Файл: adultscript-2.0.3-pro/files/admin/modules/photo/components/manage.php
Строк: 185
defined('_VALID') or die('Restricted Access!');
class VComponent_Admin_photo_manage extends VModule_Admin_photo
private $filter;
private $option;
private $pcfg;
public function __construct()
$this->pcfg = VF::cfg('module.photo');
$this->filter = VF::factory('filter');
$this->option = array(
'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'username' => '',
'category' => '', 'status' => '', 'flagged' => '',
'sort' => 'a.album_id', 'order' => 'DESC', 'display' => 10
public function render()
$errors = array();
$messages = array();
$warnings = array();
if (isset($_POST['action']) && isset($_POST['album_id'])) {
$action = $this->filter->get('action');
$album_id = (int) trim($_POST['album_id']);
if ($album_id) {
if ($action == 'suspend' OR $action == 'activate') {
$status = ($action == 'suspend') ? 0 : 1;
$msg = ($action == 'suspend') ? 'suspended' : 'activated';
$this->db->query("UPDATE #__photo_albums SET status = '".$status."' WHERE album_id = ".$album_id." LIMIT 1");
$messages[] = 'Album '.$msg.'!';
} elseif ($action == 'delete') {
$messages[] = 'Album deleted!';
} elseif ($action == 'unassign') {
$this->db->query("UPDATE #__photo_albums SET adv = 0 WHERE album_id = ".$album_id." LIMIT 1");
$messages[] = 'Banner unassigned!';
} else {
$errors[] = 'Invalid action! What exactly did you click!?';
} else {
$errors[] = 'Invalid album id! Are you sure this album exists!?';
if (isset($_POST['submit_actions'])) {
$action = $this->filter->get('action');
$ids = $this->get_checkbox_ids();
if ($ids) {
if ($action == 'suspend' OR $action == 'activate') {
$status = ($action == 'suspend') ? 0 : 1;
$msg = ($action == 'suspend') ? 'suspended' : 'activated';
$this->db->query("UPDATE #__photo_albums SET status = '".$status."' WHERE album_id IN (".implode(',', $ids).")");
$messages[] = 'Selected albums '.$msg.'!';
} elseif ($action == 'delete') {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$messages[] = 'Selected albums deleted!';
} elseif ($action == 'unassign') {
$this->db->query("UPDATE #__photo_albums SET adv = 0 WHERE album_id IN (".implode(',', $ids).")");
$messages[] = 'Removed advertising from selected albums!';
} else {
$errors[] = 'Invalid action! What exactly did you select!?';
} else {
$errors[] = 'Please select at least one album!';
$reset = FALSE;
$page = (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1;
$categories = $this->get_photo_categories();
if (isset($_GET['c']) && is_numeric($_GET['c'])) {
$this->option['category'] = (int) $_GET['c'];
$reset = TRUE;
if (isset($_GET['f']) && is_numeric($_GET['f'])) {
$this->option['flagged'] = (string) intval($_GET['f']);
$reset = TRUE;
$submenu = 'photo_flagged';
if (isset($_GET['s']) && is_numeric($_GET['s'])) {
$this->option['status'] = (string) intval($_GET['s']);
$reset = TRUE;
$submenu = 'photo_approve';
if (isset($_GET['u'])) {
$reset = TRUE;
$this->option['username'] = (string) trim($_GET['u']);
$submenu = 'photo_manage';
if (!isset($_POST['submit_reset']) && !isset($_GET['r']) && !$reset) {
if (isset($_SESSION['search_photo_option'])) {
if (array_diff_assoc($this->option, $_SESSION['search_photo_option'])) {
$warnings[] = 'Results are selected based on your search criteria/options! If you want to see all results please reset the current search!';
$this->option = $_SESSION['search_photo_option'];
$search = $this->search_photo_albums();
$albums_total = $this->db->get_field($search['sql_count'], 'total_albums');
