tids ) . ') AND ' $this->table['new_topic'] . '=1' ) );
$i $this->DB->execute();
$row $this->DB->fetch() )
$pids$row$this->table['pid'] ] ] = $row$this->table['pid'] ];
/* Set vars */
IPSSearch::$ask = ( $sortKey == 'last_post' ) ? $this->table['post_date'] : $sortKey;
IPSSearch::$aso strtolower$sort_order );
IPSSearch::$ast $sortType;
$this->DB->build( array( 
'select'   => "p.{$this->table['pid']}, p.{$this->table['queued']}",
'from'       => array( $this->table['_table_'] => 'p' ),
'where'       => $this->_buildWhereStatement$search_termfalse$ordertrue ),
'order'    => IPSSearch::$ask ' ' IPSSearch::$aso,
'limit'    => array(0IPSSearchRegistry::get('set.hardLimit')),
'add_join' => array( array( 'select' => 't.approved, t.forum_id',
'from'   => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
'where'  => 'p.'.$this->table['topic_id'].'=t.tid',
'type'   => 'left' ) ) ) );
$i $this->DB->execute();
/* Grab the results */
while( $row $this->DB->fetch$i ) )
$_prows$row$this->table['pid'] ] ] = $row;
/* Sort */
if ( count$_prows ) )
usort$_prows, array("IPSSearch""usort") );
$_prows as $id => $row )
$pids$row$this->table['pid'] ] ] = $row$this->table['pid'] ];
$where_clause[] = '( p.' $this->table['pid'] .' IN (' implode','$pids ) .') )';
/* No moved topic links */
$where_clause[] = "t.state != 'link'";
/* Date Restrict */
if( $this->search_begin_timestamp && $this->search_end_timestamp )
$where_clause[] = $this->DB->buildBetween$content_title_only "t.last_post" "p.".$this->table['post_date'], $this->search_begin_timestamp$this->search_end_timestamp );
$this->search_begin_timestamp )
$where_clause[] = $content_title_only "t.last_post > {$this->search_begin_timestamp}"p.".$this->table['post_date'] . " > {$this->search_begin_timestamp}";
$this->search_end_timestamp )
$where_clause[] = $content_title_only "t.last_post < {$this->search_end_timestamp}"p.".$this->table['post_date'] . " < {$this->search_end_timestamp}";
/* Add in AND where conditions */
if( isset( $this->whereConditions['AND'] ) && count$this->whereConditions['AND'] ) )
$where_clause array_merge$where_clause$this->whereConditions['AND'] );
/* ADD in OR where conditions */
if( isset( $this->whereConditions['OR'] ) && count$this->whereConditions['OR'] ) )
$where_clause[] = '( ' implode' OR '$this->whereConditions['OR'] ) . ' )';

/* Build and return the string */
return implode" AND "$where_clause );

     * Remap standard columns (Apps can override )
     * @param    string    $column        sql table column for this condition
     * @return    string                column
     * @return    @e void
public function remapColumn$column )
$column $column == 'member_id'     ? ( IPSSearchRegistry::get('opt.searchTitleOnly') ? 't.starter_id' 'p.' $this->table['author_id'] ) : $column;
$column $column == 'content_title' 't.title'     $column;
$column $column == 'type_id'       't.forum_id'  $column;
     * Returns an array used in the searchplugin's setCondition method
     * @param    array     $data    Array of forums to view
     * @return    array     Array with column, operator, and value keys, for use in the setCondition call
public function buildFilterSQL$data )
/* INIT */
$return = array();
/* Set up some defaults */
IPSSearchRegistry::set'opt.noPostPreview'  true );
//IPSSearchRegistry::set( 'opt.searchType', 'both' );
        /* Make default search type topics */
if( isset( $data ) && is_array$data ) && count$data ) )
$data as $field => $_data )
if ( $field == 'noPreview' AND $_data == )
IPSSearchRegistry::set'opt.noPostPreview'false );

if ( $field == 'pCount' AND intval$_data ) > )
$return[] = array( 'column' => 't.posts''operator' => '>=''value' => intval$_data ) );

if ( $field == 'pViews' AND intval$_data ) > )
$return[] = array( 'column' => 't.views''operator' => '>=''value' => intval$_data ) );

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