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Файл: IPBMafia.ru_IPB_3.4.6_Final_Rus _Nulled/board/upload/admin/applications/core/modules_admin/tools/rebuild.php
Строк: 1795
 * <pre>
 * Invision Power Services
 * IP.Board v3.4.6
 * Rebuild & Other Tools
 * Last Updated: $LastChangedDate: 2013-10-14 15:30:19 -0400 (Mon, 14 Oct 2013) $
 * </pre>
 * @author         $Author: AndyMillne $
 * @copyright    (c) 2001 - 2009 Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license        http://www.invisionpower.com/company/standards.php#license
 * @package        IP.Board
 * @subpackage    Core
 * @link        http://www.invisionpower.com
 * @version        $Rev: 12376 $

if ( ! defined'IN_ACP' ) )
"<h1>Incorrect access</h1>You cannot access this file directly. If you have recently upgraded, make sure you upgraded 'admin.php'.";

admin_core_tools_rebuild  extends ipsCommand
     * Skin object
     * @var        object            Skin templates
protected $html;

     * URL bits
     * @var        string
public $form_code        '';
$form_code_js    '';

     * Main class entry point
     * @param    object        ipsRegistry reference
     * @return    @e void        [Outputs to screen]
public function doExecuteipsRegistry $registry )
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPS_ROOT_PATH 'applications/forums/sources/classes/forums/class_forums.php''class_forums''forums' );
$this->registry->setClass'class_forums', new $classToLoad$registry ) );

/* Load lang and skin */
$this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'admin_tools' ) );
$this->html $this->registry->output->loadTemplate'cp_skin_rebuild' );

/* URLs */
$this->form_code    $this->html->form_code    'module=tools&amp;section=rebuild';
$this->form_code_js $this->html->form_code_js 'module=tools&section=rebuild';

/* What to do */
switch( $this->request['do'] )
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_recount' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_resynch' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_resyncht' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_rebuild' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_postcounts' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_postcounts' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_postcounts' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_thumbs' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_thumbs' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_attach' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_rebuild' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_orphaned' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_orphanp' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'tools_postcounts' );

            // Tools
case '320photos':
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );
$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'cleanup_manage' );

$this->registry->getClass('class_permissions')->checkPermissionAutoMsg'rebuild_manage' );

/* Output */
$this->registry->output->html_main .= $this->registry->output->global_template->global_frame_wrapper();
     * 3.2.x Tools: Convert photos
     * @return    @e void
public function tools320photos()
/* INIT */
$convertFrom    $this->request['from'] == 'avatars' 'avatars' 'photos';
$st                intval($this->request['st']);
$did            0;
$each            200;

/* Photo library */
require_once( IPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/member/photo.php' );/*noLibHook*/
$photo    = new classes_member_photo$this->registry );

/* Loop over members */
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'profile_portal''order' => 'pp_member_id ASC''limit' => array( $st$each ) ) );
$outer    $this->DB->execute();
$r $this->DB->fetch($outer) )

$update    = array();
$r['fb_photo'] )
$update['pp_photo_type']    = 'facebook';
            else if( 
$r['tc_photo'] )
$update['pp_photo_type']    = 'twitter';
$convertFrom == 'avatars' )
$r['avatar_type'] == 'upload' AND $r['avatar_location'] )
$update['pp_photo_type']    = 'custom';
$update['pp_main_photo']    = $r['avatar_location'];
$_dims                        = @getimagesize$this->settings['upload_dir'] . '/' $r['avatar_location'] );
$update['pp_main_width']    = $_dims[0];
$update['pp_main_height']    = $_dims[1];
                    else if( 
$r['avatar_type'] == 'gravatar' )
$update['pp_photo_type']    = 'gravatar';
$update['pp_gravatar']        = $r['avatar_location'];
$md5Gravatar md5$update['pp_gravatar'] );
$_url    "http://www.gravatar.com";
$this->registry->output->isHTTPS )
$_url    "https://secure.gravatar.com";
$update['pp_main_photo']    = $_url "/avatar/" .$md5Gravatar "?s=100";
$update['pp_main_width']    = 100;
$update['pp_main_height']    = 100;
$update['pp_thumb_photo']    = $_url "/avatar/" .$md5Gravatar "?s=100";
$update['pp_thumb_width']    = 100;
$update['pp_thumb_height']    = 100;
$r['pp_main_photo'] )
$update['pp_photo_type']    = 'custom';
$update['pp_main_photo']    = $r['pp_main_photo'];
$update['pp_photo_type'] == 'custom' )
$info    $photo->buildSizedPhotosstr_replace'upload:'''$update['pp_main_photo'] ), $r['pp_member_id'], true );

$update['pp_main_width']    = intval$info['final_width'] );
$update['pp_main_height']    = intval$info['final_height'] );
$update['pp_thumb_photo']    = $info['t_final_location'] ? $info['t_final_location'] : $info['final_location'];
$update['pp_thumb_width']    = intval$info['t_final_width'] );
$update['pp_thumb_height']    = intval$info['t_final_height'] );
count($update) )
$this->DB->update'profile_portal'$update'pp_member_id=' $r['pp_member_id'] );

/* Show message and redirect */
if( $did )
$this->request['st']        = ( $st $did );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do=" $this->request['do'] . '&from=' $this->request['from'] . '&st=' $this->request['st'];
$this->_specialRedirect$urlsprintf$this->lang->words['tools320photos'], $this->request['st'], $did ) );
$this->registry->output->redirect$this->settings['base_url'] . $this->form_code '&do=tools'$this->lang->words['re_photosconverted'] );
     * 3.0.x Tools: PM Conversion
     * @return    @e void
public function tools300pms()
/* INIT */
$pergo     100;
$start     intval$this->request['st'] );
$converted 0;
$seen      0;
        // Check to make sure table exists

