Файл: adultscript-2.0.3-pro/files/admin/modules/csv/csv.php
Строк: 380
defined('_VALID') or die('Restricted Access!');
define('RESIZE_THUMB', true);
class VModule_Admin_csv
private $db;
private $vcfg;
private $unique;
public function __construct()
$this->db = VF::factory('database');
$this->vcfg = VF::cfg('module.video');
public function render()
$cmodel = VModel::load('category', 'video', true);
$chmodel = VModel::load('channel', 'channel', true);
$umodel = VModel::load('user', 'user', true);
$vmodel = VModel::load('video', 'video', true);
$option = array(
'username' => 'anonymous', 'category' => array(), 'status' => 1, 'type' => 'public',
'method' => 'flv', 'delimiter' => '|', 'thumb_method' => 'generate', 'duplicates' => 1,
'channel_id' => 0, 'premium' => 0, 'categ_method' => 'auto', 'limit' => 10,
'ignore' => 1, 'csv_method' => 'file', 'search' => '', 'replace' => '', 'text' => '',
'limit_proc' => 100, 'mobile' => 1, 'queue' => 1, 'watermark' => 0
$unique = time().'_'.mt_rand();
$orders = array(
'flv' => '1',
'title' => '2',
'description' => '3',
'thumb' => '4',
'tags' => '5',
'embed' => '6',
'duration' => '7',
'pornstar' => '8'
$channels = $chmodel->channels(array('c.channel_id', 'c.name'), array('sort' => 'c.name', 'order' => 'ASC'));
$categories = $cmodel->categories(array('c.cat_id', 'c.name', 'c.auto_term'), array('sort' => 'c.name', 'order' => 'ASC'));
$errors = array();
$messages = array();
$warnings = array();
if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
$filter = VF::factory('filter');
$username = $filter->get('username');
$categ_method = $filter->get('category_method');
$category = (isset($_POST['category'])) ? (array) $_POST['category'] : array();
$method = $filter->get('method');
$thumb_method = $filter->get('thumb_method');
$duplicates = (int) trim($_POST['duplicates']);
$delimiter = $filter->get('delimiter');
$unique = $filter->get('unique');
$status = (int) trim($_POST['status']);
$type = $filter->get('type');
$channel_id = (int) trim($_POST['channel_id']);
$premium = (VModule::enabled('premium')) ? (int) trim($_POST['premium']) : 0;
$limit = (int) trim($_POST['limit']);
$limit_proc = (int) trim($_POST['limit_proc']);
$ignore = (int) trim($_POST['ignore']);
$csv_method = $filter->get('csv_method');
$text = trim($_POST['csv']);
$search = trim($_POST['search']);
$replace = trim($_POST['replace']);
$mobile = (int) trim($_POST['mobile']);
$queue = (int) trim($_POST['queue']);
if ($method == 'hotlink' or $method == 'embed') {
$queue = 0;
$order_1 = $filter->get('order_1');
$order_2 = $filter->get('order_2');
$order_3 = $filter->get('order_3');
$order_4 = $filter->get('order_4');
$order_5 = $filter->get('order_5');
$order_6 = $filter->get('order_6');
$order_7 = $filter->get('order_7');
$order_8 = $filter->get('order_8');
$ordering = array(
$order_1, $order_2, $order_3, $order_4, $order_5, $order_6, $order_7
if ($username == '') {
$errors[] = 'Username field cannot be left blank!';
} else {
if ($user_id = $umodel->exists('username', $username)) {
$option['username'] = $username;
} else {
$errors[] = 'Invalid username! Are you sure this user exists!?';
if (!in_array($method, array('flv', 'embed', 'hotlink'))) {
$errors[] = 'Invalid import method! What exactly did you select!?';
} else {
$option['method'] = $method;
if (in_array($thumb_method, array('generate', 'download'))) {
if ($thumb_method == 'generate' && ($method == 'embed')) {
$errors[] = 'Cannot generate thumbs when using embed import method!';
} else {
$option['thumb_method'] = $thumb_method;
} else {
$errors[] = 'Invalid thumb method! What exactly did you select!?';
if (!in_array($type, array('public', 'private'))) {
$errors[] = 'Invalid type! What exactly did you select!?';
} else {
$option['type'] = $type;
if ($csv_method == 'file') {
if ($_FILES['csv']['tmp_name'] != '') {
if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['csv']['tmp_name'])) {
$errors[] = 'Uploaded CSV file is not a valid uploaded file!';
} else {
$errors[] = 'Please upload a CSV file to import!';
} elseif ($csv_metod == 'text') {
if ($text == '') {
$errors[] = 'Please enter the CSV text!';
if ($categ_method == 'select' && empty($category)) {
$errors[] = 'Please check at least one category for the imported videos!';
$option['status'] = $status;
$option['category'] = $category;
$option['delimiter'] = $delimiter;
$option['duplicates'] = $duplicates;
$option['categ_method'] = $categ_method;
$option['limit'] = $limit;
$option['limit_proc'] = $limit_proc;
$option['ignore'] = $ignore;
$option['csv_method'] = $csv_method;
$option['search'] = $search;
$option['replace'] = $replace;
$option['queue'] = $queue;
if (!$errors) {
// remove garbage
if ($csv_method == 'file') {
$csv = VFile::read($_FILES['csv']['tmp_name']);
} else {
$csv = $text;
$csv = VText::dos2unix($csv);
$csv = explode("n", trim($csv));
$list = array();
$count = 0;
$error = false;
$success = 0;
// servers with php < 3 dont have str_getcsv, lets add it :-)
foreach ($csv as $row) {
// empty rows?
