Файл: inc/tools/whois_checker/lib/whois.main.php
Строк: 244
Whois.php PHP classes to conduct whois queries
Copyright (C)1999,2005 easyDNS Technologies Inc. & Mark Jeftovic
Maintained by David Saez (david@ols.es)
For the most recent version of this package visit:
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
class Whois extends WhoisClient
// Deep whois ?
var $deep_whois = true;
// Windows based ?
var $windows = false;
// Recursion allowed ?
var $gtld_recurse = true;
// Support for non-ICANN tld's
var $non_icann = false;
// Network Solutions registry server
var $NSI_REGISTRY = "whois.nsiregistry.net";
* Constructor function
function Whois()
// Load DATA array
if ( ( substr( php_uname(), 0, 7 ) == 'Windows' ) )
$this->windows = true;
$this->windows = false;
// Set version
$this->VERSION = sprintf("phpWhois v%s-%s", $this->CODE_VERSION, $this->DATA_VERSION);
* Use special whois server
function UseServer ($tld, $server)
$this->WHOIS_SPECIAL[$tld] = $server;
function Lookup($query = '')
// start clean
$this->Query['status'] = 0;
$query = trim($query);
// If domain to query was not set
if (!isSet($query) || $query == '')
// Configure to use default whois server
$this->Query['server'] = $this->NSI_REGISTRY;
return ;
// Set domain to query in query array
$this->Query['string'] = $domain = strtolower($query);
// If query is an ip address do ip lookup
if ($query == long2ip(ip2long($query)) || !strpos($query, '.'))
// Prepare to do lookup via the 'ip' handler
$ip = @gethostbyname($query);
$this->Query['server'] = 'whois.arin.net';
$this->Query['host_ip'] = $ip;
$this->Query['file'] = 'whois.ip.php';
$this->Query['handler'] = 'ip';
$this->Query['string'] = $ip;
$this->Query['tld'] = 'ip';
$this->Query['host_name'] = @gethostbyaddr($ip);
return $this->GetData('',$this->deep_whois);
// Build array of all possible tld's for that domain
$tld = '';
$server = '';
$dp = explode('.', $domain);
$np = count($dp) - 1;
$tldtests = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $np; $i++)
$tldtests[] = implode('.', $dp);
// Search the correct whois server
if ($this->non_icann)
$special_tlds = array_merge($this->WHOIS_SPECIAL,$this->WHOIS_NON_ICANN);
$special_tlds = $this->WHOIS_SPECIAL;
foreach($tldtests as $tld)
// Test if we know in advance that no whois server is
// available for this domain and that we can get the
// data via http or whois request
if (isset($special_tlds[$tld]))
$val = $special_tlds[$tld];
if ($val == '')
$this->Query['status'] = - 1;
$this->Query['errstr'][] = $this->Query['string'].' domain is not supported';
return ;
$domain = substr($query, 0, - strlen($tld) - 1);
$val = str_replace('{domain}', $domain, $val);
$server = str_replace('{tld}', $tld, $val);
if ($server == '')
foreach($tldtests as $tld)
// Determine the top level domain, and it's whois server using
// DNS lookups on 'whois-servers.net'.
// Assumes a valid DNS response indicates a recognised tld (!?)
$cname = $tld.'.whois-servers.net';
if (gethostbyname($cname) == $cname) continue;
if ($this->windows)
$cname = $this->checkdnsrr_win($tld.'.whois-servers.net', 'CNAME');
$cname = checkdnsrr($tld.'.whois-servers.net', 'CNAME');
if (!$cname) continue;
//This also works
//$server = gethostbyname($tld.".whois-servers.net");
$server = $tld.'.whois-servers.net';
if ($tld && $server)
// If found, set tld and whois server in query array
$this->Query['server'] = $server;
$this->Query['tld'] = $tld;
$handler = '';
foreach($tldtests as $htld)
// special handler exists for the tld ?
if (isSet($this->DATA[$htld]))
$handler = $this->DATA[$htld];
// If there is a handler set it
if ($handler != '')
$this->Query['file'] = "whois.$handler.php";
$this->Query['handler'] = $handler;
// Special parameters ?
if (isset($this->WHOIS_PARAM[$server]))
$this->Query['server'] = $this->Query['server'].'?'.$this->WHOIS_PARAM[$server].$domain;
return $this->GetData('',$this->deep_whois);
// If tld not known, and domain not in DNS, return error
$this->Query['status'] = - 1;
$this->Query['errstr'][] = $this->Query['string'].' domain is not supported';
return ;
* Checks dns reverse records on win platform
function checkdnsrr_win($hostName, $recType = '')
if (!empty($hostName))
if ($recType == '') $recType = 'MX';
exec("nslookup -type=$recType $hostName", $result);
// check each line to find the one that starts with the host
// name. If it exists thenthe function succeeded.
foreach($result as $line)
if (eregi("^$hostName", $line))
return true;
// otherwise there was no mail handler for the domain
return false;
return false;
* Fix and/or add name server information
function FixResult(&$result, $domain)
// Add usual fields
$result['regrinfo']['domain']['name'] = $domain;
// Check if nameservers exist
if (!isset($result['regrinfo']['registered']))
if ($this->windows)
$has_ns = $this->checkdnsrr_win($domain, 'NS');
$has_ns = checkdnsrr($domain, 'NS');
if ($has_ns)
$result['regrinfo']['registered'] = 'yes';
$result['regrinfo']['registered'] = 'unknown';
if (!isset($result['regrinfo']['domain']['nserver']))
return ;
// Normalize nameserver fields
$nserver = $result['regrinfo']['domain']['nserver'];
if (!is_array($result['regrinfo']['domain']['nserver']))
return ;
$dns = array();
while (list($key, $val) = each($nserver))
$val = str_replace('[', '', trim($val));
$val = str_replace(']', '', $val);
$val = str_replace("t", ' ', $val);
$parts = explode(' ', $val);
$host = '';
$ip = '';
while (list($k, $p) = each($parts))
if ($p == '')
if ((ip2long($p) == - 1) or (ip2long($p) === false))
if ($host == '')
$host = $p;
$ip = $p;
if ($ip == '')
$ip = gethostbyname($host);
if ($ip == $host)
$ip = '(DOES NOT EXIST)';
if (substr($host,-1,1) == '.')
$host = substr($host,0,-1);
$dns[strtolower($host)] = $ip;
$result['regrinfo']['domain']['nserver'] = $dns;