if ( ! $this->DB->checkForTable'message_text' ) )
$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['re_msgsconverted'];
/* Select max topic ID thus far */
$_tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'MAX(mt_id) as max',
'from'   => 'message_topics' ) );
$topicID intval$_tmp['max'] );
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
'from'   => 'message_text',
'order'  => 'msg_id ASC',
'limit'  => array( $start$pergo ) ) );
$o $this->DB->execute();
$post $this->DB->fetch$o ) )
/* Make sure all data is valid */
if ( intval$post['msg_sent_to_count'] ) < )
/* a little set up */
$oldTopics = array();
/* Now fetch all topics */
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
'from'   => 'message_topics_old',
'where'  => 'mt_msg_id=' intval$post['msg_id'] ) ) );
$t $this->DB->execute();
$topic $this->DB->fetch$t ) )
/* Got any data? */
if ( ! $topic['mt_from_id'] OR ! $topic['mt_to_id'] )
$oldTopics$topic['mt_id'] ] = $topic;
/* Fail safe */
if ( ! count$oldTopics ) )
/* Increment number */
/* Add in the post */
$this->DB->insert'message_posts', array( 'msg_topic_id'      => $topicID,
'msg_date'          => $post['msg_date'],
'msg_post'          => $post['msg_post'],
'msg_post_key'      => $post['msg_post_key'],
'msg_author_id'     => $post['msg_author_id'],
'msg_ip_address'    => $post['msg_ip_address'],
'msg_is_first_post' => ) );
$postID $this->DB->getInsertId();
/* Update attachments */
$this->DB->update'attachments', array( 'attach_rel_id' => $postID ), "attach_rel_module='msg' AND attach_rel_id=".$post['msg_id'] );
/* Define some stuff. "To" member is added last in IPB 2 */
$_tmp       $oldTopics;
ksort$_tmp );
$topicData  array_pop$_tmp );
$_invited   = array();
$_seenOwner = array();
$_isDeleted 0;
/* Add the member rows */
foreach( $oldTopics as $mt_id => $data )
/* Prevent SQL error with unique index: Seen the owner ID already? */
if ( $_seenOwner$data['mt_owner_id'] ] )
$_seenOwner$data['mt_owner_id'] ] = $data['mt_owner_id'];
/* Build invited - does not include 'to' person */
if ( $data['mt_owner_id'] AND ( $post['msg_author_id'] != $data['mt_owner_id'] ) AND ( $topicData['mt_to_id'] != $data['mt_owner_id'] ) )
$_invited$data['mt_owner_id'] ] = $data['mt_owner_id'];/*noLibHook*/
$_isSent  = ( $data['mt_vid_folder'] == 'sent' )   ? 0;
$_isDraft = ( $data['mt_vid_folder'] == 'unsent' ) ? 0;
$this->DB->insert'message_topic_user_map', array( 'map_user_id'     => $data['mt_owner_id'],
'map_topic_id'    => $topicID,
'map_folder_id'   => ( $_isDraft ) ? 'drafts' 'myconvo',
'map_read_time'   => ( $data['mt_user_read'] ) ? $data['mt_user_read'] : ( $data['mt_read'] ? time() : ),
'map_user_active' => 1,
'map_user_banned' => 0,
'map_has_unread'  => 0//( $data['mt_read'] ) ? 0 : 1,
'map_is_system'   => 0,
'map_last_topic_reply' => $post['msg_date'],
'map_is_starter'  => ( $data['mt_owner_id'] == $post['msg_author_id'] ) ? ) );
/* Now, did we see the author? If not, add them too but as inactive */
if ( ! $_seenOwner$post['msg_author_id'] ] )
$_isDeleted 1;
/*$this->DB->insert( 'message_topic_user_map', array( 'map_user_id'     => $post['msg_author_id'],
                                                                    'map_topic_id'    => $topicID,
                                                                    'map_folder_id'   => 'myconvo',
                                                                    'map_read_time'   => 0,
                                                                    'map_user_active' => 0,
                                                                    'map_user_banned' => 0,
                                                                    'map_has_unread'  => 0,
                                                                    'map_is_system'   => 0,
                                                                    'map_is_starter'  => 1 ) );*/
$_isSent  = ( $topicData['mt_vid_folder'] == 'sent' )   ? 0;
$_isDraft = ( $topicData['mt_vid_folder'] == 'unsent' ) ? 0;
/* This is for MSSQL. I need a quick fix. This is it. Enjoy. */
if ( method_exists$this->DB'setTableIdentityInsert' ) )
$this->DB->setTableIdentityInsert'message_topics''ON' );
/* Add the topic */
$this->DB->insert'message_topics', array( 'mt_id'                 => $topicID,
'mt_date'             => $topicData['mt_date'],
'mt_title'             => $topicData['mt_title'],
'mt_starter_id'         => $post['msg_author_id'],
'mt_start_time'      => $post['msg_date'],
'mt_last_post_time'  => $post['msg_date'],
'mt_invited_members' => serializearray_keys$_invited ) ),
'mt_to_count'         => count(  array_keys$_invited ) ) + 1,
'mt_to_member_id'     => $topicData['mt_to_id'],
'mt_replies'         => 0,
'mt_last_msg_id'     => $postID,
'mt_first_msg_id'    => $postID,
'mt_is_draft'         => $_isDraft,
'mt_is_deleted'         => $_isDeleted,
'mt_is_system'         => ) );
/* This is for MSSQL. I need a quick fix. This is it. Enjoy. */
if ( method_exists$this->DB'setTableIdentityInsert' ) )
$this->DB->setTableIdentityInsert'message_topics''OFF' );
/* What to do? */
if ( $seen )
$this->request['st'] = $start $pergo;

/* Re-do Page */
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do=".$this->request['do'].'&st=' $this->request['st'];
$this->_specialRedirect$urlsprintf$this->lang->words['tools300pms'], $this->request['st'], $converted ) );
/* Update all members */
$this->DB->update'members', array( 'msg_count_reset' => ) );

$this->registry->output->redirect"{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do=tools"$this->lang->words['re_pmsconverted'], );

     * Tools: Ban Settings
     * @return    @e void
public function toolBanSettings()
        // Init

$bomb        = array();
$ban         = array();
$ip_count    0;
$email_count 0;
$name_count  0;

        // Get current entries

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'banfilters''order' => 'ban_date desc' ) );

        while ( 
$r $this->DB->fetch() )
$ban$r['ban_type'] ][ $r['ban_content'] ] = $r;

        // Get $INFO (again) ip email name
$INFO = array();
DOC_IPS_ROOT_PATH 'conf_global.php' );/*noLibHook*/

        // IP

if ( $INFO['ban_ip'] )
$bomb explode'|'$INFO['ban_ip'] );

            if ( 
is_array$bomb ) and count$bomb ) )
$bomb as $bang )
                    if ( ! 
is_array($ban['ip'][ $bang ]) )
$this->DB->insert'banfilters', array( 'ban_type' => 'ip''ban_content' => $bang'ban_date' => time() ) );


        // EMAIL

if ( $INFO['ban_email'] )
$bomb explode'|'$INFO['ban_email'] );

            if ( 
is_array$bomb ) and count$bomb ) )
$bomb as $bang )
                    if ( ! 
is_array($ban['email'][ $bang ]) )
$this->DB->insert'banfilters', array( 'ban_type' => 'email''ban_content' => $bang'ban_date' => time() ) );


        // EMAIL

if ( $INFO['ban_names'] )
$bomb explode'|'$INFO['ban_names'] );

            if ( 
is_array$bomb ) and count$bomb ) )
$bomb as $bang )
                    if ( ! 
is_array($ban['name'][ $bang ]) )
$this->DB->insert'banfilters', array( 'ban_type' => 'name''ban_content' => $bang'ban_date' => time() ) );


$this->registry->output->global_message sprintf$this->lang->words['re_bansimport'], $ip_count$email_count$name_count );

$this->cache->rebuildCache'banfilters''global' );


     * 2.0.0 Tools: Converge
     * @return    @e void
public function toolsConverge()
        // Get all validating members...