if (empty($row)) {
if ($delimiter == 'tab') {
$row = str_replace("t", '|', $row);
$delimiter = '|';
// $row = explode($delimiter, trim($row));
$row = str_getcsv(trim($row), $delimiter, """, "\");
$list[$count] = VArray::combine($ordering, $row);
// currently only continue if ignore is 1 and only for flv url and title
if ($ignore === 1) {
if ($method == 'flv' OR $method == 'hotlink') {
if (!isset($list[$count]['flv']) OR empty($list[$count]['flv'])) {
if ($method == 'embed') {
if (!isset($list[$count]['embed']) OR empty($list[$count]['embed'])) {
if (!isset($list[$count]['title']) OR empty($list[$count]['title'])) {
if (($method == 'flv' OR $method == 'hotlink') AND !isset($list[$count]['flv'])) {
$error = 'Import method set to FLV Source (or FLV Hotlink) and flv source url not present in the CSV file!';
if ($thumb_method == 'generate' && !isset($list[$count]['flv'])) {
$error = 'Thumb method set to Generate and FLV Source URL not present in the CSV file!';
if ($method == 'embed' && !isset($list[$count]['embed'])) {
$error = 'Import method set to Embed and embed code not found in the CSV file!';
if ($error) {
$errors[] = $error;
if (!$errors) {
$this->unique = $unique;
$count = count($list);
$incr = round((100/$count), 2);
$progress = 0;
$processed = 0;
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Processing CSV file ('.$count.' videos)!');
if (RESIZE_THUMB === true) {
$image = VF::factory('image');
$conv = VF::factory('video');
foreach ($list as $index => $values) {
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Processing: '.$values['title'].' ...');
if ($processed >= $limit_proc) {
$warnings[] = 'Processed '.$limit_proc.' and no videos were added! Aborting!';
if ($success >= $limit) {
$warnings[] = 'Limit of '.$limit.' videos reached! Aborting!';
//we will regenerate the database link here to avoid timeouts
$this->db = VF::factory('database');
// make sure we have all the fields...
foreach ($orders as $k => $v) {
if (!isset($values[$k])) {
$values[$k] = '';
// make sure we dont have any white spaces..
foreach ($values as $k => $v) {
$values[$k] = trim($v);
$unique_id = ($method == 'embed') ? md5($values['embed']) : md5($values['flv']);
if ($duplicates === 1) {
$this->db->query("SELECT unique_id
FROM #__video_csv_imported
WHERE unique_id = '".$this->db->escape($unique_id)."'
