Файл: public_html/system/class.Item.php
Строк: 145
* @ XxxDIABLOxxX
* @ Create class Item
* @ Date 13.02.2017 15:03
class Item {
* Item array
* @param string $ItemArray
* @return none
private $ItemArray = array (
'quality' => array(0 => 'Простой', 1 => 'Обычный', 2 => 'Редкий', 3 => 'Эпический', 4 => 'Легенарный', 5 => 'Божественный', 6 => 'Сверх Божественный'),
'quality_color' => array(0 => '#986', 1 => '#6c3', 2 => '#69c', 3 => '#c6f', 4 => '#f60', 5 => '#999', 6 => '#999'),
'bonus' => array(0 => '0', 1 => '5', 2 => '10', 3 => '15', 4 => '20', 5 => '50', 6 => '65'),
'w' => array(1 => '_str', 2 => '_vit', 3 => '_def', 4 => '_agi', 5 => '_str', 6 => '_str', 7 => '_def', 8 => '_vit'),
'rune_name' => array(1 => 'силы', 2 => 'жизни', 3 => 'жизни', 4 => 'удачни', 5 => 'силы', 6 => 'силы', 7 => 'брони', 8 => 'жизни'),
'rune_stats' => array(1 => '75', 2 => '150', 3 => '250', 4 => '600', 5 => '1000')
) ;
private $ItemParam = array(
'bonusItem' => array(1 => '6', 2 => '15', 3 => '25', 4 => '40', 5 => '200', 6 => '260'),
'smithItem' => array(1 => '24', 2 => '28', 3 => '32', 4 => '36', 5 => '40', 6 => '44',7 => '52', 8 => '56', 9 => '60', 10 => '64', 11 => '68', 12 => '72',13 => '76', 14 => '80', 15 => '84', 16 => '88', 17 => '92', 18 => '96', 19 => '98', 20 => '100')
* Class constructor. Create a new Item
* @param array none
* @return bool
public function __construct() {
if(!$_SESSION['item']) {
exit(header('Location: /'));
* Item wiew list shop
* @param string $item, $smith, $quality, $id, $name, $bonus,$rune
* @return none
public function ItemList($item, $smith, $quality, $id, $name, $bonus,$rune,$smith) {
echo '<li><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td><img src="/itemImage.php?id='.$item.'&smith='.$smith.'" alt="*"/></td>
<td valign="top" style="padding-left: 5px;"><img src="/images/icon/quality/'.$quality.'.png" alt="*"/>
<a href="/item/'.$id.'/">'.$name.'</a> '.($smith > 0 ? '<font color='#90c090'>+'.$smith.'</font>':'').'
<font color="'.$this->ItemArray['quality_color'][$quality].'">'.$this->ItemArray['quality'][$quality].' ['.$bonus.'/'.$this->ItemArray['bonus'][$quality].']</font></small>';
if($rune > 0) {
echo '<br /><img src="/images/icon/quality/'.$quality.'.png" alt="*"/><font color="#9c9"> +'.$this->ItemArray['rune_stats'][$rune].'</font> '.$this->ItemArray['rune_name'][$rune].'';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
* Wiew id shop item
* @param string $ItemID
* @return self::ItemArray
public function ItemWiew($ItemID) {
$inv = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `inv` WHERE `id` = "'.$ItemID.'"'));
$item = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = "'.$inv['item'].'"'));
return self::ItemList($item['id'],$inv['smith'],$item['quality'],$inv['id'],$item['name'],$inv['bonus'],$inv['rune'],$inv['smith']);
* Send rune function
* @param string $id,$user
* @return nome
public function SendRune ($id,$user) {
$InventoryUser = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `inv` WHERE `id` = "'.$_SESSION['item'].'" AND `user` = "'.$user.'"'));
$InvUser = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `inv` WHERE `id` = "'.$id.'" AND `user` = "'.$user.'"'));
$item = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE `id` = "'.$InventoryUser['item'].'"'));
$Clone = $this->ItemArray['w'][$item['w']];
$CloneParam = $this->ItemParam['bonusItem'][$InventoryUser['quality']];
$CloneSmith = $this->ItemParam['smithItem'][$InventoryUser['smith']];
if($InventoryUser['smith'] >= 19) {
$CreateSmith = '21';
$CreateSmith = $InvUser['smith'] + $InventoryUser['smith'];
$_quality = array(0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50, 65);
$__quality = $_quality[$InventoryUser['quality']];
if($InventoryUser['bonus'] >= $__quality) {
$CreateBonus = $__quality;
$CreateBonus = $InvUser['bonus'] + $InventoryUser['bonus'];
mysql_query("UPDATE `inv` SET `$Clone` = '".($InvUser[$Clone] + $this->ItemArray['rune_stats'][$InventoryUser['rune']])."',
`rune` = '".$InventoryUser['rune']."',
`smith` = '".($CreateSmith)."',
`bonus` = '".($CreateBonus)."',
`_str` = '".($InventoryUser['_str'] + $CloneParam + $CloneSmith)."',
`_vit` = '".($InventoryUser['_vit'] + $CloneParam + $CloneSmith)."',
`_agi` = '".($InventoryUser['_agi'] + $CloneParam + $CloneSmith)."',
`_def` = '".($InventoryUser['_def'] + $CloneParam + $CloneSmith)."' WHERE `id`='$id'");
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `inv` WHERE `id` = '$_SESSION[item]'");