$to_unconverge    = array();
$unconverge_count 0;

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'member_id, email, member_group_id''from' => 'members''where' => 'member_group_id='.$this->settings['auth_group'] ) );

$m $this->DB->fetch() )
            if ( 
preg_match"#^{$m['member_id']}-#"$m['email'] ) )
$to_unconverge[] = $m['member_id'];

$unconverge_count intvalcount$to_unconverge ) );

        if ( 
$unconverge_count )
$to_unconverge as $mid )
$this->DB->update'members'     , array( 'member_group_id' => $this->settings['member_group'] ), 'member_id='.$mid );

        // Time to move on dude

$this->registry->output->global_message = (sprintf$this->lang->words['re_convergerest'], $unconverge_count ) );

     * 2.0.0 Tools: Dupe Settings
     * @return    @e void
public function toolsDupeSettings()
        // Remove dupe categories

$title_id_to_keep    = array();
$title_id_to_delete  = array();
$title_deleted_count 0;

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles''order' => 'conf_title_id' ) );

        while ( 
$r $this->DB->fetch() )
            if ( 
$title_id_to_keep$r['conf_title_title'] ] )
$title_id_to_delete$r['conf_title_id'] ] = $r['conf_title_id'];
$title_id_to_keep$r['conf_title_title'] ] = $r['conf_title_id'];

        if ( 
count$title_id_to_delete ) )
$this->DB->delete'conf_settings_titles''conf_title_id IN ('.implode','$title_id_to_delete ).')' );

$title_deleted_count intvalcount($title_id_to_delete) );

        // Remove dupe settings

$setting_id_to_keep       = array();
$setting_id_to_delete     = array();
$setting_id_deleted_count 0;

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'core_sys_conf_settings''order' => 'conf_id' ) );

        while ( 
$r $this->DB->fetch() )
            if ( 
$setting_id_to_keep$r['conf_title'].','.$r['conf_key'] ] )
$setting_id_to_delete$r['conf_id'] ] = $r['conf_id'];
$setting_id_to_keep$r['conf_title'].','.$r['conf_key'] ] = $r['conf_id'];

        if ( 
count$setting_id_to_delete ) )
$this->DB->delete'conf_settings''conf_id IN ('.implode','$setting_id_to_delete ).')' );

$setting_deleted_count intvalcount($setting_id_to_delete) );

        // Time to move on dude

$this->registry->output->global_message sprintf$this->lang->words['re_deletetitle'], $title_deleted_count$setting_deleted_count ) ;

     * 2.1.0 Tools: Dupe Settings
     * @return    @e void
public function tools210DupeSettings()
        // Remove dupe categories

$title_id_to_keep    = array();
$title_id_to_delete  = array();
$title_deleted_count 0;
$msg                 '';

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'core_sys_settings_titles''order' => 'conf_title_id DESC' ) );

        while ( 
$r $this->DB->fetch() )
            if ( 
$title_id_to_keep$r['conf_title_title'] ] )
$title_id_to_delete$r['conf_title_id'] ] = $r['conf_title_id'];

$msg .= sprintf$this->lang->words['re_deletingid'], $r['conf_title_title'], $r['conf_title_id'] ) . "<br />";
$title_id_to_keep$r['conf_title_title'] ] = $r['conf_title_id'];
$msg .= sprintf$this->lang->words['re_keepingid'],  $r['conf_title_title'], $r['conf_title_id'] ) . "<br />";

        if ( 
count$title_id_to_delete ) )
$this->DB->delete'core_sys_conf_settings''conf_title_id IN ('.implode','$title_id_to_delete ).')' );

$title_deleted_count intvalcount($title_id_to_delete) );

        // Time to move on dude

$this->registry->output->global_message sprintf$this->lang->words['re_duplicatetitle'], $title_deleted_count$msg );
     * 2.1.0 Tools: Calendar Events
     * @return    @e void
public function tools210Calevents()
$start intval($_GET['st']);
$lend  50;
$end   $start $lend;
$max   intval($_GET['max']);

        // Check to make sure table exists

if ( ! $this->DB->checkForTable'calendar_events' ) )
$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['re_calremoved'];

        // Do we need to run this tool?

if ( ! $max )
$original $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as max''from' => 'calendar_events' ) );
$new      $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as max''from' => 'cal_events' ) );

            if ( 
$new['max'] >= $original['max'] OR ! $original['max'] )
$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['re_calalready'];

$max intval$original['max'] );

        // In steps...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from'   => 'calendar_events''limit'  => array( $start$lend ) ) );
$o $this->DB->execute();

        // Do it...

if ( $this->DB->getTotalRows($o) )
            // Got some to convert!

while ( $r $this->DB->fetch($o) )
$recur_remap = array( 'w' => 1,
'm' => 2,
'y' => );

$begin_date        IPSTime::date_getgmdate$r['unix_stamp']     );
$end_date          IPSTime::date_getgmdate$r['end_unix_stamp'] );

                if ( ! 
$begin_date OR ! $end_date )

$day               $begin_date['mday'];
$month             $begin_date['mon'];
$year              $begin_date['year'];

$end_day           $end_date['mday'];
$end_month         $end_date['mon'];
$end_year          $end_date['year'];

$_final_unix_from  gmmktime(000$month$day$year );

                // Recur or ranged...

if ( $r['event_repeat'] OR $r['event_ranged'] )
$_final_unix_to gmmktime(235959$end_month$end_day$end_year);
$_final_unix_to 0;

$new_event = array( 'event_calendar_id' => 1,
'event_member_id'   => $r['userid'],
'event_content'     => $r['event_text'],
'event_title'       => $r['title'],
'event_smilies'     => $r['show_emoticons'],
'event_perms'       => $r['read_perms'],
'event_private'     => $r['priv_event'],
'event_approved'    => 1,
'event_unixstamp'   => $r['unix_stamp'],
'event_recurring'   => ( $r['event_repeat'] && $recur_remap$r['repeat_unit'] ] ) ? $recur_remap$r['repeat_unit'] ] : 0,
'event_tz'          => 0,
'event_unix_from'   => $_final_unix_from,
'event_unix_to'     => $_final_unix_to );

                // INSERT

$this->DB->insert'cal_events'$new_event );

$this->registry->output->global_message sprintf$this->lang->words['re_calstartto'], $start$end );

$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do=".$this->request['do'].'&max='.$max.'&st='.$end;
$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['re_calsconverted'];

$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do=tools";

        // Bye....

$this->registry->output->redirect$url$this->registry->output->global_message );

     * 2.1.0 Tools: Polls
     * @return    @e void
public function tools210Polls()
$start     intval$this->request['st'] );
$lend      50;
$end       $start $lend;
$max       intval$this->request['max'] );
$done      0;
$converted intval$this->request['conv'] );

        // First off.. grab number of polls to convert

if ( ! $max )
$total $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as max',
'from'   => 'topics',
'where'  => "poll_state IN ('open', 'close', 'closed')" ) );

$max   $total['max'];

        if ( 
$max )
$done 1;

        // In steps...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
'from'   => 'topics',
'where'  => "poll_state IN ('open', 'close', 'closed' )",
'limit'  => array( $start$lend ) ) );
$o $this->DB->execute();

        // Do it...

if ( $this->DB->getTotalRows($o) )
            // Got some to convert!

while ( $r $this->DB->fetch($o) )

$new_poll  = array( => array() );

$poll_data $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*',
'from'   => 'polls',
'where'  => "tid=".$r['tid']
                                                                      )      );
                if ( ! 
$poll_data['pid'] )

                if ( ! 
$poll_data['poll_question'] )
$poll_data['poll_question'] = $r['title'];