LIMIT 1");
if ($this->db->affected_rows()) {
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Duplicate found...skipping!');
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Processing: '.$values['title'].' (database entry) ...');
$embed = ($method == 'embed') ? urldecode($values['embed']) : '';
if ($method == 'embed' && ($search != '' && $replace != '')) {
$embed = str_replace($search, $replace, $embed);
// lets add a fix for unclosed iframes (some sponsors dont have embed code formatted correctly)
if (strpos($embed, 'iframe') !== FALSE &&
strpos($embed, '</iframe') === FALSE) {
$embed .= '</iframe>';
$url = ($method == 'hotlink') ? $values['flv'] : '';
$categ = $this->get_category($category, $values['title'], $categories, $values['tags']);
$tags = $this->get_tags($values['title'], $values['tags']);
$slug = prepare_string($values['title'], TRUE, $this->vcfg['slug_max_length']);
$pornstar = $values['pornstar'];
$time = time();
if (!$video_id = $vmodel->reload(true)->add(array(
'user_id' => $user_id,
'title' => $values['title'],
'slug' => $slug,
'description' => $values['description'],
'type' => $type,
'embed_code' => $embed,
'url' => $url,
'channel_id' => $channel_id,
'premium' => $premium,
'status' => 5))) {
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Failed to create database entry...skiping!');
$this->db->query("UPDATE #__user_activity SET total_videos = total_videos+1 WHERE user_id = ".$user_id." LIMIT 1");
foreach ($categ as $cat_id) {
$cmodel->add_video($cat_id, $video_id);
$tags = explode(',', $tags);
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$vmodel->add_tag($video_id, $tag);
$pornstars = explode(',', $pornstar);
foreach ($pornstars as $star) {
$vmodel->add_model($video_id, $star);
if ($method == 'flv' or $thumb_method == 'generate' or $mobile) {
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Processing: '.$values['title'].' (downloading) ...');
$src = trim($values['flv']);
$ext = VFile::ext($src);
$dst_vid = MEDIA_DIR.'/videos/vid/'.$video_id.'.'.$ext;
if (!VCurl::file($src, $dst_vid)) {
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Failed to download video source file...skiping!');
if (!$conv->load($dst_vid)) {
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Failed to load video source file...skiping!');
@chmod($dst_vid, 0777);
$proc = array(
'flv' => false,
'mp4' => false,
'mp4_hd' => false,
'mobile' => false,
'server_id' => 0,
's3' => 0
if ($method == 'flv' && $queue === 0) {
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Processing: '.$values['title'].' (converting) ...');
$proc = VHelper_video_conv::process($video_id, $dst_vid, $conv);
if (!$proc['mp4'] && !$proc['flv']) {
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Failed to convert video...skiping!');
} else {
$ext = ($proc['mp4']) ? 'mp4' : 'flv';
$size = filesize($dst_vid);
$duration = $conv->data['duration_seconds'];
} else {
$size = 0;
$duration = (!empty($values['duration'])) ? (float) $values['duration'] : 0;
if ($method == 'hotlink' && $mobile) {
if ($this->vcfg['mobile_convert'] && $mobile) {
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Processing: '.$values['title'].' (converting to Mobile) ...');
$dst_mobile = MEDIA_DIR.'/videos/mobile/'.$video_id.'.mp4';
if ($conv->convert_to_mobile($dst_vid, $dst_mobile)) {
$conv->log('Video converted to Mobile.');
$proc['mobile'] = true;
@chmod($dst_mobile, 0777);
} else {
$conv->log('Failed to convert video to Mobile!');
if ($this->vcfg['multi_server'] == '1') {
$conv->log('Initializing multi-server ...');
$server = VHelper_video_server::get(FALSE, 1);
if ($server &&
VHelper_video_server::process_upload($server, $video_id, false, false, false, true, $conv)) {
$proc['server_id'] = (int) $server['server_id'];
if ($this->vcfg['amazon_s3'] == '1') {
$conv->log('Initializaing Amazon S3 storage ...');
if (VHelper_video_s3::process_upload($video_id, false, false, false, false, $conv)) {
$proc['s3'] = 1;
$thumbs = 0;
if ($thumb_method == 'generate') {
if ($queue === 0) {
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Processing: '.$values['title'].' (extracting thumbs) ...');
if (!$thumbs = $conv->extract_thumbs($dst_vid, $video_id)) {
$thumbs = 0;
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Failed to extract video thumbs...skiping!');
} else {
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Processing: '.$values['title'].' (downloading thumb) ...');