$pagination = VPagination::get($page, $albums_total, $search['display']);
$albums = $this->db->get_rows($search['sql']." LIMIT ".$pagination['limit']);
$tpl = VF::factory('template');
$tpl->menu = 'photo';
$tpl->submenu = 'manage';
$tpl->meta_title = 'Admin::Photo::Manage';
$tpl->errors = $errors;
$tpl->messages = $messages;
$tpl->warnings = $warnings;
$tpl->albums = $albums;
$tpl->pagination = $pagination;
$tpl->categories = $categories;
$tpl->load(array('header', 'photo_manage', 'footer'));
private function search_photo_albums()
$sql = "SELECT a.album_id, a.title, a.total_photos, a.total_views, a.rating, a.rated_by,
a.status, a.flagged, a.add_date, u.username,
GROUP_CONCAT(pc.cat_id) AS category,
GROUP_CONCAT(c.name) AS name
FROM #__photo_albums AS a
LEFT JOIN #__photo_category AS pc ON (pc.album_id = a.album_id)
LEFT JOIN #__user AS u ON (u.user_id = a.user_id)
LEFT JOIN #__photo_categories AS c ON (c.cat_id = pc.cat_id)";
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_albums
FROM #__photo_albums AS a, #__photo_category AS pc";
$sql_delim = " WHERE ";
if (isset($_POST['submit_search'])) {
$this->option['title'] = $this->filter->get('title');
$this->option['description'] = $this->filter->get('description');
$this->option['username'] = $this->filter->get('username');
$this->option['category'] = $this->filter->get('category');
$this->option['status'] = $this->filter->get('status');
$this->option['flagged'] = $this->filter->get('flagged');
$this->option['sort'] = $this->filter->get('sort');
$this->option['order'] = $this->filter->get('order');
$this->option['display'] = (int) trim($_POST['display']);
if ($this->option['title'] != '') {
$sql .= $sql_delim." a.title LIKE '".$this->db->escape($this->option['title'])."%'";
$sql_count .= $sql_delim." a.title LIKE '".$this->db->escape($this->option['title'])."%'";
$sql_delim = ' AND';
if ($this->option['description'] != '') {
$sql .= $sql_delim." a.title LIKE '".$this->db->escape($this->option['description'])."%'";
$sql_count .= $sql_delim." a.title LIKE '".$this->db->escape($this->option['description'])."%'";
$sql_delim = ' AND';
if ($this->option['username'] != '') {
$this->db->query("SELECT user_id FROM #__user WHERE username = '".$this->db->escape($this->option['username'])."' LIMIT 1");
if ($this->db->affected_rows()) {
$user_id = (int) $this->db->fetch_field('user_id');
$sql .= $sql_delim." a.user_id = ".$user_id;
$sql_count .= $sql_delim." a.user_id = ".$user_id;
$sql_delim = ' AND';
if ($this->option['category'] != '') {
$sql .= $sql_delim." pc.cat_id = ".(int) $this->option['category'];
$sql_count .= $sql_delim." pc.cat_id = ".(int) $this->option['category'];
$sql_delim = ' AND';
if ($this->option['status'] != '') {
$sql .= $sql_delim." a.status = '".(int) $this->option['status']."'";
$sql_count .= $sql_delim." a.status = '".(int) $this->option['status']."'";
$sql_delim = ' AND';
if ($this->option['flagged'] != '') {
$sql .= $sql_delim." a.flagged = '".(int) $this->option['flagged']."'";
$sql_count .= $sql_delim." a.flagged = '".(int) $this->option['flagged']."'";
$sql_delim = ' AND';
$_SESSION['search_photo_option'] = $this->option;
return array(
'sql' => $sql.' GROUP BY a.album_id ORDER BY '.$this->option['sort'].' '.$this->option['order'],
'sql_count' => $sql_count,
'display' => $this->option['display']
private function get_checkbox_ids()
$ids = array();
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, 'checkbox_album_') !== FALSE) {
$ids[] = (int) str_replace('checkbox_album_', '', $key);
return $ids;