                // Kick start new poll

$new_poll[1]['question'] = $poll_data['poll_question'];

                // Get OLD polls

$poll_answers unserializestripslashes$poll_data['choices'] ) );


                foreach ( 
$poll_answers as $entry )
$id     $entry[0];
$choice $entry[1];
$votes  $entry[2];

$total_votes += $votes;

                    if ( 
strlen($choice) < )

$new_poll]['choice'][ $id ] = $choice;
$new_poll]['votes'][ $id  ] = $votes;

                // Got something?

if ( count$new_poll[1]['choice'] ) )
$this->DB->update'polls' , array( 'choices'    => serialize$new_poll ) ), 'tid='.$r['tid'] );
$this->DB->update'topics', array( 'poll_state' => ), 'tid='.$r['tid'] );

                // All done?

if ( $converted >= $max )
$done 1;
$done 1;

        if ( ! 
$done )
$this->registry->output->global_message sprintf$this->lang->words['re_pollstartto'], $start$end$max );

$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do=".$this->request['do'].'&max='.$max.'&st='.$end.'&conv='.$converted;
$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['re_pollconverted'];

$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do=tools";

        // Bye....

$this->registry->output->redirect$url$this->registry->output->global_message );

     * 2.2.0 Tools: Contacts
     * @return    @e void
public function tools220Contacts()
        // INIT

$start           intval($_GET['st']);
$lend            50;
$end             $start $lend;
$done            0;
$updated         0;

        // Get lib

$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir('members') . '/sources/friends.php''profileFriendsLib''members' );
$profile     =  new $classToLoad$this->registry );

        // OK..

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*',
'from'   => 'contacts',
'where'  => 'allow_msg=1',
'limit'  => array( $start$lend ) ) );

$o $this->DB->execute();

        // Do it...

if ( $this->DB->getTotalRows($o) )
            // Got some to convert!

while( $row $this->DB->fetch$o ) )
                // Already a friend

$friend $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => '*',
'from'   => 'profile_friends',
'where'  => 'friends_member_id=' intval$row['member_id'] ) . ' AND friends_friend_id=' intval$row['contact_id'] ) ) );

                if ( ! 
$friend['friends_id'] )
                    // Add to DB

$this->DB->insert'profile_friends', array( 'friends_member_id' => $row['member_id'],
'friends_friend_id' => $row['contact_id'],
'friends_approved'  => 1,
'friends_added'     => time() ) );

                    // Rebuild...

$profile->recacheFriends( array( 'member_id' => $row['member_id'] ) );


$done 1;

        // Done?

if ( ! $done )
$this->registry->output->global_message sprintf$this->lang->words['re_contactsstartto'],$start$end$updated );

$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do=".$this->request['do'].'&st='.$end;
$this->registry->output->global_message $this->lang->words['re_contactsup'];

$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do=tools";

        // Bye....

$this->registry->output->redirect$url$this->registry->output->global_message );

     * Cleanup Tools Splash Screen
     * @return    @e void
public function toolsSplashScreen()
/* Output */
$this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->toolsSplashScreen();

     * Count stats
     * @return    @e void
public function doCount()
        if ( empty(
$this->request['posts']) && empty($this->request['online']) && empty($this->request['members']) && empty($this->request['lastreg']) )
$this->registry->output->showError$this->lang->words['re_nothing'], 11154 );

$stats $this->cache->getCache('stats');

        if ( 
$this->request['posts'] )
$topics $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'COUNT(*) as tcount',
'from'   => 'topics',
'where'  => $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'visible' ), '' ) ) );

$posts  $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'SUM(posts) as replies',
'from'   => 'topics',
'where'  => $this->registry->getClass('class_forums')->fetchTopicHiddenQuery( array( 'visible' ), '' ) ) );

$stats['total_topics']  = $topics['tcount'];
$stats['total_replies'] = $posts['replies'];

        if ( 
$this->request['members'] )
$r $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(member_id) as members''from' => 'members''where' => "member_group_id <> '{$this->settings['auth_group']}'" ) );
$stats['mem_count'] = intval($r['members']);

        if ( 
$this->request['lastreg'] )
$stats array_merge$statsIPSMember::resetLastRegisteredMembertrue ) );

        if ( 
$this->request['online'] )
$stats['most_date']  = time();
$stats['most_count'] = 1;

$this->cache->setCache'stats'$stats, array( 'array' => ) );
$this->registry->output->global_message    $this->lang->words['re_statsrecount'];
$this->registry->output->silentRedirectWithMessage$this->settings['base_url'] . $this->form_code );

     * Clean out photos
     * @return    @e void
public function cleanPhotos()
        // Set up

$done        0;
$start        intval($this->request['st']) >= intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end        intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$display    $end $start;
$output        = array();

        // Pop open the directory and
        // peek inside...

$i 0;
            foreach( new 
DirectoryIterator$this->settings['upload_dir'] . '/profile' ) as $file )
                 if ( 
strstr$file->getFilename(), 'photo-' ) )
$fullfile $file->getPathname();
$relativefile str_replace$this->settings['upload_dir'] . '/'''$fullfile );

                     // Already started?
if ( $start $i )
                     // Done for this iteration?
if ( $i $display )
                     // Try and get attach row
$found $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'pp_member_id''from' => 'profile_portal''where' => "pp_main_photo='{$relativefile}' OR pp_thumb_photo='{$relativefile}'" ) );
                     if ( ! 
$found['pp_member_id'] )
unlink$fullfile );
$output[] = "<span style='color:red'>{$this->lang->words['re_removedorph']} {$file->getFilename()}</span>";
$output[] = "<span style='color:gray'>{$this->lang->words['re_attachedok']} {$file->getFilename()}</span>";
        } catch ( 
Exception $e ) {}

        // Finish - or more?...

if ( $i $display)
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $display );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$display}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );

     * Clean out attachments
     * @return    @e void
public function cleanAttachments()
        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis    $end $start;
$output = array();

        // Pop open the directory and
        // peek inside...

