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Файл: inc/tools/iPanel_assets/css/editable/buttontext.css
Строк: 86
/* ---------------- Editable: YES ----------------- 4Level iPanel tab
text styles Copyright 2007 4LevelWebs www.fourlevel.com File:
buttontext.css Version: 1.0.0 ========== TAB LINK COLORS/TEXT SIZE
=========== You can safely edit this css file to change the general
panel styling. ** It is adviseable not to add any additional styles in
this file. ** Only change the existing styles. If additional styling is
needed, ** create a new css file or add the styles to an existing css
file. ------------------------------------------------ */ /* Tab Link
font size ---------------------*/ #LvLTabs1 a, #LvLTabs2 a, #LvLTabs3
a, #LvLTabs4 a, #LvLTabs5 a { font-size:100%; } /* Tab height: Increase
padding values for taller tab. Tab Link font color "norm"
state. Tab Spacing: Increase spacing between tabs by increasing
margin-right. ------------------------------------------------------*/ #LvLTabs1
a span, #LvLTabs2 a span, #LvLTabs3 a span, #LvLTabs4 a span, #LvLTabs5 a
span { padding-top:4px;/*<--increase padding-top when using raised tabs
*/ padding-bottom:4px; margin-right:-1px; text-decoration:
none; color:#fff; } /* Tab Link font color "hover"
state ------------------------------------*/ #LvLTabs1 a:hover span,
#LvLTabs1 span.down, #LvLTabs2 a:hover span, #LvLTabs2 span.down, #LvLTabs3
a:hover span, #LvLTabs3 span.down, #LvLTabs4 a:hover span, #LvLTabs4
span.down, #LvLTabs5 a:hover span, #LvLTabs5 span.down
{ color:#000; text-decoration: none; } /* iPanel border width and
color ------------------------------------*/ .LvLPanelContent { border:
1px solid; border-color: #575757; } /* Adds bottom padding to each of the
panels. These are the divs that contain the panel
content. ------------------------------------*/ .LvLPanelWrapper div
{ padding-bottom: 0px; }
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