// lets get more than one URL here
$urls = array();
if (strpos($values['thumb'], ';') !== FALSE) {
$urls = explode(';', $values['thumb']);
} else {
$urls[] = $values['thumb'];
$thumbs = 1;
foreach ($urls as $thumb) {
$thumb_dir = MEDIA_DIR.'/videos/tmb/'.path($video_id);
VFolder::create($thumb_dir, 0777);
$thumb_dst = $thumb_dir.'/'.$thumbs.'.jpg';
if (!VCurl::file(trim($thumb), $thumb_dst)) {
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Failed to download video thumb...skiping!');
if (RESIZE_THUMB === true) {
$thumb_tmp = TMP_DIR.'/thumbs/'.$video_id.'.jpg';
if (!$image->load($thumb_dst)) {
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Failed to load video thumb...skiping!');
if (!$image->resize($this->vcfg['thumb_width'], $this->vcfg['thumb_height'], 'EXACT', $thumb_tmp)) {
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Failed to resize video thumb...skiping!');
rename($thumb_tmp, $thumb_dst);
$thumbs = ($thumbs === 1) ? 1 : ($thumbs-1);
if ($thumbs > 0) {
VHelper_video_thumb::upload($video_id, $thumbs);
$this->update_progress($progress.'^Processing: '.$values['title'].' (finalizing) ...');
$this->db = VF::factory('database');
$ext = (isset($ext)) ? $ext : 'flv';
$s3 = (isset($proc) && isset($proc['s3'])) ? $proc['s3'] : 0;
$server_id = (isset($proc) && isset($proc['server_id'])) ? $proc['server_id'] : 0;
$mob = (isset($proc) && isset($proc['mobile'])) ? $proc['mobile'] : 0;
$o_filename = ($method == 'flv' OR $method == 'hotlink') ? VFile::name(trim($values['flv'])) : '';
$o_url = ($method == 'flv' OR $method == 'hotlink') ? trim($values['flv']) : '';
$o_ext = ($method == 'flv' OR $method == 'hotlink') ? VFile::ext(trim($values['flv'])) : '';
$o_size = (isset($dst_vid)) ? filesize($dst_vid) : 0;
'video_id' => $video_id,
'user_id' => $user_id,
'filename' => $o_filename,
'ext' => $o_ext,
'size' => $o_size,
'method' => 'csv_'.$method,
'url' => $o_url
$vmodel->update($video_id, array(
'ext' => $ext,
'size' => $size,
'duration' => $duration,
'mobile' => $mob,
'thumb' => (string) 1,
'thumbs' => $thumbs,
'server' => $server_id,
's3' => $s3,
'status' => ($queue) ? 6 : $status
if ($queue) {
$vmodel->add_queue($video_id, $status);
if ($channel_id !== 0) {
$cmodel->reload(true)->add_video($channel_id, $video_id);
$vmodel->reload('true')->add_csv($video_id, $unique_id);
// thumbs are generated, lets delete the files from the local server
// if multi-server was enabled
if ($server_id !== 0 OR $s3 === 1) {
if (isset($dst_flv)) {
if (isset($dst_mp4)) {
if (isset($dst)) {
// delete the original video from the videos/vid folder
if (isset($dst_vid) && !$queue) {
$progress = sprintf("%01.2f", ($progress+$incr));
if (!$errors) {
$messages[] = 'Successfuly imported '.$success.' videos!';
$tpl = VF::factory('template');
$tpl->menu = 'video';
$tpl->submenu = 'video_add';
$tpl->extramenu = 'csv';
$tpl->meta_title = 'Admin::Video::CSV';
$tpl->errors = $errors;
$tpl->messages = $messages;
$tpl->warnings = $warnings;
$tpl->option = $option;
$tpl->orders = $orders;
$tpl->unique = $unique;
$tpl->categories = $categories;
$tpl->channels = $channels;
$tpl->load(array('header', 'csv', 'footer'));
private function update_progress($data)
VFile::write(VFile::safe(TMP_DIR.'/logs/'.$this->unique.'_mass_csv_progress.log'), $data);
private function get_category($category, $title, $categories, $tags='')
if (!empty($category)) {
if (is_array($category)) {
return $category;
return array((int) $category);
$cats = array();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$cat_id = (int) $category['cat_id'];
$terms = explode(',', $category['auto_term']);
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$term = trim($term);
if (stripos($title, $term) !== FALSE) {
if (!in_array($cat_id, $cats)) {
$cats[] = $cat_id;
if (!empty($tags)) {
if (stripos($tags, $term) !== FALSE) {
if (!in_array($cat_id, $cats)) {
$cats[] = $cat_id;
if (!$cats) {
// no category found? return last category...should be Uncategorized!
$cats[] = $cat_id;
return $cats;
private function get_tags($title, $tags='')
if ($tags != '') {
return prepare_tags($tags);
$title = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+/', ' ', trim($title));
$title = preg_replace('/ss+/', ' ', $title);
$tags = array();
$array = explode(' ', $title);
foreach ($array as $string) {
if (strlen($string) >= 4) {
$tags[] = $string;
return implode(',', $tags);