$i 0;
             foreach( new 
DirectoryIterator$this->settings['upload_dir'] ) as $file )
                if ( 
$file->getFilename() == '.' OR $file->getFilename() == '..' )
$fullfile $this->settings['upload_dir'] . '/' $file->getFilename();
is_dir$fullfile ) )
$ndh opendir$fullfile );
                         foreach( new 
DirectoryIterator$fullfile ) as $nfile )
                            if ( 
$nfile->getFilename() == '.' OR $nfile->getFilename() == '..' )
                             if ( 
strstr$nfile->getFilename(), 'post-' ) )
                                 // Already started?
if ( $start $i )
                                 // Done for this iteration?
if ( $i $dis )
                                 // Try and get attach row
$found $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'attach_id''from' => 'attachments''where' => "attach_location='{$file->getFilename()}/{$nfile->getFilename()}' OR attach_thumb_location='{$file->getFilename()}/{$nfile->getFilename()}'" ) );
                                 if ( ! 
$found['attach_id'] )
unlink$fullfile '/' $nfile->getFilename() );
$output[] = "<span style='color:red'>{$this->lang->words['re_removedorph']} {$nfile->getFilename()}</span>";
$output[] = "<span style='color:gray'>{$this->lang->words['re_attachedok']} {$nfile->getFilename()}</span>";
                    } catch ( 
Exception $e ) {}
closedir$ndh );
                 else if ( 
strstr$file->getFilename(), 'post-' ) )
                     // Already started?
if ( $start $i )
                     // Done for this iteration?
if ( $i $dis )
                     // Try and get attach row
$found $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'attach_id''from' => 'attachments''where' => "attach_location='{$file->getFilename()}' OR attach_thumb_location='{$file->getFilename()}'" ) );
                     if ( ! 
$found['attach_id'] )
unlink$fullfile );
$output[] = "<span style='color:red'>{$this->lang->words['re_removedorph']} {$file->getFilename()}</span>";
$output[] = "<span style='color:gray'>{$this->lang->words['re_attachedok']} {$file->getFilename()}</span>";
        } catch ( 
Exception $e ) {}
        // Finish - or more?...

if ( $i $dis)
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..

$text sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis ) . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );

     * Rebuild Attachment Data
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildAttachdata()
        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis    $end $start;
$output = array();

        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'attach_id''from' => 'attachments''limit' => array($dis,1) ) );
$max intval$tmp['attach_id'] );

        // Avoid limit...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'attachments''order' => 'attach_id ASC''limit' => array($start,$end) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
            // Get ext

$update = array();

$update['attach_ext'] = IPSText::getFileExtension$r['attach_file'] );

            if ( 
$r['attach_location'] )
                if ( 
is_file$this->settings['upload_dir'].'/'.$r['attach_location'] ) )
$update['attach_filesize'] = @filesize$this->settings['upload_dir'].'/'.$r['attach_location'] );

$r['attach_is_image'] )
$dims = @getimagesize$this->settings['upload_dir'].'/'.$r['attach_location'] );

$dims[0] AND $dims[1] )
$update['attach_img_width'] = $dims[0];
$update['attach_img_height'] = $dims[1];

            if ( 
count$update ) )
$this->DB->update'attachments'$update'attach_id='.$r['attach_id'] );


        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );

     * Rebuild Photos
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildPhotos()
/* Image Class */
$classToLoad  IPSLib::loadLibraryIPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/member/photo.php''classes_member_photo' );
$photoClass = new $classToLoad$this->registry );

        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis    $end $start;
$output = array();

        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array(  'select' => 'pp_member_id''from' => 'profile_portal''where' => "pp_main_photo != ''"'order' => 'pp_member_id ASC''limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['pp_member_id'] );

        // Avoid limit...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'profile_portal''order' => 'pp_member_id ASC''where' => "pp_main_photo != ''"'limit' => array($start,$end) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
/* Preserve FB, Twitter and Gravatar photos */
if( $r['pp_photo_type'] != 'custom' )

$update = array();
$info    $photoClass->buildSizedPhotosstr_replace'upload:'''$r['pp_main_photo'] ), $r['pp_member_id'], true );

$info['status'] == 'missing_image' )
$update['pp_main_photo']    = '';
$update['pp_main_width']    = 0;
$update['pp_main_height']    = 0;
$update['pp_thumb_photo']    = '';
$update['pp_thumb_width']    = 0;
$update['pp_thumb_height']    = 0;
$update['pp_main_width']    = intval$info['final_width'] );
$update['pp_main_height']    = intval$info['final_height'] );
$update['pp_thumb_photo']    = $info['t_final_location'] ? $info['t_final_location'] : $info['final_location'];
$update['pp_thumb_width']    = intval$info['t_final_width'] );
$update['pp_thumb_height']    = intval$info['t_final_height'] );

$this->DB->update'profile_portal'$update'pp_member_id=' $r['pp_member_id'] );

        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );

     * Rebuild Post Thumbnails
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildThumbnails()
IPS_KERNEL_PATH 'classImage.php' );/*noLibHook*/
require_once( IPS_KERNEL_PATH 'classImageGd.php' );/*noLibHook*/

        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis    $end $start;
$output = array();

        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'attach_id''from' => 'attachments''where' => "attach_rel_module IN('post','msg')"'limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['attach_id'] );

        // Avoid limit...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'attachments''where' => "attach_rel_module IN('post','msg')"'order' => 'attach_id ASC''limit' => array($start,$end) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
            if ( 
$r['attach_is_image'] )
                if ( 
$r['attach_thumb_location'] and ( $r['attach_thumb_location'] != $r['attach_location'] ) )
                    if ( 
is_file$this->settings['upload_dir'] . '/' $r['attach_thumb_location'] ) )
                        if ( ! @
unlink$this->settings['upload_dir'] . '/' $r['attach_thumb_location'] ) )
$output[] = $this->lang->words['re_noremove'] . $r['attach_thumb_location'];

$attach_data    = array();
$thumbnail        preg_replace"/^(.*).(.+?)$/""\1_thumb.\2"$r['attach_location'] );

$image = new classImageGd();

$image->init( array(
'image_path'     => $this->settings['upload_dir'],
'image_file'     => $r['attach_location'],
                               )          );

$image->force_resize    false;

$return $image->resizeImage$this->settings['siu_width'], $this->settings['siu_height'] );
                if( !
$return['noResize'] )
$image->writeImage$this->settings['upload_dir'] . '/' $thumbnail );

$attach_data['attach_thumb_location'] = $thumbnail;
$attach_data['attach_thumb_location'] = $r['attach_location'];

$attach_data['attach_thumb_width']    = intval($return['newWidth'] ? $return['newWidth'] : $image->cur_dimensions['width']);
$attach_data['attach_thumb_height']   = intval($return['newHeight'] ? $return['newHeight'] : $image->cur_dimensions['height']);

                if ( 
count$attach_data ) )
$this->DB->update'attachments'$attach_data'attach_id='.$r['attach_id'] );

$output[] = $this->lang->words['re_resized'] . $r['attach_location'];



        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );
     * Rebuild Messenger Totals
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildMsgCounts()
        // Grab messenger lib

$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'members' ) . '/sources/classes/messaging/messengerFunctions.php''messengerFunctions''members' );
$messengerFunctions = new $classToLoad$this->registry );

        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis   $end $start;
$output = array();

        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'member_id''from' => 'members''limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['member_id'] );

        // Avoid limit...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'member_id, members_display_name''from' => 'members''order' => 'member_id ASC''limit' => array($start,$end) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
$messengerFunctions->resetMembersFolderCounts$r['member_id'] );
$messengerFunctions->resetMembersTotalTopicCount$r['member_id'] );
$messengerFunctions->resetMembersNewTopicCount$r['member_id'] );


        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );

     * Rebuild Post Count
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildPostCount()
        // Forums not to count?

$forums = array();

$this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id as $data )
            if ( ! 
$data['inc_postcount'] )
$forums[] = $data['id'];
/* Init */
if ( ! $this->registry->isClassLoaded('topics') )
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . "/sources/classes/topics.php"'app_forums_classes_topics''forums' );
$this->registry->setClass'topics', new $classToLoad$this->registry ) );
        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis   $end $start;
$output = array();

        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'member_id''from' => 'members''limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['member_id'] );

        // Avoid limit...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'member_id, name''from' => 'members''order' => 'member_id ASC''limit' => array($start,$end) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
            if ( ! 
count$forums ) )
$count $this->registry->topics->getPosts( array( 'onlyViewable'    => false,
'skipForumCheck'  => true,
'getCountOnly'    => true,
'authorId'         => $r['member_id'] ) );
$count $this->registry->topics->getPosts( array( 'onlyViewable'    => false,
'skipForumCheck'  => true,
'getCountOnly'    => true,
'notForumId'      => $forums,
'authorId'         => $r['member_id'] ) );
            if ( 
$this->settings['archive_on'] )
                if ( ! 
count$forums ) )
$acount $this->registry->topics->getPosts( array( 'onlyViewable'    => false,
'skipForumCheck'  => true,
'getCountOnly'    => true,
'isArchivedTopic' => true,
'authorId'          => $r['member_id'] ) );
$acount $this->registry->topics->getPosts( array( 'onlyViewable'    => false,
'skipForumCheck'  => true,
'getCountOnly'    => true,
'notForumId'      => $forums,
'isArchivedTopic' => true,
'authorId'          => $r['member_id'] ) );
$count += intval$acount );

$this->DB->update'members', array( 'posts' => intval$count ) ), 'member_id='.$r['member_id'] );


        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );
     * Rebuild Reputation Counts
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildReputationCount()
        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis   $end $start;
$output = array();
        // Load reputation classes
$_rep_author_config = array();
$_rep_log_joins = array();
ipsRegistry::$applications as $appKey => $data )
$rep_author_config    = array();
$rep_log_joins        = array();
$file                IPSLib::getAppDir$appKey ) . '/extensions/reputation.php';
            if ( 
file_exists$file ) )
$file );/*noLibHook*/
$_rep_author_config$appKey ] = $rep_author_config;
$_rep_log_joins$appKey ] = $rep_log_joins;
        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'member_id''from' => 'members''limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['member_id'] );

        // Avoid limit...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'member_id, name''from' => 'members''order' => 'member_id ASC''limit' => array($start,$end) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
$total 0;
            foreach ( 
$_rep_author_config as $app => $types )
                foreach ( 
$types as $type => $data )
$prefix NULL;
                    foreach ( 
$_rep_log_joins$app ] as $j )
                        if ( 
is_array$j['from'] ) AND count$j['from'] ) )
                            foreach ( 
$j['from'] as $t => $p )
                                if ( 
$t == $data['table'] )
$prefix $p;
                    if ( !
is_null$prefix ) )
$_total $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array(
'select'    => "sum(r.rep_rating) as total",
'from'        => array( 'reputation_index' => 'r' ),
'add_join'    => $_rep_log_joins$app ],
'where'        => "r.app='{$app}' AND r.type='{$type}' AND {$prefix}.{$data['column']}={$r['member_id']}",
'group'        => "{$prefix}.{$data['column']}",
                            ) );
$total += $_total['total'];

$this->DB->update'profile_portal', array( 'pp_reputation_points' => $total ), 'pp_member_id='.$r['member_id'] );


        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );
     * Rebuild Seo User Names
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildSeoUserNames()
        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis    $end $start;
$output = array();

        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'member_id''from' => 'members''limit' => array( $dis)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['member_id'] );

        // Avoid limit...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'member_id, members_display_name''from' => 'members''order' => 'member_id ASC''limit' => array( $start$end ) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
$this->DB->update'members', array( 'members_seo_name' => IPSText::makeSeoTitle$r['members_display_name'] ) ), "member_id=" $r['member_id'] );

        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );
     * Rebuild Post Names
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildPostNames()
        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis    $end $start;
$output = array();

        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'member_id''from' => 'members''limit' => array( $dis)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['member_id'] );

        // Avoid limit...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => 'member_id, members_display_name''from' => 'members''order' => 'member_id ASC''limit' => array( $start$end ) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
$seoName IPSText::makeSeoTitle$r['members_display_name'] );
$this->DB->update'topics', array( 'starter_name' => $r['members_display_name'], 'seo_first_name' => $seoName ), "starter_id=" $r['member_id'] );
$this->DB->update'topics', array( 'last_poster_name' => $r['members_display_name'], 'seo_last_name' => $seoName ), "last_poster_id=" $r['member_id'] );


        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );

     * Rebuild posts
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildPosts()
        // If it's "none", go back
if( !$this->request['type'] OR $this->request['type'] == 'none' )

        // Only need to rebuild once

$sections        = array();
$alreadyRebuilt    $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'cs_value''from' => 'cache_store''where' => "cs_key='isRebuilt'" ) );

$alreadyRebuilt['cs_value'] )
$sections    explode','$alreadyRebuilt['cs_value'] );

        // Get new parser and old parser

$classToLoad    IPSLib::loadLibraryIPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/bbcode/core.php''class_bbcode_core' );
$classToLoad    IPSLib::loadLibraryIPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/bbcode/legacy.php''class_bbcode_legacy' );
$parser            = new $classToLoad$this->registry );
$classToLoad    IPSLib::loadLibraryIPS_ROOT_PATH 'sources/classes/text/parser.php''classes_text_parser' );
$newParser        = new $classToLoad();
        // Set up

$done   0;
$last    0;
$start  intval($this->request['st']) >=intval($this->request['st']) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] ) ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis    intval($this->request['dis']) >=intval($this->request['dis']) : 0;
$output = array();
$plugin    null;

$types    = array( 'posts''pms''announce''sigs''aboutme''rules' );
ipsRegistry::$applications as $app_dir => $app_data )
            // Retrieve the RSS links for the header
if( is_fileIPSLib::getAppDir$app_dir ) . '/extensions/upgradePostRebuild.php' ) )
$className IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir$app_dir ) . '/extensions/upgradePostRebuild.php''postRebuild_'.$app_dir$app_dir );
class_exists$className ) )
$rebuild = new $className$this->registry );
method_exists$rebuild"getDropdown" ) )
$options    $rebuild->getDropdown();
count($options) )
$options as $appOption )
$types[]    = $appOption[0];
$appOption[0] == $this->request['type'] )
$plugin    =& $rebuild;

$type    in_array$this->request['type'], $types ) ? $this->request['type'] : 'posts';

        // Got any more?

switch( $type )
$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'announce_id''from' => 'announcements''limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['announce_id'] );

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'msg_id''from' => 'message_posts''limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['msg_id'] );

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'pp_member_id''from' => 'profile_portal''where' => "signature IS NOT NULL AND signature != ''"'limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['pp_member_id'] );

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'pp_member_id''from' => 'profile_portal''where' => "pp_about_me IS NOT NULL AND pp_about_me != ''"'limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['pp_member_id'] );

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'pid''from' => 'posts''limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['pid'] );
$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'id''from' => 'forums''where' => "rules_text IS NOT NULL AND rules_text != ''"'limit' => array($dis,1)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['id'] );
$max $rebuild->getMax$type$dis );

        // Avoid limit...

switch( $type )
$this->DB->build( array( 'select'     => 'a.*',
'from'     => array( 'announcements' => 'a' ),
'order'     => 'a.announce_id ASC',
'where'    => 'a.announce_id > ' $start,
'limit'     => array($end),
'add_join'    => array(     => array( 'type'        => 'left',
'select'    => 'm.member_group_id, m.mgroup_others',
'from'        => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where'     => "m.member_id=a.announce_member_id"
)    )
                                                )         );

$this->DB->build( array( 'select'     => 'p.*',
'from'     => array( 'message_posts' => 'p' ),
'order'     => 'p.msg_id ASC',
'where'    => 'p.msg_id > ' $start,
'limit'     => array($end),
'add_join'    => array(     => array( 'type'        => 'left',
'select'    => 'm.member_group_id, m.mgroup_others',
'from'        => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where'     => "m.member_id=p.msg_author_id"
)    )
                                                )         );

$this->DB->build( array( 'select'     => 'me.signature, me.pp_member_id',
'from'     => array( 'profile_portal' => 'me' ),
'order'     => 'me.pp_member_id ASC',
'where'    => "me.signature IS NOT NULL AND me.signature != '' AND me.pp_member_id > " $start,
'limit'     => array($end),
'add_join'    => array(     => array( 'type'        => 'left',
'select'    => 'm.member_group_id, m.mgroup_others',
'from'        => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where'     => "m.member_id=me.pp_member_id"
)    )
                                                )         );

$this->DB->build( array( 'select'     => 'pp.pp_about_me, pp.pp_member_id',
'from'     => array( 'profile_portal' => 'pp' ),
'order'     => 'pp.pp_member_id ASC',
'where'    => "pp.pp_about_me != '' AND pp.pp_about_me IS NOT NULL AND pp.pp_member_id > " $start,
'limit'     => array($end),
'add_join'    => array(     => array( 'type'        => 'left',
'select'    => 'm.member_group_id, m.mgroup_others',
'from'        => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where'     => "m.member_id=pp.pp_member_id"
)    )
                                                )         );

$this->DB->build( array( 'select'     => 'p.*',
'from'     => array( 'posts' => 'p' ),
'order'     => 'p.pid ASC',
'where'    => 'p.pid > ' $start,
'limit'     => array($end),
'add_join'    => array(     => array( 'type'        => 'left',
'select'    => 't.forum_id',
'from'        => array( 'topics' => 't' ),
'where'     => "t.tid=p.topic_id"
=> array( 'type'        => 'left',
'select'    => 'm.member_group_id, m.mgroup_others',
'from'        => array( 'members' => 'm' ),
'where'     => "m.member_id=p.author_id"
)    )
                                                )         );

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'forums''order' => 'id ASC''where' => "rules_text IS NOT NULL AND rules_text != '' AND id > " $start'limit' => array($end) ) );

$plugin->executeQuery$type$start$end );

$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

        /* On mssql, the select query blocks all the updates.  Doing this causes the engine not to lock */
if ( method_exists$this->DB'setQueryRowLocking' ) )
$this->DB->setQueryRowLocking'OFF' );
$r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
            // Group
if( $r['member_group_id'] )
$r    array_merge$r$this->caches['group_cache'][ $r['member_group_id'] ] );

            // Reset
$parser->quote_open                0;
$parser->quote_closed            0;
$parser->quote_error            0;
$parser->error                    '';
$parser->image_count            0;
$parser->parsing_mgroup            $r['member_group_id'];
$parser->parsing_mgroup_others    $r['mgroup_others'];

$this->memberData['g_bypass_badwords'] = $this->caches['group_cache'][ $r['member_group_id'] ]['g_bypass_badwords'];

$type )
$parser->parse_smilies            1;
$parser->parse_html                $r['announce_html_enabled'];
$parser->parse_bbcode            1;
$parser->parse_nl2br            = ( $r['announce_html_enabled'] ? $r['announce_nlbr_enabled'] : );
$parser->parsing_section        'announcement';

$rawpost $parser->preEditParse$r['announce_post'] );

$parser->parse_smilies            1;
$parser->parse_html                $r['g_dohtml'];
$parser->parse_bbcode            1;
$parser->parse_nl2br            1;
$parser->parsing_section        'pms';

$rawpost $parser->preEditParse$r['msg_post'] );

$parser->parse_smilies            0;
$parser->parse_html                $r['g_dohtml'];
$parser->parse_bbcode            1;
$parser->parse_nl2br            1;
$parser->parsing_section        'signatures';

$rawpost $parser->preEditParse$r['signature'] );

$parser->parse_smilies            1;
$parser->parse_html                $r['g_dohtml'];
$parser->parse_bbcode            1;
$parser->parse_nl2br            1;
$parser->parsing_section        'aboutme';

$rawpost $parser->preEditParse$r['pp_about_me'] );

$parser->parse_smilies            $r['use_emo'];
$parser->parse_html                = ( $r['post_htmlstate'] && $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$r['forum_id'] ]['use_html'] && $r['g_dohtml'] );
$parser->parse_bbcode            $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$r['forum_id'] ]['use_ibc'];
$parser->parse_nl2br            1;
$parser->parsing_section        'topics';

$rawpost $parser->preEditParse$r['post'] );

$allowHtml = ( $r['post_htmlstate'] && $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$r['forum_id'] ]['use_html'] && $r['g_dohtml'] );
$newParser->set( array( 'parseArea'      => 'topics',
'memberData'     => $r,
'parseBBCode'    => $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$r['forum_id'] ]['use_ibc'],
'parseHtml'      => $allowHtml,
'parseEmoticons' => $r['use_emo'] ) );

$rawpost $newParser->BBCodeToHtml$rawpost );
$parser->parse_smilies            1;
$parser->parse_html                1;
$parser->parse_bbcode            1;
$parser->parse_nl2br            1;
$parser->parsing_section        'rules';

$rawpost $parser->preEditParse$r['rules_text'] );
$plugin->parser        =& $parser;

$rawpost $plugin->getRawPost$type$r );
/* @link http://community.invisionpower.com/tracker/issue-36434-rebuild-post-content-remove-break-from-post-content/ New parser retains <br>, legacy retains n */
if ( $type == 'posts' || $type == 'sigs' )
/* Anything special here? */
$newpost $rawpost;
                if ( 
strstr$rawpost"n" ) )
$rawpost nl2br$rawpost );
$newpost $parser->preDbParse$rawpost );

            // Remove old ' escaping

$newpost str_replace"\'""'"$newpost );

            // Convert old dohtml?

$htmlstate 0;

            if ( 
strstrstrtolower($newpost), '[dohtml]' ) )
                // Can we use HTML?

if ( $type == 'posts' AND $this->registry->class_forums->forum_by_id$r['forum_id'] ]['use_html'] )
$htmlstate 2;

$newpost preg_replace"#[dohtml]#i" ""$newpost );
$newpost preg_replace"#[/dohtml]#i"""$newpost );
$htmlstate intval$r['post_htmlstate'] );

            // Convert old attachment tags

$newpost preg_replace"#[attachmentid=(d+?)]#is""[attachment=\1:attachment]"$newpost );

            if ( 
$newpost OR $type == 'sigs' OR $type == 'aboutme' )
$type )
$this->DB->update'posts', array( 'post' => $newpost'post_htmlstate' => $htmlstate ), 'pid='.$r['pid'] );
$last $r['pid'];

$this->DB->update'message_posts', array( 'msg_post' => $newpost ), 'msg_id='.$r['msg_id'] );
$last $r['msg_id'];

$this->DB->update'profile_portal', array( 'signature' => $newpost ), 'pp_member_id='.$r['pp_member_id'] );
$last $r['pp_member_id'];

$this->DB->update'profile_portal', array( 'pp_about_me' => $newpost ), 'pp_member_id='.$r['pp_member_id'] );
$last $r['pp_member_id'];

$this->DB->update'announcements', array( 'announce_post' => $newpost ), 'announce_id='.$r['announce_id'] );
$last $r['announce_id'];
$this->DB->update'forums', array( 'rules_text' => $newpost ), 'id='.$r['id'] );
$last $r['id'];
$last $plugin->storeNewPost$type$r$newpost );


        if ( 
method_exists$this->DB'setQueryRowLocking' ) )
$this->DB->setQueryRowLocking'ON' );
        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $last and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";

$sections[]    = $type;
$this->DB->replace'cache_store', array( 'cs_key' => 'isRebuilt''cs_value' => implode','$sections ) ), array( "cs_key" ) );
$type == 'posts' )
$this->DB->delete'content_cache_posts' );
            else if( 
$type == 'sigs' )
$this->DB->delete'content_cache_sigs' );
            // More..

$dis  $dis $done;
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&type={$type}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$last}&dis={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );

     * Resyncronize Topics
     * @return    @e void
public function resyncTopics()
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/moderate.php''moderatorLibrary''forums' );
$modfunc = new $classToLoad$this->registry );
$this->registry->class_localization->loadLanguageFile( array( 'public_global' ) );

        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval$this->request['st'] ) >= intval$this->request['st']    ) : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] )   ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$last   $start 1;
$output = array();

        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as count''from' => 'topics''where' => "state != 'link' AND tid>{$start} AND topic_archive_status NOT IN (" $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicArchiveFlag'working' ) . "," $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicArchiveFlag'restore' ) . ")"'limit' => array( 0) ) );
$max intval$tmp['count'] );

        // Avoid limit...
$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'topics''where' => "state != 'link' AND tid>{$start} AND topic_archive_status NOT IN (" $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicArchiveFlag'working' ) . "," $this->registry->class_forums->fetchTopicArchiveFlag'restore' ) . ")"'order' => 'tid ASC''limit' => array( 0$end ) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
$modfunc->rebuildTopic($r['tid'], 0);
            if ( 
$this->request['pergo'] <= 200 )
$output[] = $this->lang->words['re_processed'].$r['title'];

$last $r['tid'];

        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $last );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$last}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );

     * Resyncronize forum data
     * @return    @e void
public function resyncForums()
$classToLoad IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir'forums' ) . '/sources/classes/moderate.php''moderatorLibrary''forums' );
$modfunc = new $classToLoad$this->registry );

        // Set up

$done   0;
$start  intval$this->request['st'] ) >= intval$this->request['st'] )    : 0;
$end    intval$this->request['pergo'] )   ? intval$this->request['pergo'] ) : 100;
$dis    $end $start;
$output = array();

        // Got any more?

$tmp $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'count(*) as count''from' => 'forums''limit' => array( $dis)  ) );
$max intval$tmp['count'] );

        // Avoid limit...

$this->DB->build( array( 'select' => '*''from' => 'forums''order' => 'id ASC''limit' => array( $start$end ) ) );
$outer $this->DB->execute();

        // Process...

while( $r $this->DB->fetch$outer ) )
$modfunc->forumRecount$r['id'] );
$output[] = sprintf$this->lang->words['rebuild_process_f'], $r['name'] );

        // Finish - or more?...

if ( ! $done and ! $max )
            // Done..

$text $this->lang->words['re_rebuildcomp'] . '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}";
            // More..
$thisgoeshere sprintf$this->lang->words['re_thisgoeshere'], $dis );
$text $thisgoeshere '<br />' implode"<br />"$output );
$url  "{$this->settings['base_url']}{$this->form_code}&do={$this->request['do']}&pergo={$this->request['pergo']}&st={$dis}";

        // Bye....

$this->_specialRedirect$url$text );

     * Splash screen with rebuild options
     * @return    @e void
public function rebuildSplashScreen()
/* Build Form Elements */
$form = array();

$form['posts']   = $this->registry->output->formDropdown'posts'  , array( => array( 0$this->lang->words['yesno_no'] ), => array( 1$this->lang->words['yesno_yes'] ) ) );
$form['members'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown'members', array( => array( 0$this->lang->words['yesno_no'] ), => array( 1$this->lang->words['yesno_yes'] ) ) );
$form['lastreg'] = $this->registry->output->formDropdown'lastreg', array( => array( 0$this->lang->words['yesno_no'] ), => array( 1$this->lang->words['yesno_yes'] ) ) );
$form['online']  = $this->registry->output->formDropdown'online' , array( => array( 0$this->lang->words['yesno_no'] ), => array( 1$this->lang->words['yesno_yes'] ) ) );

        // Only need to rebuild once

$todo         = array(
'posts'     $this->lang->words['remenu_posts'] ),
'pms'     $this->lang->words['remenu_pms'] ),
'announce'$this->lang->words['remenu_announce'] ),
'sigs'     $this->lang->words['remenu_sigs'] ),
'aboutme' $this->lang->words['remenu_aboutme'] ),
'rules'     $this->lang->words['remenu_rules'] ),

ipsRegistry::$applications as $app_dir => $app_data )
            // Retrieve the RSS links for the header
if( is_fileIPSLib::getAppDir$app_dir ) . '/extensions/upgradePostRebuild.php' ) )
$className IPSLib::loadLibraryIPSLib::getAppDir$app_dir ) . '/extensions/upgradePostRebuild.php''postRebuild_'.$app_dir$app_dir );
class_exists$className ) )
$rebuild = new $className$this->registry );
method_exists$rebuild"getDropdown" ) )
$todo array_merge$todo$rebuild->getDropdown() );

$final        = array();
$sections    = array();

$alreadyRebuilt    $this->DB->buildAndFetch( array( 'select' => 'cs_value''from' => 'cache_store''where' => "cs_key='isRebuilt'" ) );

$alreadyRebuilt['cs_value'] )
$sections    explode','$alreadyRebuilt['cs_value'] );

$form['pergo']  = $this->registry->output->formSimpleInput'pergo''50');

/* Output */
$this->registry->output->html           .= $this->html->rebuildSplashScreen$form$todo$sections );
     * Redirect via a temporary page
     * @param    string    $url    URL to redirect to
     * @param    string    $text    Text to display
     * @return    @e void
protected function _specialRedirect$url$text )
$this->registry->output->html    .= $this->registry->output->global_template->temporaryRedirect$url$text );
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